Hang a Little Painting Where It Will Surprise and Delight

Earlier in the spring I shared this wee painting of one of my tablescapes. (View this little teascape in detail here: St. Patrick's Day Tea.) The painting was a surprise painting done by a lovely artist and reader of BNOTP named, Fifi. After she let me know she had created the painting, I purchased it from her but never got around to having it framed.   Life got in the way and I never got … [Read more...]

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A Little Addition to a Dormer Nook

Welcome to the 61st Metamorphosis Monday! Last week I shared a metamorphosis in my guest room. It went from this... ...to this, with the addition of a secretary between the windows. Recently, I made another small change (Mini-Met) that I'm sharing for this Met Monday. I had two little blue bird watercolor pictures hanging underneath the wall shelf on the right wall in that room (look at the pic … [Read more...]

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