Getting Organized: It’s the Garage This Time

Welcome to the 197th Metamorphosis Monday!

Have you ever done this? Sunday I drove over to the dollar store in search of a clear glass vase or some clear glass votives for a little project I had in mind for Met Monday.   I found votives that were just right but didn’t put them in the shopping cart immediately.  I thought I’d look around the store a bit to make sure they were what I really wanted to use.

While shopping I found some black goblets, perfect for a Halloween tablescape next year.  I picked up a few batteries, some snowflakes for another little project I have in mind and found 4 small bottles just right for filling in some areas on my bottle tree.

Bottle Tree


Half way home, it hit me.  I never bought THE thing I went to the dollar store for…the glass votives.   Please tell me you’ve done that before so I don’t feel like a total dummy! lol



After my misguided, but somewhat productive trip to the dollar store, I headed over to a local hardware store in search of storage bins.  I finally decided this year, I’m way tired of climbing up into the eaves to pull out all the Halloween goodies I use for decorating each October.   You may remember THIS post when I shared where I keep all my Christmas and Halloween decorations.  See those little doors.


Those little doors are in the upstairs family room dormers.

Dormer in Upstairs Family Room



Dormer in Upstairs Family Room


I have a basement.  It’s time to use it.  But that’s a post for another day.


Tool Storage

While shopping for storage bins, I decided it was past time I remedied another storage issue I’ve had for years.  I’m kinda embarrassed to share this but here’s my tool storage.  Great, huh?  I didn’t even try to spiffy it up, just took the pic as I found it.  Sad.

Storage for Household Tools


A recycling bin on the other side of the garage holds my Dremel, drill and a sander.  I only recently corralled all those into the bin.  They had been stuffed away in various areas of the garage.  It was a regular fishing expedition whenever I needed the drill or Dremel to work on a project.  So sticking them all in this bin was actually an improvement!


I had a $75 gift card and decided today was the day to use it.  It went toward a better storage system for the few tools I have and use regularly.   I thought about having the tool cabinet delivered but they charge $79 for that.  Ouch.  I decided I could do it…somehow I always find a way.

A few weeks ago I was hauling home corn shocks and pumpkins for decorating a Halloween front porch.

Storage for Household Tools


A year ago it was heavy Pottery Barn furniture for a home office.  Next, an Expedit from IKEA for a office closet makeover.


Today it was a tool storage cabinet and let me tell you, that baby was heavy!  I climbed in through a back door and inch by inch, slowly pushed it out, lowering it gently onto the ground.

Storage for Household Tools


I got a bit of a workout today.  There wasn’t a lot to do but what there was involved a lot of bending, squatting, lowering, raising, pushing, pulling…you get the idea.  After getting it out of the box (that took a while) I followed the directions and attached the handle.  I discovered later, I really should have removed the whitesh/grayish film you see in the pic below first.  It’s a protective film and once I installed the handle, there was no pulling that stretchy stuff out from under it.  I wouldn’t have cared if it was just behind it, but it was sticking out all around the handle from where I tore it away.  I had to remove the handle to totally to get all the protective film out from under it.  So, if you ever buy something with the protective film on it, don’t attach anything on top of it because it’s impossible to get off if you do.

Storage for Household Tools


The nice guy at the hardware store told me the wheels that go underneath the unit just pop into place underneath the bottom.  I had visions of just lifting up each end and sticking them under there where they would snap into place.

Surprise!  Each wheel has to be attached to the bottom with 4 screws/washers.  Time to whip out some muscles and turn it over.  I rested it down slowly onto a big, fat,  fluffy down duvet.  The holes you see there on the side…those can be used as a peg board to hang additional tools.

Storage for Household Tools


Next, I attached all the wheels.  This wasn’t hard, just time-consuming since the screws were a bit tricky to reach for tightening.

Storage for Household Tools

Once the wheels were on, I turned it back up on its “feet” and it was time to remove all of that super sticky, stretchy protective film.  It pretty much covered the entire unit.  In this pic below I was pulling off the strip from around the top edge.

Storage for Household Tools


Here’s how it looked once all the protective film was removed.  The box describes it as a: 46 “, Stainless-Steel, 5-Drawer and 1 Door, Mobile Work Center.  I totally forgot to take a pic of the wood top.  The wood top has a heavy protective coating that almost makes it look like plastic, but it’s actually wood.  I really liked this unit when I saw it in the store because it wasn’t just all drawers but had a small storage cabinet on the right.  I knew just what I’d tuck away behind that door.  Can you guess?

Storage for Household Tools

It was almost time to leave for a dinner party at a friend’s home, so I didn’t have time to fill any of the drawers, but I did take a minute to put away the Dremel, drill and sander.  The shelf is adjustable and this height was just right.  Much better than the recycling bin, huh?

I still need to add some kind of liner to the drawers, don’t want them to get all scratched inside, even if it is a tool cabinet.  I need to Google and see if they make something for that. I bet they do.

Storage for Household Tools


So, that’s my metamorphosis for this week.  Can’t wait to see the Before and Afters for this Met Monday!

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  1. My garage needs some much needed attention as well. It always get moved to the bottom of the list – and it isn’t going to get any better during the holidays. Hmmm…January? Thanks for hosting!

  2. I went to the market last week. They were in remodel stage. I usually go to the baking isle first, and then the outer edge of the market since that is where the fresh stuff is found. But, that day they had the dog food across from the baking stuff. That just wigged me out. I really want to think of myself as flexible, but this was ridiculous. When I went to check out, the cashier asked me if I had found everything ok. Now I know they really don’t want to know, but it is store policy to be nice to the customer. So I said, “Do you really want to know?” So I just let loose and told him what I thought. He was very nice and said he totally agreed and I should tell that nice lady in the flowered shirt “over in isle 3”, so I did. She assured me I had caught them in transition and to please come back and not leave them. I told them people want to be able to find what they are looking for and did not have a bunch of time to wonder around the store. So to shorten this story and to let you know I feel your pain. I did not come home with what I had gone to the store to get. It is all very upsetting.

    I hesitate to offer my $.02, about the shelves, but you might consider non-skid shelf liner if you do not find an alternative. BTW, that is a Rolls Royce of a toolbox.

  3. what about those things you put in kitchen drawers that you can buy from IKEA, they are a non slip mat – perfect for stopping the tools sliding around.

  4. That is a nice looking unit – it certainly looks sturdy and I bet it was a workout to move out of the car and assemble. To line your drawers I suggest the clear film pantry shelf liner that comes in a roll. I use it to line all my kitchen drawers. When ever we have moved to another house, I just pull it out and the drawers are nice and clean with no stains or scratches. The liner sticks down nicely and doesn’t curl either. Best place to find it is Walmart.

  5. I love the storage unit that you purchased. I’m impressed that you assembled it yourself! Thanks for hosting MM!

  6. Peg Botham says

    I haven’t visited for a while, circumstances in the rescue took over my life completely to the point of making me ill so I have neglected my own blog and the reading of those I love to visit. I’m so glad I decided enough was enough and spent yesterday catching up with my favourite reads. Today I’ve come to visit and you have cheered me up completely, I love your family room, I too often go to shops to buy something specific and come away without it. My youngest grandson says ‘its an age thing Nannan ‘;0).
    My chuckle was caused by the small cupboards off the family room. I often forget where I’ve put things, I put them in a safe place then forget which safe place! I imagined you looking for something else, opening the cupboard door and getting the shock of seeing the spooky little ghost, hands in the air ready to jump. I know it may not be funny to others but it was enough to brighten my day so thank you for sharing, love it.
    Peg xx

    • Peg, I do that ALL the time! I put something up so I’ll know exactly where it is and then forget. Scary! Lol about the ghost! He was one of the very first Halloween decorations I ever bought. That is funny, now that you mention it. Ha! It’s like he’s just been waiting for his moment to do his thing. lol

  7. Susan, that is one handsome tool cabinet and I’m very impressed that you put it together by yourself. Thanks for hosting!

  8. You are a hard working determined person! I like your cabinet choice! We got liners at Sears fir our roll around tool cart, and I just checked their web site and they still sell them. Just search for drawer liners and there’s a bunch of stuff that shows up.

  9. What a wonderful storage cabinet! Have a great week! Carol

  10. Check out IKEA for drawer liners. I bought some there – it’s wonderful flexible plastic – gray. Very nice! Would work wonderfully for your new cabinet!

  11. Wow, wow, wow. This really makes me want to get more organized, especially in my garage!

  12. What is it about fall and getting organized? We’ve been getting more organized in our home and I think it’s due to the cooler weather … wanting to get everything in its place since we’ll be spending more time indoors. Thanks for hosting!

  13. Mary from Virginia says

    You always amaze me with your ability to do everything! You are my inspiration when it comes to “do it yourself”

    That is one slick tool cabinet.

  14. Moni - Zu Haus at Home says

    Thank you for hosting this great party!

  15. I’d use the kitchen cabinet liner, the rubbery mesh kind, to line the shelves in your cabinet. It would be perfect for it.

  16. SheilaG @ Plum Doodles says

    Now I have tool cabinet envy! 🙂 I saved a pinterest project that used vinyl floor tiles inside their bathroom cabinets- I wonder how that would hold up in your tool drawers?

  17. Thanks so much for hosting! Hope you have a great week!

  18. Thanks so much for hosting another great party! Life to the full, Melissa

  19. My garage shames me – it’s mocking me right now! Especially with Sandy coming at us full force – we had to stuff everything in the garage so it’s filled to the rafters and looks like a scene from Hoarders!

    I’m motivated to get organized – that cabinet is fit for the house!

    • Kelly, my garage used to be pretty cleared out until I created my home office. I hauled all my son’s old furniture down to the garage (instead of the basement) since they want it one day when they buy their first home. Thought it would be easier than hauling it back up from the basement. So that and 3 Christmas trees has pretty much filled up one side of mine. One day I’ll get it all cleared out again.
      Stay safe…hope Sandy isn’t near what they are saying it will be. Saying prayers off and on all day today.

  20. That’s a really nice looking tool chest you picked out!
    I have THREE that organize lots of tools, painting supplies, vintage hardware, wood appliques–I don’t know what I’d do without them. They’re truly life savers for organization and especially–keeping those tools from getting “lost!”

  21. Your new tool chest looks amazing! It looks like it will be fun to set up and easy to find what you want. Love that! Thanks so much for hosting and enjoy your week.

  22. What an undertaking- I would need a huge energy boost to tackle a chore like this..instead I think I SHALL BEGIN WITH MY KITCHEN PANTRY. You always inspire me in some way.

    Like Gramma’s House

  23. Thanks so much for hosting each week. I don’t have anything to share this week 🙁
    but I always enjoy learning from others who post here.

  24. You could almost us that unit in a kitchen! Thanks for hosting again this week. Laura

  25. That is just the perfect size for a regular home! I may have to put that on my husband’s Christmas list!

  26. LOL , boy do I know what you mean about
    a. storing holiday stuff, and
    b. storing my work tools.

    We finally put up those racks that hang above your head in the garage, 3 of them. I is all Christmas, and I probably use 1/ 8. of what I have! Time to clean and glean.

    Now the tools and supplies are in overflow, so I found a free storage rack on Craigslist, and that will be my dedicated rack.

    Your new tool chest is girl bling fancy, I love the stainless steel!


    • Jan, I did a bit of weeding out on the Christmas decor a couple of years ago…probably still kept too much. I need to do that…the racks overhead. I have a bike I need to get up and out of the way. Thanks! 🙂 A little bling for the garage! lol

  27. You are my kind of woman — just doggedly keep on till you get it done! What I thought as soon as I saw that unit is how great it would look in a kitchen! That would make the coolest kitchen island in a kitchen with a bit of an industrial vibe, don’t you think?

  28. Susan,

    You are always an inspiration to me. You seem to be doing the things I want to do or need to do. I love your blog. Very nice cabinet, I had been looking at them and have not seen that one.

    By the way, yes, I have gone to the store for something and left forgetting to buy it, so you are not alone there. LOL,

  29. Call me crazy, but I have always loved tools and brushes. That cart is a beauty!

  30. Thank you so much for hosting Susan, I love your new storage solution for tools. Mine could use a little attention!
    xoxo, Tanya

  31. Thanks so much for hosting, Susan! The Man built a beautiful tool chest for his workshop & bought some great liner at Sears in the tool section. It’s kind of a rubberized type stuff, much more heavy duty than the liners you get for your inside cabinets. The Man did this several years ago and it’s still in perfect condition.




  33. Once again you are amazing!!! Can’t believe you lifted that by yourself!!! It’s part of our nesting instinct to get organized for the winter!! Now, I want one too!!!

  34. Oh dear Susan, I always admired you with anssembling things, and this fabulous tool cabinet is another!! Wow, is to die for, what a terrific organization, I’m so happy for you and you did an amazing job as always. Have a great week.
    Thank you for hosting yet, another incredible , interesting and fun Met. Monday.
    Big hugs,

  35. This post was my laugh for the day!! I just loved reading all your little perfectionist steps as you put the monster cabinet together. You are one determined Lady 🙂 Five years later, I still have the protective plastic wrap on the pads of my oven control panel. Some day, I’ll get the urge and ..presto! .. perfect cleanliness!!! Enjoy your new organizer. I’ve been cleaning and clearing all week. Must be something in the air.

    • Ha! You sound worse than me! 🙂 I always pull of those protective thingies…don’t like looking through them. I even took the clear protective thing off my cell phone this year…love having a sharp, clear screen. I think it’s time you liberated your oven control panel, Joyce. Rip those things off and live dangerously! We only go around once so live it to the fullest! 😉

  36. Love your new storage piece Susan. I need to get to organizing all my stuff. Slowly but surely. Thanx for hosting. Have a great week!:)

  37. What a great cabinet! I know you will really enjoy using it! Thanks as always for hosting!

  38. That is the BEST bottle tree I have ever seen. . .anywhere!
    And I love your new tool cabinet – so sleek and beautiful with a great butcherblock type top. Reading your blog today was a real pleasure.

  39. Hi Susan,
    I really envious of your handiness (if you can say this word in English) §;-) So, smart idea. MOTH is drooling and been thinking that he might be doing a similar storage in his garage. x fingers…
    Well, I just came back home from a month vacation in The PHilippines and I really missed so much in bloggielandia.

    Thank you for hosting once again and have a blissful week ahead.
    Greetings from a very chilly & dark Stockholm,

  40. Nancy Crane says

    That’s a great looking tool box! Keep the other one; looks like an antique! I redid my garage a few years ago and even painted the floor from a kit I bought at Lowe’s and wow, what a difference that made! Along with a nice shelving unit that I put cookware and decorative items on (along with other stuff); it just felt so good and clean…repainted the walls and viola! it was done and I felt so proud…keeping it cleaned up is like any other room in your house with the exception that this is only done 2 times per year!

  41. Wow! That bottle tree is gorgeous! It could be a Christmas tree!

    I love your new stainless storage. It is so pretty!

  42. Great idea for storing your goodies. I’m really impressed that you were able to get it in and out of your car by yourself! You go!!!!

  43. At least once a week I go to the store for a specific item and leave with everything else but that particular thing. Or I will buy hotdogs and no buns…so back I go!

    We bought some shelve for the basement…they come in 8,752 pieces. I am really not looking forward to putting them together. I need them badly, though!

    Thank you for hosting the party! I’m going now, to look at everybody’s links!


    • lol 8,752 is a lot! 😉 I know how you feel Andie…that’s a big job. Play a great podcast or put on your fave music. It’s the only way to get through those dreaded jobs.

  44. You sure do take on some projects, girl! That is a great tool cabinet. Thanks so much for hosting. XO, Pinky

  45. I’m so glad I’m not the only tool geek – for my birthday several years ago, I got a wonderful red metal tool cabinet for all my “stuff”. Didn’t have a great wood top, though! I lined my drawers with that great non-skid perforated drawer liners that you can get easily at Lowe’s or Home Depot, quite cheaply. Don’t use the IKEA stuff; I bought it first and it doesn’t work nearly as well – doesn’t lay flat and it creeps around. The liner from Home Depot stays put and does a good job. Easy to cut to fit with scissors.

  46. Oh, Susan,
    don’t worry, you are not the only one to whom this happens! 🙂
    When you go shopping in Germany, you usually see that many Germans hold a “shopping list” in their hands, they made at home, for make sure they will not forget anything. So, I too, make a “shopping list” before I go to the store… so far so good… but my problem is… I ALWAYS forget the list on my kitchen table! LOLOLOL
    P.S. Susan, I like how organized you are! I think you too, are a little “Monkina”, aren’t you? 😉
    ~Hugs to you~

  47. I need to take care of my garage, too, Susan! Thanks for hosting!…hugs…Debbie

  48. I’ve never heard of a dremel, do I need one????? Does it cut?
    Does it grind?
    How do you use it?
    I love tools.
    Is it hard to use?
    Can an old broad use it?
    Please let me know…….

  49. Well, I hate to admit it but I have done the same as you in forgetting to get the thing that you went into the store to get in the first place! Many times :/ I make lists and then, obviously, forget to double-check the list before leaving the store. Double :/:/
    I cannot believe you are able to crawl thru those little cubby holes to get your holiday decorations. Surely, they are much larger than what they appear in the pictures!! Goodness.
    That tool caddy looks to be quite the monster! I think I would have called on for some man and muscle power to put it together. My luck, I would have never been able to get it off the floor after putting the wheels on!! LOL

  50. I always get sidetracked when I go to Dollar Tree–easy to do! Nice big tool cart–well done for getting it out of your vehicle and all put together. Thank you for hosting MM today.

  51. Susan, you constantly amaze me with the *heavy hauling* you do around the house. I remember the setting up of your office!! 🙂 Your garage unit looks nice and sturdy. Has Max seen it yet? I think he may fit into the cupboard!! 🙂
    How is this one for not coming home with something you want? A few years ago, we went out to buy potting soil and came back with a car!! Forgot all about the potting soil in the excitement. 🙂

    • lol Megan, I think that totally beats my forgetful dollar store trip! A car would def make me forget everything else! I had the door open and Mr. Max came out when I was just finishing up with the tool chest. I put him on top to see how he liked being a high-up kitty. He gave it a good sniffing over and then was satisfied…said it could stay. 😉

  52. Karen Cook says

    Saw the tool boxes and immediately thought husband and son Christmas presents! Can’t locate them at the usual suspect places online. Where did you find it?

  53. Hi Susan, That is some cadillac tool chest. I have one of the tall red ones. It does have the door space. I noticed someone suggested that you might use the kitchen cabinet liner, the rubbery mesh type. Well, that’s exactly what I used in mine. It works fabulously. The tools stay put and don’t slide around. You can line up screwdrivers by size and type and they stay put. Only get out of order if you put them in the wrong space. LOL! Hope that info helps.
    Blessings, Ginger

  54. Susan, You are WonderWoman! You never cease to amaze me on what you are willing to haul, take out of your car and them assemble and put in place. You must have strong arms and a strong back. Love the cabinet. I wonder if a heavy shelf line would work for you. I had cabinet built in my garage. Guess what filled them the most? Tablescaping dishes. Absolutely love it. Keep the dishes in china storage boxes. Got to get my tools organized one of these days. Priorities! Love your posts. Refer back to them often.

  55. Love this piece! It’s always inspiring to see a new organizational project. Really enjoyed this!

  56. Hi Susan! Doesn’t it feel good to get your tools organized? Or at least, I’m assuming it does, since mine are currently NOT. But your post has given me just the nudge I need to start moving in that direction. Thanks for hosting, as always. Have a great week!

  57. HI There! I’m looking into buying this husky cart for a concession unit! The only thing is, the health department requires us to have a sink… my plan is to take the top wooden piece off, and replace it with another board, possibly wood or stainless steel, with a sink cut out on the door side. I’m wondering, could you tell me how the top piece is stuck on? Does it look removable? or is it pretty welded? Also, hows the overall sturdiness of the unit? I’ll be putting a popcorn machine on top, a fairly large one! Are the wheels ok? I think maybe I might have to put some different casters on them? And lastly, is the back side stainless steel as well? Or atleast able to hold a magnet? Thanks for any input! Unfortunately they are now online only, so i can’t go see it in person! Any extra photos would be awesome!

    • Hi Nicole,
      I went down to my garage to look at it. I couldn’t get it away from the wall but I put my hand back behind it and it appears to be all metal on the backside. I opened the door and the top drawer and I could feel screws up inside there so I think the top is held on with screws. As I recall, the top is real wood, it’s just treated somehow so that it’s super durable. Maybe you could use the top and cut into it? The top isn’t very big though, pretty small. If you can order it, most stores that I have dealt with will let you return an item to the store if it isn’t what you want, even if they don’t sell it in the store. For example, I purchased two umbrellas from Home Depot for my deck furniture and the reason I purchased two was I couldn’t make up my mind on the color. Once they arrived, I made a decision which one to keep and I returned the other one to my local HomeDepot. They are happy to take returns even though they don’t carry the item in the store. You may want to check with your local store to see if they do the same. Probably the only way you’ll know if this is going to work for sure is to ordered it and look it over in person. The overall sturdiness is really good and the wheels lock so it can’t roll away.

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