Crazy Town!

It’s Crazy Town here today!  So much going on but I love it.  The painter has been painting–more on that in a sec, the sod guy has been here measuring and the stump removal guy is due any moment. I’m loving all this activity because it means progress! Progress, at last! I’m finally getting some things done I had hoped to get done earlier in the spring before Mr. Max got sick. Keeping busy is good for me right now.

In addition to everything that’s going on today, I decided to take advantage of this stunningly-beautiful, sunny day and wash all the dishes stored inside the hutch here on the porch.

Painted Furniture for the Porch_wm

I usually pull them all out and wash them each spring so they are ready for summer dining. I didn’t get to it earlier in the spring, so today was the day.

Dish Storage in Porch Hutch

So the kitchen looks like this. Everything is washed, just waiting to be put back inside the hutch.

Do you remember Jean Claude?  He’s just visible at the edge of the picture.

Dishes stored in Hutch on Porch

He was our waiter when we dined in that wonderful French cafe for this tablescape Thursday: Breakfast in a French Cafe

Breakfast Table Setting with Villeroy & Boch, Melina

Well, I’m not naming any names but someone…cough…Nancy…cough…Chip…cough…turned him into a reindeer when they were here at Christmastime.  I didn’t discover it until everyone was gone. 🙂  Each time I pass by he makes me laugh. Do you think he minds having antlers?  He kind of looks like he’s rolling his eyes, doesn’t he?  The indignity of it all!

Jean Claude

As if cleaning out the hutch and washing a gazillion dishes wasn’t enough for one day, the front door is being painted today.  It needed a new coat of paint and not wanting a lot of brush strokes showing, I’m having a professional painter spray it.

Red front door painted in Benjamin Moore, Heritage Red

The brass plate needed to be removed for painting and I’ve decided to leave it off this time. I still love the look of polished brass and plan to keep the Baldwin Brass door knob, but since the door is just a standard height door and original to this 30 year old house, I think the plate shortens the look of the door. I had just watered the Kimberly Queen Fern, can you tell?  I love these Kimberly Queen Ferns because they are almost shed-free! You can read a bit more about them in this past post: Kimberly Queen Fern: The Shed-Free Fern

Front door painted in Benjamin Moore, Heritage Red

Before the painter arrived today, I unscrewed all the screws and started to remove the plate. Apparently, it has melded with the paint. Yikes. So I stopped and left the removal to the professional.

Removing Brass Kickplate from Front Door

He sanded and prepped the door for painting. Currently it’s in the garage drying after its first coat. We’re not sure if it will need a second coat or not.

Door Preped for Painting

While the door is in the garage and there’s a large piece of plastic over the front door, it gave me a chance to sort of see how bright the entry would be if I ever went with a door that had a large glassed area.  I think I kind of like it!

Front Door Removed for Painting

I’m thinking…maybe a door like this. I LOVE this look. Imagine it in red!  See, this is how these things start!

If I did add a door with glass panes, I would keep the sidelights painted white as they are now. Wonder how much a door like this costs?  I’d want a wood door with real divided light panes, not plastic. I wonder if they are as secure as a solid door? Seems like it would be pretty easy to break out the window and get inside, doesn’t it? Sure do love the look, though.

Anyone have a door like this? Do you love it?  Update: On closer inspection, I wonder if this door is a storm door. The handle doesn’t look like the type of handle you would see on an exterior door, although they do make exterior doors in this style.

(Image below is from Surrey Painting Group here: Surrey Painting Group.)

Front door with Glass Window

Update: Here’s an even better example of this style door. I like the look of this door even more! Think the mailman would get out of his truck and put my mail through the slot each day? Uh, that would be a NO! 😉

Door on Historic Home



I had planned to share the changes in the front yard but this post is getting a bit long and I really want to put the front yard updates in a post of their own.  I’ll be sure to post a yard update tomorrow morning so you can see the changes, so far. Let’s just say the house is a whole lot brighter inside and I’m loving that!

My sod guy was here today.  He was finalizing where exactly the sod needs to go and how much will be needed. Looks like it will take 11 1/2 pallets! That’s a lot of sod, folks!  I’m hoping to get the sod in before the end of the month…that’s the plan.

Be back tomorrow with some more “after” pics.

I hinted at what was going on here today on Facebook and asked what you guys were doing. Wow! Lots and lots of renovations/projects are in the works! You guys have been busy!

Are you working on any home renovations right now? How about any landscaping projects?

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  1. Wow!!! That’s how my kitchen looked on June 1st. Eeee!! It was dishes trade out day around here.
    Luv your porch 🙂
    Happy Tuesday.
    Hugs, Gee

  2. Trudi Estes says

    Hi, Susan ~ Love everything you’re doing to update your home and landscaping. We had several large trees down in last month’s tornado here in East Cobb, so I’ve been interested in your plan for tree removal. So expensive but totally worth it. We installed a glass door last fall that we love. Makes the house much lighter and more open until that afternoon sun hits the front of our home. Would love for you to drive around the corner, ring the doorbell and check it out!

  3. Susan,
    I have a glass front door and quite frankly I have never felt it was as secure as the solid doors I have had in the past. You just need to make sure you have a keyed deadbolt on your front door if you go with glass doors. I think the door you already have is very pretty and looks great with your house style.

    Take care, can’t wait to see the pictures of the new landscaping. Sod makes such an impact instantly.

    • Thanks for that input about the door, Mary…appreciate so much. I am definitely looking forward to seeing some green sod out there. There is still a lot to be done after the sod, just will take time to get it all done.

  4. I like the look of the door with all the glass panes because it lets in so much extra light but I think there is definitely a security issue with all the glass. Anyone could come along and break a pane and just unlock the door… where do people live that would feel safe with that type of front door I wonder? I love that you are getting so much accomplished and will be looking forward to seeing tomorrow’s post on landscaping! I haven’t accomplished much this year with my garden due to the extreme heat and well, never enough money… LOL! I have set most plans aside for the fall when I hope to build my raised beds for vegetables next year as well as building an arbor and putting up a few select pieces of white picket fencing to define different parts of the garden. I’m also planning on planting a lot of bulbs, some more hydrangeas and a bunch of peonies as well as some Lily of the Valley and more hostas. Ever since I was diagnosed with fibro my energy levels just doesn’t permit the kind of gardening I was once capable of so I’m trying to go with mostly self maintaining plants and perennials at that. We’ll see how it goes and fills in over the next couple of years 😀
    Big Hugs to you my dear friend,
    Beth P

    • I think if I went with a door like that, I’d need to change the deadbolt out to one that’s keyed on both sides instead of the kind that has a knob on the inside. Folks have a tendency to leave the keys in them, which defeats the purpose. Oh, I loved raised beds for vegetable gardening! Will you build them yourself Beth? If so, take some pics so I can see how you do it. Maybe I could squeeze one in around here somewhere. Hope that energy returns soon, Beth…cooler temps will help come fall.

  5. Susan,
    We have glass doors in front and back. Our security system has glass breakage detection so my husband and I both feel pretty secure. Our home is surrounded by woods so the view is wonderful!! A quick funny story. We have a flock of wild turkeys. Very early one morning our doorbell rang. My husband got out of bed to answer the door and there was a turkey!! It saw its reflection in the glass and thought it was another turkey and started hopping around and pecking and hit the doorbell! I told my husband he was just stopping by for morning coffee.

  6. Hi Susan, So glad you are staying busy. That does help. I love your kitchen cabinets, well the glass cabinet doors, i’ve been thinking about making some of my doors glass too since we are doing over our kitchen. I have the light cabinets and I love them. As for the front door. I dont know if the glass makes a difference or not for security. I do love the light that gets to come in. When we built a new house in the county, a young man tried to break into the back door, door was all glass with no grids. He was using a crow bar and was hitting the sides. He did not break the glass at all. I wondered if it was because of the sound of breaking glass that the neighbors would here? Who Knows? He did not get in ( thank the Lord ) ! He was never caught. Whatever you decide Iam sure will be just as pretty as your house. Cant wait till tomorrow to see ”outside”. Later……

    • Linda, I do love the glass doors and it makes your kitchen feel much bigger, which I desperately needed. He may have been worried that you had glass breakage units wired into your security system. I have those in my basement and they detect both breaking glass and splintering wood. Thanks!

  7. I had a red front door for years when I lived in Lawrenceville, GA. It had 1/2 light (top was glass, bottom was solid panels). After moving to Las Vegas, I had the traditional 6-panel front door, but the inside of my home was too dark (large tree in front yard, covered front porch, faced south, etc.). I chose a beautiful etched glass full-view front door. It has a Craftsman style to it and looks lovely. I never concerned myself about security because today’s doors are double pane glass and require a lot of elbow grease to break. I did, however, feel a little exposed. People walking down the street can look right into your home, especially at night! A sheer curtain masks the view, but I really think that negates the purpose of the glass door. I’m all for nixing the brass kick plate. I used to sell new homes in Atlanta, GA in the ‘8o & 90’s when they were a “must”. Now… “dated”. Your porch is lovely. I know what you’re feeling about the loss of your kitty. I just had to say good-bye after 13.5 years to my beloved black Labrador retriever, Henley Harbor. It is very lonely at my home right now, as I’m sure your porch feels as though it is missing something. I also have two cats, so I know what you’re going through right now, Susan. Keep your chin up and smile. They always live in our heart.

    • Marcia, that’s a good point. Would probably be pretty hard to break through it! Yeah, I was thinking about that…would feel that way at night for sure. I have a back stairway so I have a sneaky route to come down at night. If they looked in, they would only see my foyer and the edge of my family room, so I think that part would be okay. I’m soooo sorry about your baby. I remember when my golden died at 13…horrible. Yes, you are so right. There’s a huge hole in my home and in my heart. I don’t think it will be filled until I get to heaven and see my Max again. I’m sorry you have had to go through that, too. 🙁

      • After I moved to Vegas, I had a Solar U-V window film professionally applied to all my windows to reduce interior sun fading and heat. The neat side effect is, it is reflective and makes your interior window/door look like a mirror at night! People can see in at night, but not so much during the day. Much better option than window/door coverings e.g. shutters, sheers, etc. I bet my Henley, your golden and Max are playing on the Rainbow Bridge together! So sorry to learn of the loss of your golden, too. What a hole they leave in our hearts.

  8. Can I just say……….I LOVE your blogs? I am like an addict running to read them every single day. When your kitty was sick I could hardly stand it ( for many reasons/I felt bad for you/but also missed your blog). I just feel like I’m listening to myself when I read your blogs – you have the most interesting things to do/say, and they’re always tings I’m interested in. Thanks for that! I made the 4th of July drink for my family and I was “quite the hit”. I gave YOU the credit:) I’ve been reading for about a year now. Found you on Pinterest – it linked to you as I was searching for movie star homes. I just could never tell you how much reading your things have helped me to heal in this past year. It’s been a TOUGH year. I’ve been without a kitchen for a WHOLE year and well, it’s a long story, but I just wanted to finally chime in and say THANK YOU. I am praying God blesses you in ways you never could have imagined for your energy and open sharing. Blessings to you!

    • Thanks, Sue! You are a sweetheart and you made my day! So glad the drink was a hit! 🙂 So sorry you’ve had a tough year…I hope the rest of the year is much better. Thank you, Sue! I appreciate those blessings so much. This has been one of the worse springs of my life, maybe the worse…so we are both going to look forward to much happier days! XO

  9. We just went with “full view” doors…now one can look straight through (is that a “shotgun house??”) to the lake. I LOVE the look and extra light. You know, if “they” want to get in “they” will….just sayin… franki

    • Wow, now that would be a great view! I think you’re right. If they realllly want in, they will find a way. Hopefully the alarm system sticker/sign will deter and make them think twice.

  10. Boy that’s a lot of dish washing…love that door…bet you could find something fabulous at one of the salvage stores there…I got a beautiful door at the one in Baltimore called Second Chance…it’s the most wonderful place I’ve ever been in…got me a gorgeous door similar to the one in your photo…over 100 yrs old and on sale for $75…if I ever built a house I’d get ever door for it there…I vote go for it!!

  11. Susan Jones says

    LOL I love that turkey story!! I agree I love how much brighter having a open front door allows. Have you thought about a storm door? That way you could open the front door and have all that brightness while still having the security of a locked door.

    • I did have a storm door but when I added the porch and painted the door, I removed it. I never really liked the look BUT, I’ve since seen wood storm doors and they are kind of pretty. Thanks for reminding me of those!

  12. You have so much good stuff going on. I’m just trying to finish painting by the end of summer. Three rooms completed, two to go. That door is stunning but I’m not too sure I would want to sacrifice safety and privacy for it’s good looks.

  13. Paula Henken says

    I was curious about the cottage dinnerware. Could you tell me the pattern name? I loved the plates/platters at the top of the hutch. So cute! I’ve enjoyed the photos.

    • Paula, I found that at HomeGoods about 4-5 years ago and it’s made by Tabletops Unlimited. The pattern is Ma Maison and it was designed by Dario Farrucci. It’s hard to find now but occasionally you see it on eBay.

  14. Wow Susan, there definitely is a lot of things happening around your house…I am sure it is making you very happy to see your projects coming to fruition….love your entry and door…I have a double french door for the entry and after a while, I had to place some roman shades on them to keep out the direct sunlight…the roman shades block the direct sunlight and also allows me to see outdoors, which is nice….good luck on all of your projects…looking forward to the great results.

    • I think I’d be okay since the house faces north and I have a porch, but I do wonder if the light would fade the rug. Sure would hate to go to the expense of a new door just to have my rug ruined. Thanks for the info about the Roman shades!

  15. Sandi Lee says

    Everything is looking wonderful and I know you will enjoy all the extra light you have from the tree removal. I changed out a master bedroom/ back porch door from solid wood to a single french door and love it as it lets in so much light. I would also recommend a keyed deadbolt. My front door is half glass and has the same kind of deadbolt. I love the red front door,

  16. We have a large window in our front door (about 2/3 of the door) and I love it. We live in the city and still feel very safe. I always figure if someone really wants to break in to your house they are going to regardless so I’ve just never worried about it.

  17. Hi Susan,
    I’ve been following you for years and have loved every minute. You always have something new and interesting to share. I’ve been joining your parties for a long time too and frankly, you’re the reason I blog!
    I needed a hobby and after seeing your porch and tablescapes, I thought I’d give it a try. It’s still a hobby for me, not a lot of traffic, but it’s just fun to meet new people and play along with the parties!
    All this to say, we’ve just finished our new home. We designed it all and contracted out ourselves and one of the big questions for me was the front door. I’m a scaredy cat and thought I’d need a solid door. However, we went with doors that match the general “era” of our new “old” home and put in double glass doors. As it turns our, I love it. The light is wonderful and so is the view. However, I did put in double pocket doors from the foyer to the den “just in case” I got too scared.
    Whatever you decide to do, I’m sure it will be perfect…you always make things beautiful!

    • Thanks so much Sharlotte! You picked the best party to join because the ladies who participate in TT are just the nicest dearhearts you would ever want to know…you included! Thanks for the info about the doors…I love the double glass doors, they are so pretty. I bet you do get a tremendous amount of light through those.

  18. Cassie L. says

    LOVE that last door too! I would love a door like that on my house. Our current door has a little bitty frosted glass insert – that hubby hates. He doesn’t like that people can see in the door….so I can just imagine what he would say if I suggested that beautiful door! LOL!! He’s also say it would be too easy to break-in.

    Although I figure if someone is going to break in — they aren’t likely to do it via the front door.

  19. Betty819 says

    When we had our former home professionally painted the last time, I saw a Chinese Red door at a house near amy friend’s house. She gave me the name of that neighbor and I wrote her a letter asking if she happened to know the brand of paint that was used and color. By golly, she called and said I was in luck, she still had a partial can there in the garage, and I could take it to the paint store and see if they could mix the same color using the partial formula label on the can. At that time, we had been using Duron paint for about 20 years and the mgr. told me to tell the painter whom she had given us his name to use black or dark grey or navy blue primer on the door so the red would cover. I think the door had been brown or Williamsburg Blue..That painter never had heard of that dark color as a primer and he only used a light to medium grey that he had on hand. Guess what, it took 3 coats of that Chinese Red and you could still see his brush strokes. He should have done what your painter did..remove the door off the hinges and paint it outside in a covered area then when it dried well, rehang it. Our front doors here are painted BM Raisin Torte and my DH painted them 7 years ago and he’s a one coat painter. Our handyman/painter came the other day and I gave him the name of the door paint and he will probably do it after he does the sunroom walls/ceiling. He is on vacation this week so I don’t expect it to be done within the next few weeks. My DH used a flat or eggshell finish but it looks more like a flat but the doors get the afternoon sun beating on it so that is a factor too.

    In the latest HGTV magazine, there is a door that is painted Sherwin Williams Major Blue..with nickle hardware. Another issue is a door painted Spirit in the sky by Benjamin Moore paint, with nickle hardware. I know that you have been either buying or looking at the HGTV magazine in the store and may have seen this article called “Come on In!” the front door. Always shows a front door with beautiful colors and name or paint brand and color mentioned. That HGTV magazine is pretty good, I’ve bought 2 issues off news stand and it’s cheaper than any of the other magazines I buy on Do it Yourself or Home Decorating magazines. Most of them are closer to $10-$12 a copy. HGTV is only $3.99 a real bargain!
    Hope you let us see the finished door when it is hung back on its hinges. I am getting ready to go to michaels and get some poster board so I can try out some new paint samples, instead of painting the wall. Something else our Duron paint mgr. taught us to do years ago.

    • I just started subscribing to that magazine and I have two issues here that I haven’t really gone through. They came while Max was sick, I think. Now I want to read them. I love that magazine! Betty, I will. It will probably look the same except a little shinier and minus the brass kickplate. 🙂

  20. Betty819 says

    Jean Claude..yes, I remember seeing him in 2009 and I think that was probably one of the first post I saw of your blog, so I’ve been following you over 4 years and it’s been a fun and wonderful experience. I can miss a day, I feel lost without reading your blog. Keep up the good work!

  21. We are taking down some river birch trees they seem to drop there leaves all year long and I am tired of cleaning up the mess. Also my garden really needs more sun and that will help. When not outside I am scrapping all the popcorn off of our ceilings, have all rooms but one bathroom done upstairs and then to the downstairs. It is a messy job, that all started… with buying a stained glass window from a antique shop that I have discovered came from a local church built in the 1800’s. I will be hanging it in the front windows and repainting the room, thats when my husband said, ” if we are going to paint, we might as well scrape the ceilings!!! ” thats just how it all starts… just like that!!!

  22. Hi.I love your French kitchen pig.Can you please tell me where you bought him
    Laura [email protected]

    • Laura, I found him in Home Depot Expo and unfortunately, they are all gone shut down now. I bet with some googling you may be able to locate one online, though. If I see one online, I will let you know.

  23. What fun you’re having, Susan! It always feels so good to see things getting done and taking shape like you envisioned it! I love the idea of having a glass pane door. I’d love to have one too. That bit of extra sunshine in the room is always welcome! 🙂

    xoxo laurie

  24. We have a red door for 20 years. I’m ready to change the color, but don’t know which color.
    This week we have started planning a master bath remodel.

  25. Carolyn Price says

    I had a full-glass front door in the Raleigh area, similar to the one pictured in black, before we moved about 6 months ago. I did love it and my door was also red, Susan. Initially, I worried about someone breaking in. No one ever did while we were there. Sadly, the new owners were broken into while they were away Easter weekend. Entry was made through a half-light door into the back hall from the screened porch on the back side of the house. They wouldn’t be observed there because our former home backed up to a a natural ravine and dense woods. So, moral of the story is: Get the door you love and a security system. If someone is determined to get in, they will try … one type of door or another. I’m afraid : /

  26. Carolyn Price says

    … one type of door or another, I’m afraid. (Edited version!)

  27. Love this post! Esp. Jean Claude (I’m speaking with a French accent right now. In my head.)
    We had a red front door for years at our previous home, and the color I last used, I LOVED. It was Benjamin Moore’s Aura in Caliente. It gave such great coverage. And since reds are prone to turn pink when the sun works on them for awhile, it was the perfect choice.

    Happy painting!

  28. Mary from Virginia says

    I love lots of house excitement too! It is great to get things done.

    I thought of you this afternoon when I was walking up my drive way and saw that my across the street neighbor’s River Birch leaves had blown into by yard! It made me thankful that we had taken ours out. I hope my neighbor reads your blog and they remove theirs!

    My husband is building shutters for the house. We decided to go with a board and batten shutter. I’m excited, but it is going a little on the slow side.

    Looking forward to seeing the yard and the door! Too fun!

  29. Linda S. in NE says

    I don’t want to mix up your old door/new door decision, but your readers have certainly given you some good ideas and things to think about. I was wondering what your homeowner’s insurance agent might have to say about the matter? On second thought, I can kind of guess what he/she might say. Probably not a good idea to invite them over for a glass of sweet tea on the porch if you decide to change doors!!

  30. Hi, Susan!
    I know what you mean about front doors with glass… they look so elegant… but honestly, as beautiful as they are, they are not made for privacy! In fact, you can see yourself in that picture, you’re able to see that table and those white chairs and…and… Susan, it might sound crazy, but something that makes ME really, really uncomfortable is when someone I don’t know knocks on my wood front door and I am happy they can’t see me but I am able to see them and to talk to them through an interphone. I know I wouldn’t feel safe if they could see me through glass panes! Once, there was a drunk guy who insisted that I open the door, as he truly thought my house was a B&B! He even said he had a reservation! WHAT?!
    Two minutes later he got arrested by police!
    The officers asked him if he knew me and I’m happy he said No!
    So, Susan, ask yourself before deciding, do you really want to share everything’s going on in your house, with everyone that knocks on your door? (I would keep that beautiful and solid red wood door!) 🙂
    ~Hugs to you~

  31. Hi Susan,

    LOVE the true divided light front door! HOWEVER, that said so NOT a good idea for a woman living alone. This coming from a woman who leaves her back door open for her fur children all year long!! BUT, my yard is secure…..I wouldn’t chance it for my front door.

    Laura, for the pig, try ebay or Tyra Banks’ new venture The You type in what you want and they find it for you.


  32. ~Susan~
    hi there ! you sure are busy !! LOVE the dishes with the little house on them, did someone make them for you??
    We have a glass door I really like it, but the after noon sun from the west is pretty warm this time of year ! I never thought it was not secure. I guess we feel if someone wants in your house bad enough it doesn’t matter want kind of door or windows you have. Would you consider keeping your solid door and putting on a full glass storm door??
    Can’t wait to see how your yard !!
    tAKE Care

  33. Hello Laura, I have seen those French Kitchen Pigs at Hobby Lobby. You might look there if you have one in your area. I always thought of getting one too, I think they are too cute. Good Luck.
    Hello Susan, I know you told me once that you had a Golden. I didn’t know how old he was when he passed away. I have two Goldens, that are 2 1/2 & 3 years old. Iam going to hug them both right now. Hang in there…… Love you, Linda

  34. You have been really busy Susan! While you are working I have been in my friends pool enjoying the cool water! I love everything you have done and can’t wait to see how your yard looks! I wish I had half your energy right now…it is to hot and humid in Minnesota to do anything as far as I am concerned!

  35. Susan – we have been in our current home for about three years. We live in Huntsville, Alabama. It is our forever home – we are close to the city center and can be anywhere in 10 minutes. It’s one of those neighborhoods where houses go on the market and there are multiple offers the same day. We got lucky… Err… We are blessed. All that said, we have poured a lot into our 1959 French provincial rancher. We are fortunate that the rooms are large and we have 9 foot ceilings – rare for this time period. Anyway… We replaced all of our windows and exterior doors last year. It was not a standard window world replacement. They have their place but are just not for us. We went with a product by Andersen that is powder coated metal wrapped exterior and a wood interior. And… They are true divided light. Each pane is its own little energy efficient window. Our French doors and other windowed doors are the same. We have traditional drapes and leave most of the drapes pulled open all the time – we live in the rear of our home for the most part and can do this. We were concerned about sunlight on our hardwood floors, antiques, fabrics, rugs, etc…. Andersen offered a uv protective glass that cuts ALL damaging rays. We haven’t noticed any change in our foyer floor or rug. We have an east facing front door and only a stoop – it gets the full morning sun. There isn’t even a rug outline on the hardwood. Look at these types of products if you ever install a glass front door – it was pricey, but we’ll have it forever and it was worth every penny. Also have your security company install a glass break sensor in your foyer. One glass break and the cops are on their way. We literally have an all glass front door – we didn’t event bother with a key lock on the inside if the glass were to be broken anyone could just walk right through… PS you’d love the door – mahogany with 3/4 of the front in a solid sheet of glass with a 2″ bevel. Thanks for the inspiration you give all of us – you’re amazing!

    • Frank, thanks so much for telling me about the Anderson windows. It sounds so much nicer than what you normally see in homes being built today. I’ve heard of the UV protection you add to glass but didn’t know you could buy doors with it built in. Good to know! That’s a good point about they would be able to just climb right in if they broke it anyway. I don’t like the keyed locks where you have to have a key somewhere handy at all times. Your door sounds beautiful! Thanks…appreciate that so much! 🙂

  36. So many wonderful changes going on at your home Susan!

    When I saw the glass door I couldn’t help but think of my mother. She didn’t even want sidelights unless they had coverings on them. I think my daughter took after her. She can’t stand windows without coverings at night. Gives her the feeling some spooky face like Freddy Kruger is looking in the house! As for me, it doesn’t matter. Guess these things skip a generation. I had a door that was partially glass and I liked it, but not sure I’d want the whole door that way, although it’s beautiful! For me, the ideal scenario would be a transom on the top to let light in, and sidelights with stained glass.

    I’ve been working on the porch at the cabin, and tomorrow work will begin on a new deck in the back. Very excited!!

  37. Marni Nixon says

    I love Jean Claude!! Isn’t wild that he takes on a whole new personality when your friends placed the antlers on him!! I enjoy your blog. It is a ray of sunshine on a rainy day!!!! Marni

  38. My east cobb house(that I lived in for 30 years) was so similar to your home. Anyway, we always had a red door , much the same as yours, and I finally replaced it with glass doors and was very happy with the light it let in. Now I live in Canton and our new home came with a glass door and I love the light it lets into the foyer. I think you would enjoy the look. I have never felt unsafe, and it does have a deadbolt on it.

    I enjoy your blog and am always amazed at how much we have in common—even the books we love. Your home is looking wonderful. Enjoy your changes.

  39. Oh, you are having so much fun girl!!! I love doing big projects like washing all those dishes……you go to bed at night knowing you accomplished something grand!!! Love that door with all the window panes, and yes, it looks like a storm door, love how it is painted. I have the same set up as you and living alone I went for the solid door with the same side lights, which, by the way let in a lot of sunlight. This Fall I am getting a storm/screen door for the front so I can open the door and let air and light into the front of the house on nice days and even on snowy days too!!! My house has almond color siding with a touch of yellow to it, the front door will be painted Graphite, with the sidelights white and the new storm/screen door also white. I am liking how the pic you showed has the sidelights painted dark also………hmmmmmm have to think on that one!!!

    Glad your trees and lawn work are getting done. My ‘tree people” will be here in 2 weeks to trim back giant maple trees that are rubbing against the house, remove a huge elm tree that is a mess and another smaller elm tree that is spindly and I hate……they will also get rid of several dead saplings that are messy and ugly!!! I try to do as much as I can but don’t have a saw to take care of those small saplings……….then in 3 weeks or so, The “siding man” arrives to put siding on all the trim of the house to match the existing siding, and fix the downspouts that have come away from the drains. The trim is currently cedar and has to be stained every few years and I’m tired of doing that!!! He will also put a new roof over the garage. Moving on to September and my “landscaping crew” arrives to replace most of the rear lawn and the front lawn and to shore up the foundation with dirt and grass to correct the drainage problems I am having. They will also trim the huge lilac bush and the Mugo pine. By then I will be out of funds but had hoped to be able to put a landing outside the back door as the steps have rotted away and I can’t use the door way at all. But that may have to wait till next year.

    I am excited to get this work done, I’ve let it go for so long but am still worried about spending that kind of money seeing as I can’t seem to get any more money coming in!!!! This extreme heat and humidity has made me crazy and I long for cooler days and nights for my energy to return…….my creative muse has completely gone away, probably to Alaska by now!!!! I enjoy your blog so much and hope the hole in your heart gets filled up very soon……hugs from cleo….

  40. I have to tell you the story of my front door. When we bought the house, the front door was a wood full divided light French door, which I did not like. The house needed a lot of work and so I considered replacing it with a Craftsman style with a small window at top. Not having any extra cash for a door, I put it on the backburner. One day, my friend Sue called me up and asked me if I wanted to “borrow” her front door. She was selling her house, and taking the solid mahogany and stained glass door that she had designed and had custom made. Of course I said YES! And three years later that door is still on my house. The stained glass allows some light and enough privacy that I don’t feel uncomfortable. She told me recently that she considered the door to be permanently mine until I ever decide to sell the house. I do want to add a full glass storm door to both protect the mahogany and also to allow me to open the stained glass door for more light when I want it. But that’s the story of the “borrowed” door! I have very good friends!

  41. JC looks too funny, not just rolling his eyes, but like “Get these antlers off me!” Cute, though. We have a red front door, too, I love it. Our house is white w/ black shutters, the door was just stained wood when we bought the house. We painted the door red ourselves and WOW what a difference it made. Our reno’s in the works: building a large shed/workshop out back, new floors in the bedrooms, then hopefully building a sun room. Searching for ideas for THAT is how I found your blog in the first place! Take care – Dawn

  42. Hi Susan, I wouldn’t worry too much about the glass in a door, but to be sure, you can ask the local police what type of safety issues are common for your area. When we moved, we did that, and also consulted with the alarm company we used. They were really reassuring about front entry break-ins, and we designed our system with their suggestions. And the breaking glass option is perfect for a door like you want. I am also not sure that a keyed interior exit door follows code, you may have to check on that one. Lots to consider! Can’t wait to see more yard pics! We are currently hauling boulders to finish off the side yard…..I have never been so sore…..

  43. Cherry Goodson says

    Can’t wait to see all the changes you are making around your house. How exciting. Have always loved your front porch and was wondering if you remember where you purchased your lights on the porch. We are looking to find a light to put on our fence in the backyard because that area is so dark when people come through the back gate. Would like something like yours Thanks so much, Cherry

  44. Hi Susan, I’ve been reading all about this door and something struck me in the photo. It appears to possibly be a rear door out of a kitchen. Notice the breakfast table and chairs directly in line with the door and the chancy is clearly visible in the upper glass area. About 10 minutes ago, I showed Bob the photo and immediately he said, “that’s not a front door anyway, it opens out…see the hinges on the outside.” He said, “it’s a storm door.” He did agree that it is beautiful, but that a front door would open inside.

    • Well, Hubby may be right… or he may be wrong. LOL I built a home in 1999 that if the double French doors opened into my home it would have been very close to furniture placement. I asked the home builder if it were possible to swing the doors outside. Yes! They make a special hinge called a “reverse hinge” that allows an exterior door to swing out. Apparently, the hinges have a “stop” on them so the hinge pin cannot be removed from the outside… I never tried to remove the doors, but I sure did like that they swang out!

  45. Umm, not “chancy” but chancy.:)

  46. Spell check or whatever is determined. Chandelier!

  47. Cathy Miller says

    I love the glass front door and would love to have one. However, my house faces east with no shade at all in the mornings, and it stays about 20 degrees hotter in the front of the house than the back. I think it would be way too hot to have a glass door. They sure are pretty, though. I would love to have one on my south facing door at the end of the house, but then my laundry room would be in clear view of the world and that might not be too pretty most days. I guess I can dream, though…

  48. Sharon From Michigan says

    I have a “Victorian Replica” house. It’s a victorian house that was built in 1996. We’re on a corner lot and have a front door and a side door instead of a back door. The house also has a wrap around front porch. We changed out our front and side doors from solid ones to ones that have the big oval of leaded glass. They let in so much more light. The glass is actually three panes thick, so no worry about break ins there. As far as privacy, I used magnetic curtain rods on the top and bottom of the oval on the side of the door that is inside the house and hung old lace curtains. They block the view inside from the street but still let lots of sunlight in.

  49. YES! Add a glass front door. I’ve added one to my house (and my Mother’s) and what a difference!!. The glass is storm proof and unbreakable. You will love all the light. Best decision I ever made!

  50. Elaine in Laguna says

    I have a steel door with beautiful oval-shaped glass and painted white. The hardware is oiled bronze since brass and ocean air don’t mix well here. The house faces east so it gets morning sun only. I also have a security system. We don’t have key locks on the inside of doors here anymore in Calif. due to newer fire laws. The new door installer was surprised that my old door had a deadbolt with a key. Whatever door you choose I’m sure will be beautiful!

  51. Rattlebridge Farm says

    susan, I replaced a solid door with double doors (half glass/beveled edges), and the foyer is flooded with beautiful sunlight. The original door had glass sidelights, which aren’t terribly private or secure, anyway. You’ve got the right idea with a good double cylinder deadbolt and an alarm–and a second staircase. (A wreath will give some privacy, too, right?) Your present door is handsome, but I also love your inspiration photos with the black door. A red one would be gorgeous! Loving your nest fluffing!!

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