Christmas Table Setting, Cottage Style

Welcome to the 18th Tablescape Tuesday!

Christmas is only two days away…hard to believe! This is an exciting Tablescape Tuesday for me because two very special ladies, who are also dear friends of mine, have graciously agreed to let me post some of their wonderful holiday tablescapes. You most likely know them from their beautiful postings on Rate My Space…they are Carol, Cedwards55 and Linda, Mom of a German Shorthair .

When I was “chatting” with Carol recently, she told me, “When I entertain it’s never a formal occasion. I love to cook but I’m a totally casual person, and so is my home. The furniture was all purchased from flea markets and the table was a steal from a showroom that was going out of business. I do love my creamy white furniture. It’s kind of like vanilla ice cream. You can never have too much.”

I asked Carol about the wonderful cabinet in her dining room. She said, “I found it at a darling little boutique in Champaign, IL called the Checkered Moon. The shop is every bit as cute as the name. It was a steal and although it wasn’t exactly what I was looking for, I knew I could make it work.

“I covered foam-core board with batting and the Buffalo Check fabric. I hid the tacks where I attached it to the doors with gimp. The piece on top of the cabinet is actually a piece of architectural salvage. I’m sure it was under an eve of some old building. That piece, and the cornice over the jelly cupboard, both came from Third Sunday Market (flea market) in Bloomington, IL. I bought both pieces the same day, from the same vendor and was able to make a deal for $50 for the lot!”

I love the the adorable Christmas village displayed on the bottom shelf!

Carol continued, “The jelly cupboard (shown below) is from a little shop in Monticello, IL called Steeple Gallery. It was about $150 and the chairs are from the same shop. They were covered in a hideous fabric and were $25 each. I did my dining room furniture for under $1000.”


I just love the palladian (arched) mirror…this room has so many neat architectural features! And look at the wonderful “deer” centerpiece on this tablescape! Carol shared, “The deer hurricane came from a local garden center. I use coffee beans in it and when the cranberry candle burns…. the fragrance is yummy! This place setting is just a collection of things that I’ve had for years. The plates are from Target…


…and the water goblets are from Hobby Lobby.”


When describing the pretty things used in her tablescape, Carol said, “The only thing of any value is my mother’s silver. If my house was burning and the boys were already out, I’d grab that silver. My parents were married during the Depression and I know that many people must have sacrificed in order to “gift” that wedding silver to my parents. I really do treasure it.”

Carol told me, “The shutters were from a trip to New Orleans pre-Katrina. Found them on Magazine Street. They were shipped back to IL. I love the crunchy peely paint on them. I’m sure they have a story to tell.”

I love the color of Carol’s dining room walls, but Carol told me she is getting ready to make some changes. She said, “the paint color is Benjamin Moore’s, Rhubarb. It’s a coral red. I love it but it’s going to be changed in February. I’m going for a latte color with brown and cream toile drapery.” Doesn’t that sound beautiful? If there’s toile involved, I already know I’m going to love it! Maybe I can convince Carol to share a few pics with us then, too.

Carol, thanks so much for inviting us into your beautiful dining room and for sharing this wonderful table setting with us on this Tablescape Tuesday!

But were not done yet! I have the treat of sharing another wonderful home and table with you today! Linda has invited us into her beautiful home, as well. And just look at our “Welcome”! Linda says, “The lantern has 3 candy-cane candles representing Jim, Belle and myself…to “WELCOME” family ‘n friends.”

What an inviting entrance…I can’t wait to go in and see Linda’s beautiful table all set for a holiday dinner!

Can you see what china Linda has used for this table setting? I’ll give you a hint…it is made by Spode and it involves wildlife…


The pattern is Woodland, one of my favorites…one of Linda’s, too.


Linda shared details on how she prepared this lovely table. She said, “This is the “Ladies'” table-setting. It features green Villeroy & Boch glass chargers, “girly-gold” lap napkins, included with our regular, over sized, monogrammed napkins and antique silver napkin rings that I’ve “found” or received as gifts from family and/or friends. Each one is different and from various countries. I used a more casual flatware than my sterling, as I thought this “went” better with this particular setting/feel.”

Linda continued, “This is the “Men’s'” setting, featuring feather wreaths, used as “napkin rings” (they like the “MANNNNLY” things, right?) and old horn forks & knives I found in Europe, mixed with the other flatware…again for a less formal feel, but cohesive with the ladies’ settings.” I just love how much thought Linda puts into making her guests feel special.


You can see the cute feather napkin rings a little better in this picture. Linda shared that the quail place cards are from Pottery Barn and the antique, wood dessert forks are from Europe. She told me, “They were pretty inexpensive at a flea market, and I just LOVED their character.”


Look at the darling “dog” pitcher on Linda’s buffet. Linda says it’s a favorite of hers.

Linda found this wonderful deer wine cooler/bucket at Pottery Barn.


About the platter pictured below, Linda shared, “The silver turkey platter and “special fork” was my Great Grandma’s and it was always much loved and used. I haven’t polished it in years…I like it just the way it is, memories and all.”


Linda made me smile, saying “after dinner and before dessert, we’ll go to the living room to relax. This is the chair that is reserved FOR ME after dinner (and USUALLY, O-N-L-Y then!)”


Linda sends this magical Christmas “card” out to everyone…

The following blogs have beautiful tablescapes awaiting your visit:

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  1. profenretraite says

    Susan…Thank you so much for sharing the beautiful tablescapes of these two very talented ladies! I have admired both Carol’s and Linda’s spaces on RMS and it is so nice to get to see more details and an “up-close-and-personal” perspective of their rooms!! Merry Christmas to you all and congrats to Lady Katherine! You could not have chosen a nicer winner! …Debbie

  2. once in a blue moon... says

    it all looks beautiful, i am so partial to the deer look too~ congrats on your blog success and to your winner!

  3. Beautiful tablescapes, ladies! Congratulations to Lady Katherine.

  4. texasdaisey says

    Susan, the tablescapes are beautiful. I love when people mix & match things in their tablescapes. The feather napkin rings are gorgeous.

  5. Susan, I sure enjoyed this post. I have admired both Carol’s and Linda’s homes on RMS. It was a treat to get more info on their rooms. Thanks for sharing! Pam (pam25)

  6. Oh these are both just wonderful! And I just love RMS.

    Have a wonderful Christmas! May you enjoy every minute of your celebrations!

  7. Hi Susan! The ladies that you featured have beautiful tablescapes I really enjoyed each detail. Congratulations to the winner, Lady Katherine! And to all have a Merry Merry Christmas! Deb

  8. vintagewindow says

    Hello Susan,
    Wow, what lovely tablescapes. Thanks for sharing. Lot’s of pretty ideas.

    Congrats to the winner.

    Merry Christmas


  9. Hi i joined again too. Please add me to your list. Thanks so much. mishelle

  10. The Graves' House says

    beautiful tablescapes. i so enjoy seeing what others are doing in their homes. thanks for sharing these with us. have a merry christmas!

  11. Terri and Bob says

    Wow, that is beautiful work by your guest tablescape artists!

    Congrats to Lady Katherine!

  12. OOO, I so enjoyed touring these 2 lovely homes…their tablescapes were just stunning.
    The cabinet with the buffalo checks in the first home is so so cute and would go so well in my house!! :O)
    Linda has one of the most beautiful homes I’ve ever seen…so full of beautiful things but all so warm and friendly..just like Linda…
    Thanks so much for this lovely Tuesday…
    Oh, and congrats to K. on winning your generous giveaway…
    love, bj

  13. I just love your blog, thanks for all the beauty that you share with us!I have to go back and finish looking at your latest posts, to fabulous! Linda

  14. Pat@Back Porch Musings says

    Susan, what a pleasure it is to see these beautiful tables! Thank you for sharing them with us. I remember Linda’s home from RMS. She’s visited the Back Porch, leaving gracious comments.

    I don’t remember seeing Carol’s lovely home on RMS, though. Someone named Carol has visited the Back Porch, but I’m not sure your Carol is the same one. I may have to talk J into an Illinois Road Trip. These must be wonderful shops, to have such great pieces.

    Thanks so much for hosting Tablescape Tuesday.

    Merry Christmas!

  15. I enjoyed reading and looking at the tablescapes today. I’m sitting here with my cup of coffee and this was just the read I needed before I get ready to start my day of baking and wrapping. Thank you for sharing with us, these two ladies have lovely homes. Merry Christmas!

  16. Kathleen Ellis says

    What a lovely treat to enjoy the beauty that Linda and Carol created and shared…so different yet each equally beautiful!
    Thank you and Merry Christmas!

  17. Susan, thank you for sharing beautiful tablescapes from two of the most talented RMS posters. Both of these ladies are so creative, and I’m not surprised to see that their tablescapes are wonderful. Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas. laurie

  18. cottage farm villa (aka cottagecharm) says

    Susan, thank you for sharing Carol’s and Linda’s homes with us! What a treat. Off to look more at Linda’s home. Congrats on your 100th post and to your winner! Merry Christmas ~Cheryl

  19. Good Morning Susan… As always a wonderful post and what beautiful tablescapes from your friends… Their homes & Christmas decor was simply wonderful… Also congratulations to Katherine for winning those cute little placecard holders… Have a Terrific Tuesday…


  20. Morning Susan,
    Your friends homes are both beautiful!! It just goes to show you that elegant is only as expensive as you want it to be.

    Thanks for sharing with us!



  22. Susan, your post today is full of wonderful people, beautiful photos and good cheer. Thank you, thank you.

  23. Carol and Linda, your tablescapes are beautiful and your homes are beautiful. I love the peacock tree top on Linda’s Christmas tree. Thanks for sharing these wonderful tablescapes, Susan. I really enjoyed going through their dining rooms….Christine

  24. The Quintessential Magpie says

    Susan, this is such a fun post! I have enjoyed it so much, and these homes are delightful! I wish I had known about your giveaway because those placecard holders are PRECIOUS.

    Congratulations on your 100th post! This is a beautiful blog, and I have enjoyed visiting here. Glad I found you!


    Sheila 🙂

  25. Cami @ Creating Myself says

    I'm pretty casual myself so I just love Carol's table…her whole dining room in fact!

    And Linda's hone is just gorgeous! Love her idea of doing male & female placesettings.

    Thanks for hosting Susan!

  26. Ma'dame French says

    Oh my both Carol and Linda??? They are two of the most wonderful ladies and two of which I have learned so much from all the days on RMs and it’s no surprise their tables and decor are spectacular;) Thanks for sharing them with us!! Hugs French xoxo

  27. Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) says

    Congrats Lady Katherine!! Can’t wait to see what you do with the darling ornaments. Thanks for sharing both these fine ladies tablescapes.. They are wonderful.Full of inspiration.
    From our home to yours,
    Happy Holidays,
    hugs ~lynne~

  28. Lady Katherine says

    Oh, Susan, I am so happy to win your wonderful place card holders! You have made my Christmas so—-oo special, than you could ever know! Thank you so much. I will email my address. I loved Carol’s dining room as like mine has came from antique shops, flea markets family, or handmade, Which is most of my home! Carol did a great make over on her pieces. I love her jelly cupboard! Linda home is lovely, and love the entrance, The mirror is wonderful, The flatware is so pretty! Both homes are lovely and hard to pick a favorites, for they both have so many lovely things. Thank you Susan for being such a lovely hostess, with this wonderful tour of Linda’s and Carol’s homes. Merry Christmas to All!

  29. Dear Susan…. you don’t sease to amaze me… your tables are always so gorgeous and inviting… 😉

    Merry Christmas and warm wishes from our house to yours


  30. Hi Susan…you picked some lovely ladies' tablescapes for your finale for this year. We all have enjoyed your hosting TT and it has been alot of work for you but fun for us…Congratulations to Lady Katherine for being your winner…she is a very classy, sweet person.
    Merry Christmas to you & your family, 😉 Bo

  31. judicreations says

    Congratulations to Katharine on the giveaway. Lucky lady!

    The tablescapes are lovely. I love looking at all the beautiful tableware and dishes and having a table tour like this is so interesting. Great for ideas too.
    These ladies have such lovely homes.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Have a wonderful holiday season with your family and friends.

  32. So many great ideas! This is better then a magazine, and it’s free! Loved everyone’s table!

  33. Wonderful tables! Thanks for sharing them with us…and thanks for hosting the tablescape tuesday!

    Have a Merry Christmas!

  34. Melissa Miller says

    Thanks for sharing such charming and beautiful tablescapes.

    May you and yours have a wonderful and blessed Holiday.

  35. Sandra~Romantique Inspirations~ says


  36. susan, thanks for sharing this post with us… you know all the best gals, just beautiful! vickydarnell

  37. White Iris Designs says

    Simply beautiful..all of them! Thanks for letting me join in you fun!
    Merry Christmas!

  38. What a treat to see two such gorgeous tablescapes by two of the classiest ladies from RMS!! I love Carol’s idea of putting the coffee beans with a candle! I’m trying that! And Linda, I’m seriously coveting your wine bucket! 🙂
    Merry Christmas! L~

  39. Greetings Ms Susan! Thank you for Tablescape Tuesday, I have had great fun participating and viewing the wonderful array of lovely pics set forth by all those in Blog~land.

    It is simply amazing to see the talents of so many…and spurred on by the Holiday festivities, the Christmas tables have been the most delightful!

  40. Happy To Be says

    Both ladies did an outstanding job…I so admire both of these gals from RMS..loved Carol DR and I loved the Red but just know she’ll do it proud with Toile and Linda what can I say about her decorating skills and alway great Ladies what time is Dinner?? thanks Susan for sharing and a big hug to Carol and Linda for taking the time to do this for us…hope you all have a safe and blessed Christmas..dear friends…hugs and smiles Gloria

  41. Thanks for sharing these two beautiful tablescapes. I’ve enjoy both of their homes on RMS; and it was special to see their Christmas tables. Merry Christmas to All!! Sally

  42. Such a delight to visit both Linda’s and Carol’s beautiful table settings. Thank you Susan for posting their talents.

    Congrats to Katherine on winning the giveaway.

  43. Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda says

    Hi Susan, Thanks for sharing both of these wonderful tablescapes from two very talented ladies! 🙂

    Wishing you and your family a wonderful and blessed Christmas! ~hugs, Rhonda

  44. Susan, Thank you so much for the pleasure of being a guest hostess today. And thank you everyone for your sweet comments. I was talking with Linda on the phone earlier today… her computer is rebelling and she’s unable to get on in blogland. She also asked that I thank everyone on her behalf. Don’t we just meet the nicest people on RMS and blogland? I wish all of you the most blessed Christmas ever. May God’s Christmas Gift bring you peace and joy!
    fondly, Carol

    Susan, hope Chip and Nancy arrived safely. Big hugs for you!!!!!

  45. Ma'dame French says

    I have truly learned so much from seeing all yours I really can’t the credit all these wonderful ladies have given me such wonderful ideas!! Thanks so much;) Merry Christmas to you and yours;) French;)xoxo

  46. Linda/ "Mom..." says

    Dearest Susan~~~ I am honestly "humbled" to have our home shown here w/ dearest Carol's! Your displaying of pics & delightful writing form have made it a wonderful, fun & flattering experience & we BOTH appreciate the TIME you spent doing us this honor! (Ice has frozen up HER computer and/or lines in IL, & MY computer has been down ALL DAY too ~~~ & we don't even HAVE snow & ice here in AZ!!! So, I'm just THRILLED to even "BE" here online!). C & I DID talk by phone, tho, & we're BOTH so "happy" & wish to THANK YOU AGAIN, generous friend, for taking the time to share the places we hold so dear to our hearts. We ALLLL enjoy different homes, in different parts of the country & in different styles, n' yet I believe we can all also appreciate seeing each OTHER's different spaces, & approaches to comfy living, at the same time. WARMEST HOLIDAY WISHES to you, Chip n' Nancy & ALL your family n' friends, of which I hope I am truly "ONE"!!! And thank you to all the gals for the nice comments~ they're "mucho appreciated"! XOXO & Hugs, Linda

  47. I don’t know where you all find the time!!!!
    It is lovely….all of it.
    Merry Christmas my friend!

  48. I love your friends' tablescapes & dining areas. Thanks for the how-to on the cupboard, too.
    Have a very Merry Christmas!

  49. Thanks Susan for another great TT! Special thanks to your friends for sharing their lovely tables & congrats to Lady Katherine for winning & to you on your 100th post! I thought you had been a blogger for much longer! LOL & Merry Christmas!

  50. Thanks for another great post! The two tablescapes are so beautiful.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Merry Christmas!
    Lindy and Lesa Swedeen

  51. Ho…Ho…Ho…& Merry Christmas!!!

    Hello Susan,

    I'm so glad that you "showcased" Carol and Linda's beautiful homes and their Christmas tablescapes!!! They are both incredibly talented women!!!

    Well my friend, I'm sending you my very best Christmas wishes…and I pray that the Lord bless you and your family in the coming New Year! May it be filled with joy, peace, love, and good health!!!

    Love ya,

  52. imjacobsmom says

    Susan, Thanks for sharing these beautful tablescapes and dining rooms with us this Tuesday. I’ve always enjoyed viewing their spaces on RMS and enjoyed their comments even more! I want to take this time to tell you that you have a beautiful home and genuinely are a nice person and it shines through your wonderful blog! Hope you and your family are having a Happy Holiday Season! ~ Robyn

  53. Thanks to all for sharing such beautiful photos.

    Susan, thank you for hosting this each week, and for sharing your lovely home and spirit of the season.

  54. Linda/ "Mom..." says

    ~~~Good afternoon, Susan and wonderful friends~~I just wanted to stop by before alllll the "festivities & merry-making" to send hugs to all you gals in blogland (and those of you, like me, who VISIT blogland but don't have a blog). It's been SO FUN being with you all!!! Hoping you enjoy the holiday with all your loved ones! Warmest blessings, Linda (and let's include my sweet DH & dawg in that wish, too!!!)

  55. Miss Janice says

    Susan, Congratulations on another fun Tablescape Tuesday and thanks for letting us all participate. Thanks also for sharing these awesome tablescapes.

  56. Thanks for the lovely post. Merry Christmas from Missouri… Happy HOlidays to you and thanks for a beautiful and inpirational blog…

  57. Susan, Your incredible tablescapes have inspired me to actually create one but I am just not brave enough to share it – yet. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Thank you for inspiring us all to decorate, visit with friends, celebrate with family and slow down long enough to take “naps on the porch.”

  58. Hi again, Susan. I want to congratulate Lady Katherine for winning the place card holders. I am sure she will enjoy them. Also, I will be out of town but would like to participate for your next Tablescape Tuesday. Thanks and Merry Chritsmas again!…Christine

  59. ~ ~ Ahrisha ~ ~ says

    Beautiful, just beautiful tables.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  60. I’ve been blogging 4-1/2 years, over a thousand posts and in the last few months, I’ve learned more from your blog then any other. Your fame is well deserved.

  61. Merry Christmas

  62. Merry Christmas morning, Susan and all! I have loved Carol’s and Linda’s homes on RMS so this was such a treat tosee. I actually looked yesterday but had to get off the computer and go to a dinner. Soon, I we will be off to our sons home for Christmas dinner. Blessings to you, your family and all your readers on this day. And congrats to Lady Katherine on her win! Hugs, Pinky

  63. Merry Christmas Miss Naps on the Porch. Hope Santa was especially good to you this year.
    love, Carol

  64. Susan,
    I love visiting Carol's & Linda's homes on RMS & was delighted to see them up close! Thank you Ladies for sharing your beautiful homes with us!
    Have a wonderful Christmas! ♥

  65. Just dropping in to wish you a Merry Christmas!!

    Jan & Tom

  66. The Kramer Angle says


    Beautiful! I’ve been reading your blog for a few months now. I always enjoy your posts.

    Happy holidays!

  67. Susan (Between Naps on the Porch) says

    Naz…Merry Christmas to you! Thanks so much for your kind comments this past years…always LOVE to see you stop by. 🙂

  68. Congrats, Susan, on getting the first 100 under your belt. Your blog is always interesting to me, because I never know what you are going to investigate next or in which direction you are headed. You’d think being your sister, I’d have a clue. I never do. The one thing I am sure of, it will be interesting, an adventure, as well as a learning experience.

    I adore your hurricane centerpiece surrounded by the red berries. I have heard surrounding a candle with coffee beans can create a delicate aroma as the oil in the coffee beans warms slightly from the gentle heat emitted by the burning candle or candles. The hurricane should really help hold in that warmth. You might want to try an unscented candle at other times of the year and see if it really works.
    Your entire tablescape is beautiful. I can’t imagine how you are going to improve on perfection with your redo, but I guess we all like a change every now and then. Like Susan, I hope you will share pictures when you have the redo to your liking. I rarely go to RMS anymore due to navigation problems, so please let Susan know when you complete your transformation, so I’ll have a good reason to weather the aggravation of tackling RMS. Thank you for inviting us in. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

    From what little I can see through your windows, you have a tremendous view. What a blessing for you and DH to be able to see Mother Nature in such a wonderful way, up close and personal. Really like all the greenery you have in the center of your table. I also like the china and the napkin treatments you used. Your table covering is gorgeous, adding to the overall look without being ostentatious. From the reflection in the mirror, it looks like you had an amazing tree. Thank you for inviting us in. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

    Congrats are also in order for Lady Katherine.

    My best to everyone in 2009,

  69. Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity says

    Susan, I almost missed this post. I am so.. glad that I didn’t. Carol and Linda are two of my favorite people from RMS. I just love their homes. They are always so inviting. The tablescapes are fantastic as ususal with these two ladies.
    Hugs, Terrie

  70. I recently came accross your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I dont know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.


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