How To Find the Center of a Ceramic or Clay Saucer

Things are looking very purplie around here, Dahlia purple to be exact. I’ve finished painting the potting bench, now I just to need to assemble it. I’ll start work on that this evening.

Sherwin-Williams Dahlia


Today I’ve been shopping for the supplies I need for another little project, one I think you’re going to really like. You would think the potting bench project was enough to having going on at one time, right? lol This one is somewhat related and too cute to not try.

I know the little tutorial I’m sharing today is going to seem very random, but I promise it’s going to come in handy very soon. So just tuck this info away and when you need it, this post will be here.

How To Find the Center of a Ceramic or Terra Cotta Saucer

Have you ever needed to find the exact center of a circle? I’m going to be drilling a hole into the center of a saucer for a little DIY project, so I went searching online for the best way to find the center of a round circle.

How to find the center of a terra cotta saucer


All the directions I found online sounded time-consuming and complicated, involving drawing various lines or chords, using a carpenter’s square, and marking up my saucer. I thought about it a bit and came up with a method that was much easier for my needs.

To begin, I cut off a small piece of wrapping paper. Any paper will do but it needs to fairly strong like wrapping paper.

How to find the center of a clay saucer


Next I started pressing the paper into the saucer. I was finding this a pain to do at first, but finally realized it was because I had way too much paper.

How to Steps to find center of clay saucer


So I cut the paper down to a smaller, more manageable piece and this process went much better.

Find Center of Clay Saucer


After I had pressed the paper down into the saucer and run my fingers around and around the inside edge several times, I took a dull pencil and traced out the inner edge of the paper.

Don’t use a sharp-pointed pencil for this part because it would be very easy to pierce the paper accidentally. A dull pencil works much better. Also, I wouldn’t use a Sharpie or marker because if the paper tears, you could get permanent marks on your saucer. Again, a dull pencil works best for this because if the pencil should accidentally pierce the paper, pencil marks are easy to erase.

Find Center of a terra cotta saucer


Next, cut out your round circle of paper.

Easy way to find center of terra cotta clay saucer


Fold the paper circle in half.

Easy way to find the center of clay saucer


Then fold it in half, once again.

Best way to find center of a clay saucer


Open it up and place it back inside your saucer. I couldn’t hold mine down and take this photo, but once I pressed it down, it fully and evenly filled out the space.

Best way to find center of a saucer


Next, I took a pencil with a sharp, pointed tip, and holding the paper in place, I pressed down on the center of the paper with the pointed tip of the pencil and drew a dot in the center where all the folds came together.

You could stick a pin through the center where the folds meet, scratching the saucer underneath, but I just pressed firmly with the sharp point of the pencil, circling around and around until the sharp point wore through the paper.

Once it poked though the center, I created a dot on the saucer underneath. (Again, I couldn’t hold the paper down and take the photo, but hopefully you get the idea.)

How to find center of a saucer


There it is, the center of my clay saucer! You may want to save your templates in case you want to reuse them again.

I can’t wait to share this little project with you if all goes well. Hope to do that very soon! In the meantime, file this little tip away because I think you’re going to want to use it sometime soon. 🙂

How to find exact center of a clay saucer

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  1. bobbi duncan says

    Smart…very smart! Easy, too. Can’t wait to see the project.

  2. Claire Hallman says

    a paper plate might work well, too.

  3. Susan,
    I absolutely love the potting bench color!! And I can’t wait to see what you are going to create with the the clay pot bottom 🙂

    • Thanks, Susan! I really like that color, too. Purple is a hard color to pick, I agonized over so many before deciding on Dahlia.

  4. Ugh, all that teasing! Well, guess we just have to wait. Clever tip.

  5. Hi, Susan. This info could be published in a “Hints from Heloise” column! Do you remember that? You are so clever and I appreciate all the little tidbits of info that you pass along. I’m anxious to see what you’re up to…….

  6. Susan,
    I love your color choice for the potting bench ! We all need a little whimsy in our lives !
    Also , I am waiting to see what project is next on your list !
    Thank you for your beautiful blog … I look forward to your stories and pictures every day .

    • That’s what I’m talking about! lol If we can’t go whimsical with a potting bench, not sure when we can. 🙂 Thanks, Donna!

  7. Shannon@Belle Bleu Interiors says

    I can’t wait to see your project!!!

  8. Just keep us in suspense Susan. How are you going to drill the hole in the saucer ? Do you wet the saucer first ? We need details LOL

  9. Marlene Stephenson says

    You have been a very busy person so, thank for taking time out for us and sharing. Another project, can’t wait.

  10. Linda Page says

    I think you have a bit of a mean streak in you!! First you tease us with little glimpses of the progress of your potting table and now you are being mysterious about why you need to find the center of this clay saucer; just feeding us bits and pieces while you string us along!! Yes, ma’am, a mean streak!!! Love the Dahlia color.

    • lol I’m as eager to share them as you are to see them. It’s killing me, too! I’m almost done…so hold on to those horses!

  11. The Dahlia purple turned out really pretty on your potting bench. Can’t wait to see the finished piece.
    Looking forward to seeing what you create with the clay saucer, too!

  12. Oh I just saw a little of the Dahlia color and I LOVE it! Looking forward to the finished product. I know with your style and good design skills it will be absolutely beautiful.

  13. Good idea Susan…. but would have been easier and quicker to flip the saucer over and press the paper over the bottom edge…then cut round the crease!!! I do this when I have to line baking pans. Looking forward to seeing the finished it’s going to be another super project. Where do you get all your energy!!! xxx

    • I’m not sure the base is exactly the same size…the saucers are very curved. This was just as easy to me, pressing it in the center and tracing. Only took a few seconds.

  14. Purple is my favorite color! Are you making a clock?

  15. Sheree Cloyd says

    Susan, I always love your DIY’s!! From crafts to even buying commodes!! lol

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