Screened Canopy Room For Summer Dining and Entertaining

Welcome to the 300th Tablescape Thursday!

Wow! Three-hundred Tablescape Thursdays! For 300 weeks, a little over 5-3/4 years, we’ve been meeting here each week to share our love for creating beautiful tables for our family and friends.  Thank you so much for sharing your talents and creativity. It’s an honor to host Tablescape Thursday each week and I’ve loved every moment!

How fitting on this, our 300th Tablescape Thursday, I’m sharing a beautiful table setting from a reader of BNOTP who has also become a friend over these many years. Meg and her hubby have a wonderful canopied, screened room behind their home they have been enjoying for years. Meg wrote,

If you remember, we lost the roof two summers ago and also had to replace the mosquito netting this year.  Hubby had cemented the framework into the blocks and concrete. 

This is where I go to read a book or listen to a book tape and watch the birds at the feeder and in the trees.  The big tree make shadows on the roof of the gazebo, so pretty and calming.

Canopy Room With Screening For Outdoor Entertaining & Dining


If you’ve been craving a screened room or porch but there’s just not a good spot to add one onto your home or it’s just not in the budget right now, consider a canopy-screened room like Meg and her hubby enjoy. You may have to replace the netting after a few years but as you can see, the basic structure will last for many years. I love this idea!

Let’s go inside and see what Meg’s been up to.

Canopy Screened Room For Outdoor Dining


The turquoise/aqua color of the place mats is so pretty against the brown color of the table and the white dishes.

Dining Outdoors in Canopy Screened Room


Meg used a cute shell lantern for her centerpiece. I bet this canopied room looks wonderful lit in the evening via candlelight.

Beach China for a Summer Table Setting


Love the beachy, shell-covered dishes! They are so perfect for casual summertime dining.

Beach Themed Dishware with Shell & Starfish Designs


Double-sided napkins in pretty shades of blue, work beautifully for this summer setting. Cute starfish napkin ring!

Starfish Napkin Ring


A turtle, too!  Love these!

Turtle Napkin Ring


A small table in the corner of this screened room conveniently holds other items needed when dining. See the cute little yacht?



Meg’s husband made it by hand and Meg painted it. Isn’t it wonderful? I love that they created it together! Meg is quite the artist, too, she could give Warren Kimble a little competition, don’t you think?

Nautical Decorations for a Screened Room


Oh, I bet this space feels magical when the  lights are aglow!

Adorabel House-Shaped Lights


A decorative banner makes the space feel festive.

Decorative Bunting For Outdoor Tent


A chest in one corner holds a lighthouse lamp, a gift from Meg’s brother.

Lighthouse Lamp


Ha! A little whimsy for this outdoor room!

Best Buns on the Beach Sign


The view while dining…beautiful!



Thanks so much to Meg for sharing this wonderful tablescape on our 300th Tablescape Thursday!  I’m looking forward to the next 300! 🙂


Ocean dishes from Bealls U.S.
Napkins from Daytona in March this year
Napkin rings from Hotel boutique Florida two years ago
Placemats with turtles, quilted by neighbour
Lighthouse lamp, gift from brother
Yacht, made by my hubby, painted by me
Conch shell centerpiece and salt and pepper, local boutique Canada
Cheeky bun sign, from flea market in Oreville, U.S.
Beach hut, cushion, lights, paper napkins, cup mats and bunting from England
Seaside picture from U.S. a few years ago.
Looking forward to the beautiful tablescapes linked for this week’s Tablescape Thursday!


Tablescape Thursday


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  1. Wow! 300 Tablescape (Tuesdays) Thursday! Thank you for hosting them every week. What a fun place to dine. The colors on the table are so soothing. I think I can almost hear the ocean waves. Love that little sailboat. I envy people with such artistic ability. Thank you for sharing this Susan and Meg. laurie

  2. What a great respite from the bugs and sun! That would even make for a great little garden shed area to work on potting plants, etc. Thanks for sharing, Susan.
    Happy 300th Tablescape Thursday! Wow, I’ve only seen a fraction of them, but am sure happy to join in the fun. My table this week coordinates with the preppy brights of Lilly Pulitzer clothing you posted on…it’s Dorothy Draper’s china design for the Greenbrier Resort. Let’s party! 🙂

  3. pam ~ crumpety corrage says

    Very cozy and relaxing! My invite must have gotten lost in the mail. 🙁 Hee. I see that Meg is to the north of us and I know it gets quite chilly there (apparently 75 degrees fahrenheit is ‘sweltering,’ ) so I can see that it makes perfect sense to create a little escape with a beach-y themed table and mood. Love all the little accoutrements like the chair pillow, the Buns sign 😉 and those house lights are so cute! Meg, you did a great job. And what a nice hubby to help you create such a special space. I agree with Susan, the ‘view’ is beautiful. I can see why you’d like to sit out there with a cup of tea and a book. 🙂

    Susan, congratulations on hosting your 300th Tablescape Thursday! 😮 That went fast. (Of course, I wasn’t here for much of it) Still, none of us look a day older. 🙂

    • Hi Pam, I must have forgotten the stamp 🙂 We live in the Okanagan which is the only desert in Canada, so we do indeed have hot weather and nasty bugs!! 🙂 How do you take your tea, milk and sugar?? 🙂 Thank you for your kind comments.

      • pam ~ crumpety cottage says

        Yes, please. Yum. I’ll bring the berry tarts. 🙂

        I’ve spent quite a bit of time in British Columbia and Alberta. They are so different, but both so beautiful. After watching Corner Gas, I want to see Saskatchewan. It looks like Kansas to me. But I didn’t know there was a desert in lush British Columbia. 😮 Learn something new every day!

    • Thanks, Pam! It has gone so fast!

  4. Susan ~
    Thank you for hosting your Thursday party each week. As an avid reader of your site for years you have been an inspiration to me as I finally took the plunge and began my new blog. I am excited to be sharing with you each Monday and Tuesday and enjoying your posts daily. 300 Tablescape Thursday’s! What an achievement! Congratulations!

  5. Susan,
    Congratulations on your 300th Tablescape Thursday, dear friend!!!
    An amazing accomplishment , indeed!!!
    Your friend, Meg has set an adorable tablescape.
    I adore the art print on the side table and her husband;s hand painted yacht is stunning!!!
    Thank you for hosting Tablescape Thursday each and every week for 5 3/4 years!!!
    Here’s to many more! Cheers!!!

  6. Great idea for a porch! Beautiful decor and table!

  7. Peggy Thal says

    Very pretty! We have had two of these canopy rooms for our hot tub. We loved it until an unexpected huge snow storm came and it collapsed. Very sad. They also take a little time to put together. You need 2 people.

  8. Happy 300th, Susan. Three years ago someone told me they spent all their time looking at tablescapes. I thought what a waste of time. Then I searched tablescapes and Between Naps came up first. The joke is on me! I have been a fan every since. I have learned so much and spent hours enjoying tour site. Thanks so much for that. Kay

  9. Wow 300th week. That is truly a milestone, congratulations!! I am so happy to be a small part of it and have always loved the traffic just linking with you has brought me. So thank you very much for all that you do!

  10. Hi, Susan,
    Congratulations on your 300th TT!! It is quite an accomplishment that you have stay committed and creative during all that time!! You have to know how many people, including myself, would NEVER have this wonderful tablescaping hobby if it weren’t for you. I started following your blog long before I ever thought I could create one myself. It was a dream I thought unattainable until I just said to myself almost a year ago, I’m going to figure out how to do this! My ONLY ambition was to link up to your Tablescape Thursday party. It has become such a positive addition to my life. I have an outlet for my creativity; I’ve met lovely women who share my interest; I’ve have enjoyed many hours of “the hunt” for tablescaping treasures , and even feel more comfortable with my weak photography “skills”. Thank you for your inspiration and willingness to host your weekly parties that bring all of us together. It’s always a treat to turn on my computer and see BNOTP in the morning! Congratulations and thank you. Rosie @ The Magic Hutch

    • Oh, thanks so much for those sweet words, Rosie! You are a love! We do have so many lovely ladies sharing their tables each week, so talented and so creative! We all learn from each other, don’t we? Thanks again, Rosie! XO

  11. So nice of you to take the time over the years to host this lovely party. Thank you so much! Meg’s cozy space is a beautiful private getaway. It looks very cozy!

  12. Congratulations of number three hundred, Susan. Always so much inspiration to be found here.♥

  13. I got some wonderful ideas at the party.

    Your table setting is lovely – I adore those shell dishes and wish I had bought the set I saw at TJ Maxx awhile back.

  14. Awww…we’ve got that water feature…purchased 37 years ago and it STILL works!! Debating if we should take it on our move…maybe this is a sign…. The paintings are wonderful…I just got Warren Kimble luncheon plates on E-bay . EnJOY!! franki

    • Franki: We have had this fountain for about 30 years and have moved it five times, it may be heavy, but I could not leave it behind!!!

  15. Congrtulations on 300! Thank you for all the sharing plus wonderful inspirations. Also for the linkups so we can share and be inspired by so many creative people out there!

  16. Congratulations – 300!! And I love this idea of a screened canopy. Does your friend have a source for purchasing one like this? I am also wondering the size. Thanks for any info. (I live where mosquitoes come out around 3 p.m. and long for dinner outside).

  17. CONGRATS on your 300 tablescape Thursday – wow, what a FEAT!

    Thank you for hosting one of the very best linky parties in blogland, Susan! : – )

  18. I’m thrilled to be joining your 300th Tablescape Thursday Susan! Thank you so much for ALL THE INSPIRATION, speaking from my heart, and my blog! I will never forget when I wrote Bill for the first time he refered to your blog and recomended I post in this great party and the rest is history, lol! CONGRATS and thank you so much again!

  19. Congratulations on 300 Tablescape Thursdays! That is really remarkable!

  20. Hi Susan, thank you for featuring me on your 300th tablescape. I feel very honoured. You have inspired me so many times. Even though hubby blames you for all my purchases, he thanks you too!! 🙂
    I also thank the posters for their kind comments. ! 🙂

  21. What a wonderful spot they have created! How romantic to dine behind the curtains! Thank you Susan!

  22. bobbi duncan says

    Susan, thank you so much for hosting Tablescape Thursdays. Although I haven’t been around for most of them, I can honestly say I’ve truly enjoyed viewing all the artistic ideas everyone comes up with, and it has prompted me to create and enjoy more meals at our own table as well. So, thanks to everyone who has been kind enough to share their lovely ideas.

  23. Congratulations Susan on your 300th tablescape party.
    I love the screened canopy – yea no bugs. I am sure they really enjoy this lovely space for their dinners. We don’t have to worry about bugs here in So CA, but I know in the south they would carry you off. The tablescape is very pretty – love the colors.
    Thanks so much for sharing.
    Have a great weekend Susan.

  24. Congrats on 300 tablescapes!!! Last summer my husband & I bought a “hardtop” canopy for our patio. It is screwed to the concrete so it’s not going anywhere. We have a larger table in ours, but I love the little extras she has inside hers. Currently looking for a rug.

  25. Happy 300th, Susan! I’m sure this is quite a milestone for you and for everyone who enjoys Tablescape Thursdays as much as I do. Congratulations, and thanks so much for hosting each week!

    Meg and her husband’s solution is one that just may work for us. We have a good-sized deck, but nothing down below at grass level. Our HOA is very hinky about what you can and can’t do as a semi-permanent or permanent structure, but I’ll ask if this might be OK. I’d love to have something like this erected in a convenient spot in the yard so that we can get more use out of the land. Goodness knows we’re not exactly out there playing volleyball or tag! 🙂

    I really like what Meg has done with this comfy, cozy, relaxing space. The color scheme makes it very inviting and is very easy on the eyes. It seems like a great little getaway without having to spend a dime or endure frustration on the freeway!

    Thanks for sharing, and once again I wish you a hearty congratulations!

  26. Congratulations on the Tablescapes Big Three-Oh-Oh!! And thanks for all your many other posts too.

  27. Dear Susan–
    Congrats on this big milestone! Thank you for your wonderful blog. I always save yours to read last, because it’s the one I look forward to reading the most. You are very talented and interesting. Thanks for sharing.

  28. Congratulations Susan on your 300th Tablescape Thursday. You have touched many lives in many ways over the past 300 Thursdays. When my company shut it’s doors in May of 2009 I was devastated. At 60 years old I found myself without an identity. I was a steel buyer without a job. The bright spot in my life during the nearly two years while I searched for a new job was Tablescape Thursday. I drooled over lovely tables and came to admire all of the wonderful ladies that participated in the link parties. Soon I wanted to play too. I found I could take a very small budget come up with a lovely tablescape too. My family adores the special attention for the holiday, birthday, and seasonal tables that we enjoy together. You have been an inspiration to me and many others. Thank you so much for Tablescape Thursday.

    I don’t mean to slight Meg, The gazebo makes a marvelous summer dining room. The little touches like the sail boat and the lighthouse give a wonderful breezy summer feel to the decor. I will be trying to get my pergola decked out for the Fourth of July cookout with the family. Last year the decor was tropical. I like the beachy look with the blues and greens. I hope Meg will not mind if I borrow a few of her great ideas.

    Tanks again,

    • Aww, thanks so much Candy! Your comment touched my heart and I appreciate it so much. As you discovered, it really doesn’t take a lot of money to create beautiful tables, just a little creativity and some flowers from the garden or market. Thanks again for your lovely comment…appreciate you!

  29. Congratulations, Susan, on 300 tablescapes!! You have brought so much joy into our lives by sharing your beautiful creations, and teaching us to follow your example! And, most importantly, for us to be able to share our creations with others, the way you do! I appreciate you doing this for us week by week! Something to look forward to each week! (BTW, I hope to have another tablescape by next week!)

    Thank you! And thank you, for also for continuing!!


  30. She did such a cute job of decorating the screened in area and the tablescape is cute. It definitely has to be nice with the lights lit in the evening. Congratulations on the 300th Tablescape party!

  31. Wonderful outdoor room and I love the table! Thanks for sharing and for all of the Tablescape Thursdays!

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