House Finches Nest in Door Basket

Welcome to the 26th Metamorphosis Monday! I am also participating this Monday in Price My Space, a blog party hosted by Nesting Place…that post immediately follows this Met Monday post.

I have a special metamorphosis going on at my house this week…right here on the front porch. It’s a little hard to see from there, so come on over here near the front door.

You’re getting warmer, just a little closer and I think you’ll see it…

Down there…way down in the daisies…do you see it?

I guess this could be called the “Before” picture, although the “Before, Before” pic was this basket of daisies, minus a nest. 🙂

Are you wondering who might be responsible for this new decoration to my front door?

I was, too. So I waited patiently by the window…watching, and here’s what Mom and Dad look like. They are either House Finches or Purple Finches…I’m thinking maybe, House Finches. (Picture compliments of Wikipedia)

Last Wednesday, I went out through my garage…I don’t dare use the front door these days. 🙂 I walked around the house, went up onto the porch and peeped in. I hurriedly took a couple of pics before Mom got back and caught me so close. Do you see the sweet babies? It was bit dark down in there, so it was hard to get a great pic. If you look closely, though, you can see a baby’s face. His beak is pointing toward us and you can see the large round whitish areas/rings where his little eyes are…but they aren’t open yet.

They barely have any feathers, but you can just see the start of the burgundy/purple color on one of them. Not sure what condition my basket of flowers will be in when this metamorphosis is all done…LOL…but I’m just tickled it has provided a brief home for such a sweet metamorphosis.

Looking forward to seeing the changes you’ve been working on for this Metamorphosis Monday!

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  1. Pat@Back Porch Musings says

    Wren's built nests in our front door basket a few times. We didn't use the front door during that time. Instead, we looked through the glass of the door and watched the progress. I have some photos somewhere, from one year. It was so neat. We have a wren on the back porch, these days. She likes the big white birdhouse.

  2. That is the sweetest little nest! I can't believe you even found it. How precious is that!?
    Thanks for hosting Met Monday! I hope you'll come by and say hi. 🙂 Have a great week!

  3. carolinajewel says

    That is so cute! Your own little nest on your wreath!!!! Thanks so much for sharing and thanks for hosting Met Monday!!! 😀 Jewel

  4. What a fun surprise. I have seen the birds making nests in the most unusual places this year. Fun to watch. Great post. Hugs, Marty

  5. How funny! I thought at first that you had put a fake nest in there but a real one is even better.

    How sweet of you to work it out so you don't use the door anymore so they can raise their babies. I love birds too and we had a mocking bird nest in our bushes for the longest time and I was able to take pictures of them every few days as they grew. It was so wonderful to watch.

  6. Blondie's Journal says

    I thought it was an artificial nest and eggs at first!! How sweet!

    It is said that when a bird builds a nest on your house, that is a sign that love is inside…

    I hope these little guys come back year after year for you, Susan!!


  7. Oh, how sweet!

    I just have to warn you … First of all, its good that you aren't using the door. We had birds on a wreath last year and mom abandoned the nest because we were around too much. It was unavoidable that we use another entrance. It was so sad. Second, you will need to throw that beautiful basket away unfortunately. The birds left quite a mess of … well, you can imagine. We actually still have to repaint the door because it was sucha mess that it damaged the paint.

    Your front door is gorgeous!

  8. That is just The sweetest thing ever! Best Metamorphoisis!

  9. prof en retraite says

    Hi Susan! How cute! I had house finches build a nest on the slope of my downspout last year and the nest stayed there until our hail storm this Spring! It was so much fun to see them grow. I hate to tell you but they got HUGE before they left the nest! lol Thanks for the vote! I have been voting for you, too! Have a great week!…hugs…Debbie

  10. I doubt anyone can top yours! I guess Mrs Finch wanted in on the blog post!……Jo

  11. mustard seeds says

    oh, how cute. It looks like you put it there. so sweet.

  12. Jadehollow says

    They are so cute.. I have the same ones build in my ferns each year.. Jeff calls them Purple House Finches. They have really beautiful eggs.. love the color. This year I tried to keep them out of the ferns.. cause in the Ga heat I have to water them daily.. Sorry to tell you this.. but they are probably the messiest of nesters 🙁 They are the only ones I've seen that don't carry off their poop. They use it to build a wall around the top of the nest.. higher and higher.

  13. Chris@Cats On My Quilts says

    I have had amny a nest built in a hanging basket at my house. And I beleive those are purple finches. We get a lot of those in NH.

  14. Susan, reading your post reminded me of this post on another blog that I read, but it had another outcome. You've got to read this:

  15. Joan@anythinggoeshere says

    My first link is wrong. I just got back from doing a show and I am alittle loopy.

  16. Peg @ Bloomfield Farm says

    What a sweet post! I loved your basket of flowers on the door so much that I made a similar one for mine. Obviously, I'm not the only one who thinks they're pretty. Those birds picked that spot for a reason! Too bad my basket won't get any nesters; it's on a screened porch.

    I do love those tassels. The winner picked a lovely one!

  17. Sandi@ My Yellow Door says

    Hi Susan,
    LOVE the tassel! Congratulations to the winner! And I LOVE your bright red door! The basket of daisies is very charming and welcoming; especiallt with that darling little nest of eggs in it. Thanks for sharing and enjoy your week.


  18. Oh Susan I just love those little precious eggs. I am like you and just loooooove little birds. They are natures reminders of how things can work in such a simple way, I always enjoy all of your post but the ones on birds are favorites of mine, hugs, Kathysue

  19. Your little visitors are so sweet! Your porch is great and I love the basket! SO did their mom huh!
    Hugs, Lisa

  20. A Stitch In Thyme says

    Well now, doesn't that just trump all of the meto's for the week. Yep I'd say yours take the cake. How sweet is that? they made themselves right at home amongst the daisies. Precious.

  21. Susan… I'd say your finches have great taste! and they picked the right lady who won't use her fron door until the babies have flown the nest… great post!

    have a beautiful week!

  22. What a sweet thing to be able to witness every day. A real birds nest nestled among your flowers!

  23. tales from an oc cottage says

    Oh my gosh!!!! That is THE cutest thing I have ever seen!!!!

    m ^..^

  24. Suzanne in TX says

    Susan-what a great MM post! That is just too amazing. Thanks so much for taking those pictures for us to enjoy in the experience.
    Thanks to for hosting such a fun event each week.
    My best to you and yours! S in TX

  25. Awwwwww! How cool! What clever birds that's a great place for a nest LOL. So cute!

    All the best,

  26. That is a true metamorphosis!
    I have a wreath on my front night I opened the door and something flew past me. I wasn't sure if it was a bat or a bird that had been resting in the wreath..It took us an hour to get the bird out…and you know there is that old superstition that if a bird flies in your house there will be a death…Well, it nearly gave me a heart attack, but I survived!

  27. inner_child says

    What a sweet nest! How amazing to be graced by the finches choosing your daisies for a nesting place!

  28. Glenda/MidSouth says

    Awww! Thanks for sharing. I know someone who had to stop putting a wreath on her door, because a bird would build it's nest in it and she had problems gettting in and out of her home and had to use a back entrance several weeks each Spring.

  29. blushing rose says

    Congrats to the winner!

    Love the bird pics. We have gone thru the same thing so NOT to disturb them. I don't know if you read the 2 blogs in June where DH rescued the baby birds that fell out of the nest … anything for a bird, we'll do.

    Love that basket w/the nest, what a beautiful display.
    TTFN ~ mMarydo

  30. The Bloom Girls says

    Oh, how awesome! This is a sweet Met Monday!! Have a great week Susan!

    The Bloom Girls

  31. Blue Creek Home says

    That is so so sweet! I didn't think we would ever get to the surprise…I actually squealed when I finally saw the little nest.

  32. ButterYum says

    Oh how precious! How lucky you are!!!

  33. Michelle@Fromhousetohome says

    They are going to be so cute when they get a little bigger! How fun, make sure you take some more pics if mama bird lets you. 🙂

  34. Hi Susan,
    Such a lovely thing! I can see why they want to nest in your beautiful arrangement! That little nest is the cutest thing, Cindy

  35. abeachcottage says

    hi Susan

    how sweet is this! surprised me, I thought it wasn't real

    thanks for hosting met monday, I've just been visiting everyone, wow some great stuff out there in blogland today!


  36. The Lazy Peacock says

    Hi Susan-
    I love your red door, and the nest is too cool.
    I just came across your blog and just love it, especially the metamorphosis monday's.
    Glad to have found you!

  37. Oh, they are so cute, Susan. I am surprised their beaks aren't open cause everytime I look at baby birds who just hatched, they always have their beaks wide open, waiting for food, I guess.What a great place for them to hatch….Christine

  38. Hi Susan – my mom is petrified of birds and she sort of passed that down to me and my sister. We're not nearly as bad as she is, but birds are not one of our fav things – sorry. I think your pics are very sweet though!! Seeing your front door always makes me smile!!

    I joined in another Met Monday – I've just been busy, busy the last couple of weekends now – don't know what's gotten into me!

    Thanks for hosting these – Happy Monday!

  39. Tamara Jansen says

    Uh oh, you're making me feel guilty. We had birds trying to build a nest in our porch and I kept knocking it down with a hockey stick because I didn't want the mess 🙁 Next time I will remember how cute the nesting birds can be!

  40. Melissa Miller says

    How sweet are they Susan!
    Great idea for a MM! 🙂

  41. Susan! How sweet is that?? At least outdoor life can thrive in your climate. We are getting baked to death here in the OVEN… 110-115 this last few days!! Thanks for the sweet peek at the birdies!

  42. TRICIA @boutellefamilyzoo says

    Hi Susan.
    That bird's nest is magical. How wonderful to be able to witness those babies up close.
    Lucky you!
    I joined in on the fun today.
    Thanks for hosting.

  43. Cottage Rose says

    Hello Susan; Wow how sweet they are, and what a lovely little home they have in your beautiful basket. They must feel so safe there.. Isn't that supposed to mean good luck or something,,, any way love it…


  44. Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) says

    What a beautiful nesting place they chose..Wonder how long they will stay around?? Thanks for sharing..hugs ~lynne~

  45. Morning T says

    So precious- I love it!

  46. cedwards55 says

    The ultimate Met Monday. The word must be out even in Birdland that you are a great hostess. I know you'd have chopped worms for them, if you thought they'd eat them!

  47. Susan,
    What a fun post. That's so neat that they chose your daisies to build their nest. Thanks for sharing.

  48. Fifi Flowers says

    What a beautiful door they picked to nest! ADORABLE!!!

  49. Diane @ Four Paws and Co says

    Ahhhh, this is just too sweet! ☺♥☺ diane

  50. Anonymous says

    I just love when God decorates things…..who can beat that! Darling little birdies. If you want to save nests to take in the house to use in decorating (I do). Just microwave them to kill any bugs in them….not too long though, you don't want to catch them on fire!

  51. Anonymous says

    Correction…..I did mean to save the nests AFTER the babies are gone of course! Didn't want anyone to think I was merciless! Toni

  52. Ashley @ AshleysBusy says

    AAwww, That is such a neat place to find a nest, right on your front door!! Those are definitely House Finches. They are on of the most popular birds at my office window feeder and they are very chatty with each other. Have a great week and keep those birdies safe 🙂

  53. I would have expected all finches to be yellow! Tells you how much I know about birds !Now I know how to distinguish the female and male in cardinals..what about in finches? Which is the female? Gosh, that calls for a lookup on internet I guess or ask my husband to get his bird book out. My dear MIL used to have visitors like this every Spring when she put hanging baskets out on her carport. It was like the birds waited for her hanging basket of flowers and they swooped down and started building within a few days. Used to make Mom so mad because they couldn't sit out and enjoy the carport then.

  54. lambie-pie says

    Little birdies nesting in your decorations- that is the sweetest thing! We had a robins nest on my back porch last year, it was fun for my kids to watch.


  55. What a fantastic post!!! I LOVE pics of nests/baby birds. Thanks for sharing these adorable pics!

  56. its so very cheri says

    This is my firs time to post a Metamorphosis. What sweet little babies. In one of our homes we had the same Mama robin that would come back every year and make her nest under our deck. Our kids were always so excited to go look at them and see them hatch and then grow. Who knows your visitor may come back year after year is she feels like she found a safe haven and I think she has.

  57. Christi @ A Southern Life says

    I love the little finches. They are so sweet and how blessed you are to get to see them go from egg to flying. Wonderful post!


  58. Flower Patch Farmgirl says

    What a beautiful front door! And I'm obviously not the only one who thinks so. 🙂 I always feel a certain kind of honor when a mama bird makes her home at my home.

  59. Donna@designson47thstreet says

    Susan, that is just a precious nest that has been added to your door decor! I'm glad you didn't tear it down as so many people do. Sweet little bundles of feathers! 🙂

    I just discovered yesterday that goldfinches are nesting in a tree in my front yard. I'm thrilled!

    I hope you'll stop by 47th Street today. I'm participating in Met Monday. Thanks so much for a fun opportunity!!


  60. What a great little place for a nest.

  61. The Pleasures of Homemaking says

    How sweet! I see those fuzzy babies! What a great place of their nest!


  62. Yellow Rose Arbor says

    I enjoyed seeing the little birds and nest in your beautiful daisy basket! I posted about a similar situation on my blog about a week ago, but my door wreath "guests" weren't near as sweet — it was a wasp nest!!!


  63. squawmama says

    OMG Susan what a wonderful post… I love the sweet little birds… How lucky to have that on your little basket to watch… Very sweet!


  64. Wow! I've never seen anything like this. What a wonderful surprise!

  65. Laura Ingalls Gunn says

    We had a mother hummingbird nest in our outdoor patio chandelier not once but twice. She finally got used to me walking by, etc.
    We loved the experience. Except for the scrubbing of the droppings. 🙂

  66. Richella says

    I can't believe you got photos of the eggs and the babies!! This is wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing that little miracle with us. 🙂

  67. This is my first time joining the party. I'm happy to be here!
    Thanks for being such a wonderful host!

  68. Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions says

    Angela does great tassels! I ordered one after reading about her on the Design Ties Tassel giveaway, and I just love mine!

  69. Design Junkie says

    That nest is so perfect, at first I thought it was artificial.

  70. Mary Ellen (megardengal) says

    How sweet of those birds to make their nest so close so you can have fun watching those babies grow up!! Always enjoy MET Monday especially this week as I am still under house arrest (that's what I call the Dr. orders) after my rattlesnake bite a few weeks ago! I am enjoying all the Met entries and have an even longer list of projects I want to do now!!


  71. I just showed my husband the pictures from your blog and he said they are house finches, and "I think" he said the one with the red breast is the male(?) Be sure to handle that nest with rubber gloves on when you lift it from your arrangement. One time, a family of birds decided to build a nest inside of the kitchen exhaust fan that was on the outer kitchen wall at my sister-in-law's house. She ended up with mites or lice all through her house and had to get an exterminator to come in because of it.

  72. Who wouldn't want to move in at your place, inside or out. Even the birds can see it is a great place to be.

  73. How precious is it to find a bird nest in your front door basket!

  74. Oh my goodness! Sooo cute! 🙂 We have some little, baby birds up in our roof line and they aren't quite ready to leave the nest yet, so we get to hear them every day! Very sweet!! But having a nest, then eggs, then baby birds in the daisies on your front door – that's about the cutest thing yet! What a treat!

    Thanks for sharing! And thanks for hosting the party and letting us participate!

    ~Karla @ It's The Little Things…

  75. Oh Susan, how sweet this little nest is! And how sweet you are for going out and in another door while they nest!

  76. Oh Susan, how sweet is that. Reminds me of the little baby finch I rescued last week – they are the cutest little things! How fun for you to have been part of this miracle on your front porch.


  77. So precious. What clever little Finches as not only did they choose a pefect neighbourhood to live in but also the best home on the block to 'set up nest'. Hugs -Brenda-

  78. Susan, I just noticed that you have 1001 Followers! Congratulations on breaking the 1000 mark! That's quite an achievement …. and you deserve every single one of us (and more!)!!!!

    Thank you for inspiring us all.
    Cheers to Susan!!!

  79. It is amazing the places birds choose to build their nests. How cool you were able to capture this!

  80. The Quintessential Magpie says

    Awwwwwwwww, Susan! I love this post. That is such a sweet surprise! Aren't tiny little bird's fun??? We used to have a bunch of tiny birds that would inhabit our hedge. They would sing and sing after a rain. Just darling. Unfortunately, my neighbor's kitty scared them all away. He started stalking them.

    But we get migrations of finches sometimes that are amazing!


    Sheila 🙂

  81. The bird nest & birdies are just too cute. I guess I should look at my flower arrangement on my door a little closer. It's so nice that you are not using the front door right now as to not disturb them.

  82. laurie @ bargain hunting says

    You mut use your front door as infrequently as we use ours. Amazing! What fun to watch. They knew whose house to pick – the word must have spread among the birds that a real bird lover lives in this house! laurie

  83. So sorry for the mix up. My link didn't go to the right blog (I have 2 of them). I will try to get this figured out. Thanks. I really enjoyed the pictures of the birds. The same thing happened in the wreath on my front porch. Shirley at Creative Home Decorating!

  84. So Happy that I googled this and found out that I’m not the only home owner that has a house finch nest on their front door wreath!
    So not looking forward to the clean up after our guests leave!

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