12 Days of Christmas Holiday Table Setting

Welcome to the 479th Tablescape Thursday!

I was out of town until late Tuesday night, so didn’t get to put a table together until last night. Unfortunately, I was too sick to stay up last night to take photos and create a post. This cold I have is absolutely evil! I’m supposed to go on a Christmas home tour on Saturday, but I’m not sure that will happen. Christmas sure is an inconvenient time to get sick!

I have several tables in mind for this holiday season, and want to share all of them, including the one I put together last night. So here’s what I’m going to do today: I’ll be taking photos of the table this morning and will come back and add those to the post in 2-3 hours.

So check back around 1:00 PM today, and I should have photos of my table added to this post by then. I’m determined to post a table this week, despite being sick.

In the meantime, please enjoy the links that are being added below. You’ll find all my previous Christmas table settings available here:  Christmas Table Setting

Okay, here we go! Whew, that took a bit longer than I expected. I had to make a last minute run to the grocery store to pick up something that I felt the table really needed. This is the state of my kitchen right now. lol

Kitchen While Working on Christmas Table Centerpiece


It’s a celebration, a 12 Days of Christmas celebration!

12 Days of Christmas Table with Goose & Magnolia Centerpiece


I don’t like it when photos are too whited out, so you’ll see lots of shadows as the light coming in through the windows danced across the table.

12 Days of Christmas Table with a Goose Magnolia Centerpiece


Since this is a 12 Days of Christmas table setting, I brought out Miss. Goose for our centerpiece. She’s representing the “6 Geese a Laying.” 🙂 It’s been a few years since she last appeared in a table setting. Don’t remember now where I found her, probably HomeGoods or Marshalls. (Update, she’s from HomeGoods back in 2010.) She’s perched atop my Nora Fleming pedestal, the one I shared in this post: One Dish, Many Celebrations.

The magnolia leaves in this centerpiece are from the magnolia tree in my front yard. Each year it tries to overtake the front walkway. I try to wait until the Christmas season to trim it back, hoping to take advantage of the clippings for decorating the fireplace mantel, or in this case, creating a holiday centerpiece.

Christmas Goose in 12 Days of Christmas Table Setting


I’m using the Better Homes & Gardens12 Days of Christmas china recently shared in a previous post. It was available online at Wally World, but not sure if it’s still in stock now. Update: It looks like the whole set is still available here: 12 Days of Christmas China.

I just discovered a few days ago that Better Homes & Gardens featured my front porch decorated for Christmas a few years back. They featured eight Christmas entry ideas and you’ll find them all here: 8 Christmas Entry Ideas for a Festive Facade.

12 Days of Christmas Table setting in morning light


Such a pretty design! I like how the plates have a gold rim, but the numbers are in silver. That makes it really easy to use almost any type flatware or napkin ring. I chose silver and gold jingle bell napkin rings for this setting and Towle King Richard for my flatware.

12 Days of Christmas Tablescape with Better Homes & Garden 12 Days of Christmas Dinnerware


Paisley napkins work with the many colors found in this dinnerware. There are even subtle shades of blue in this Christmas china.

Napkins for 12 Days of Christmas Table with Goose & Magnolia Centerpiece


The stemware is Waterford. The tea/water glass is in their Araglin pattern, while the tall champagne glasses are part of their 12 Days of Christmas Collection.

Goose & Magnolia Centerpiece for 12 Days of Christmas Table


The pear in the center of each plate was a last minute, dash-to-the-store addition. This table just didn’t seem complete without it.

12 Days of Christmas Table, Goose & Magnolia Centerpiece


Hope you enjoyed this Christmas tablescape and sorry it’s a bit late today. Now you’ll have to excuse me, I have a kitchen that needs some attention. lol

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones this holiday season!

12 Days of Christmas Table with Goose & Magnolia Centerpiece


Looking forward to all the beautiful table settings for this week’s Tablescape Thursday!

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Tablescape Thursday

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  1. Oh my goodness Susan, I hope you feel better soon! You’re right – the holidays is no time to be sick. I’m very impressed at your dedication though. I think I’d be in bed and not posting at all. You’re amazing!

    Get well soon – and Merry Christmas!


    • Thanks, Sheila! Appreciate that! I’m trying to slow down a bit and get some more rest to fight it off.
      Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  2. Doggone it! I’m so sorry you’re still not feeling well. It truly does suck to have a case of the ickies when all you really want to do is get into the spirit of the season. My remedy: a shot of hot sauce followed by a shot of Jack Daniels. You’ll be in the pink in no time! 🙂 Feel better, and I will definitely pop back by later today to check out your newest table creation!

    • lol Haven’t heard that remedy before. The burning from the shot of hot sauce would at least make me temporarily forget about how miserable the cold is making me feel. 🙂

  3. Susan, I hope you are feeling better soon. I look forward to seeing your 12 Days of Christmas table. I ordered the collection as soon as I noticed your post a couple weeks ago. I look forward to seeing your beautiful table.

    Feel better!

    Smashing Plates Tablescapes

  4. I am so sorry you are sick. Hope you feel better soon. I enjoy your blog so much. I think I am a little older than you ( like maybe a lot older) but your taste in clothing and decor are so mine. I like looking at other blogs by much younger women and don’t want to get stuck in a certain era of style, but I find I always love classic good taste with a touch of whimsy!! You have more disposable income than I do, and I vicariously enjoy all your purchases.You are the only blogger whose posts have prompted me to buy items from your blog. And sometimes I have something you write about (mostly dishes and clothing) and I feel very smart. I also love the fact you do things yourself, I am annoyed when woman won’t tackle a project because they “don’t know how”. I have hammered, nailed, painted, wallpapered, dug, planted and pruned. I had to learn “how to” and made some crazy , funny mistakes along the way. I like the feeling of accomplishment with a finished task. My husband always says that instead of pre-wedding counseling, a couple should have to put together a piece of furniture from Ikea, and wallpaper a room…..if they survive without killing each other they can marry.
    I have told your story about vacuuming up acorns many times, we have many huge oak trees and last year the amount of acorns that fell was monumental…..but….this year, very few. Did you experience less this year too?
    Your trip to Ireland was my dream vacation…loved every single word and photo!!!!
    Thanks for sharing you life!

    • Thanks so much, Martha! Yeah, you can never go wrong with Classic styles, they never let you down. They are the tried and true.
      I do love that feeling of accomplishment when I’ve fixed something or done something on my own. lol Yes, wallpaper would be the true test, I think!
      I haven’t had very many this year. What time of year was it that they fell before? I’m so bad with time, I need to look back at that post to remember what month that was. I was really hoping we wouldn’t get another season like that…that was crazy!
      I want to post some more about the Ireland trip. I haven’t even shared my most favorite castle of all…Ballynahinch Castle. I need to go through more of my photos and do some more posts about that trip. Thanks for letting me know you enjoy those posts! Merry Christmas!

  5. Thanks for hosting, Susan! Can’t wait to see more pics…..Christine

  6. Happy Holidays my old blogger friend! I love that you are still following your passion of creating and sharing your beautiful table setting and decorating ideas. Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well. Wishing you a speedy recovery and looking forward to seeing your latest table creation for the Christmas holiday. xoxo

    • Sooo good to hear from you, Julio–I hope you are guys are doing great! I bet your little guy is getting excited for Santa! 🙂
      Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  7. Regality (aka The Quing) says

    I think I caught your cold! And it is indeed evil. Usually a series of Cold-Eeze lozenges cuts my colds down to a two-day non-event. So far, it’s been with me for four days with no sign of abandoning my body. GRRRR

    Meanwhile, let me praise you. You really are talented, both as a designer and a writer, and I’m so glad I stumbled upon this blog a few years back.

    May we both get well soon. *hackhackcoughcough*

    • Thanks so much, appreciate those kind words! I appreciate your visits over these years!

      Ugh, colds are the pits for sure! I sound like half man and half frog. Every time I call anyone, I have to first explain that I have a cold. lol I sound ridiculous.
      I hope you feel better soon. I’ve had this one a week now and it’s still pretty awful. The worse time is first thing in the morning, feel like you’ve been run over by a truck when you first wake up. It gets better after your hope. Advil Sinus/Congestion medicine has helped a lot.

  8. Oh my! Take care of yourself and rest up. We can wait for your beautiful tablescape. You’re a tornado of energy, so this must be one heckuva cold to take you down. Hope you’re feeling better soon!

    • Thanks, Lori! It is, worse one I’ve had in a very long time. A doozy!
      Merry Christmas to you and your family! Hope you guys stay well through this holiday season!

  9. I hope you are feeling better, Susan. Thank you for hosting the great party.

  10. Susan, so sorry you are sick, hope you feel better. I think you are brave doing a party, thanks for hosting. Look forward to your amazing tables soon…….

  11. That’s just beautiful! Now go to bed and stay there. You don’t want it to slide into pneumonia.

    • lol I love how you put that! 🙂 It’s hard to make myself stay in the bed when my to-decorate list is a mile long, but I got a little reprieve since Trader Joes is out of pine garland and doesn’t expect to get more in until tomorrow.
      I’ve been really lucky, have never had pneumonia, but I know a lot of people do get that.

  12. Ann Seigman says

    Susan, I am so very sorry that you have this awful cold. I live in northwest Ohio and my husband and I had a terrible cold/flu bug last week. It took so long to feel better! I hope that you will be feeling better soon. Your tablescape is lovely, as usual, and the pear on the plate is really clever! Wishing you a better day, Ann

    • I wonder if you guys had the same bug that went through my son’s family. It’s definitely a nasty one!
      Thanks, Ann! I was hoping folks would get the significance of the pear. 🙂

  13. Please take care of yourself. I used to work when I was sick, that’s what you do in the field of law and a flu and strep went into strep pneumonia and then double strep pneumonia……that was when I was 40 and it damaged me and now that I am 68 I wake up coughing every night and have asthma and will never get better. And no….I never smoked……sooooo, take care of yourself and don’t push. This is my mother hen sermon. I too love your blog and have a great deal of admiration for your taste and endeavors. Instead of pushing, tell all of your followers to share until you feel better. That’s what friends do and you feel like a friend! Rest!!!

    • For a while there I was wondering if I had strep…my throat felt like someone had attacked it with a razor blade. Today it’s much better, so that’s a good sign. Thanks for the warning, Nancy! I’m so sorry that happened to you! Strep is scary stuff! I hadn’t heard about double strep, that sounds really bad though.
      Stay well this holiday season and Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  14. Love your 12 days of Christmas table…….Spectacular as always…..
    and the goose is so cute………

    Thanks for hosting…..


  15. I love this table, Susan!! So pretty, so colorful and festive. Thanks for another great Tablescape Thursday.

  16. Oooh, I love the sunlight on the magnolia leaves. I think magnolia leaves should be in a modern version of the 12 days of Christmas.

    • lol I like that idea! I love seeing the shadows and the sunlight. It’s make photographing a table setting in this room difficult at times, but I do love how it looks. This room has always been a sun-filled space since the windows face south.

  17. Thanks for hosting despite feeling under the weather. Sending you healing hugs and get well wishes.

  18. Marcia Kraus says

    One word……STUNNING!

  19. Your table is lovely, the pears are a perfect touch! But I agree with everyone else, let yourself rest now and get over this bug. Hope you feel much better soon.

  20. I’m sorry you are not feeling your best Susan… I do hope you get better soon.
    Your tables are so gorgeous and unique. I love that big goose smack in the middle of your table-
    Thank you for this great party.

    • Thanks, Fabby! Appreciate that so much! It took me 2 hours to find that goose the night I set the table. I had moved him after clearing out a closet. Oh, if I only had a working memory! I’ll never forget where he’s stored now, after that long search.

  21. I love this table! You are right the pears made the table. Also, Mrs. Goose – she is beautiful! I hope you get some rest and start feeling better soon!

  22. This bug is worse than anything that’s gone around for a long time. When a big 6’7″ guy goes to the doctor, you know it’s bad. Doctors don’t know what to tell people but rest and drink lots of fluids.

    Table was pretty as usual. Years ago a lovely lady told me that a pretty table could even make canned soup taste good.

    • It is! It doesn’t feel like a flu, there’s no fever really. But it sure does make you miserable! I hope your hubby is feeling much better, Carol!
      I like that…and I so agree! 🙂

  23. Perfect centerpiece for the 12 Days of Christmas!!! Love it! Hope your feeling better, get some soup and plenty of rest. Thanks for hosting even when you are under the weather.

  24. Dear Susan- this is SUCH a delightful table scape! The ballance of the dear Mrs Goose, the Mahnolia leaves, the sparkling light & your choice of gorgeous China & romantic flatwear really make such a sunny, sweet statement. I should be delighted to pull out a chair!
    I’ve followed (& recommended ) your blog for some time now – but this is my first comment( although your fab cowgirl flower boots made me cheer!)
    Best wishes from Australia❤️

    • Thanks so much, Jill! Oh, I’m so glad you liked those boots! When I showed them to my son and daughter-in-law, I don’t think they quite knew what to think. lol They are a bit different, but I absolutely love them. I wore them for Black Friday shopping with my son and they were nice and comfortable.
      Thanks for commenting, love hearing from you all the way from Australia! One day I’m going to visit Australia, it’s definitely on the bucket list! My son studied there and in New Zealand for almost 4 months while in college.

  25. … You were right about the pear! Perfect.

  26. Jane Franks says

    You’re a real trooper, Susan. Your table looks lovely. Love the goose, and 12 days theme. Fun! I’m so sorry you are feeling lousy. I fear I’m coming down with a cold, too, and have been popping zinc (Zicam) and that may ward it off. I hope so. I’m concerned about my husband who has some physical challenges and older than me. I try to keep the germs away. You probably know about Zicam, but these tablets that you melt in your mouth really work, esp. if you catch it early. I use the Walmart brand (Equate) just called Zinc Cold Therapy. Anyway, hope you are on the mend soon. Prayers! Jane xo

    • I bought some Zicam a couple of days ago and have been taking it. I think it does help. I wish I had taken it in the very beginning before the cold got so bad. I always forget about it. I should buy some to keep it on hand. I wonder how it works? The one thing I’ve been absolutely CRAVING is orange juice, and I rarely drink it. So vitamin C must really help somehow since my body is craving it right now.

      • Jane Franks says

        I wonder how it works, too! I popped some yesterday, and I was definitely feeling a cold coming on — sneezing, blowing nose, eyes feeling “flushed”, but today — gone!! I usually wait too long to take it , too, but I happened to have some on hand and took it immediately. It really worked! I’m keeping this stuff on hand!! I had never had that experience before. Take care. Jane xo

  27. I hope you’re feeling better soon. Love your blog & the Christmas tablescape. Take care.

  28. Susan, was in Walmart yesterday and happened to see this really cute plate stand. It matched your twelve days of Christmas dinnerware. Thought you might wont’a check it out. Loved your “Twelve Days” table scape. DEB

    • Thanks so much, Deb! I think I saw that one today. I went back to Walmart to return the salad plates I had purchased a few weeks ago, before I discovered that dishware came in full place settings online. I puchased two sets, so no longer needed the salad plates. While there, I checked and saw the platter. I was so tempted to get it but I have so many platters, forced myself to leave it behind. It’s really cute, though! Hope I don’t regret not getting it. It’s super heavy!

  29. Rita C at Panoply says

    I really like that BHG 12 days china, Susan. I hope to resist buying it, but no guarantees. I shop WM often, and it’s still in my local store.
    You’re right – the pears tops it off nicely, but that centerpiece is really great, and fitting. You’d never know that china is so inexpensive by how you’ve dressed it up with the napkin rings and crystal.
    Hope you feel well soon.

    • Thanks so much, Rita!
      lol I know, they have my number with these patterns they keep producing. I have a weakness for Christmas dishware anyway.
      They have a new platter out this year for the B H & G Heritage china…the pattern we’ve purchased in past years. It shows the woody car and a cute village in the background. I didn’t buy it, but so tempted. I have enough platters. Would make a great Christmas present, though.

  30. Susan, so sorry you’re feeling so bad. This is the time of year those upper respiratory bugs can wreak havoc on us. I do hope you shake it soon. As always, I love your tablescape! Everything is just perfect and so festive. Isn’t this a wonderful time of year for enjoying our homes? I was in Homegoods today and saw a creamer that matches the Corner Ruby (CR) snowman plates and cups we both have. I bought it, even though there was no sugar to go with it. I figured it could hold lots of other little goodies if I don’t put cream in it. I love the detail of that pattern. There was a matching teapot, but alas, the birdie on top had a broken tail. Take care of yourself and get well soon!

    • Thanks, Martha and thanks for saying what CR stands for. Every single time I use that snowman dishware, I can never remember what the CR on the back means. lol I keep thinking Christopher Radko and I know that’s not right. Glad you found the creamer! If I come across the teapot or the sugar, I’ll let you know. I guess you’ve checked eBay, right? You may want to check another HomeGoods if you have another one in your area. Here in the Atlanta area, the stores seem to get in similar items, I’ve noticed.

      • Susan, I would so appreciate it if you let me know if you see either piece of the Corner Ruby set. I so love the detail on those pieces. You should see the teapot; it’s gorgeous! Yes, I have checked eBay. I’ll keep that up. they have no pieces of any description from this set now. There is another HG store just outside of Memphis, so I must go there. What did we do before HG??? LOL!

  31. Peggy Nodine says

    So sorry you are not feeling well. Hope you feel better really soon. Get some rest and take it easy for a few days.
    I loved the 12 days of Christmas tablescape.
    I ordered this set of dinnerware when you posted it. I love it so much and have had so much fun going thru all my Christmas decorations etc looking for things to go with it. Thank you for telling us about it. I look foreward to seeing all your ideas, but get some rest that will help you heal more than anything else. God Bless!

  32. Marlene Stephenson says

    I loved the simple but elegant table you made, the pears were perfect. Hope you start feeling better soon, have a Merry Christmas.

  33. donna a zoltanski says

    I enjoy your tablescapes very much! Thanks for all the time you put into ideas and settings for us to enjoy! Classic, preppy, and pretty – all sound perfect to me. Feel better soon!

  34. Cyndi Raines says

    Over-the-top Susan, just lovely. I love Mrs. Goose! I had one many years ago, a bit larger and she stood in my kitchen, but in one of my moves, her neck was broken and I was so sad. I have never been able to find a replacement for her. Maybe I should start looking again. Received my Nora Fleming salt and pepper shakers and LOVE them. Waiting for the Christmas tree charm, should be here tomorrow. Using the white cross right now. How fun it will be to order more charms! Thanks for your dedication to set the table even when sick. Trusting you will start improving soon. Hugs.

    • Thanks so much, Cyndi! Oh, no…sorry about your goose. I know moves are hard, something always seems to get broken.
      I was thinking about that, too…how much fun it will be to add in more charms. I’ll have to buy more storage boxes! lol
      Thanks, I hope so. I’m going to make myself go to bed early tonight.

  35. I saw these dishes at Wally World the other day. I love them …. but no more Christmas dishes for me!! I will just have to live vicariously through you!! Love your table setting!

  36. That goose…has the warmest expression…I think you should name her “Madonna.” Hope you’re sucking zinc tablets…they are miracle workers…franki

    • Thanks, Franki! I am…wonder how those things work. I’m taking them every few hours, they do seem to help, but that could be the Advil sinus stuff I’m taking, too.

  37. TOTALLY worth the wait!!! When you said you had to run out to the grocer for something to complete the table, I figured it just HAD to be some pears!!! They really do add something to the design! The goose is PERFECT for this!!! I have yet to use my plates. I went ahead as you suggested and ordered online. Got them in about 5 days or so. I wasn’t in a hurry, so that was cool. I bought a few extra salad plates at the Walmart near me so I can use them for dessert, too. I’m still contemplating that platter. Yours looks so good there on your kitchen counter. You mentioned the mix of gold and silver in the pattern, and that really appealed to me, too. No having to decide which metal to use!

    • Thanks, Alycia! What a good guess, you were right! 🙂
      I don’t what made me think of using the pears. When I started to take photos, the salad plate looked so empty. I normally have the napkin on top of the salad plate, but this time I placed it to the side.
      Yeah, the two sets I ordered came very quickly. I was surprised how fast they arrived.
      The platter I have is the one from the original Christmas china…I think they call it their “Heritage” pattern. I noticed today when I was in Walmart, they have a very similar platter in, only the scene is slightly different showing a woody car with tree instead of a sleigh with tree. The animals were a little different, too. There’s a village in the background, instead of a house and barn. Love that heritage pattern!

  38. Mary Thillens says

    Your site is so much fun. I look forward to your posts. I was wondering if you know where you got the plaid lampshade in your kitchen picture. I’m hunting down plaid shades with no luck. You amaze me with your energy and ability to accomplish so many projects. Please be careful not to overdo with such a bad cold. Things can wait, but I know it’s hard. Warmly, Mary

    • Thanks so much, Mary! I purchased that lamp either last year or the year before in Target. The base is a brown pine cone. The shade came with the lamp. This is a good time to check for them, hopefully they still carry them. I have a few more things I need to get done, but they may have to wait a few days. It is so hard to slow down right now. I’ll probably focus on finishing wrapping gifts this weekend, but looking forward to decorating the front porch. Thanks, Mary! XX

  39. Susan, I hope you are better soon. A friend was feeling poorly, went to the med clinic and she tested positive for flu. Even with having had a flu shot. Hope you aren’t getting a flu!
    Your table is fun. I love that big goose! I have the set of William Sonoma 12 Days of Christmas plates from years ago, but have never used them. Setting a table for 12 is the issue. I would need to set up a long table, which I don’t have. One day perhaps!
    Get well soon!

    • I hope not, too. I think it’s just a really bad cold/cough.
      I know, I would have to split them between my dining table, which hold 8 and my breakfast table which holds 4. You need a really long dining room for 12. I always see those while on historic homes tours and love them!

  40. Beautiful and so creative, Susan! Now, hopefully you will go back to bed, pull the covers over your head and get some rest to shed that cold of yours. -Brenda-
    P.S.: I wish our climate would accommodate Magnolia trees as feel their leaves are so pretty!

    • Thanks so much, Brenda! Ha! That’s exactly what I need to do!
      I asked my son if they have Magnolia trees in Ohio because I don’t want to move there one day, if they don’t! 😉

  41. lynn hummer says

    Where did you get the cute platter you have in the first picture in your kitchen? Looks like a snow scene and I love to find one like that to set up in my kitchen. Thank you for all you do. I love everything you post.

    • Thanks so much, Lynn! Truly appreciate that!
      I purchased that in Walmart a few years ago. They have a very similar one this year. The scene is a bit different but it’s just as cute. Instead of the sleigh bringing home the Christmas tree, there’s a woody car with the tree on top…a village in the background. There’s a deer, like on my platter, and instead of a bunny, it has a beautiful owl in the tree. It’s really pretty!

  42. My goodness Susan this is fantastic! I need to know how you set up the magnolia branches. That is so stunning with the swan. I do love those dishes and the pear was the crowing touch!

    • Thanks so much, Liz! I will take some photos to show that. Basically what I did what put magnolia clippings under the pedestal and then I placed smaller clippings on the platter, sticking them up underneath the goose. I was surprised how stable it was, the goose didn’t rock at all and she sat very balanced and straight as I added them underneath all the way around. I’ll take some photos and post them to show that. I was really easy. The one tip I have is it’s better to use branches/clippings where the stems naturally curl upward. If you stick a straight shaped branch or clipping under the pedestal or the goose, it just sticks straight out and looks ridiculous. But if the branch naturally curls upward, it looks much more graceful. Small branches seemed to work better. The leaves are HUGE on the larger branch sections, even if you cut the branch back a lot…the leaves are still HUGE…and too big for a table arrangement like this. But smaller branches have smaller leaves and they worked much better. Wish I could remember that for the next time I do a centerpiece like this. I’ll have forgotten by then. lol

  43. Cyndi Raines says

    Looking at this post again because I love that goose! Haha Thanks for the tips on cutting the branches/leaves. In Michigan we have the Tulip tree which is like a cousin to your Magnolia tree, but our leaves are much smaller. I have one and it is So Beautiful in the spring. Maybe tomorrow I’ll go out and cut a few branches for a small arrangement in the house. Thanks Susan.

  44. So sorry you’re not feeling well Susan. I hope today is better. Please rest. Our bodies aren’t what they used to be. Longer recovery time! Take care you of YOU. I appreciate you and all you do for us.
    I purchased the 12 days of Christmas Plates. The pear looks fab! My fave is the salad plate. Makes me want to sing…on the first day of Christmas. Lalala!

  45. Hope you feel better soon. I was happy to see your tablescape since I bought the 12 Days dishes too. I’m having a book club luncheon and featuring them for our Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol Book Discussion . Love the pears and adding those to my centerpiece. I laughed when I saw your kitchen photo, mine looked the same this past week as I decorated. I’m new to your blog and enjoy it very much. Lynn

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