Let’s Go Antiquing!

It’s been ages since you and I went antiquing.  Remember when we used to go on antiquing trips to A Classy Flea? It’s a gorgeous sunny day here so let’s go!

I’m going to be sharing a pretty bedroom makeover for Metamorphosis Monday and it features two beautiful cathedral mirrors, so this one caught my eye. It was $97.

Catherdral Shaped Mirror


Here’s a unique way to make an Adirondack chair, using vintage skis for the back. $95

Adirondack with Ski Back


Vintage scale,  love the green color. $49.95

Antique Columbia Family Scale by Lander, Fray & Clark


Small kitchen island, be great for a smaller kitchen or even a laundry room. $148

Kitchen Island


This teapot cracked me up. Doesn’t he look like something out of Alice in Wonderland? He was priced at $8.50.

Mary Engelbreit Meadow Teapot


Lot of mirrors…



There were also a lot of painted pieces. Forgot to note the price on the sideboard.

French Gray Sideboard


Painted dresser: $269

Blue Painted Dresser


Didn’t see a price on the bed but the paint design was really pretty.

Blue Painted Bed


Pretty Lamp…I’d want to put a real shade on it though. I like the base a lot.



I loved the color of this wicker chair…so perfect for a screened porch or beach cottage: $29

Blue Wicker Chair


Small beachy table, I just love blue and white together: $39

Small Beachy Painted Table


Pretty Cane Bed: $399

Cane Bed


I love the look on the kitty’s face in this picture. He has that, “someone just woke me up” look. $39

Cat on Porch Art


Chest painted “French Grey” $229

French Gray Dresser


Vintage Galvanized Chicken Coop Nesting Boxes with Pull Down Roosts: $129 each

What would you do with these? I’m sure they could be made into something clever.

Galvanized Chicken Coop Nesting Boxes with Pull Down Roosts


Potato Bin: $59.95

Potato Bin


Painted Chest: $289

Blue Painted Chest


Potting bench made with a screen door $249

Potting Bench Made From Screened Door


Rustic Garden Wreath…didn’t get the price

Gardening Wreath


Mary Engelbreit “Meadow” Tea Pot: $28

Mary Engelbreit Meadow Teapot (2)


4-Poster Rice-Carved Bed: $295

4-Poster Bed


Highboy: $229.95



Cute Tulips Sign: $39

Rustic Tulip Sign


Rustic Bird House: $79

Shabby Birdhouse with Tin Roof


Vintage Fan: $28

Vintage Table Fan


Floor Standing Terrarium: $59

Terrarium on Stand


So, did I buy anything? I did, I bought two things. I couldn’t resist this massive book. It’s 1,023 pages long and 3 inches thick. I flipped through it and it has some great pictures and lots of tutorials for just about everything you can imagine. It was $9.95.

The House Book_wm


And remember Mr. Teapot? Once I got home and started putting this post together, I was seriously regretting not getting him. He was only $8.50 and I started thinking about how cute he would look in a future Alice in Wonderland tablescape.

Mary Engelbreit Meadow Teapot


Plus, I kept envisioning him surround by books here in my office. So guess what I did?

Pottery Barn Office with Bedford Furniture


Yep, I went back for him! 🙂

Whimsical Teapot with Face 3


I will no longer be working alone in the office now. I have a smiling friend nearby.  Would you think it odd if I started talking to him while I work? 😉

Whimsical Teapot with Face 2


You may want to start worrying if I mention in a post that he’s talking back! 😉

Whimsical Teapot with Face 1


Thanks for going antiquing with me today. Hope you had as much fun as I did!

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  1. Vicki Daugherty says

    It was fun Susan! But get this…..if I had been along, you wouldn’t have gotten that teapot. It is adorable! So glad you went back for him, at least now I have visiting privileges! Thanks for sharing. Vick in Louisville KY

  2. Hi Susan-
    I love the first picture of the mirror.
    You found so many nice things – Also love the carved rice bed.
    Oh yea – the vintage scale – I am looking for a scale, but in red – I should look around my area – I’m sure we have lots of flea markets in upstate NY.
    Have a great weekend

    • Thanks, Rose! It’s hard to go there and leave empty handed. Hope it’s warming up a bit for you now. Good luck finding your scale, sounds like you will be doing some thrifting/antiquing soon. 🙂

  3. Susan, enjoyed this post SO much..next best thing to actually tagging along. Gotta question for you. I see you love books like I do. How do you keep from buying a book you already own? Doesn’t happen too often but a couple times I’ve purchased a book I already bought!! 🙂

    • It can be a challenge sometimes. I used to keep a flip notebook and on one side I had a list of the books I had by title and on the other side by author. Well, I kept that up for a long time but then got lazy and quit writing them down. Usually, I’m ordering off Amazon so I’ll just check my bookshelves here behind me before I order, if I’m not sure. Before I had all my decorating/design/cooking/gardening/home related books all together on my shelves here in the office, I had a much harder time keeping up with it. Now I can just check the shelves if I’m eyeing a book on Amazon. When I’m out shopping, I won’t buy a book unless I’m positive I don’t have it.

    • Gayle, Wanted to let you know that I’ve discovered there are a gazillion apps out there that you can download to a phone or iPad, etc… to store the names of books you own already. Check out this list: http://appadvice.com/appguides/show/book-cataloging-apps
      Also, if you order off Amazon, they now alert you if you’re looking at a book you already own. Since I buy most of my books from there, that helps me a lot. I just noticed that feature recently and I love it!

  4. Doreen Krajzel says

    Hi Susan;
    Loved this post! I am so glad you went back for Mr. Teapot! I believe I would talk to him all the time and if he answered back I wouldn’t tell a soul!! Love and Hugs, Doreen

  5. Oh wow, I saw so many great things. I loved that highboy and I thought it was an amazing price. Hugs, Marty

  6. I love that teapot. So glad you went back. Why was it so cheap. It reminds me of the clock on Capt. Kangeroo. I also like the polka dot lamp.

    • I’m not sure. He doesn’t have any flaws or chips. Their prices are usually pretty good at A Classy Flea. The dealer in that booth must have gotten it for a great price so didn’t have to mark it up much. The lamp was cute, too! Lots of whimsy!

  7. While reading this post I thought I would ask you to please go back and get that tea pot for me! I’m glad you went back and bought it. I L-O-V-E it. Let me know when you are tired of it and I will be happy to buy it from you. I would have been so tempted to load up my car with goodies from this trip. I will now be on the lookout for tiny metal watering cans so I can duplicate that adorable wreath and how about those two trunks in front of the Rice-Carved bed ~ drool. I like the rug next to the Highboy and those amber glass cups and plates on the chest with the Tetley Ice Tea crock. Go back to Classy Flea soon, I love shopping with you 🙂 Vikki in VA

  8. Love it when you go antiquing, so fun to see in your neck of the woods what is in your stores like A Classy Flea, love seeing it all…can’t help but notice that a lot of the things, have already been made over…when looking over older posts, it was unusual to see things painted and finished…loved the tour and the book and tea pot were both great buys…hope it was a fun day for you…

    • I noticed that today, too…lots of painted pieces. I guess they find a lot of things that aren’t in great shape and make them over before putting them out. Glad you enjoyed the little tour. It was fun, the weather was so beautiful, I couldn’t resist getting out in it for a bit.

  9. Oh Susan! You make me smile.You certainly picked some winners during your browsing. We have many wonderful antique shops here in the Sandhills of North Carolina around Pinehurst and Cameron.
    I noticed among your books you had a Nina Campbell one, she is a fellow Brit and I was introduced to her by my fried Lisa who is an old friend of Nina’s. We were at a luncheon at the Weymouth Center in Southern Pines and Nina was the guest speaker. Her designs are wonderful, especially her wall papers. I love her books and get many ideas from them as well as my old standby Colefax and Fowler.
    I hope your little teapot friend brings you lots of luck and even inspiration with your decorating.Cheers! Gwen.

    • Gwen, it was so funny, when I went back for the teapot, I was mad at myself for not taking my camera because I was seeing more things I had missed and wished I had photographed. This post would have been a mile long, though.
      I love Nina’s books, too! And definitely Colefax and Fowler! 🙂

  10. What fun. I would have been in so much trouble. I thought the prices were very reasonable too. Glad you got the teapot – clearly the best buy.

  11. Isn’t he neat! Fun purchase!

    Thanks for the shopping trip. I always love antiques.

  12. A couple weeks ago we crawled up in the hay mow of one of our barns and got a wooden hog feeder and my husband made it into a cute bench. Love the teapots and I would have had to have them. Now I want to hit some resale and consignment stores. The crocus are blooming in NE KS and it was 71 today. Home Depot had a parking lot full of trees and plants. Thanks for the fun.

  13. I enjoyed the virtual tour! The highly was reasonably priced. My Dad used to say it is ok to talk to yourself as long as you didn’t
    answer yourself!

  14. It’s a good thing we don’t shop togetherm that teapot would have gone home with me! 😉 I might have had to borrow money before we could leave though! LOL

    • I know, that’s a dangerous store to go in, always fun things to see! Mr. Teapot is a hit with everyone today! It’s a good thing I went back, I would really be regretting it now. lol 🙂

  15. Susan, I knew you couldn’t pass up that teapot with your love of hosting Alice tea parties. I would have brought him home too. He looks great on your book shelf. ‘-)
    I’m in awe of the good prices for shopping in Atlanta. If I were furnishing a home, I’d be tempted to rent a truck and drive to Atlanta to shop. Thanks for taking us along.

    • I love him on the bookshelf, too. You know, I didn’t realize the prices here were so good until I posted some previous antiquing trips and folks started commenting about that. A Classy Flea usually has better prices than most other places around here, though.

  16. LOL, Susan!
    I thought I am the only one who talks to unanimated “friends”!
    (Since I have several framed photographs and posters of my beloved Bee Gees in every room of my house, I really “talk” to them every time I walk past them or I look at them… oh my… please, don’t tell anyone! But, hey, I swear, they have never talked back… they only sing back!) 😉
    Love Mr. Teapot and that M.E. Meadow Teapot, too!
    ~Hugs to you~

  17. Enjoyed antiquing with you. There were really some great prices on the furniture pieces. Cherry Kay

  18. Diane Westbrook says

    Hi…Oh, that I had been able to go on that little shopping trip with you!! But, alas it is too far away…I love so many of the things that you pictured!! I am so happy that you did go back and get that smiling teapot, too. I have a request for you..I can see that you have a Santos in the background. Would you be able to take and post a close-up photo of it? Thanks so very much!

  19. The Quintessential Magpie says

    Susan, he is really cute. Is he one of the characters from “Beauty and the Beast”? He looks familiar. I know there was a candlestick, but there might have also been a teapot. I am glad you got him, and no, I would think it is fine if you talked to him!

    I love the rusty wreath, but I would hesitate put it on a surface that I didn’t want rust to get on. Still, it is cute.

    This was fun!



    • I didn’t see that movie, I’ll have to google for images to see. I looked on bottom of Mr. Teapot, but he doesn’t have any hallmarks or labels at all. That’s a good point about the wreath!

      • The Quintessential magpie says

        Susan, I just checked, and the teapot I remember is Mrs. Potts! The movie had a teacup and candlesticks and all sorts of critters. But this one (yours) has got me curious! He would fit well with your Alice things. Very cute.



        • I think he will. Julie just left a comment saying she think Mr. Teapot is a Mrs. Teapot. lol I’m not sure I know how to tell a boy teapot from a girl teapot. Which do you think he/she is, Sheila?

  20. Rachel laughton says

    I have got to comment on that awesome teapot! Good choice going back for him. Very different, a neat conversation piece. Love him.

  21. Love that teapot! If he starts talking back too much to you, you can send him to me for a time out!

  22. Linda Page says

    While reading your post I kept thinking that I would ask you to go back for the teapot for me. I think he is adorable! I am so glad you went back. He will love his new home. But don’t let him get too settled because you may have to put him on a rotation schedule with some of us readers!!!!! Loved the shopping trip. Looks like antique prices are still much lower in Georgia than Texas.

  23. Hi Susan,
    Your teapot looks more like a she to me.
    Great finds!


  24. Peggy Thal says

    What a fabulous antique shop! Your prices are fabulous. I really would go for the highboy and bed for my son. We live in the Williamsburg area and I have found some great things . High boys always are 1,000. The last rice bed I liked ( not even as fancy) was 1,400. You Georgia ladies have some great shopping.

  25. Good thing I don’t live near there. I’d be there often. I would have guessed that you bought the Cathedral Mirror in the first photo and that Rice Bed looked in pretty good condition; that price on that Highboy was a steal! I saw some things I would have liked to buy.

  26. I’m so glad you went back for the teapot. I was wondering how you could pass it up on the first go-round. He’s adorable.

  27. Susan,
    Good thing you went back to get the teapot. It would have been gone for sure if you had waited any longer! 🙂
    I can not tell you how many times I have left something at an antique store that I thought about buying, then ended up going back within a few days and it had sold! So heart breaking! 🙂 We will look forward to it’s appearance in a future table scape.

  28. There were some wonderful things in the store, for sure. Shopping in department stores is okay, but there is nothing like the fun of going into antique and thrift shops. The thrill of the hunt is the thing for me. I was very happy about the things I found on Tuesday at the thrift stores in town and posted about them.

    That looks like a really nice book you bought and that tea pitcher is beyond cute. The face on it really does look like it could have come from Alice in Wonderland or maybe even Beauty and the Beast(Mrs. Potts mate, maybe)!

    Have a beautiful weekend and Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

  29. I really enjoyed reading your post about A Classy Flea. I’ve been a dealer there for several years & I’m still amazed by the quality & prices of the merchandise all the dealers have. Thanks so much for all the pictures and such a great post on A Classy Flea.

  30. WOW- those are some awesome wares – and the prices; absolutely amazing. It’s be double that around here.
    I think I need to visit you and go to that wonderful place, Susan!

    Your teapot is so whimsical. It looks like a Tweedle Dee or Tweedle Dum face, doesn’t it? I totally agree,

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  31. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, the rolled up rug in the picture with the high boy!

  32. oh how i loved those posts about the classy flea. several years ago we made a weekend trip to atlanta/marietta area and one of my main stops was the classy flea (thanks to you)! i believe there is/was a goodwill shop in that strip mall as well…if i remember that correctly. i got 2 of the neatest baskets there and one lady tried to steal one of them right out of my buggy!

    thanks for this trip to the classy flea and your mr. teapot is adorable!

  33. Susan, could you please email me the address of The Classy Flea? I live in Jasper, Ga., so I thought I could visit the store. I’m familiar with Atlanta, and have heard the name of the store before, but never had the address. Like you, I like nothing better than to go antique/vintage shopping. Enjoyed your post so much!!! Liz

  34. Liz, here’s their website and this link will take you to the page that has the address and directions. It’s in Marietta, about a block from the Big Chicken. So if you can get to the Big Chicken, you’re almost there. 🙂 Here’s the directions: http://www.aclassyflea.com/directions.htm

  35. Hi Susan! I was just thinking yesterday that it had been quite a while since you visited Classy Flea or at least a while since you had posted anything about it. I love Classy Flea and go there quite often since I don’t live too far away. I have found some really nice items for my home. Love the teapot! That is definitely something I would have bought!

  36. ann pauley says

    Loved the antiquing tour; very unique items, and when i saw that teapot, I KNEW you had to satisfy that purchase
    need! Glad you went back to get it!

  37. I would think it odd if you DIDN’T talk to him!
    Looking forward to the future tablescape. xx

  38. That was a fun trip Susan, thanks for taking me along! I would love to have one of those pull down roost boxes for my potting shed to stick all kinds of garden goodies or plants in! Cute teapot for your shelves and future AIW tea 🙂

  39. I am so happy, and so sad at the same time that you went back for Mr. Teapot. I was going to call the thrift shop and see if they would ship it to me in Florida!

  40. Thanks for taking us antiquing virtually. I’d go with you in a heart beat if I lived closer. I think the kitty painting would have come home with me had I been along.

  41. Susan, thanks for this fun post on A Classy Flea! I am one of the dealers at the store and I am always amazed at what comes through our store and the prices are unbeatable! I am the dealer with the highboy and the rug in the photos:)
    It’s a fun place to work and shop with so many talented dealers.

  42. Susan, Thanks for the post on A Classy Flea. Sorry I missed seeing you.

  43. That was fun! Thank you! I think Mr. teapot is adorable…and is perfect in your office. As far as talking to him…no harm. If he talks back….I’d like to know what he said! Enjoy your Saturday! 😉

  44. This was so much fun! I sat reading it and thinking we could do that today, go browse some antique stores. Yours is great! With great prices. I think I would name the teapot Jeeves. But someone mentioned the face on the clock on Captain Kangaroo’s show and my first thought was, “yup, I knew I had seen that face before!” Thanks for a fun start to my Saturday morning.

  45. Veryl Stockdale says

    thank you for the tour…..not odd at all

  46. That place IS a TREASURE trove!! $295 for a poster bed!! Had to giggle…your teapot does indeed need a name..perhaps, Pat. (Saturday Nite Live) franki

  47. Hee hee. Yes, I guess I would think it a little weird if you made a habit of talking to your teapot, but only because you have kitties to talk to. And besides, how would I ever find out if you did. Surely, he wouldn’t tell….

  48. Hi Susan! I love your little teapot and I definitely think it is a boy! As soon as I saw the first picture I thought of the full moon, smiling benevolently down and lighting up the forest for the woodland creatures! It would be wonderful in a table setting with that theme and will make you smile every time you walk into your office! Thanks for taking us shopping today. Linda

  49. pam ~ crumpety cottage says

    Hi Susan, that was a fun trip! I must say, the prices seemed all over the place to me. Some of the nicer pieces (like the highboy and wicker chair) had bargain prices, and some of the beat up stuff was very high! (scale and birdhouse)

    Anyway, I hope you bring us antiquing with you (or even just ‘general shopping’) because you find the cutest things. (Like plates!) I hope you find Ted to be a good companion and have many fun adventures together. 🙂

  50. I am seriously loving that lamp base beside the green scale! I so wish you would have taken a full picture of it. I would love to have you as an antiquing partner. You and Mr. Teapot have fun!

  51. Hi Susan, What a tempting collection of goodies…wish I had been there in real life. I would have tried to beat your to Mr. Teapot for sure! I also would have gone home with the nautical blue wicker chair for $29.00. What a fun post! Cheryl

  52. Thanks for the antiquing outing! Glad to hear that you went back for Mr. Teapot. he’s cute and whimsical. Looks good on your bookcase. I have the same vintage scale with the green rusted patina. Mine was only $15. Lots of lovely things in the shop. Ah, the thrill of the hunt. The book you purchased looks like a great resource for making projects. I’ll be back to see your upcoming projects.

  53. Best surprise ! You went back! I love that!

  54. Susan,
    Love the teapot….and it is SO Alice in Wonderland!! I can’t wait to see you incorporate it into a tablescape! Thanks for sharing – loved the antiquing!!

  55. Hey Susan, Love to go antiqueing and junking. A friend and I do this all the time. Would love to come to Atlanta and Shop in all the great shops there. I love the teapot, does it have a name on the bottom, just wondered if it is from a certain manufacturer. So cute I know you will enjoy it a lot. Peggy

  56. Susan I am still hoping you will do a post of all your home deco books, etc. that look so tempting in this post among your smiling new teapot.

    Love going through the Thrift Shopes with you and love the painted furniture pieces.

  57. I would have scooped that whimsical teapot right up. What did you name him Susan?

  58. Christina McCall says

    Susan, you showed some wonderful pictures on your antiquing venture. The teapot is adorable. I work out of my home and I talk to my dog all of the time…lol. My daughters just look at me and shake their heads and I say to them “what, he is here with me all day and the best part is he does not talk back”. Well that kept them quiet for a while. So if you start talking to your teapot, for those that work in the silence of a home all day it is totally understandable 😉 I am pretty much on hold with shoppping for anymore dishes and wedding gifts for my daughter. So next week is supposed to be really nice and since reading your post, I am looking forward to having one or two days to go to some of our local antique shops and just see if anything pops out at me 🙂
    P.S. Love-Love-Love your workbench and all of your power tools. I though I was the only one who gets excited using drills, chain saws etc…I do want to learn how to use a circular saw and jig saw. Maybe you will create some really cute things and inspire me 🙂

  59. Do you still have that face tea pot

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