Goodbye Winter Bedding, Hello Spring!

Welcome to the 327th Metamorphosis Monday!

This has been one of the coolest springs I remember having in a long time. I’m not complaining, it’s been wonderful, but the chilly nights have had me holding onto my winter bedding a little longer than I had planned.

Tartan Plaid Bedding


If you were reading BNOTP this past winter, you’ll remember I purchased tartan bedding to use during the fall and winter months. The plan was to use the winter bedding from October through March switching to summer bedding for April through September. Because this spring has been such a cool one, I haven’t been in a rush to change over to my summer bedding. This weekend seemed like a good time to go ahead and make the change.

Tartan Bedding For Winter


The new mattress I purchased last year weighs a ton so I wasn’t sure how this would go. It was much easier than I expected. I just slide the mattress off to the side and stood it up leaning it against the table that had been beside the bed on that side.

Tartan Bedskirt for Winter


I removed the heavy weight bar my seamstress used due to the weight of the fabric. You can read more about the construction of the bedskirt in this previous post: Tartan Bedskirt For Winter

Secret for Sewing A Heavy Very Full Bedskirt


This is how my seamstress had recommended I fold the bedskirt when the time came to change it out. First I folded the sides up toward the center.

Storing Bedskirt


Then I folded the end up as shown.

Foldking Bedskirt for Storage


Next I folded it in half from the left side to the right.

Changing From Winter Bedding To Spring Summer Bedding


Then I folded  the two ends inward toward each other.

Bedskirt Folded For Storage


Several folks have asked in the past where I store my bedding.  I have a dressing room right off my bedroom and it has three closets.

Dressing Area in Master Bedroom


The top shelf inside each of the three closets is great for storage. It’s goes up pretty high, so I can fit a fair amount on that shelf. For example, all the pillows for my summer bedding, along with my summer comforter, fit on this one shelf. The summer bedskirt is in one of the other closets. You can see the true colors of the summer bedding in this photo below because the light was coming in through the window.

Storage for Comforter


After I removed the summer bedding from this shelf, I stored the pillows for the winter bedding back in this area.

Storing Winter Bedskirt


The super fluffy, down comforter ended up on the top shelf of one of the other closets in the dressing area.

Tartan Winter Bedskirt Stored Away for Summer


The tartan (winter) bedskirt was so heavy, it would have been really hard to lift it over my head to place on a top shelf. So, I placed it inside a heavy-duty “contractor” style garbage bag and placed it underneath the bed. That should keep it dust free until fall.

Storage Under Bed


The summer bedskirt was put in place with the mattress back on top. I didn’t do a great job of pulling up the bedskirt toward the head of the bed before taking this photo, but I adjusted that before I made up the bed again. 🙂

Plaid Morie Bedskirt for Summer


I was surprised my summer bedskirt wasn’t more wrinkled from having been folded up all winter. It’s made from a moire fabric so I guess that type fabric doesn’t wrinkle too badly.

Spring & Summer Bedding


Hopefully the winter bedskirt won’t be too terribly wrinkled when it’s time to pull it back out in October.

Summer Bedding


Pillow Update

Remember my search for the perfect pillow? I’m still in love with this $2.50 pillow from Dollar General. I love it so much, I went back and bought another one to keep as a back up in case they quit making it and I need a replacement in the future.

If you love a low profile pillow and can’t stand to have your head tilted at a sharp angle while sleeping, this pillow is perfect. They have it in a “firm” style, too but it’s the “Medium” that is perfect for my needs.

Just sharing this in case you’ve been struggling to find a comfortable pillow that isn’t too high. Thanks so much to Michele who told me about this pillow. If you’re looking for a great pillow, check out all the awesome recommendations in the comments of this post: Pillow Talk: Sleeping On Your Side Can Cause Premature Facial and Chest Wrinkles

Comfort Bay Basic Essentials Bed Pillow (Medium)



Looking forward to all the fabulous Before and Afters for this Met Monday!


Metamorphosis MondayMet Monday

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  1. Pretty bedding Susan. I always love how the change of bedding makes the room feel fresh. It’s always a nice change. Thanks for the pillow rec. I’m always looking for a good, not too fluffy pillow.
    Thanks for hosting and I hope you have a great week.

  2. Thank you so much for hosting!

  3. Thanks so much for the party!!


  4. Philippa says

    I’m hanging to put my winter bedding on (I live in Australia) but autumn just isn’t really happening.
    The nights are a bit cooler & so are the mornings, but the days are still in the mid 20’s (68 Fahrenheit) so it’s still too warm for the doona (duvet, we call them doonas) & I love my doona covers, plus I love the cooler weather. I know, most people love our climate & I do too, but fair’s fair !! I want my doona!

    • Philippa, it always so fascinating to me that we have opposite seasons. I would love to experience Christmas when it’s warm out, just one time! lol I remember when I was a just a kid and got a new bike for Christmas, it was freezing outside so it wasn’t much fun riding it in the cold.
      Hopefully you’ll be able to sleep under your doona real soon. 🙂

  5. Great idea to change your bedding with the seasons! It must feel like a whole new room! Thanks for hosting!…hugs…Debbie

  6. Well, I went to DG this past weekend, but somehow couldn’t cut bait on those pillows. I kept picking up the super expensive $8 model, lol, and couldn’t decide between the two. Your bedding is so pretty. Spring is now official. 🙂 Thanks for the party, Susan, and I hope your week is a great one.

  7. Happy Monday, Susan. Thank you for hosting!

  8. Dear Susan – Thank you for sharing how you fold up and store your bedding. I had no idea. I love the construction of your winter bedskirt and how it attaches around the bed. I must keep this in mind for when I sew my own.
    Thanks for another great party dear lady,

    • pam ~ crumpety cottage says

      I found that helpful too, Patricia. I kept expecting her to say she ‘rolls’ it at some point, lol.

      • Pam, that’s not a bad idea…maybe roll it once I get to the point where it’s one long piece. I may try that sometime!

    • Patricia, I don’t think I would have thought of storing it that way if Elizabeth, the seamstress who made it, hadn’t suggested it. It works pretty well, though.

  9. NEPA Gina says

    Perfect timing for changing the bedding. When I got up this morning & saw our extended forecast up here in Northeast PA, I saw above average temps, into the 80’s! Goodbye winter bedding! I’m debating though about keeping my top sheet on that’s flannel. We purchased a mattress pad heater that been wonderful for us. Just heat it up about 15 minutes before bedtime, then we shut if off. Just enough to take the chill off the bedding. But we still get cool nights & may still need that little extra warmth on the top for a bit. It’s such a good feeling to put on the spring bedding, so refreshing! Thank you for sharing & confirming my feeling of “time for spring/summer” bedding!

    • Gina, I kind of hated to remove my flannel sheets, they are so cozy. Some of the BNOTP readers have said they leave their flannel sheets on year around. I’m so tempted to do that. I love the idea of mattress pad heater. About 2 months ago I purchased a heated throw on Amazon. I love it! So warm in the evenings when I’m working late at my desk.

  10. Love the spring metamorphosis on your bedding Susan! Thanks for the pillow tip 🙂

  11. Beautiful bedding. I don’t switch mine out, but now need to think about it.

  12. Susan, thanks for hosting! You’re spring bedding looks beautiful!

  13. I agree, changing out the bedding and putting away the winter blankets is always challenge in the spring. Every year I want to jump the gun and put it away at the first sign of nice weather, but of course it snowed here again in April this year! Thanks for all your work with hosting the link up.

  14. So pretty! I do have a quilt on a bed that I turn over to the light side for summer 🙂 Great storage tips too Susan! Thanks for the party

  15. Your bedroom is so elegant. I love the mixed pattern of floral and plaid. The colors are so beautiful for spring and summer. It looks so comfortable and welcoming. The apricot color is so warm and inviting too. Very lovely, Susan!

  16. You are lucky to have so much storage space. I love your fresh, pretty spring bed linens. Thanks for hosting another great party!

    • Thanks, Julie! The dressing area was a bedroom when the home was first built but the second homeowner (I’m the third) closed off the door from the hallway to the room and cut an opening through from the master…and added all the built in drawers and closets. I’m glad she did it, really does help with storage.

  17. I love the bedding change…but what always catches my eye when you post about your bedroom is the gorgeous chandelier above your bed!! Love it! Thank you for hosting Susan, it is always a pleasure to visit your website.

    • Thanks so much, Christine! I had been keeping my eye out for one that was crystal and antique brass chandelier that was large enough for the tray ceiling, but when I found this vintage chandelier in an antique store for around $360, I couldn’t pass it up. It size was just right for the space.

  18. wow, thanks for sharing, I have struggled with changing out and folding seasonal bedding for the longest time, I’ve already changed my fall/winter to spring/summer, and it was a “pickle” as always, now maybe it will be much more simple. Never thought of folding the bed skirting this way, BRILLANT idea, thanks.

  19. I think I told you how much I loved your tartan bedding in the winter without telling you how much I LOVE the bedroom set – it’s just gorgeous !
    And you have a dressing room with THREE closets – wow !!!
    Thanks so much for the party Susan – hope you have a great week

    • Thanks, Suzan! The dressing area was a bedroom once that a previous homeowner turned into her dressing room with built in drawers and extra closets. The master closet is pretty small so I guess that’s why she did that.

  20. I love the bedskirt folding tip. Such a good idea! I need to stop by the dollar store and try one of those pillows. I am always trying to find the perfect pillow. Love your fresh spring bedding too. Sheila

  21. pam ~ crumpety cottage says

    Susan, it’s nice to see our old friends back on your bed. But come fall, I’ll be waiting for you to crack out the Tartan. I have always wanted to do as you are doing and have both a ‘warm’ weather and a ‘cool weather’ bedding set. My problem is, I can’t even find ONE set of either disposition to make me happy! I sure wish you and all the other BNOTP ladies lived nearby and could come advise me (you folks always come up with the best ideas and solutions!) That would be so much fun. Ahh well, I can dream. 😀

  22. What a difference “a week” makes…in the 80’s and OFF WITH the flannels!! franki

  23. Your freshened bedroom looks lovely! I love the mixed patterns. Thank you so much for hosting!

  24. I love your spring bedding, Susan, and it looks like you got quite a workout changing the linens! 😉 I’ve usually kept the same duvet cover year round, but I found a great deal on a lighter one, and I couldn’t resist. Now I wish I had done this sooner. Thanks for hosting! 🙂

    • lol, you aren’t kidding! It was good exercise! 🙂 Glad you found one! Dee, I think it will extend the life of our bedding, too…having one to swap out during the year.

  25. Love the summer look too, Susan. I don’t remember ever seeing your dressing room. What a wonderful room, and I love that painted dressing table. Thanks for hosting.

  26. You make it all look so easy! I would probably be on the floor fighting with getting everything into a nice neat square! I love both bedding sets. It is so nice to have a change!

    Enjoy your Monday!

  27. Susan ~ It looks like we both are focusing on the bed today. I took off the winter bedding but I need to find pillow shams. Have a great week!

    • Jan, I’ve had luck in the past in TJ Max and HomeGoods. If you need filler pillows for the shams, I love the ones I purchased from Bed of Roses on Amazon!

  28. Love your spring bedding Susan. I would love to have bedding for each season but I have no where to store it all. Thanx for the party!

  29. Susan,
    I think your summer bedding is beautiful! Before I ever knew what a blog was, I had a printed copy of your bedroom with this bedding. 🙂
    Thanks for hosting!

  30. Your bedding is so beautiful! Thanks a bunch for hosting!

  31. I took a sewing for the home class with my sister-in-law several years ago. The teacher was someone my husband’s family all know. She gave us a great idea for making a bedskirt. She said she always uses an old fitted sheet and attaches the bedskirt fabric to that. Works great!

  32. Love the change Susan…yes, we had a very cool start to Spring also, but it is warming up quickly now….I so love your Spring bedding!…Just beautiful.
    Thanks for hosting and have a great week!

  33. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one who doesn’t like to sleep on big high puffy pillows! I looked everywhere and finally found a pillow I liked at Walmart, but I’m not sure they’re selling ones like I bought any more. I’ll look in DG for a spare!

  34. Michele says

    So glad the Dollar General pillow is still working of you! I went this past weekend and got 4 new ones since it was time to replace mine. I love your Spring bedding!

  35. Thanks for hosting Susan. Your bedding is lovely.

  36. Susan, thanks for hosting!

  37. I have always loved your summer bedding and love your tartan now too!!! Thanks for the tip on folding the bedskirt. I also had forgotten about the DG pillows. I have been buying them at K Mart but will try the DG one too!!!

  38. great party, Susan – thank you so much. Loved the DIY on how you change your bed skirt. I struggle to get mine off and on. I need help when I do it as I can’t lift the Queen mattress and move it around. Love the tartan for winter, very pretty and I also love your Spring/Summer linens.
    Have a great week.

  39. That was a great tutorial on folding your bedskirt, Susan. As much as I like your tartan bedding, it’s nice to see that you’ve official welcomed spring with your floral bedding. Happy Tuesday!

  40. What gorgeous bedding – both sets! Thanks for sharing the instructions on how to fold the bed skirt. That is always something that is a bit daunting.

  41. I too change bedding from winter to summer and have just done so. My bedroom is less formal than yours due to a 65 pound dog sharing the bed with me at night. (Boy am I ever sorry I started that as a puppy.) You have decorated it beautifully and while I’m not a big fan of the Tartan, I so love your spring and summer bedding. I would have a hard time not leaving it on all year long. Thanks for the folding instructions – that was really a great idea.

  42. Beautiful bedding!

  43. Susan,
    Where did you get the pattern set? Oddly, I have the same pattern in winter bed sheets. Would really like to find the comforter/pillows/duvet in same.

  44. I love your bed. The pattern and design is beautiful and elegant. You have great taste!

  45. The bed color and design is really impressive. This is a good idea to share the storage way with picture by picture. This helps me a lot to get a new idea. I didn’t think about it before!

  46. Oh my goodness I am so in love with your comforter! It’s gorgeous. Not to mention your bed frame and that lovely textured pillow. Did you make that too? You’re amazing.

  47. Susan, I always love the new designer bedding, your spring bedding are so lovely with the season.

  48. Thanks for your nice bedding tips. Bedskirts have changed the look of my bedding.

  49. I just found myself going through this same deal only backwards, switching from spring to winter bedding last weekend. I love your 4 post bed, I wish I had something more homey like that, furniture now days is too modern and has no flair!

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