Welcome to the 264th Tablescape Thursday!
I‘m sharing lots of Halloween inspiration in today’s post starting with this fun display. I encountered this unfortunate fellow just inside my local Pottery Barn store. So what do you think he was reading at the time of his untimely demise? I’m looking forward to your comments!
This table setting from Martha Stewart online would work well for Fall or Halloween. Notice how they turned the platters on the top shelf on their end. I really like it looks and would never have thought to try that.
Another table setting from Martha Stewart…isn’t it amazing how creepy, scary a table can feel just by making everything on it a monotone, eerie blue.
I had to share this solely for the candelabra…what a hoot! I would so want to buy a set if I could find them!
These cute broomstick place cards are from Country Living online. I may just try making some of these. If I do, I’ll post a tutorial. Love the idea!
Sandra, a reader of BNOTP shared some pictures of a Halloween table setting she created in her home that’s really cute and whimsical.
I especially loved how each place setting is different. I bought four of the Trick or Treat plates this year in HomeGoods…so you’ll be seeing those for another Tablescape Thursday sometime soon.
Another fun place setting…love the striped flatware!
Do you see the little ghost peeking out of the orange cup? Fun!
Spider glassware finishes the place setting off just right for Halloween.
The entry table is all set for greeting unsuspecting guests.
I think we had better behave ourselves, lest Sandra turns us all into frogs!
Before you go, don’t forget to tell me what book Mr. Skeleton was reading when he met with his demise. Do you think it was a humorous book and he laughed himself to death? 😉
Can’t wait to hear your answers!
Looking forward to the beautiful tables linked for this week’s Tablescape Thursday!
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Welcome! Thanks for coming to the party!
I think he must have been reading the diet book I need!!!! Something that works super fast!
I just love all the tablescapes! Martha rocks! and I think Mr. Skeleton is reading “The Never-ending Story”……..:)
Susan, I totally agree, about the platters turned on their sides. What a great idea, when you do not have enough space to display them horizontally! All of the tables you featured have wonderful ideas, but I like the one Sandra did the best – so creative. Also, I think the skeleton was reading an O. Henry book – I could laugh myself to death reading “Ransom of Red Chief”!
Love the Halloween inspiration Susan! I’m ready for a Happy Haunting!
Love Sandra’s table I’m getting in the a halloween spirit!
Such wonderful inspiration Susan! I love those broomstick place cards, too! I bought one of those trick-or-treat plates at HomeGoods this year and now it’s hanging on the wall in my kitchen. So cute!
Hi Susan,
Thank you for hosting . I had a couple of visitors to the garden that live near you and know you ….. small world!
I think he was reading Edgar Alan Poe. Scary, Scary !
I’ve always loved that Martha Stewart “platters” tablescape! Such soothing colors…
I love the ideas for Halloween Tablescape!!! So creative and so much fun. I think your Skeleton died reading “Grey’s Anatomy” ( The textbook that most medical school’s use for Gross Anatomy…that is where the television show got its’ name!!! Having stifled anatomy I can tell you first hand…it could put you ten feet under easily)!!! Have a Happy Halloween and a Boo..t…ful day!!!
Edgar Allan Poe. Please excuse the typo.
The skeleton is reading “Funny Bones “. Love all the Halloween decor. This is just such a fun time of year. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Susan, thanks for hosting another wonderful party for us. For the past few weeks I am having trouble adding my link to the party. An error keeps appearing saying I don’t have a backlink to your party but I always have a backlink within my post. I am not sure why the error keeps appearing….Today I have added my link despite the error and I hope that’s ok. I have a backlink in my post as well. Thanks, once again! Hugs, Poppy
Sandra’s Halloween table and décor is so much fun. She has so many great H’ween tablescaping items, and I love the way she put them all together. How fun is that entry table! A lot of Halloween inspiration at Sandra’s house. Thank you for sharing it and all of the other inspiration in this post. I think Mr. Bones was reading a book entitled “The Shocking Life and Death of a Voracious Reader”. laurie
He was reading the new Bridget Jones Mad About The Boy!! His death came when he read the shocking part!!!
Hi…….Love the decorating of your BNOTP banner…very nice.!!
your readers table is nice as well..love the buckets of treats by each place setting..I’m somewhat surprised Martha’s isn’t nicer :/ the pumpkins sitting in the bowls isn’t very Martha like to me..I love those silver pumpkins at Pottery Barn too..wonder what he’s reading..something about scaring little kids by the way he’s laughing.!!
I’ve been searching the net for some cockeyed candelabra, too, with absolutely no luck. If you find some, please post the source!
I’ve always loved Martha Stewart’s creativity (or that of her staff) and the blue table is no exception. Yesterday I almost bought four pumpkin plates, but they were just too expensive, even at half price. Maybe they will get reduced more before Halloween! Thanks for hosting this wonderful party.
So much inspiration here. I could be busy round the clock using some of the ideas I find here. Mr. Bag O Bones must have laughed himself silly reading a ghost story.
Oh I love it all! The best part is your banner. I can’t imagine that is you flying overhead on a broom. 🙂
Sandra’s tablescape is awesome. I love the creepiness of this post and I love Martha Stewart’s all white table….Christine
I don’t know what book he’s reading, but he seems to be really enjoying it! Thanks for all the wonderful Halloween photos, I just LOVE Halloween!
Hi, Susan,
Having just started a diet my mind is on food, so I’m sure your skeleton friend is reading a recipe book and thinking, “Maybe I overdid my calorie counting a bit!” Thanks for the decorating inspirations.
Love the idea about turning the platters on their sides! Such a simple solution if you don’t have enough space, or even if you do, it adds height and dimension.
I think he was reading 50 Shades…
Perhaps Mr. skeleton was reading the Book of Spells and chanted it incorrectly and caused his own untimely demise!!!
Love all the Halloween inspiration. Martha Stewart really knows how to “do” Halloween and so do you!
Finally I get to join in on Tablescape Thursday! I think Mr. skeleton is reading something that bored him to death (rim shot) LOL. Thanks for hosting Susan.
Love Halloween and all the great ideas, especially the broomstick place cards. Think our skeleton, to be very literary, is a sales clerk who sat too long on his lunch break reading “Death of a Salesman,” by Arthur Miller. (Or perhaps The Hunger Games.)
The guy at the top? “Fifty Shades of Dead.”
The skeleton is reading: ” How to save money by going without eating so you can buy EVERYTHING you have your eye on at Pottery Barn”. He wanted so much that he starved to death! Loved Sandra’s table! 🙂
Mr. Bones was reading the Pottery Barn catalog and the prices scared him to death!
Scary stuff Susan!! 🙂 I think Mr. Skeleton was reading *For whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee*…Ernest Hemingway!!
I love Sandra’s tablescape. I would love to see the rest of her house – it looks like it might be a historic home from the door mouldings and chair rail. Is that a glimpse of a Halloween tree under the stairs in the hall? It looks like a very warm, cozy and inviting home. I have definitely become more observant when looking at photos since reading your blog! (thanks for that) Maybe Mr. Bones was reading an anatomy book but died before he found his ailment! LOL
Thanks so much. Yes, the house was built in 1833 and that is a Halloween tree under the stairwell. Halloween is just about my favorite holiday and we love decorating this old house with lots of spooky things!
Gotta be reading Jeff Foxworthy or Lewis Grizzard!
There are some wonderful and definitely unique ideas there Susan! Thanks for hosting…this was my first party:-)
I love that Martha Stewart table! Thanks for hosting!
Hi Susan,
LOVE the ideas in this post…. and I’ve never seen blue look so terrifying.
As for Mr. Skeleton, clearly he was reading that huge new-ish Martha Stewart “Entertaining” book — because all of those tablescapes in that book are TO DIE FOR.
Sorry, can’t resist.
Happy October!
Beautiful how you incorporated items from your wedding day. Happy Anniversary!
I was shopping in Ross’ Dept. Store tonight and saw some black candlelabras in their Halloween display. Think they were on sale too!
Thanks for the heads up. I do have some from a thrift store. The ones in the pics just cracked me up because of the curvy shape…perfect for Halloween. 🙂
Oh wow, such amazing Halloween decorations and tablescapes from Martha. I’m not even inspired this year, I don’t know what to make for Halloween, lol! Thank you for this terrific party dear Susan. Have a great weekend.
I betcha he is reading The Raven story to the friend sitting on his shoulder:) What fun, except for the snakes, I am scared to death of them, even rubber ones:( Thanks so much for the inspiration, Happy October and Friday!!
I love this Halloween inspiration. My family has always gone all out for Halloween, and thanks to these ideas I can continue the tradition.
Susan, I’m just now getting the chance to comment on this post. I love this! So many different Halloween looks. I’m generally such a traditionalist, but I absolutely love, love, love that blue table scape and pumpkins look. It’s like you said, it looks so eerie, even though those are actually pretty shades of blue. It looks cool, and chilling. And I also love Martha’s very subdued table and display hutch. Very calming. Then there’s Rupert (as I have dubbed him) using the tiniest ladle I have ever seen to fill an equally tiny pumpkin, lol. Love the sheer black table skirt. The brook stick place cards are adorable. I hope you’ll figure them out and share. Hee. And then Sandra’s table is so detailed, with so much to see. I’m so glad you pointed out the little ghost peeking out of the mug because I think I would have missed him. There was another with a pumpkin. Did you see it? Lol.
And silver pumpkins? Never would have thought of that, but they actually looked very cool. Thanks for another great post. And btw, I don’t know what Mr. Skeleton was reading. It does look like he was laughing though. Or maybe his jaw was dropped because he’d seen something scary (scarier than him) lol. Maybe he was reading about The Legend of Sleep Hollow and saw the headless horseman coming for him. Eek. I love this time of year! 😀
🙂 The suggestions everyone had are sooo clever! Martha’s table is so pretty…very understated and just right.
Hi Susan – I just saw black candelabras at Homegoods this past week. I live near Tampa, Fl. I don’t know if that helps you. But I love all the table settings. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks, Irene…so nice of you to think of that. I have some I purchased in a thrift store a few years back…I just liked the silly wobbly shape of those in the pic. Wonder if they just took a tall candelabra and bent it.
What a LOVELY post:) your blog Is SO inspiring and I always leave here with a smile.
Check out my blog….with lots of cute Swedish decor inspiration:)
Have a great weekend dear
LOVE Maria at inredningsvis – inredning it’s, Swedish for decor 🙂
What a LOVELY post:) your blog Is SO inspiring and I always leave here with a smile.
Check out my blog….with lots of cute Swedish decor inspiration:)
Have a great weekend dear
LOVE Maria at inredningsvis – inredning it’s, Swedish for decor 🙂
Martha’s tables are very nice. Sandra’s Halloween tablescape is spot on. All of the elements for a spectacular fun and spooky tablescape and a fun and spook-tacularly decorated home. What’s more, I am pretty sure Sandra did not have a team of experts designing this table and nor did she have an unlimited corporate bankroll. Kudos to Sandra!! Thank you for hosting Susan. I love the holidays at Tablescaping Thursday. So many inspirations, so little time.
Thanks so much Candy. You are right about my budget-very thrifty. Almost everything has been bought on sale over the years-a lot came from the Dollar Tree, Dollar General, TJ Maxx, HomeGoods, Marshall’s, Ross, Michael’s, Tuesday Morning, Steinmart , Good Will and other thrift stores as well as gifts from friends.. I rarely pay retail for anything but some of the dishes did come from EBay.
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.