Remember this adorable cottage playhouse—the one I’ve had a crush on for so many years? I’ve always loved its design and imagined how wonderful it would be if it were built to grownup size. Well, about a month ago I made an offer on an adorable cottage, and my offer was accepted. Yikes! It doesn’t look exactly like this cute cottage, but it does share some similar characteristics. I’m truly in love with it and can’t wait to share more of it with you!

Photo from Posh
The closing will take place tomorrow, but the current owners won’t be moving out for a couple of weeks. Once the home is officially mine, I will share some photos with you from the previous owner with whom I’ve had the fortune to chat about the home. I can’t wait to share more with you very soon, and I’m looking forward to getting your thoughts on a few minor changes I’d like to make, including a possible kitchen refresh.
Just wanted to take a moment to share this exciting news with you! Looking forward to sharing more over the coming days!
Congratulations Susan on realizing a long-held dream, and completely get the “slightly scary” part. You’ve been in your beautiful home for a long time. Now you’re on to an exciting new chapter! Wishing you all the best for a smooth transition. I look forward following along in your new venture.
Thanks so much, Helen! I can’t wait to share more of it with you!
Congratulations!! That is such exciting news!! I cannot wait to see your new adorable home!!
Thanks so much, Charlotte!
Good on you, Susan!
Last year I sold my farm where I had lived since 1989 and moved 825 miles north. It was exhausting, especially in August in Florida, but it had also been an adventure.
Here’s to your new home! Can’t wait to see it.
Wow! That sounds incredible and exhausting. I know I’m going to feel the same way, I remember when I moved before, I’ve never been so exhausted in my entire life! Thanks, Jan!
Susan, Excited for you. Is the new cottage in OH new your son and family?
Just reading back through the comments and I think I missed this one. Yes, it’s in Ohio and very close to my son and family. Thanks, Rachel!
Wow! That is exciting! I can’t wait to see the new place! I am so wanting to downsize too but have been so scared because I’ve been in my house 20 years. I hope I get inspiration and courage from you!
I think the most important thing is making sure you really love the house and the area where you’ve moving. That should help lessen the fear of moving. That’s def helping me with this big change.
Squeal! I’m so excited for you!!! Can’t wait to see it!
Thanks so much, Jane! ♥
Whoa, that is such a surprise. What happy news! Can’t wait to hear/see more about it. This is going to be “the Summer of Susan!” Can you tell us about how you found it?
It’s a home that I saw come on the market 2 years ago. I called the realtor the first day it was listed since homes sell very quickly in that area. He told me that he had 20 showings that day, and there was just no way I could arrange to see it that quickly. It sold that same day for well over asking, so I never had a chance. I just happened to notice it was back on the market, which was a miracle since I had stopped looking. I don’t know why I did a search that day. Anyway, it was a bit overpriced (I guess) because it had been on the market for 5-6 days at that point. They had just reduced the price when I saw it, and I made my offer. The next day I was told that 3 other couples had come forward to buy it, so I just barely managed to get in to see it and make my offer before it was gone again. It really feels like it was meant to be…truly a miracle that I got another chance at it.
Scrolling and saw this. It’s like it was meant to be, don’t you think? Our first home buy was a bit like this as we put an offer in for the cutest house and we didn’t get it, but two blocks over the identical house (floorplan) was for sale and we got it instead. What a great feeling! So happy for you.
It does feel that way. That’s so wonderful that you were able to get the same style house so close by! Amazing how things work out!
Can not wait to follow your new adventure!
Thanks so much, Lois!
That is so exciting you will be near your family. Nothing better as we age. So happy for you. Yes change can be scary but also good. I’m reading a book called “Women Rowing North” by Mary Pipher….nagivating life’s currents and flourishing as we age!!! Might be perfect for you at this time, if you have time to read!
I’m so happy for your new found dream, Susan. Tough decisions ahead, but very exciting to have a new beginning! Is it near you now?
Thanks, Vonnie! No, it’s in Ohio near my son/dil/grandchildren, so a long, long, long way, away.
What exciting news!!! I’m sure there is, or will be, a porch on this cottage treasure!!
Now you can enjoy Killer Brownies and Laura’s Cookies from DLM any time you want!!!
I’m so happy for you!
There is a small sun porch and if I really miss my screen porch, I may add a screened summer house in the backyard. Or just have to see how I feel once I’m there. I know, I can’t wait to shop DLM on a regular basis. LOL Thanks, Mary Lou!
Good for you, Susan ! I’ll look forward to the updates on both properties. Is the cottage in the Atlanta area or are you moving closer to family? Or the beach? I think you will have a lot of fun with the new place wherever it is.
I would love a beach cottage, well, all except the insurance prices on those! It’s closer to my son/dil/grandchildren in Ohio, so a big change!
Wow! Super exciting! Is your new cottage closer to your son and daughter in law? Looking forward to all the fun updates and changes.
Yes, very close—just a few houses away. Thanks, Mary!
Congratulations! A big change like this is exciting and scary and a little sad and invigorating and so many other things all at the same time ~ you’ll have so much fun getting that sweet little cottage just the way you want it!
I know, so many mixed emotions! I can’t wait to get going, lots of things I want to do/improve.
Good for you! Not many people get that opportunity. Have fun.
Thanks, Kathy!
Susan, kudos to you for going after your dream. Memories aren’t held by the brick and mortar, they are in your heart. So pack up all those wonderful memories and bring them with you! Congratulations!
So true! Will definitely take your advice. ♥
Thanks, Franki! Will def be an adventure for sure! lol
How exciting!!! Can’t wait to see pictures! Sara
Looking forward to sharing those! Thanks, Sara!
You found your cottage! What fun! Thrilling and daunting. Looking forward to before and after photos. Sorry for chuckling, but I also anticipate your future post entitled, “Woes of Downsizing”. Good luck.
Thanks, Aris! Looking forward to sharing those. Ha! You could be right, although despite being a cottage home, it’s kinda roomy with a lot of closets and a basement. So that will def help with storage.
Susan, I am so excited for you and look forward to following your journey every step of the way.
We have been in our house for 37 years so I know exactly what you mean by scary. It takes a lot of courage. How exciting!
Thanks, Angie! It is very scary because I still love my current home, so that makes it hard to leave. But I think this will be a positive change and I’ll love being near my son/dil and grandsons.
Can’t wait to see the pictures! It sure is scary. You’ve done so many recent updates to your home to make it just about perfect. You didn’t mention if the cottage is located closer to your son (that would make moving easier). I’ve been in my home 47 years and would be overwhelmed at the decision making, but a dream come true would sure be a motivator!
How exciting! I will anxiously await to see how you decide what to take with you. With all your beautiful table decor – it will be hard to decide what to downsize – so it will be helpful for some of us to see how you do it! Maybe an online sale “hint-hint”
Oh so exciting! Your current home is lovely however I have never thought it “looks” like the person you seem to be on the blog.. a cottage fits your blog persona so much better to me!
How exciting and yet a little scary. I am sure it was meant for you. Just a reminder make new friends but keep the old one is silver the other gold. Best of wished and keep us informed.
omg what news so excited for you all the work you just done your house will sell fast who ever buys it its a great house. I cant wait to go on this journey with you so happy for you I know I ask you before you wanted to sell the little greenhouse you have in the cellar storage let me know still would love to have it the one with all the glass its green I know you have a million things to do but your so fortunate to do them!!!! enjoy
Never too late! Am excited for you!
I know exactly where you are coming from, we own a lot and would like to put a smaller home on it (our downsize house). We have gotten several quotes to build and the starting price per square foot at this time is $300+. Now we are wondering if we should proceed or not.
Good luck, cannot wait to see your cottage and what you are planning to do.
Decisions, decisions!!
Haven’t commented in a while, but wanted you to know I read — and enjoy — every post of Between Naps on the Porch. Congratulations on your cottage purchase! I’ve copied many of your paint colors and ideas from your beautiful home, but can’t wait to see what magic you create at your next place! Best to you!
Oh my! I am so happy for you to be closer to your son and his family. We are only an hour from both of ours and I just feel better knowing we could be there or they could be here in a short time. The move will be nuts but you are the most organized and energetic person I know so I have faith in you! Can’t wait to hear about the logistics and see the new cottage!! You’re in my prayers!
I have long been anticipating a post from you telling us you were moving to Ohio to be with your son, DIL and grandsons. We did the same after being in the same house for 34 years. We didn’t downsize though. You have the perfect storage solutions for all your pretties. I think it would be hard to get rid of so many items you have collected over the years. I hope you personally will move any breakables or heirlooms that are irreplacable. Good luck and enjoy your new adventure!
WOW – how exciting! I can’t wait to see your pictures and hear all about it! Congratulations!
I’m certainly going to miss you and your blog! 🙁
Renee, I’ll continue to blog about all the updates and about the new house. Metamorphosis Monday and Tablescape Thursday will continue, too. Nothing will change except that I’ll be blogging about two houses for a while, then eventually about the new home. I’ll have more to blog about than I have in a long while, so don’t worry about that. I don’t have any plans to stop blogging.
When I wrote a comment earlier, I forgot to wish you all the best on your remodel etc of your new home. Most of all, I know you and your family will be so excited for you to be close to them. The boys will be looking forward to their sleepovers with you as much as you will look forward to having them. We did the same 11 years ago. It truly was the best transition we could have ever made. Good luck and enjoy.
I am so excited for you, I don’t comment much but I had to let you know how much I enjoy reading your blog and seeing the stuff you do I tell my daughter about you all the time she too lives in Georgia she is in Alpharetta and loves going to Queen of Hearts. I can’t wait to see your new cottage because I know you will make it more beautiful than it is.
I am thrilled for you. It’s a big step but it will be wonderful for you. I can’t wait to follow your progress!
Thanks so much, Karol!
This is fabulous news!! I am truly excited for you Susan. Can’t wait to hear more. OH or GA? Best news ever.
Congratulations Susan! Exciting times ahead for you! Looking forward for pictures!
Good for you! It sounds like a wonderful decision and I cannot wait to see your ideas. It will be a “right size” move and it will become a haven for you, family and friends. Congratulations!
Congratulations!!! That cottage is adorable and it looks so much like your blog art. Best wishes on your cottage life!!
Wow, big news – many congratulations! I’ll be watching your posts and following along as you make decisions about downsizing, and then watching as you make the new home *yours*! After all your upgrades, I have no doubt your present house will sell quickly.
Congratulations, so happy for you to be able to live close to your son and his family…and it be your dream cottage too.
I know they are very excited to have you move close to them. I know you will have the cottage beautiful in no time because you always do all your projects fast, look forward to your new journey.
I’m really not surprised at this as I’ve felt that you’d eventually relocate to be near your son and his family Will you change your blog name? I’ve been in my home 40 years now and my husband plans on retiring in the next year or two. We’re not sure what we’ll do, hopefully build, but I’m not sure I have that in me (LOL)!
No, the blog name will stay the same. The new house has a small sun porch, so I will still have a porch, and I may end up building a screened summer/garden house in the backyard if I find I miss having a screened porch. Good luck with whatever decision you make Judy, I know it’s a huge change to think about.
Oh my gosh!!!!! Yipppeeeee you are moving to Ohio! And into an adorable cottage? Whoo hoo hoooo! It really is a miracle the way that all worked out.
So once you are all settled, and you want to take your Ohio family to Zoombezi Bay and the CBus Zoo up here (I am only a few minutes away) perhaps I will one day be able to meet you in person, finally. Or perhaps you’d come for Afternoon Tea.
I am so happy for you. You won’t like the winters, but then again you can just go someplace nice in Feb and March like the rest of the lucky ones. But the seasons are nice and you will be so glad to be with your family. Congrats. I cannot WAIT to see all your pics in the years to come. I am so happy for you.
We have all the seasons here and it gets quite cold in the winter time, Ohio Winters just come earlier and last longer. I know they can be more severe. I will just hibernate and stay inside during the really bad days since I hate cold weather. Thanks, Michele!
Congratulations! I hope the cottage will be everything you’ve dreamed of and more!
You will have so much fun with little house. We moved 5 yrs ago after living in our house 40 yrs. We built a new house and it has the cottage look. We have never looked back. New gardens ( smaller) redecorating and so much fun. We just love it. Great time to clean out. It is very freeing to get rid of things that you hardly ever use. Congratulations!! Let the fun begin!!
Best decision ever to be closer to your son, DIL and your precious grandsons! Your new home will be better than you ever could’ve imagined, especially since you’re not hundreds of miles away from them.
Downsizing is freeing! Time to give all the things you won’t be needing, a new home. At this chapter in your life, less is more. It’s time for not having “things”, but for making lasting memories!
Oooh! I had a feeling you were going to make a decision about your current home, Susan! With all of the improvements you’ve been making, it was in my mind you would do this. I can’t wait to see and hear more details about your new home? Is it still in Georgia? or are you moving closer to your son and his family?
Haha, I should have read some of the comments and then I would have known you are moving closer to your son! so exciting! congratulations!
I’m feeling very excited for you. I am older and have enjoyed a wonderful life that included a number of spouse’s career transfers. It was most often a lot of fun to have a new fresh start in a different house. I have few life regrets, but one was that we always lived a long distance from our son, wife and grandchildren. We saw them at least twice a year, but we missed so very much! I am so happy for you to have made the choice to be able to share their lives. Our last move was from Ohio to Florida. Enjoy Your next adventure. Do think carefully about what is kept and what needs to go. There is a relief in loved things collected that go to another who is thrilled to get them. We had a three-day estate sale (professionals ran it) which I was allowed to be present at. People were eager to share their excitement at finding this and that, that I had often found at estate sales, antique stores, flea markets, garage sales etc… I had many sets of dishes, flatware, silver, crystal, copper and more. I did not have time enough between contracting the sellers and when they began organizing the sale to think through and put aside some of which I wanted to keep. In the end I was largely satisfied with my results, but occasionally have a moment when I recall something as a loss. Someone bought two boxes of my Family recipes before I realized they were in the sale. I could have set them in a “safe room” and not lost such a treasure. As organized as you are, I have every confidence you will efficiently conduct a great move. I LOVE your blog and wish you all good things in your next chapter. Get as much rest as you can to stay clear-headed in all the excitement. H.
Welcome to Ohio! I’m looking forward to hearing all about your new adventure. Best wishes.
So many emotions all at once! How exciting, I can’t wait to follow along. I’ll certainly miss your current home and how perfectly it holds all your treasures, but surely the new place will do the same!
Oh my goodness, congratulations on your new home! I’m looking forward to seeing pictures and watching you decorate it to your taste. Does it have a porch for those naps? I’m sure you’re beyond excited!!
Oh, Susan, I am sooo very happy for you! Bravo for your courage to make the change. One that I am sure will bring you happiness and new adventures . I’m anxious to hear about it all. Please know you have many followers offering you encouraging support as you embark on this phase of your life. Whatever moral support you need is just a click away. “We got your back”, as the saying goes!!! Sending you smiles and best wishes.
Rosie @ The Magic Hutch
So excited for you Susan! I can understand the scary part as well. But how fun to move into your dream cottage and make it your own. Looking forward to watching the excitement all unfold. I have no doubt that it will be an adorable cottage! Wishing you all the best!! I so enjoy following you.
Oh, I just want to add, you’ll let us know if there’s a yard sale before you move, right??? 🙂
Congratulations! I am sure you will make your new home as beautiful as your current one. I have taken advantage of your expertise from a number of posts, so I can’t wait for the magic you will create in a new cottage.
So happy for you and so glad you found the perfect home so close to your family. I’m looking forward to seeing your new cottage.
Congratulations on the realization of a dream. I’m very excited and happy for you p…and also for us as you take us along this journey.
What exciting news!! I am thrilled for you to have a dream realized. From following you for so many years, I know you will tackle this change in your life like you have done everything else; full steam ahead, making wise and well thought out decisions. So happy for you.
Susan, I couldn’t be more excited for you! I love our cottage, and I feel pretty certain once the dust settles surrounding your tasks at hand (and that may take 2-3 years), you’re going to love your new situation too! Congratulations!!
Two years ago, we made the tough decision to leave what we thought was our forever home that we had spent 5 years making into everything we wanted it to be. Both our kids lived out of state and we decided while we were still young enough that we would move closer to one of them. We were in Houston. Our son is in Denver and our daughter in Cleveland. The sunny, non humid weather in Denver was where we ended up. We are now just a few months away from our first grandchild here in Denver and are so happy we are closer to at least one of our kids. We love visiting our daugher in Cleveland but I can tell you, I think you will be so happy being close to your family. It really is what it’s all about. Looking forward to following along on your new adventure!
BEST WISHES TO YOU!!Your mind must be spinning with all the thoughts and ideas with all of your creative talent. I am so looking forward to following you in your journey! Dolores , Haverhill, Ma.
Congratulations on your new adventure!
Congratulations on your dream cottage. But I can’t believe you are moving from your beautiful loved home. Children and grandchildren can change you. Wishing you a smooth move.
Congratulations, Susan! I’m looking forward to see how you make your cottage your own.
Dreams do come true! This is exciting news and I can’t wait to follow along on this journey Susan. I’m already thinking how are you going to pack all your dishes and glassware!!! I am thrilled for you and your family.
Susan, huge congratulations on your new home! I am so looking forward to seeing your darling cottage. What fun it will be for you. And living close to family- I can’t think of a better reason to move! Cheers to all the lovely new memories you’re about to make!
I’m envious, in a way. I’m hoping to leave Nashville before ’27 when the new stadium is done. I’m a city girl and helped rebuild our part of town, but all these “things” that weren’t here before have made it loved too much. I’m hoping to head back to Georgia–I miss pinetrees, dogwoods and azaleas!
Oh wow!! That’s such exciting news Susan, I’m so happy for you!
I can’t wait for the adventure to begin!!!
Oh my goodness Susan! What news! I hope that everything goes smoothly, and you are settled sooner than later in your cottage. It will be so fun to see how your new house comes together. And, IF you should need some tips on cold weather life…living in MN has definitely upped my ‘keeping toasty’ game. But the happiness of being near family will no doubt keep you warm! Congrats!!!
So excited for you – thank you for taking us along on your journey!
Have fun!!
I’m so excited for you! I’ve always wanted to live in a cute cottage like you’ve shown from time to time. We just made the move almost a year ago in order to be closer to our families. It was so exhausting, but worth it. You’ll likely miss some things, but you will gain so much. Congratulations! I’ll anxiously await the fun you’ll have organizing and decorating your new home.
Susan, I am happy your cottage finally appeared, but my heart sank a little because I love you current home. I want a larger home, not downsize but unaffordable. My home is worth 4 times what I paid.Can we see the cottage? You have to tell us how much the current home sells for (just me ?). Someone will be buying a large well loved home. I can see a mother in law suite in the basement. It needs a bathroom.
We knew you were going to do it but- not today.
Such exciting news!!! I think as I’ve gotten older I realize the blessing of having family nearby. Can’t wait to see your new abode, and all the touches you will put upon it! Congratulations!!
Congratulations, that’s such exciting news! We’ve been in our home for 15 years but had to move out for 14 months after a fire from a lightning strike in 2022. We didn’t have to rebuild the entire structure, but I did get a new kitchen and primary bathroom, so it feels a little like a new house! Even after 9 months it still takes me by surprise some days
Congratulations! Thrilled for you and can’t wait to follow your adventure as you move and make this new place your home sweet home!!!
Congratulations! How exciting! So happy for you….to be closer to family. Although I’ve never seen your beautiful home, I feel like I have from your sharing all the decorating/ideas. Blessing on your transistion!
WOW! Congratulations! Can’t wait to see your new place! I should be downsizing instead of still buying dishes and glasses!
It does take nerve to make that kind of a move so I understand “scary!”
Wish I could get to your yard sale! LOL!
Wowee, you’ve done it—brought your long-held dream to fruition and close to your family, oh,joy! I’ve been wondering when you would finally make the move and I’m super excited for you, Susan!
Dear Susan, I have always prayed you safely back / forth on your trips to Ohio
& in my heart I have believed this move would come about. I am thrilled to
read this post & learn of your “marvelous move”. There will be exhausting
frustrating aspects involving the physical part of moving & then there will be that day when you realize your family is merely a smile away…..and your heart
will be filled to the brim with joy !
Oh my goodness Susan. I’m so excited for you. This is wonderful. Can’t wait to see your cottage home. You go girl.
I’m a bit late seeing this but how exciting for you! That’s wonderful! Can’t wait to see all your updates and posts.
So happy for you!! But where will you put your tabletop items?
I’m happy for you, Susan. Wishing you many years of joy in your new home. And I’m happy for us too, because we get to join you for the ride. Judy. ❤️