Office Update: Finally Found the Right Spot

Welcome to the 208th Metamorphosis Monday!

How was your weekend?  We’ve been having unusually warm weather…70 degrees out on the porch yesterday and today.  Crazy!  This is January, right?  Yesterday was my birthday and I’m not sure when I remember a birthday this warm.  Loving it while it last, though.

I have a small Before/After for this Met Monday, one I thought I’d share in case it’s helpful or sparks an idea for someone else with a similar predicament.   When I began putting my office together, I wanted a TV in here.  I rarely watch TV; some days it never gets turned on at all.  But there are times when I would enjoy having it playing as I’m sorting the “way-too-many” pictures I’ve taken of a tablescape.

Initially, I had a TV sitting on the desk.  It was off to my left and slightly behind me.  See it there on the left beside the lamp?   It was there a few months and I never really liked how it looked in that spot. It took up desk space and was difficult to watch since it was so far off to the left and slightly behind me as I sat working, facing the monitors.

Office with Pottery Barn Bedford Office Furniture

Eventually I decided to just put it away, placing it on top of the Expedit in the office closet where I soon forgot about it.


A handy file sorter eventually came to live in that spot.  It’s awesome and I use it daily…much better for that spot than a TV.

Office with Pottery Barn Bedford Office Furniture

You may remember when I blogged about the file organizer in this post:  Office Updates & Shell Charger Progress

File Sorter Organizer for the Office or Craft Room

I’ve missed having a TV in the office from time-to-time.  One day it hit me and I knew just where the TV could go.  As a temporary “try-it-and-see” I borrowed the pedestal visible in this picture on the sideboard in the dining room.

Venetian-Glass-Mirror in Dining Room

I placed it behind the monitors with a long, flat box on top, then placed the TV atop the box.

Office Update

I’m going to look for a shelf or inexpensive pedestal to take the place of the one I’m temporarily using.  I may eventually buy one of those “swing-arm” thingies made to mount TVs to walls.  I kind of hate to put holes in the wall though and I like the way this looks.   It’s such an improvement over having the TV off to my side and back behind me.  Now I can work while occasionally glancing up to see if the Earl of Grantham is really going to lose his Edwardian country house.  😉  Are you a Downton Abbey fan?

Office Update

The other good thing about having the TV in this location is I can also see it from my reading chair across the room.

Cozy reading area in home office

I’ve added quite a few design/decorating books to the office shelves over the last few months.  I’ll put together a little post sharing some of my faves real soon.  So that’s it for my Before/After this week.  What have you been working on?  Can’t wait to hear!

*If you are new here to BNOTP, you’ll find a post showing this room renovation from child’s bedroom to home office here: Designing and Creating a Home Office: The Journey

Pssst: Thanks for all your encouraging comments on the last post about my new adventure in eating healthier and getting more exercise.  I’m looking forward to sharing some updates on how that’s going in the future.  Be glad when the “machine” I ordered gets here.

Billy Bookshelves for Home Office


Looking forward to all the fabulous Before and Afters for this Met Monday!

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Only link up Before and After posts that are home, gardening, crafting, painting, sewing, cooking, DIY related.
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  1. Beautiful office and a perfect place to put your television so as not to miss a minute of Downton… I just finished watching tonight’s episode. 🙂 Thank you so much for hosting and have a wonderful week!

  2. Thanks for hosting week in and week out. We all appreciate the time and work put into a party like this. Have a wonderful week!

  3. What a perfect spot in your lovely office. : ) I enjoy Downton Abbey too. I didn’t watch tonight, so I can catch a little marathon next week. My before and after post features one corner of my 100 plus year old farm-style kitchen. It’s an on-going project, but a joyful one.

    Happy Belated Birthday!!

    Julie M.

  4. Your office space is beautiful Susan! I have always loved a corner desk and how much more space you have by configuring your office that way. Thank you so much for hosting, have a wonderful week!!

    xoxo, Tanya

  5. Morning Susan, Belated birthday wishes!
    We have snow here in the UK and it is -04c here at 7.30am this morning, more snow is expected.
    Your office looks lovely. My daughter has a TV on a swinging arm in the kitchen and it is great. I don’t think I could cope with looking at three screens at the same time.
    As you know here in the UK we have seen all the episodes of Downton Abbey so I COULD tell you what happens BUT I won’t. It is a great series and if ever you are in the UK, Highclere Castle and it’s grounds are great to visit. There was a repeat yesterday on the TV of a year in Chatsworth House in Derbyshire, another great place to visit!! I see in the Golden Globes Dame Maggie Smith won best supporting actress in a series for her role in Downton Abbey.
    Jackie in Surrey, UK.

    • Wow, that sounds cold! I’ve only caught a few minutes here and there of Downton Abbey on the TV in the kitchen or living room since I an usually working in the office. Hopefully now I can catch up on some of the older episodes I missed while exercising this winter. That’s the plan. 🙂 Would love to see Highclere Castle! They had a special last night here on Chatsworth and I missed it….was working on my post. I hope they repeat it because I know I’d love it! Thanks for reminding me about it, Jackie. I need to check to see when it will next be showing.

  6. “Downtown Abbey” was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw that picture with the TV on!!! I don’t know if the TV is happy with its new spot, but for sure your cat has found the right spot to nap!!! Thanks for hosting!

  7. Good Morning Susan,

    A great belated wishes to you from the freezing Stockholm.

    A very comfy spot for the tv and of course for you. It looks like a trading room (bank or the Nasdaq) §:-)

    So nice to see your dear pet enjoying the cozines.

    Happy MetMonday and a wonderful week ahead.

    /CC girl

  8. Oh, Susan,
    I’m so glad that you, too, finally watch Downton Abbey! Don’t you just love, love, love that series? 🙂
    Putting the TV behind the monitors (I, too, like that location so much better than the other one) you found the perfect way to connect pleasure with… more pleasure! 🙂 Well done!
    P.S. Susan, you are so lucky to have that warm weather, we have snow in Germany! We didn’t have a white Christmas but we do have a white January!
    ~Hugs to you and to Mr. Max~

    • I know…I was always missing it since I’m usually working in the office when it’s on. Now I can catch up on the missed episodes hopefully. Oh, I bet the snow is beautiful Cecilia!

  9. Susan,
    Thanks so much for hosting each week!


  10. Genius! Happy Belated Birthday to you! Thanks for hosting 🙂

  11. Well Max doesn’t seem too impressed, maybe it’s because someone removed his bed off the desk? : ) I have Downton recorded, hope to catch up on season 3 this week.

    • lol It was up there but I removed it for the pictures since he hasn’t slept there in a couple of weeks. He ‘s fickle…sleeps in one spot for a while, then changes, then switches back. 🙂 That was smart…recording it! It would be fun to have a little Downton marathon and watch them all some weekend.

  12. Happy birthday Susan. Your post are always full of great ideas. That’s a perfect place for the TV. That office is so organized. How do you do it?

  13. Susan, happy birthday! Hope you spent the day doing something you really love!

  14. Susan, I have always LOVED your office, it’s so bright, soothing and cheerful. It looks like sheer perfection, not sure I’d ever leave it. I think the TV is in a prime spot and fine where it’s sitting. Thanks for hosting Met Monday and have a great week!

  15. I hope your birthday was wonderful! We are having unseasonably warm weather also and it is driving me crazy! It was 41 degrees and raining this morning at 5a.m. when I got up. Thanks for hosting.

  16. This is just what I needed to see this morning! I am having a time reworking my office/craft space right now and threw a big fit about it yesterday. I love the look of yours…not too cluttered, but lots of colorful detail! And a tv? I have cable in my space…I do believe I am going to bring my tv back in!

    Thank you!

  17. Happy, happy belated birthday! Don’t you just love it when all of a sudden it hits you that you can use something you already have to solve a problem?! It’s funny, but I just did the same thing.We’ve only ever had TV in the Great Room because I just didn’t care about putting holes in the walls or the wood floors. But after becoming ill last year & finding myself taking lots of naps (not on the back porch though :-)), I realized a TV in the bedroom would be convenient because it would keep me from stretching out on the sofa which leads to back pain. I liked the TV there, but it was too low for me to see…until I remembered I have this tea chest, flat & about 3 inches high, that I don’t use because it’s a pain to bring the whole box out everytime I want a cuppa. Voila!! Solution solved! Atta girls to both of us!

    • Alicia, you wouldn’t believe how long I wondered around this house peering in closets trying to find something to try and it is right under my nose the whole time. lol Glad you remembered your tea chest! Hope 2013 bring you the very best of health!

  18. ♫♫ “HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!” ♫♫ I hope you had a lovely day & how nice that it was unseasonably warm!
    Mine is coming up on the 18th (we’re both Capricorns!) & it will probably be snowing by then, although we had a wonderful weekend in the 60’s here. YAY! My Christmas lights are finally down now.
    I think your idea of elevating your little TV was brilliant. I think we’re going to have to put the brackets into the wall for the sunroom one, as the grands keep fussing at each other that their head is in the way; “Move Charlie…I can’t see!” LOL

    Celebrate all week long, ya’ hear? I try to!!
    Warm Hugs,

  19. *smacks head” YES, huge Downton Abbey fan here. The best thing about this new TV is that we switched providers & I can record all of the DA episodes without an engineering degree needed to understand how to coordinate the DVD player & TV. 🙂

  20. Susan,
    What a clever idea to put the TV above you computer monitor!!!
    I love to read, so I’ll be watching for your upcoming post!
    Great to see Max in 2013!!! Seems as if he’s settling in a comfy spot for the on~set of Winter! Ha!
    Thank you for hosting! As you can see, I’m nearing the final stages of organization in Studio One
    and looking forward to the lightening and brightening decor phase!!! Let the fun begin!!!

    • Pat, most of those pics were taken previously except the last few showing the TV in it’s new spot. Did you see the blanket Max iss curled up in? That’s a Pendleton wool blanket I bought many years ago. I did something dumb this weekend. I washed it and then foolishly tossed it in the dryer. It shrank but it worst of all, it came out with sort of giant haze of wool all over it. Hard to explain but Max LOVES it now. He thinks it’s a giant wooley nest for him. lol He will be warm all winter without a doubt! 🙂 I’ll have to stop by and see your Studio!

  21. Good morning and Happy Birthday a bit late! Here in North Carolina i enjoyed gardening yesterday in 75 degrees! Can you believe it! And we just finally got all of our Christmas decorations put away!
    I had looked back at your office creation, and the shelving in the closet, green with envy! I love each and every thing about it, and wouldn’t dare show you my “study”, LOL! actually, its on facebook! just a few close up peeks! The freshness of the white furniture, the comfort of the chair for in between work at the monitors, allis incredible. This morning might be the first time I’ve either seen or attended to the whole wall of shelving,how wonderful! You continue to inspire me to do better! We will see, LOL
    Have a great day! Helen

    • Amazing, Helen that it was 75 where you live! We’ll take these brief breaks in the cold, won’t we? Thanks for those sweet words! I’m gradually filling the shelves up with some of my fave decorating/design books.

  22. Happy Birthday Susan!! Thanks so much for hosting!

  23. Your office is amazing!!! Yes, huge Downton Abbey Fan…the best show ever!!!
    Thanks for MM!!!

  24. Good idea for the tv! I have a swing arm on my kitchen tv and its constantly in use. They have one by the brand we use that mounts on a desk that might do the trick
    I just started watching Downtown Abbey this season and I already like it!

  25. Great solution! I am a huge D.A. fan! Poor Edith!

    Thank you for hosting!

  26. You office is the perfect space for creativity, beautiful, functional and organized! Thanks for hosting Susan!

  27. Yesterday was my birthday too! Hope you had a good one :).

    Love your office! It’s so spacious and well laid out (and Max loves it too it seems).

  28. Thanks for hosting, Susan! Your office/craft space is amazing! Ahhh, someday! 🙂

  29. I love where you put the TV….it fits perfectly! It seems as Max has a great view too ! Maybe an Animal Planet show will be in his future now 🙂 ! I have been doing lots of reorganizing and donating things around my home. It is a lot of work but oh how good it feels to see closets and cupboards that have less things in them!
    Thanks for sharing…I always enjoy reading your posts!

    • Barb, I wish you could see him when I’m reading my iPad. If I read or play anything on there with movement, he has that kitty nose pressed to the screen and tries to get it with his furry little paws. So funny! I so need to do that with my guest room closet. It is a lot of work. I think the hardest part is the angst in choosing what to get rid of and what to keep.

  30. Love the little changes! Max seems to be enjoying your office! Thanks for hosting and happy birthday!…hugs…Debbie

  31. Thanks for hosting! Happy Belated Birthday Wishes to you, Susan!

  32. Jeannie from WNC says

    Happy Birthday Susan, Hope you had a wonderful one! Love your office space, and your kitty cat is adorable!
    Thanks for sharing!

  33. Wishing you a happy birthday, and a fabulous year ahead!
    Your office is sheer coziness. I can see how you’d enjoy spending time there.
    Love your organization ideas, your little reading/now TV viewing nook, and your fluffy friend too!

  34. Happy Belated Birthday. Thanks so much for hosting this party. Your office is lovely. Have a great week!

  35. Your office is such a dream! Thank you for hosting! Wishing you a beautiful week. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  36. Thanks for the party, Susan! It’s always fun to see what you have been up to. Great idea for TV placement!

  37. I love seeing your office, Susan! This was such a great makeover of this room and you really put a well thought out plan into action here. Still loving your comfy sitting chair, too. I love the idea for the television. I think it looks fine as it is. We had those swing arm television thingies in our old house {we wound up leaving them when we moved}. They do work great, but they are not the prettiet things to look at.

    • That’s kind of what I was worried about…afraid all the wires would show against the wall and that overall it might not be so great looking mounted on an arm. I think I’ll just stick with this arrangement for now, but I do want my pedestal back! lol Hope I can find another one to stick under the TV soon! Thanks for your input, Kathy…that was just what I was wondering about.

  38. Happy, Happy Birthday Susan! ! 🙂 Have a wonderful day!


  39. Love this post, the timing is ironic! Oldest daughter recently moved out so now I’m an empty nester. She left her small flat screen tv behind so I’m trying to find a use for it! I was thinking kitchen so I can listen to it while I cook but can’t find a place just yet!

    Thanks for hosting a great party, xo

  40. Happy late Birthday Susan! Hope your day was a good one. The cold weather has come back our way. Thanx for hosting!

  41. MariaElena says

    Thank for hosting, Susan! I have always loved your office and that is sure the best place for a TV. Big fan of Downton Abbey! 🙂 Have a wonderful week!

  42. Happy Belated Birthday Susan,Hope that you had a wonderful day!!!!!!We had such beautiful spring like weather for you to enjoy on your special day.Take care,Vicki from Lawrenceville

  43. Happy Belated Birthday to you! I hope it was full of pleasant surprizes. don’t tell us you’re Jack Benny’s age again. Now if we start finding mistakes in your blog, we can blame it on you watching tv. Just joking!
    I never noticed that beautiful mirror on the wall, over by that white chest. Has that been there all along or is it new? How did you manage to get those decorative balls and that starfish inside that dome and get them to stay put like that? Glued them together? I love that display..

    Enjoy the warm weather; I wonder if it isn’t the calm before the bad winter storm? The more I see the lighter furniture on people’s blogs, the more I like it. I’m looking for a nice comfy chair like yours and an ottman for my bedroom so I can sit in it and read, instead of lying on the bed which usually results in my eyes getting tired after a few pages. I think if I were sitting up in a chair, I’d get more reading accomplished.
    Enjoy your day! When I went to pick up the newspaper from the driveway, it felt like a warm breeze but no sun is shining yet. Hopefully it will come out later on today.

    • lol Betty, you are so funny! I turned 35 again! Can you believe it?! I never liked the mirror I had above that chest…it was too wide. I found the one you see in the photo back in July. You can read/see that post here:
      I’m sure the cold weather is coming, so enjoy this warm while it’s here. 🙂

    • Betty, I forgot to answer your question about the decorative balls under the cloche. No, they aren’t glued. I just turned the cloche lid upside down and put them in, then held the pedestal against it and then turned it upright. I had to do that 2-3 times to get them in a pleasing configuration that I liked. That picture is from last summer…I’ve taken them out now since I used the cloche for other things later on. I’ll have to think of something else to put under there for winter, as soon as I get it back out from under the TV. 😉

  44. Great place for the tv! Thanks for hosting! Blessings, Tammy

  45. Happy Belated Birthday to you Susan!
    Your room has turned out just amazing, love it all!

  46. Hope enjoyed YOUR birthday (cake.) You’re off to a great start!! franki

  47. I would probably never leave that room! Everything is so bright and wonderfully organized, I could play in there for a long time!

  48. Good Morning, and a Blessed Birthday to you Susan!
    I do not watch much t.v. myself, but I would love to watch the Downton Abbey show, I do not get PBS, bummer. I have been to England and love everything about it! I think the Biltmore would be an awesome place to have a show like that made!! I like your plans of “yourself project” I too would like to lose 20lbs this year, I think about it all the time, I know what it takes to lose, but my sweet tooth, teeth in my case always get in the way of completing a healthy week! I wonder why we crave sweets??!! I think just because they are yummy! You have a blessed day !
    Take care of YOU!

    • Paula, my sweet tooth is my downfall, too…well, that and my daily Coca-cola. Dr. Fuhrman says it’s because we don’t get enough micronutrients from the whole foods/vegetables. I think it’s partially that, but they are just sooo good! Addictive, even!

  49. I think your office is the office of my dreams. Maybe someday…maybe someday! I think where you put the TV works really nicely. Thanks so much for hosting. Have a great week.

  50. Mary fom Virginia says

    Happy belated birthday! Glad the weather was good to you on your day!

    Great idea for your TV. It looks like the perfect spot. You don’t want to miss a single minute of Downton Abbey.

    Looking forward to the post about your new books.

  51. Happy belated birthday ! LOVE your office and it’s given me some great ideas. Right now I’m quite interested in the chest you have next to the Rosalie chair – may I inquire where it came from ? That slide out shelf is perfect !

  52. Happy belated birthday!Your office looks beautiful! Thank you for hosting!

  53. Your office is dreamy!!!! Perfection!
    Thanks for hosting….and posting the gorgeous pics of your updated space. Love it!

  54. Susan, can you tell us where you got the mat underneath your office chair? Looks perfect for a wood floor! Happy Belated Birthday!


    • Tracy, it came from Office Max a year or two ago. It’s a bamboo mat and they had them in 2-3 colors/shades. It was a bit pricey but I love it…so much better than plastic. They had them for both carpet and wood floors. I can definitely recommend it!

  55. I have an idea for this room, but not sure it would work due to space limitations…since photos sometimes are deceptive…but in the photos this room looks large enough and in the center of the room looks like there might be room. Have you thought of placing a table or island type contraption (with shelving underneath) in the middle of this room? It would give you additional work surface for wrapping, cutting fabric or whatever…and of course, shelving underneath for organizing extra supplies of equipment.

    Just thinking outloud… 😉

    • Sonia, I thought about that…maybe something like the craft table Pottery Barn has. I’m afraid it would be a little tight, space wise, especially now with the ottoman in here. If the room were just a tad bigger, I think it would work. Would really look great and I love the idea of more space to work/organize! Thanks for the suggestion! 🙂

      • That is sort of what I had in mind…Do you really need the ottoman in there?
        Of course, I don’t know your habits, but I tend to read more in my bedroom or the sitting room than I do in my office.

        • Yay, I really do use the ottoman in the evening…fave spot to read. Plus Max LIVES on that ottoman. It’s his fave spot. I was playing around today with the measuring tape and even without the ottoman, it would be tight. If this room was about 2-3 feet wider it would be perfect. I may check to see if I can find a smaller craft/project table. I noticed a lot of folks have made “knock-off” PB craft tables by using Target or Ikea small bookshelves and having a top cut to go on top. The PB version is expensive at around 1,200 with taxes/shipping etc… but I do love how it looks. I think the photos are a bit deceiving because this room is only 11.5 x 13.5.

  56. Susan, crazy winter weather here too. It was wet and cold for much of last week, then we had a couple of days of high 70s, and now it is cold again. I didn’t realize you were also a January birthday girl. Happy Birthday! My birthday is Friday.
    I like your idea of the TV on the stand with the computer monitors. We have the wall mounted TV in our breakfast room so that it can swivel toward the kitchen when someone cooking wants to watch. But honestly, we rarely even have our TV one anymore.
    Happy Birthday Week! ~ Sarah

    • Sarah, you and Rett have the same birthday…see her comment higher up. 🙂
      I may look for one of those wall mount swivel thingies…but this is working so well, I may leave well enough alone. I do want my pedestal back though! lol Have to find another one to stick under it. Happy B’day early to you!

  57. I think that’s the perfect spot for your tv…you wouldn’t want to miss any of Downton Abbey! I just got the bug and have made it to episode six in the last week. The office really is looking terrific….great place for blogging. Thanks for hosting each week.

  58. Wow! You are blessed to have such a great place to hang out!

    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  59. I love your office, so pretty and functional!
    Happy birthday.

  60. This is my first time at your party and I came on a great day – hope you had a wonderful birthday!!

  61. Your office space is a “DREAM”,WOW!
    I would probable go hungry,from never wanting to leave this wonderful room.
    ~JO @ LoblollyLane

  62. Happy Birthday Susan!

  63. Happy Birthday! That is the perfect spot for your TV! I love your office. I’m trying to decide what color to paint my office. Just might go with yellow. Your office looks so cheery and warm.

  64. Rattlebridge Farm says

    Happy Birthday, dear Susan! The rain pushed away our warm weather. I hope it’s warmer in Georgia. XX00

  65. Happy Belated Birthday Susan, hope you did something special! Also, hello to Max, I have missed seeing him around.
    Regarding the t.v., in our den we have the wall mounted swivel and as my computer is here, it really is an asset to be able to turn it towards where I am sitting.
    Yes, a huge Downton Abbey fan, in fact, I asked my hubby if we could visit Highclere Castle (Downton) when we go to England this year, would love to have photos for you all..but he is not interested. Will have to work on that one!!

    • Work on him, Megan! You gotta go! 🙂 Take lots of pics and share them with us!

      • We usually visit some stately home or castle. Last time we went to Blenheim Palace, have photos from there. It was mostly an exhibition about Winston Churchill who was born there.
        Also visited a fabulous estate in Cornwall, I took photos of the kitchens. There were a few kitchens for different tasks. The house was turned over to the National Trust but the present heir who is a friend of my friend’s son, kept the land around it. The house looks just as if someone stepped out for the day it was immaculate and such wonderful architecture and gardens.

  66. Hey Susan, It surely has been warm. I am trying to enjoy it while I can. Great place to put your tv – I don’t watch much tv either. We discontinued our cable over 1 year ago and have’t missed it. I can check out Downtown Abbey from the library – we have a terrific system in Georgia! Or, I can watch what I like on Netflix – w/o commercials. I hope you have a blessed week and I do appreciate you hosting,

    • That’s great…I should really take advantage of that more often. I like Netflix, too. I watch so little TV…haven’t had it on today at all. But I think I’ll like having it in here for those few times I do watch.

  67. Great idea for the TV placement. I have enjoyed how your office has evolved over time. I like light and you have such an bright airy space to work in too.

    I love your mirror over your chest and the cloche filled with shells is so attractive. Is the mirror the same one you had in the beginning?
    Thanks for hosting MM.

    • Thanks, Bonnie! That photo is from last summer. It’s fun thinking of seasonal ways to decorate under the cloche. You have a good eye…the mirror is different. The first one I had was just a bit too wide but I found it at Marshalls for such a great price, I went ahead and bought it to use until I found one that better suited that spot. I finally found one last summer, you can read about it in this post: My son and dil are now the proud owners of the old mirror. 🙂

  68. That looks like the perfect spot for the TV, Susan. I have a small TV that my hubby has offered to install in my craft room, but it’s been over a year and I haven’t missed having one at all. I’ll keep it just in case! Thanks so much for hosting.

  69. Hi Susan, I have watched your office grow and develope into the beautiful space that it is .I want to make mine like that , hopefiully this year. Thanks for inspiring others and encouraging us. Dianna

  70. Happy Birthday. May you have a wonderful year.

    When I told my nephew about your double screens he said how smart you are to do that. He said he has six screens at his work. He said he has all information at a glance.

    Great idea for your tv. I watch too much news, which in turn makes me crabby, especially the political climate. I do like to watch Downton Abbey. I am anxious to see where the story line takes us. Also, Once Upon a Time and Grim, and Big Bang Theory. I am not sure what that says about me.

  71. What a beautiful office! You’ve done a great job with the space and I admire your multi-screens. It looks very Wall Street-ish. I enjoy reading your blog!
    [email protected]

  72. Happy Birthday, Susan! Your craft room is simply stunning, and that’s a great idea!!!! =)

  73. I love the TV there. Great idea and it still looks so organized in that area.

  74. I love your clever TV idea. Perfect spot! I’m the one that shares your birthday on the 13th! Glad to hear you had a great-weather day. I’m telling you….this is our year! Lori Lucas

    • Hope so, Lori…that would be awesome. Doreen at the blog HouseHoneys, birthday is the the 13th, too! Wish we all lived close together…imagine the party we could have! 🙂

  75. Penny @ From Harvest To Table & The Comforts of Home says

    Amazing office!! Thanks for hosting Susan.

  76. Susan, We share the same birth date 🙂 Happy birthday to us! May this year bring you health, happiness, and only good things.

  77. Kelly @ Babiole de Windsor says

    I absolutely love your office and what a terrific idea on where to put your television…I may have to steal it :). I also want to thank you for hosting the link party…it’s so exciting to see traffic pick up on my little blog and I do so totally appreciate it!

  78. Happy Birthday Susan….our birthdays are 9 days apart!!…The location for the TV is perfect….There is something about having a TV in a room that you spend much time in….even if you aren’t actually watching it all the time…it is great to just listen too!!….Love Downton Abby…been trying to catch up on the past seasons!!

  79. I’m behind and catching up on posts. Happy belated birthday! I hope you have been able to stretch it out for a birthday week. 🙂 Also, it’s good to see Max in several pictures in this post, ha. He’s a treat.

  80. Hi Susan… what a beautiful office! I love the paint color and would love to use it in my kitchen. Can you tell me what brand and color it is?

    • Thanks, Julie! The original color is called Sugar Cookie and was by Duron. Duron was bought out by Sherwin Williams and the one time I went in there and tried to get them to mix it for me, it looked too dark in the can. So I went to my local Home Depot where they have all the paint decks for various companies and they mixed it right up for me. I posted the formula in this post when I first painted the office. Since then, Home Depot changed their formulas, so I went back over there again and they color matched it once again using the fan deck that has the original Sugar Cookie color. So at the end of this post, you’ll see their current formula for Sugar Cookie. You should be able to print out that formula and take it to any Home Depot to get it mixed up.

      Another great yellow that I love and used in my bonus room is Tea Biscuit…another Duron color. I need to take a sample of that over to Home Depot and get the formula mixed for it because occasionally readers asked me for it, too. I used it in my bonus/upstairs family room here:
      Scroll on down in that post and you’ll see it in good lighting. It’s a little lighter than Sugar Cookie.

  81. I recommend you something like this for your TV – , it might come in handy. I too, need to do something like that since i hav also 2 monitors and 1 tv and no room left around.

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