Fall Table Setting with Limelight Hydrangea Centerpiece

Welcome to the 373rd Tablescape Thursday!

When I first started putting this table together, it was in the 50’s outside, a little too chilly for playing out on the porch. By the time I was done, I was wishing I had set the table there because it was already up to 63 degrees outside.

Fall Tablescape with Limelight Hydrangea Centerpiece


I’m using a few of the souvenirs I brought back from Italy in today’s table.

Fall Table Setting with Limelight Hydrangea Centerpiece


Autumn Tablescape with Roosters and Hydrangeas


I clipped the last of my Limelight Hydrangea blooms and placed them inside a pitcher found while shopping in a cute shop in Cortona previously shared in this post: Bringing a Bit of Tuscany to my Kitchen.

Pitcher from Cortona Italy filled with Limelight Hydrangeas


We interrupt this post for a bird sighting picture. lol Look who’s eating from the suet feeder hanging from the pergola outside…a pretty little bluebird. It amazes me how they will cling to the feeder to eat the suet because they aren’t really clinging birds. I usually put suet out for them in the winter in a little bowl but I think they prefer eating it this way for some reason. Okay, back to our table.

Bluebird eating from suet feeder_wm


A few of the Limelight blossoms were starting to go brown but that just added to the pretty fall colors in this tablescape.

Limelight Hydrangea Centerpiece


The olive oil dispenser is another piece I brought home from Cortona, found in the same little shop where I found the pitcher. Today’s table turned out to be all about Italy, roosters and lots and lot of layers. I went a little layer crazy 🙂 but loved how it looked in the end. You’ll see what I mean in a sec. (Boxwood wreath in background is available for here: Preserved Boxwood Wreath)

Pitcher and Olive Oil Dispenser from Cortona Italy


I began with grapevine chargers. Well actually I began with this big square dinner plate, but decided to use it as a charger instead of a dinner plate. At the very end I placed the grapevine charger underneath it because I just loved how it looked.

These grapevine chargers are really BIG, so in this tablespcape they almost act as a place mat for the larger sunflower dinner plates that I’m using as chargers. The grapevine chargers also do a good job of grounding this colorful table setting.

Sunflower plates (using as chargers) are by Maxcera and the pattern is: Terra Cotta Sunflower. The whimsical curly flatware is available here for the best price I’ve ever seen it online: Iron Flatware It’s almost the same price I paid when I purchased it in HomeGoods!

Terra Cotta Sunflower by Maxcera


Continuing with our layers, next came the dinner plate, a pattern by Maxcera called “Fall Rooster.”

Fall Rooster Plates by Maxcera


Our salad plate is by Ceramesia and was made in Italy, another HomeGoods find years ago.

Salad Plate by Ceramisia, Made in Italy


I’ve used the salad plates once before in a vegetable garden themed table. The dinner plates that go with these salad plates, depict a vegetable garden. Dinner plates can be seen in this previous table setting: Peter Rabbit: Raiding the Garden

Garden Tablescape with Bunny and Vegetable Centerpiece 2


I topped everything off with a pretty little hand-painted appetizer bowl hallmarked: “Yellow Talavera.” I think I found those in either Marshalls or TJ Max many years ago. The tea/water glass is Breeze Amber by Noritake and the wine glass was a find at A Classy Flea years ago.

Rooster Appetizer Plate, Yellow Talavera


For my napkins I layered beaded-edged napkins from Pier 1 over plaid napkins. I’m not sure if Pier 1 still has beaded napkins, I purchased them years ago. Leaf napkin rings completed this fall setting.

Leaf Napkin Rings for Fall Autumn Table Setting


Do you still have any blooms on your Limelight hydrangeas. I’m so glad I have a least one Limelight because it’s been blooming for weeks and weeks! I’m amazed how long the blooms last!

Fall Table Setting with Limelight Hydrangea Centerpiece


Happy Fall! Looking forward to seeing all the beautiful tables posted for this Tablescape Thursday!

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  1. Love your pretty colorful layers on your table Susan! Your souvenirs from trip make your table that much more special 🙂

  2. Hi Susan, The last of my limelight hydrangea turned brown after a tiny frost we had a few days ago but the bushes are still beautiful in the landscape, and the blossoms and foliage catch the snow when it falls. I love all hydrangea!
    Your table with all of its layers reminds me of all the layers of history in Italy. The pieces you brought home and the ones you found here all work together so well because of those earthy colors and beautiful scenes. Didn’t you just love Italy? Your table makes me want to go back right now. It is just as welcoming as the Italian people! Linda

    • Thanks, Linda! I really did enjoy the small towns of Italy…just wish I could have more time in those spots. The countryside and views are so beautiful, you can see why it’s often featured on dishware. Those Limelights are gorgeous…makes me want a yard full of hyrdrangeas!

  3. I love this table, Susan. I’m coveting that pretty olive oil dispenser. Each dish you added to the plate stack was a perfect compliment to the others. Those rooster bowls are so cute. I don’t remember seeing those salad plates on your blog before. I love the Italian scene on them. I have a weakness for dishes depicting a house or a village. Thank you for hosting. Wishing you a fun cruise. You’ve become a professional world traveler.

  4. Lovely table setting Susan. Your pitcher and olive oil dispenser are beautiful and a great reminder of your journey to Italy. Did you know you can dry your Limelight blooms by letting the water in the pitcher evaporate? The blooms should retain their color and the petals will feel papery when they are fully dried. I’m looking forward to your next journey with those cute Property Brothers. I saw that Kim Myles will be on the trip also. Love her! I’ll be watching Instagram for your photos. Vikki in VA

    • No, I didn’t know that…thanks for that tip, Vikki! I’m so not ready for this trip, between working on technical blog stuff all week…ugh. I better get cracking!

  5. You collecting italian-made or styled dishes for years shows just how much you had longed to visit Italy. And all your souveniers add so much warmth–sweet tablescape.

  6. Just beautiful and very creative, Susan. I love the way you combined your treasures from Italy with pretty colorful plates from Home Goods and TJ Maxx. Great job, thank you for sharing. And thanks once again for hosting Tablescape Thursdays. God bless.

  7. I love the stacked dishes Susan! As always, everything is just gorgeous and goes together so well. The Ceramisia plates are perfect…I just wish I could find a retailer for them in the US. Any ideas? Thank you for hosting this wonderful party each week:) Christine

  8. What a pretty tablescape! I didn’t purchase any dishes while in Italy and have been kicking myself ever since. Next time I know not to overpack so I have room for more souvenirs. Did find some beautiful Italian pieces in HomeGoods recently. We have a Limelight hydrangea and love it. It’s in bloom now. Also have one called Firelight that we ordered via mail order. It blooms white, but the petals slowly turn a beautiful red. Still love following your blog, Susan. Would love to meet you in person one day as we have so much in common. Thanks again for helping to promote ovarian cancer awareness!

    • Terri, I know it’s not quite the same as buying them in Italy but it’s amazing how many dishes you can find online and in the stores that are actually made there. I know I overpacked so it was a struggle bringing things back…thank goodness for my carry-on bag! The Firelight hydrangea sounds wonderful! I’ll have to check those out. Thanks, Terri! Hope we do get to meet in person one day!

  9. Phylis Parsons says

    I’m sitting here drooling, over you sunflower dinner plates. I would seriously love to have some of those. I don’t remember seeing your pergola.My contractor is about finished building mine. I can’t wait to decorate it. Have a wonderful day.

  10. I envy your beautiful hydrangeas. I tried growing some here, but the oppressive heat of Texas is just too much for them it seems. Your table is lovely. I so enjoy all the bright and happy colors and scenes of Italy!

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  11. bobbi duncan says

    Hi, Susan. Your pretty table setting makes me feel like I’m in Italy at a fancy restaurant…wish I were LOL! Love how you coordinated all the pieces, too. Our birdies love the different varieties of suet, the blueberry being a favorite for most of them. Know you will have an amazing cruise, and I’m anxious to see all the pictures. We just returned home from our vacation in Branson, MO, shared with all our kids and the adorable two year old Grandson, Dylan. We rented a big cabin in the surrounding mountains that was just lovely. Went to Silver Dollar City with it’s best- rated USA Xmas light displays…WOW!…really over the top. You’ll have to check it out , if you haven’t already done so. Would make a great get-away trip over the holidays. Safe voyage and hugs.

  12. I love your table setting. It is so beautiful and very Italiano!!! I love the little hen dishes. They are too cute and really different. Your table is beautiful. Now for some hot, crusty bread, cheese and wine! I will be right over!!! Love the Bluebird. We do not get them here or if we do, I have never seen one. How sweet to have them at your home. I am going to try a hydrangea next spring and see if I have better luck. I have killed two. If the 3rd one doesn’t make it, then I will quit. Ciao!

  13. Marlene Stephenson says

    Love all your beautiful dishes and your Italian ones you brought back,so glad they made it.

  14. I love all the layers and the olive oil dispenser is on my list of must-haves.

  15. What beautiful colors your Italian pottery has. Prefect for warming up a cold day! Cute little bird too! I wish I could grow Hydrangea out here in Las Vegas. Always a treat to see your tablescapes!

  16. Susan, no one does a pretty table like you! I know you cherish your Italian pieces! Btw we have the same little light shades! ; )

  17. Very pretty, Susan! I love the look of Italy…Christine

  18. pam ~ crumpety cottage says

    Susan, you did very well with the souvenirs! I’m actually surprised you were able to get so many things in your bags to take home, lol. I love the countryside scenes depicted on all your Italian ceramics. So bucolic and pretty.

    And I don’t remember ever seeing those square sunflower plates in a table scape before. Very pretty. I’m not usually a fan of sunflowers (for some reason. I seem to be the only one) but I love those plates. I love the soft green. It makes for such a pretty color combination. Love the roosters salt and pepper, as well. You are too much. So many goodies tucked away under the eaves. 🙂

    You know, when we first had a landscape architect draw up a plan for our yard, I told him, I don’t like hydrangeas. !!! I must have had my head examined because I changed my mind. Actually, I spotted some All Summer’s Beauty sky blue hydrangeas and was mesmerized. After that, we started having hydrangeas planted and boy, do I love them. No fuss, no muss, bloom seemingly for half the year. They are AWESOME!!! Now I just need you to do some sort of tutorial on what can be done with all the big beautiful blooms when they finally do start to fade.

    We’re having incredible autumn weather here. I hope it’s headed your way.

  19. I love the eclectic look of your Italian country table Susan, the plate stack is fabulous! Love your new treasures too~ thanks for the fun today!

  20. Jane Franks says

    I love the way you mix your wonderful finds from Italy with your great bargains from TJ Maxx and Marshalls, Susan! I love this table setting! I have some similar pieces with a Provence theme from T.J. Maxx, too, and I’m getting those out for Thanksgiving! Thanks for the great ideas!! Love your limelight hydrangea, too. My pink faded to tannish white is still blooming, too!!

  21. I’m crazy about the limelight hydrangeas not only because they are so pretty when they are cut but because they dry so nicely. As always, your table is a delight.

  22. What treasures you have brought home! I like the way you put everything together and oh, those green hydrangeas! Swoon!

  23. Beautiful table, Susan!!! Your purchases from Italy are gorgeous as well as the pieces you got at HG that were made in Italy! I linked up but don’t see it, so am hoping it is there??? Thanks agin for hosting.

  24. Beautiful table with all the colors and flavors of Italy!!

  25. Hi, Susan,
    Love your table! I have a real soft spot for colorful plates like the ones you highlighted today! How could you make a decision about which gorgeous ceramic pieces to buy while you were in Italy? I would have ended up with a container ship filled with things!! Your table is so much fun. Love, love , love your dish stack. The whole atmosphere is warm and welcoming. A treat to see, as always.
    PS How did you hang up your boxwood wreath on your window? I’d like to hang my Christmas wreath on my bay window but I’m not sure what to use. Thanks.

    • pam ~ crumpety cottage says

      Hi Rosie, in case Susan doesn’t see this, I can tell you that she has a brilliant strategy for hanging her Christmas wreaths on the outside of her windows. She probably used that same technique, here. You can find it by going to the menu, selecting Holiday Home, then Christmas, then Decor .. and then scroll down to How to Hang Wreaths on Exterior Windows. It’s such a good, yet simple idea. Good luck. 🙂

    • It definitely wasn’t easy, especially we were really pushed for time so I had to make spur of the moment decisions.
      Well, I’ve never replaced any of the windows in my home so they are all still wood with wood mullions, so I just nailed a teeny little nail into the mullion. I did that years ago when I hung a wreath there so it was still there. If you don’t have wood mullions, you may be able to use one of those “command hooks” and stick that to the window and hang the wreath from the hook.

  26. GOOD reminder!! Must go pluck the remaining hydrangea blossoms!! Oh, I do miss our bluebirds already. How nice the birds are enjoying your feeder!! franki

  27. I have been subscribed to BNOP for some time, however I have had nothing since 11/12/15. Is there a problem?

    • Hi Nancy, The 12th was the day I changed to using another email service to deliver my blog post updates, and apparently they dropped some of my subscribers. 🙁 I just added your email back and it took it so that means you weren’t subscribed. Sorry that happened. The good news is, you should be all subscribed again so you should start getting blog updates again. Sorry about that glitch, hopefully I won’t be changing email services again any time soon.

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