Kitchen Decorated for Easter

Today I’m sharing some of the fun ways Marie has decorated inside her home for spring and Easter.  Lately, we’ve had such cold weather and rainy days, it was wonderful to be inside her home surround by reminders of springtime.

Let’s start here in Marie’s wonderful kitchen.


Marie created a fun display for her kitchen island.  This is such a great spot to decorate for the seasons and holidays since the kitchen is so much the heart of the home where families naturally gather each day.

Easter Decorations

I’m not sure where Marie found all the bunnies and eggs but the cute yellow chicks are from Pier 1.  They still have those if your home is calling out for some adorable chicks.  I saw them when I stopped in recently to pick up the umbrella I blogged about a couple of days ago.

Easter Decorations 3

The chandelier above also got a bit of whimsy for spring.

Kitchen Chandelier

Marie’s hutch has been transformed, too!

Hutch Decorated for Easter

Hutch Decorated for Easter

It’s the Easter Duck, uh…I mean Bunny!

Easter Duck in Bunny Ears

Remember the white tree Marie decorated in her breakfast area/room for Christmas?  (See that post here:  Tour a Beautiful Victorian Home Decorated for Christmas, Part III


You may also remember how it was decorated for Valentine’s Day in this Valentine’s Day Decorating post.


It looks very different now!  It’s all dressed for spring and Easter in pastels and springtime colors.

Tree Decorated for Easter

The chicks have found their way to the tree, along with bunnies, eggs and green hydrangeas.  Sooo cute!

Easter Tree


Happy Springtime!


Where Marie found some of the cute things she used this year in her decorations:
Hydrangeas: Pier 1
Bunnies on kitchen island: Tuesday Morning
White Porcelain Egg Votive Candle Holders: HomeGoods
Colorful Egg Votives and Ducks: Pier 1
Yellow Chicks: Pier 1

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  1. With snow still falling here, the big beautifully decorated tree reminded me Spring is “just around the corner”

  2. just cats says

    Beautiful home. Loved all the Easter decor. Deb

  3. Love the kitchen decorated for Easter ! So fabulous ! Thank you for giving us the tour 🙂

  4. I just want to see the room where she stores all of this!

  5. Marie, is so talented with all her gorgeous decorations. I could just look at all of them over and over again.
    Thank you Marie and Susan for letting us enjoy such uplifting spring inspiration!

  6. Darling kitchen! and the multi functional use of that corner tree makes it well worth what I’m sure was expensive! those eggs in the urns… hand dyed or purchased?

  7. misspelled name! cauttrell, not cauttre;;

  8. This is just stunning. I love everything, that tree is somethig and that vignette adorable. I love the cabinets and the chandelier in this kichen. Thanks for sharing this with us.


  9. WOW! Absolutely beautiful!! Her Easter tree looks amazing!

  10. Gorgeous kitchen. She is certainly talented with decorating for the seasons, love her bunnies. Thanks so much for sharing!

  11. I hope she has a fabulous dish and storage room that you can share with us!!! Love her Spring decorations. I have done the same thing….minus the tree:):):) I love Spring/Easter and decorating for it. XO, Pinky

  12. Marie’s Spring tree looks wonderful, so much fun and that Easter Duck-Bunny is a hoot!

  13. Wow…now THAT gal loves to decorate! How fun!

  14. Mary from Virginia says

    Marie must be one of the happiest people on earth. Her love of seasonal decorating would put a smile on the saddest of people! Love all her decor and mostly I am jealous of her energy. You go Marie!

  15. carol jane says

    Wow! How beautiful. My granddaughter would love to spend Easter at your house!!!

  16. OMG!

  17. Lovely kitchen.

  18. That kitchen took my breath away!

  19. This was fun. I was not expecting the Easter tree. I bet the children cannot wait to get to her house.

  20. Just beautiful !

  21. Wow! This is so festive! I need to go home and decorate…

  22. OMG!! The kitchen is out of a children’s movie, WOW!!! I adore the kitchen, so whimsical and fun, with so many lovely bunnies and accessories, just like the Easter egg candle holder!! The trees are cute too, but I’m one that ONLY likes C’mas trees..the rest are like a copy, lol.. Thank you for sharing this gorgeous home too, Susan. Have a great week.

  23. Marie R*O*C*K*S x 10! Beautiful. Her kitchen is absolutely drop dead gorgeous. Kitchen Heaven. xo

  24. These decorations are awesome! So cute and festive and they really bring such life to days that have not been exactly spring-like! I’m going out to Pier 1 today and look for some of those cute duckies! Gorgeous kitchen too! Thank you for sharing! Hugs and Happy Easter! Leena

  25. Fabulous as usual. I love the duck in bunny drag!! 🙂 I have a question about the tree. Does it have a permanent lining to which Marie attaches the ornaments?
    I commend her patience and energy, because after I have decorated for Christmas, I am done!!!
    For her grandchildren, it must be like visiting Alice in Wonderland each holiday. What memories they are storing about Grandma’s house!!! It would make a wonderful book.

  26. snowy trees ~ pam says

    Can Marie come to my house to decorate? Oh my goodness! Where does she find the energy (and time?!) Haha. I’d love to be so dedicated to every holiday. (I’m still tired from Christmas!) What a fabulous place she has and what a great friend for you, Susan. I bet you two have lots of fun together. Thanks to you and to Marie for sharing.

    Btw, Susan, did you find the link I left you so you can watch Househunters International? I left it on your touring post of those two beautiful homes in Georgia.

    • Pam, I did…thank you! I bookmarked it but haven’t had a chance to watch yet. I have to make time because it look so interesting! Any particular episode I should check out first?

      • Oh gosh, it’s hard to narrow it down. I personally love the ones placed in The Netherlands (the canals with the houses all around are so lovely. The architecture is beautiful and the city centers and market places are all so inviting) as well as those in rural France. There is one in particular with a big family moving to the French Countryside (six children) and the house they see in Normandy is just incredible. There’s also an episode of a young Minnesotan couple moving to Buckinghamshire, England. She wants to live the Jane Austen lifestyle and immerse herself in all things English. They get to see a couple of pretty cozy English cottages (and I remember being so impressed because they’re so young, he’s not working, and they have a $4,500 monthly housing budget!! Pretty good for someone who looks like she’s still in High School!) There were also a couple of others in France, one in the Burgandy region with a young engaged couple who will be renting. They got to see some really cute and quaint houses. And there’s another with a man wanting to start his own wine label in the Cognac region. The episodes in Paris are wonderful for the scenery, but the apartments are generally disappointing due to their tiny size and outdated features. However, there is one with a couple whose budget is large enough for them to see really impressive, quintessentially “French” apartments ($4 million!) Definitely keep your eye open for that one. There are also some really great ones set in Belgium, Luxembourg, Vienna; Sweden and Switzerland also have some beautiful homes and scenery. Oh, and Italy! There’s a couple who buys an old farmhouse that has been transformed into the most magical place … argh! I’ve got to stop. I’m being no help, lol.

        One thing I”ll mention though – If you haven’t seen anything like this, you may at first be surprised by the seemingly depressing abodes some of our European cousins live in. :o( Tiny, outdated apartments with often comical bathrooms for $400,000! But now I’m used to it and when I see Americans complaining about this or that I think, “Hey, that’s a great space for their standards!” (Americans do come across as spoiled and whiny a lot in these shows I’m afraid.) But they are often just steps from great shops and cafes and surrounded by history and culture, so it’s not all bad. Plus, they ALL seem to have towel warmers, lol.

        Let us know when you get to see some. Knowing how much you love beautiful houses and scenery I’m sure you’ll enjoy the show. Have fun. 🙂

  27. Oh my! The white tree decorated for Easter is just the most fabulous thing! If I find a white tabletop tree at a decent price, I’m going to snap it up and decorate it in a similar way next year! Please tell Marie how inspiring her decorations are and how glad we are that she allows you to photograph and show them!

  28. Judy West says

    I am so happy you are showing Maries house for Easter. I just love to look at her decorating with holidays as I love to do that also. I love your web site and can’t wait everyday to see whats up. Have a great Easter

  29. Wow! I love Marie’s kitchen; her decorations and tree are gorgeous (actually, all three trees were gorgeous!) I love the glow of the pastel lights on her Easter tree – so pretty and soft! Many thanks to you and to Marie for letting us in her beautiful home! 🙂

  30. Julie Camp says

    Over the top!! Just the way I love it. I hope her family supports her joy of life. My husband and son would make fun of me if I decorated like that. I can’t even have a floral sofa 🙁

  31. Marie must be exhausted from all that beautiful decorating! Thank both of you for sharing .

  32. I must say, Mr. Duck is looking very chic(k) in his Bunny attire. ☺ So creative and fun! Thank you both again for sharing. -Brenda-

  33. Hi, I absolutely love seeing all of Marie’s decorations. They are beautiful and well done. I am curious does she have her own website? Would love to visit on a regular basis. I have lived in Georgia all my life and appreciate seeing beautiful home blogs. Thanks again Susan for posting your blog with us. Linda from Ga.

  34. Thank you for sharing these Easter pictures. They are beautiful and inspirational. I so enjoy your blog and website. Looking at your posts are “my” time to look at pretty pictures for relaxation and inspiration. Thank you Susan

  35. Susan, do you know if the white garlands on the cabinet have multi colored or pink or clear lights? I am thinking of investing in some white garlands, and I am trying to figure out what would be my best bet for purchase. The multi are beautiful, but it limits you to what holiday they can be used for- they wouldn’t work for the 4th of july for instance. I am thinking of ordering some online, and want to make the smartest choice. Thank you, I love your blog!

    • Thanks, Donna! I’ll email Marie and ask her for you. She changes out all her decor each holiday so I’m not sure what color lights she went with. Sounds like clear ones would be best if you do want to use it for each holiday…otherwise you’ll have to buy several white garland and string them with different colored lights. The clear or white lights would let you add color in the decorations or other things you use to decorate.

    • Donna, Marie replied back saying, “I buy them unlit and use whatever lights I want for the particular season I am decorating.”

      • Thank you so very much, Susan, for taking the time to email Marie. Great idea, having the white garlands and then changing out the light colors! Thanks again.

  36. Thank you Marie for sharing your beautiful home with us. Every picture is filled with surprises . I hope your Easter is filled with blessings. You are a very special lady.

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