Enjoy Dining Outdoors for Summer

Welcome to the 256th Tablescape Thursday!

For this week’s Tablescape Thursday, I created a little table setting out on the deck.

Romantic Dinner in the Garden for Two


Just as I finished putting it together, I heard thunder. Yikes! Some fast picture-taking took place and just as I took the last photo, the raindrops began to fall. Whew, it was a close one.

Floral Summer Table Setting with Geraniums and Petunias


Hope you enjoy this table setting for two. As I was creating it, I imagined two friends getting together for lunch, enjoying the lovely summer day. Let’s imagine it’s you and me. Would you like the chair with the purple petunias?

Floral Summer Table Setting Mixing Different Dish Patterns


There are worse things in life than sitting in petunias, right?

Dining With Petunias, A Garden Tablescape



Floral Summer Table Setting Mixing Different Dish Patterns


Floral Summer Table Setting Mixing Different Dish Patterns


The stemware is Breeze Clear and was provided by Noritake.

Floral Summer Table Setting Mixing Different Dish Patterns


Our floral centerpiece is the one Mr. Chipmunk kept unrooting with his daily dirt baths. As I stood looking down to take this photo, I noticed a little gray bird feather on one of the geranium leaves. Do you see it there on the lower left? This plant is normally on the table under the pergola where the bird feeders hang. The feather was so sweet, I didn’t want to remove it.

A Romantic Dinner for Two Amid the Flowers


Chargers are from the Kim Parker, “Emma’s Garden” Collection. They are one of my favorite patterns. I love to use them during the spring and summer months.

Table Setting Tablescape with Kim Parker Emma's Garden Chargers, Bordallo Pinheiro Cabbage Dinner Plates, Herend Rothschild Bird Salad Plates, and Twig Flatware


Beautiful dragonflies are keeping our napkins from flying away in the summer breezes.

Beaded Dragonfly Napkin Rings


Dragonfly Napkin Rings


Dinner plates are Bordallo Pinheiro Cabbage plates.

Tablescape Table Setting with Kim Parker Emma's Garden, Pinheiro Bordallo Cabbage Plates and Herend Rothschild Bird


Salad plates are Herend Rothschild Bird–love this pattern! The Rothschild Bird pattern is hand-painted and the detail is so beautiful, down to the delicate little buggy legs. I just have salad plates in this pattern. Tip: If there’s a pattern you adore but it’s a bit on the expensive side, buy just the salad plates. That’s the plate most visible when the table is set and salad plates can be used for both salad and/or dessert.

Tablescape Table Setting with Kim Parker Emma's Garden, Pinheiro Bordallo Cabbage Plates and Herend Rothschild Bird


There’s a cute story behind this china pattern.  It’s been said this china was created for the Rothschild family of Europe in 1850 and is considered by connoisseurs to be the epitome of hand painting on porcelain. The china portrays a 19th-century tale about Baroness Rothschild, who lost her pearl necklace in the garden of her Vienna residence. Several days later it was found by her gardener. He had seen some birds playing with it in a tree.

Is that not just the cutest story? If you look closely, you can see the little necklace up in the tree. The little bird on top in the plate below is peering down at his wonderful find. Sorry about the glare on the plate but hopefully you can see it.

Tablescape Table Setting with Kim Parker Emma's Garden, Pinheiro Bordallo Cabbage Plates and Herend Rothschild Bird


You’ll find additional “tables for two” under the Tablescape category at the top of BNOTP. Just click on Tablescapes, then Occasions, then Tables for Two.

Floral Summer Table Setting Mixing Different Dish Patterns


Pssst: I post almost daily to Instagram. Follow Between Naps on the Porch on Instagram here: Between Naps On The Porch.

Looking forward to the beautiful tablescapes linked for this Tablescape Thursday!


Tablescape Thursday

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Thanks for participating…looking forward to your beautiful table settings!

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  1. Susan,
    Your table is so pretty, perfect for these warm summer days. I love your dishes, the chargers are so colorful! The cabbage plates have always been a favorite, I love their texture. The salad plates fit in perfectly! As always, thanks for hosting this party!

  2. I love this deck setting. Gorgeous dinner plates , actually all plates and all table accessories…..Christine

  3. Susan, your tablescape is just gorgeous and so welcoming. I would feel compelled to cook gourmet, but even a burger would feel elevated at your table.

  4. So pretty, Susan. Those chargers are summer perfection, and I adore the beautiful bird salad plates. I’d love to sit on the Petunias and enjoy lunch with you! laurie

  5. Susan, this is a beautiful post! All your flowers truly make the table and the pictures POP! Your petunias really outdid themselves, didn’t they, and the geranium on the table is gorgeous. I love the Herend plates, the dragonfly napkin rings, and the lovely napkin sheaths. This is one of my favorites of your tables.

    Thank you for hosting and have a great day!


  6. What a beautiful outdoor setting, Susan! Those chargers are beautiful & when paired with your exquisite Rothschild plates…Oh my!
    Thank you for hosting TT again this week.

  7. SO pretty! I agree about the salad plates. They do so much for the look of the table so you can splurge on just a few. Yours are gorgeous!

  8. Susan, I’d be delighted to join you in this beautiful alfresco setting. I’ll even sit in the pretty petunias. This setting is full of joy! Love the chargers and the Rothschild Bird salad plates. One of these days, I just may add some of the salads to our cupboards. I agree with the idea of adding accent salads, especially when the china is white. This would pair nicely with our Richard Ginori. ‘-)
    Have a Happy Day! ~ Sarah

  9. Oh Susan, the layers of dishes are fabulous! I love all three plates, specially the last one with the birds, dragonflies and butterflies, t’s simply gorgeous! You’ve set a wonderful Summer table al-fresco with pretty petunias sorrounding it! I’m glad you didn’t get to soak with the rain, too, lol! Thank you this week again for the terrific party!
    Big hugs,

  10. LOVE your outdoor table. Can’t believe you set on in the midst of the landscaping project. It’s a pretty spot to dine. Love the Bordallo plates on those chargers! Thanks so much for hosting.. xo marlis

  11. Susan – everything about this table is just perfect for dining al fresco. I love the trig flatware and the dragonfly napkin rings. Your Herend plates are stunning – I still cannot believe that I left all of the Herend dinnerware in Hungary, when I visited the Herend factory store! I bought only one wonderful figurine. My favorite thing about the table, though, is that plaid tablecloth – I have an obsession with plaid! It is the perfect backdrop for all of your lovely tableware pieces!

    • Diane, what fun, to tour the factory! You gotta go back and see some dishes, Girl! Thanks! I love plaid, too.

      • Alas, Susan – no tour of the factory! When I went a number of years ago, the factory store was in a completely different location in Budapest. The store was gorgeous, though, and sold Moser glassware, too. It was heaven, but I was too afraid to have things shipped – crazy! I should have at least tried!

  12. I just LOVE those plates. And I remember when you first wrote about those chargers. They go with everything! I think I need to start researching ideas for sources for inexpensive chargers. My biggest problem is that six of anything is the minimum I need. And I don’t have many chargers for that reason. They get out of hand in cost very quickly. I would welcome ideas from anyone. Thanks!

  13. Absolutely lovely! I would so be willing to sit in the Petunias to have lunch with you! 🙂

  14. I love this pretty setting. Would love to be there and share good food, good conversation, a lot of laughs and just have a good old time. Thanks for the invite. Friends make everything ”special”. Have a great day.

  15. Hey Susan,
    I think I will like the new setup..gives everybody a chance to be near the front….Your table is so pretty and I smiled about the racing to beat the rain…I am just a few miles away from you and I get it..so much rain! will be glad to have some less wet weather for pretty outside tablescapes…
    have a good weekend..
    Love, Mona

  16. That is such a pretty summery table! I love eating outdoors in summer.

    Thank you for hosting,

  17. Lovely! These are some of my favorite chargers from your tablescapes.

  18. Beautiful tablescape! The green plaid tablecloth is perfect with all of the colorful flowers!

  19. Linda Page says

    Susan, I so much enjoyed having lunch on the deck with you today. Thanks you so much for inviting me. I love the dragonfly napkin rings! I just love dragonflies. I also love how the petunias have grown through the chair. That makes such a beautiful picture. If you get a chance, please bottle up some of that rain and send it to me. We are drying up over here in East Texas.

  20. Susan, has it been said before? You are a genius. Pretty tables can be set, but it takes a special eye to make them spectacular like yours. More than that, your gift is how you tell the story and draw people in. Writing things like, “Let’s imagine it’s you and me” forge an immediate connection with your readers. Or, “There are worse things in life that sitting on petunias, right”? Who doesn’t want to be relieved of the ordinary thoughts of everyday life? You do it so well. I am new to tablescape (and lifestyle) blogs, but yours is the standout. It’s a pleasure to read what so obviously comes from the heart. So well done! Thank you.

  21. Hey Susan,
    I LOVE your outdoor tablescape with all of the shades of green and the beautiful plants & flowers! Your tables always look so beautiful…… thanks for sharing!

  22. My all time favorite tablescape. Beautiful colors and flowers.
    I was honored to be invited to lunch today!

  23. Love the little table outside and I adore that design on the plates, it is so springy and pretty, of course I don’t mind sitting in the flowers…lol…thank you for the lovely lunch, I loved my napkin ring, it is so lovely….oh how thoughtful of you to give it to me as a party favor, you are so sweet…lol…and take the pot of flowers…now that is just too much, oh well if you insist…thanks for sharing a fun day…Phyllis

  24. Dear Susan..I am a big fan of your blog and love your subjects you come with.I regularly take part in your link party.Thank you so much.It’s wonderful to be part of your hostings.You create such beautiful tables which is very inspiring.Thank you and lots of love from sujatha here from India…:):):)

  25. Thunder, oh no! Sounds like us next door in SC, it has rained nearly every day this summer, so weird. Love your dishes, just gorgeous. I’m really wanting some cabbage plates, just haven’t found “the deal” yet! Take care – Dawn

    • Dawn, I found those at HomeGoods and TJ Max. I think I had to buy one on eBay to have a set of six. I didn’t see them in HomeGoods this summer. Check replacementsdotcom, too…they may have them.

  26. Susan,
    Absolutely fabulous!!! Love the tablecloth (crazy about plaid) and all the dinnerware . Stunning! And you managed this between mulching! You are amazing!!!

  27. pam ~ crumpety cottage says

    “There are worse things in life than sitting in petunias.” 😀 My meme for the rest of the week.

    Very pretty table setting, Susan. I am partial to plaid and that tablecloth is so pretty and sets a nice, warm tone for lunch. Wish I was there. It’s rainy and rumbly here, too. Come on up. I’ll make some cocoa and we’ll eat inside. 😉

  28. annpauley says

    love the elegant tablescape; so colorful for summer! where can i purchase the white napkin sheaths?

  29. Sandi Lee says

    Love everything-it looks so cool and refreshing in this horrid heat! The Herend pattern is one of my favorites-my Aunt May Ann has that set of china. I think it is so gorgeous.

  30. I love the colors! So refreshing in this heat!

  31. Marilyn in Mt. Vernon, VA says

    So feminine and serene and cool-looking. Perfection. Not too much, not too little — just perfect. I’ll be over for lunch! (:

  32. Susan, this tablescape is a real beauty! You are a master at combining colors, patterns, and textures for your tables and as someone has already pointed out, you are a great storyteller! I bet Mr. Chipmunk is P.O.’d that you didn’t invite him to your lunch!

  33. Caroline R says

    Love how the beautiful plaid tablecloth melds the different colors of green from the cabbage plates and napkins. You always use so many subtle ideas that help to make your table settings works of art. Each layer of dish is exquisite and the flatware so whimsical. Always makes my day when there is a new tablescape at Susan’s. Thank you!


    • Thanks, Caroline. Appreciate that so much! The tablecloth and the chargers really did help tie the napkins in with the plates…lots of different shades of green in this table setting. The twig flatware is fast becoming my favorite for summer. 🙂

  34. Love these photos! Wish I could come and have lunch on your porch. There are many things worse for me than sitting on petunias, but I cant think of anything worse for THEM!

  35. Margo Kuhn says

    Susan, thank your for inviting me for lunch. I so enjoyed myself. The conversation was stimulating and the table setting outstanding. I was so caught up in it that I forgot what we ate. What ever it was, it was delicious. Oh, sitting in the beautiful petunas was delightful as they gave off such a light fragrant sweet smell. It was lovely.

    • You forgot what we ate!? After I slaved all day in a hot kitchen?! 😉 Ha…glad you didn’t mind the petunias too much. They are loving that chair so much, I hate to make them let go.

  36. This could very easily be my most favorite of your table settings. The green is so cool looking & I love the plaid. Everything blends so well & the sheer napkins give off a cool feeling too. I’m thinking about cool today because it’s 102 here! Thanks for another beautiful post!

  37. Love your tablescape. It looks like it is right out of a magazine! Beautiful.

  38. Patty Lucas says

    I LOVE your post. Can you tell me where you got the dragon fly napkin rings. My new daughter-in-law loves dragon flies and I would love to surprise her with some. Thank you so much.

    • Thanks, Patty! I found those in Pier 1 last year. Seems like I saw them again earlier in the spring, but I not positive about that. Definitely worth checking for them…they are cuties. Your DIL would love them!

  39. What a lovely little vignette!

  40. Peggy Thal says

    Beautiful table! It is so fresh looking. Just love your Herend plates. Just looked at some in one of my favorite stores in Williamsburg , Va. They didn’t price them yet. My husband kind of pulled me out the door. We had already bought a lot of furniture for my son and daughter-in-law. Also, adore your double napkins. They look so great with the pretty dragon fly. I sure would love to be invited to your porch.( I’ll bring cream puffs and WINE)

  41. Beautiful, Susan!
    As always, when you create a new table setting, I love everything I see!
    And I’ve noticed that your terracotta pots are looking a lot more “Italian”, now… 😉
    ~Hugs to you~

  42. This has got to be one of my favorite tables that you have ever done! The colors are gorgeous, and they blend perfectly with your plants outdoors. Love, love, love…

  43. There is a story about your plates, a short version. A beautiful princess was traveling thru the countryside wearing pearls from her prince. She was kidnappedand her pearls were broken away from her. The birds found them and hung them in the tree. This story is usuallly told better than I have so find someone who knows it and have them repeat it. Everything that I have seen you do is beautiful and I am happy to be a follower. Mary

    • Mary, I love that story! Thanks for reminding me of it. I should have mentioned it in the post. I may go back and add that in…it’s such a cute story. That was one of the things that endured me to this pattern. China/dish manufacturers should pay heed to that…good way to market dishware–creating a story that goes with the pattern. 🙂 You can read my silly story about when I first discovered (and became obsessed with) this china here: https://betweennapsontheporch.net/herend-rothschild-bird-my-new-obsession/ I had never realized Herend made china, was just familiar with their cute bunnies with the “fish net” design.

  44. I’m really lovin that tablecloth. I am not normally a fan of green but with the heat we have been having I am finding that the spring green color is so refreshing. Thanks for the tips about the salad plates. I have learned so much from you Susan.

  45. What a delightful table! I LOVE your green plaid tablecloth! I have 8+ place settings of the cabbage leaf, that I like very much, but your darling chargers and divine salad plates are magnificent with it. Your tablescape is a work of art!

    • Thanks, Merri Jo! Appreciate that so much! I just love those cabbage plates…I know you enjoy yours! I saw them for years before I finally succumbed and bought them…glad I did now. 🙂

  46. Susan, what a sweet table! I love how you used “our” Bordallo Pinheiro Cabbage plates in the tablescape. And yes, there are MUCH worse things in life than sitting in petunias ;o)

  47. Sooo pretty! I love it all especially your bird china and the dragonfly napkin rings!

  48. Love this! I had the exact same thought that it would be lovely to have a friend to sit down to tea and scones at this table. The table cloth makes me think of the Irish and how pretty this would be for St. Patrick’s Day. The dragonfly napkin rings are my favorite and they are so pretty!

  49. I am behind in my mail but I couldn’t resist leaving a comment! Your table is perfectly beautiful. Your Herend plates are a favorite of mine, though I don’t have them. I am glad the rain cooperated with your picture taking, this is such a fun table to see, especially with all the pretty flowers around. Your petunia chair is charming, so happy looking. They are worthy of their own chair, just pull up another for a guest! I love how you did your napkins. My grandmother always put out pretty linen napkins with a paper one tucked inside! Sneaky of her 🙂 Thank you Susan for all you share, I look forward to hearing from you 🙂 I am starting to feel like a friend 🙂 A happy new week to you.

    • lol They are, indeed…worthy of their own chair. I’ve just let them have it in return for their beauty. 🙂 Your grandmother sounds like a smart cookie! I’m going to have to remember that little trick. lol Have a wonderful weekend, Nancy!

  50. Candy Stefan says

    Your Table is so beautiful. It presents itself as a picture of all the things I love about summer. I do love the plaid tablecloth, the lovely chargers, the charming napkin rings, and the beautiful plates. You are very talented to bring everything together to make all of the pieces seem as if they were designed to be used in this lovely setting. This is my first comment ever on your site (I am a bit computer challenged) but I have visited many times and really appreciate how you manage to present such lovely tables.

  51. Thanks, Candy! Appreciate your comment so much! ♥ It was a fun table to create. 🙂

  52. What a beautiful outdoor table! It looks so fresh and welcoming. It is such a romantic setting for two, too. A perfect way to spend time together at the end of summer.

  53. Love everything about this tablescape . Where did you get that beautiful plaid table cloth?

    • Thanks so much, Julia! It’s been a while, but I think I found it in either Marshalls or HomeGoods. Those are the two stores where I usually have the most luck finding cute linens.

  54. Rose Owens says

    Susan, I just love everything you do! When I look at your beautiful tablescapes, I feel my eyes have just enjoyed a feast ! Your attention to every little detail amazes me. Everything you do is done in such good taste. You are truely so talented . You are my favorite blogger. Keep it coming.

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