Painting the Closets and Office Trim

How's your week going? I've had so much fun reading the comments you left about your past excursions to IKEA. One tip I wanted to share about the best times to visit IKEA to avoid crowds:  try to go on a week day, if possible.  If you do need to go on a Saturday, get there early, as soon as they open, or late in the day like around 5:00 PM.  I noticed it was a lot less crowded come evening/dinner … [Read more...]

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Chaos, Progress and Mario Buatta

Today my house is completely topsy turvy. If you rang my door bell and I invited you in, you'd be here for about 30 seconds before you would suddenly remember you had a pressing engagement elsewhere.  And I wouldn't blame you, I'd run, too.  But I live here. You know how something prays on your mind...something you've been putting off.  The weekends are filled with friends and activities, places to go … [Read more...]

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