My January Favorites & Preparing For An Upcoming Ski Trip

I can't believe January is over and we are already a full week into February! I was thinking back today on all the things I enjoyed and was thankful for this past month and my warm mist humidifier was at the top of the list. The nights I forget to fill it up and turn it on, I really notice it the next day because I don't sleep as well and I wake up more during the night. Thankfully, I rarely forget to run … [Read more...]

Upgraded My Carry-On, Plus 10 Must-Haves I Always Take Along Whenever I Travel

Welcome to the 790th Metamorphosis Monday! Do you have any big travel plans coming up this spring or summer? I don't have anything specific planned just yet, but I hope to focus on seeing more of the USA. There are so many wonderful states that I've never been to or explored. A few months back, I updated my carry-on bag. I very much liked my Away bag, but unfortunately when I purchased it, Away was not … [Read more...]

How I Plan To Stop My Car From Being Stolen While Pumping Gas

Have you been hearing about this latest issue where people are having their cars stolen literally right out from under their noses? Yesterday, I saw a video about this particular incident below that happened a few days ago. A woman had just finished pumping gas into her SUV and was replacing the gas cap when a thief jumped into her vehicle and drove off with her SUV, her handbag, and everything else she had … [Read more...]

We’re In The Mountains Of Big Canoe For This Week’s Tablescape Thursday

Welcome to the 781st Tablescape Thursday! Over the last few days, I've been spending a little time in the north Georgia mountains. This was the charming Airbnb home I booked in the mountain community of Big Canoe. Big Canoe is around a 1-hour drive north of my home, so it's the perfect location for a little getaway.   Just a couple of hours after I arrived, I received this message from the … [Read more...]

A New Carry-on Bag–Plus, Some Home Renovation Updates In The Works

Welcome to the 762nd Metamorphosis Monday! I hope you've been having a relaxing Labor Day weekend. I'm running a tad behind due to computer issues. My computer this morning suddenly decided it didn't want to let me access any of the photos, including the ones I needed for this post. I finally got it to work, hope it stays working. Computers are always a love/hate relationship, aren't they? Before we get … [Read more...]

The One Item I Never Travel Without–Worth Its Weight in Gold!

It's spring break time for many families right now, including my grandsons. In my area, spring break starts next week. Do you have plans to travel for spring break or this summer? After the last few years of everyone staying home so much, I have a feeling this is going to be a huge summer for travel. If you've been reading BNOTP for a bit, you know I love a beautiful handbag, especially wicker bags for … [Read more...]

After I’m Gone, Will Someone Keep and Treasure This Piece?

Recently when I shared a new lamp I had purchased, you may have noticed a large, colorful bowl that was sitting nearby.   I collected that bowl several years ago during a trip to Morocco when we visited Poterie de Fes, a place where they hand-make and paint tiles that they create from their local clay. The tiles are then used to make beautiful pottery and lovely fountains for gardens. I … [Read more...]

Dreaming of Travel to Faraway Places

I'm reminiscing today...dreaming and reminiscing about travel to faraway places. If you are craving a little travel excursion today, check out the following posts. (Click the title of any post to view it.) A Visit to the Giza Plateau, the Last Remaining Member of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World   Dining at Mama's Fish House in Maui, Hawaii   Tour the Belleek Pottery … [Read more...]

Let’s Take a Virtual Vacation: Hawaii, Ireland, Egypt, Morocco, Kenya and More!

I'm sure this isn't the summer you planned or the one you envisioned. Instead of a relaxing beach trip or a trip to the mountains, instead of traveling across the country to visit friends or family, instead of a trip to Europe or other far-flung places, most of us are staying home away from the airports and crowds. Home feels safer right now, at least it's familiar. So how about today we take a few … [Read more...]

What I Brought Back From Egypt and Other Random Bits of Fun

I'm always saving photos of neat things to share with you, but sometimes I never get around to including them in a post. Sometimes it's just a single photo or a little idea, so not quite enough to create a whole post about. Today, I've pulled a bunch of those little moments/ideas together. We'll be jumping all over the place in this post so there should be something fun or interesting in here for … [Read more...]

8 Ways to Brighten Your Home (and your Spirits) During These Cold Winter Months

Welcome to the 573rd Metamorphosis Monday! Recently I was chatting via email with Selma whose beautiful table setting I featured a few weeks ago. During our email conversation, Selma asked if in a future post I'd share some ways we can brighten our home during these cold winter months. I know our homes can sometimes feel a bit empty and sad after we've put away all our festive holiday decorations. One … [Read more...]

The Treasures I Brought Back From England & How I’m Using Them Here at Home

Welcome to the 563rd Metamorphosis Monday! No major Before and Afters to post today so I thought I'd share some random updates along with the special souvenirs I brought back from England this past summer. By the way, I decided to give having my groceries delivered from Publix a try--a suggestion left in the comments on a previous post where I shared about Dorothy Lane Market in Oakwood, Ohio. The … [Read more...]

How I Clean My Travel Tote and Protecting It From Damage on Future Trips

When I traveled to England earlier this summer, I had an experience while going through security that sent me on a search. Whenever I fly domestically, or even sometimes when traveling via car, I use this blue and white bag as my travel tote. It holds everything I need and is the perfect size to be my "Personal Item" when flying. I decided to use it on an international trip for the first time when I … [Read more...]

How I Replaced 3 Travel Toiletry Bags with 1 Awesome Hanging Bag

Welcome to the 551st Metamorphosis Monday! How do you pack your toiletries for travel? In the past, I've always used a combination of things. This bag below came as a gift when I purchased a cosmetic item--forgotten what now, it may have been a Clinique product. It has always been my catchall bag holding all the items that wouldn't fit in my smallish toiletry bag.   I purchased these … [Read more...]

Beautiful Christian Dior Exhibition, Victoria and Albert Museum, London 2019

Well before I left for my trip to England, Nicole, a personal shopper I follow on Instagram who often travels to England, posted a video highlighting the Christian Dior Exhibition taking place in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. I checked the dates of the exhibit and was disappointed to see it would be ending the day before our arrival in London. When we arrived in London, I was so happy to … [Read more...]

Dining at 35,0000 Feet & the Huge Mistake I Made When Flying Delta One

Welcome to the 567th Tablescape Thursday! I'll be leaving for Ohio tomorrow and though I had plans to set a table yesterday, I found my self totally distracted thinking about the last element I needed for this little makeover my daughter-in-law and I are planning for my two grandson's bedroom. I had everything we needed except for one thing: a great lamp. A friend suggested I check At Home, a store … [Read more...]

Two New Dresses I Loved Wearing During My Time in England

I was only gone 10 days, but it feels like I was away for months! It's such a strange feeling, returning home and driving down the old familiar streets. One minute you're in London and just beginning to adapt to where everything is and finding your way around, then that very same afternoon you find yourself back home, and it feels like you've been away for ages. I'm always overjoyed to see home again. No … [Read more...]

Having Tea at Max Gate, Thomas Hardy Style

Welcome to the 566th Tablescape Thursday! This past Saturday we visited Max Gate, the home Thomas Hardy built after he became a successful writer.   I hope to share additional photos of the home in the future, but for this week's Tablescape Thursday, we're going inside the dining room.   I always appreciate the beautiful homes I visit during my travels, but sometimes I think … [Read more...]

Following in Jane Austen’s Footsteps: The Dining Room & Butler’s Pantry at Goodnestone Park

Welcome to the 565th Tablescape Thursday! It's almost 1 AM as I write this. We returned much later than planned from our dinner at Stanford's Cottage in Worthing, the cottage where Jane Austen's family stayed during their vacations on the Sussex coast. In the two days we've been touring, there haven't been any blog-worthy table settings, well, at least not any in places where I was allowed to take … [Read more...]

Dramatic Luggage Before & After & The Best Amazon Prime Deals, Including iPads!

Welcome to the 546th Metamorphosis Monday! Update: While I'm in England, I'll be posting photos frequently on Instagram. It's the fastest way to share the beautiful cottages and gardens of England since WiFi may be iffy for writing blog posts. Follow Between Naps On The Porch on Instagram here: BetweenNapsOnThePorch. If you haven't joined Instagram, it doesn't matter. Just bookmark that link above and … [Read more...]

The Away Bigger Carry-On Bag: What Actually Fits Inside?

Welcome to the 534th Metamorphosis Monday! I'm back today as promised to share what fits inside this Away "Bigger Carry-on" bag that I purchased recently.   Here's how the Away bag looks when you open it up. The left side contains a zippered mesh pocket which is where I carried my laptop to Egypt and back when I purchased the aluminum version of the Away bag. You may recall, I returned … [Read more...]

An Away Bigger Carry-on Unboxing: What Color Did I Choose?

As mentioned in a previous post, I decided after much deliberation to go with another Away bag as my carry-on bag for future trips, only this time I went with the non-aluminum version since it's lighter and not prone to dings and dents. It arrived this past week and I couldn't wait to unbox it!   Here's what I found inside. The Away bag comes in a really nice storage bag that will come in … [Read more...]

A Pop of Color for the Office & Answering Your Questions About the Bucket-List Travel Map

Welcome to the 531st Metamorphosis Monday! Recently when I shared this adorable bow hat I had just ordered...   ...I received a few comments/emails about the travel map I have hanging just below the hats. Today I'm answering your questions about this map, how it works and an updated view.   I snapped this picture early this morning so the light is still really soft here in … [Read more...]

How to Pack a Hat in Your Suitcase for Travel

Welcome to the 529th Metamorphosis Monday! Back in 2015 when I first started traveling, my very first trip was for a safari in Kenya. In reading about what one should pack for a safari, a hat was always right at the top of the list of recommendations, particularly a Tilley hat. I found one on Amazon that I really liked. The ribbon around the crown of the hat made it feel more feminine than the other … [Read more...]

I’ve Made a Decision: I’ve Chosen My Carry-on Bag for Future Trips

Over the last few weeks, I've received several comments and emails asking if I had made a decision on a carry-on bag for future trips. You may remember I was looking a lot of different choices in this previous post: An Away Luggage Update & Help Me Choose a New Carry-on Bag. I am happy to say, I have made a decision. I've decided to go with another Away bag since I loved so many features on the one I … [Read more...]

5 BNOTP Readers Are Going to England + A Bucket List Upgrade for My Flight

From time to time I get comments or e-mails from Between Naps On The Porch readers asking if I would consider putting a trip together. I love that idea but I've never really planned a trip before. For all the trips I've taken, I've always left the details up to the experts. Recently Laura, a friend, and a retired College English professor, put together a 10-day Literary Tour to England with the help of a … [Read more...]

An Away Luggage Update and Help Me Choose a New Carry-on Bag

Before I left for a trip to Egypt last October, I purchased this snazzy, aluminum, Away carry-0n bag for the trip. Over the last few months, I've had several comments and emails asking how that bag worked out. Though I loved the bag, I sadly decided to return it after the trip. In today's post, I thought I'd share what I loved about the bag, why I returned it and what bag(s) I'm considering buying … [Read more...]

Dinner in the 1902 Restaurant, Old Cataract Hotel, Aswan Egypt

Welcome to the 536th Tablescape Thursday! Last October, I spent 15 days traveling across Egypt with my friend, Teresa. That trip was definitely one of the most exciting and mysterious bucket-list trips I've ever been on. In a word, it was awesome--Disney Rash and all! lol During the trip to Egypt, we had a rather interesting adventure during a visit to the Sofitel Legend Old Cataract Hotel in Aswan. The Old … [Read more...]

Jane Austen Fans: Would You Enjoy a Literary Tour of Southern England?

Happy New Year! I hope 2019 has had an awesome start for you! It's always around this time of the year that I'm finally able to accept the cold weather and have begun to embrace it. I love a good excuse for staying inside and curling up under a throw with a good book or just watching a favorite old movie.   A Travel Opportunity for the Classic Literature Lover, especially the Jane Austen … [Read more...]

How I Foiled a Pickpocket Thief in the Khan Al-Khalili Bazaar in Cairo

After visiting the Hanging Church in Cairo, I was less than thrilled when our guide announced we were next headed to the souk, also known as the Khan Al-Khalili Bazaar. When I hear the word "souk," it brings back terrible memories of all the souks we visited during my trip to Morocco with Overseas Adventure Travel in March 2017. In Morocco, the souks were always super crowded, smelled bad, and were … [Read more...]

In the Footsteps of Agatha Christie: A Visit to the Old Cataract Hotel, Aswan, Egypt

I have so many mixed emotions about my trip to Egypt. Every day was truly an adventure filled with wonder, but there were also moments that were disconcerting like the one I shared in this post: Foiling a Pickpocket Thief in the Khan Al-Khali Bazaar in Cairo. As I share photos and experiences from my time in Egypt, I'll share it all--the good and the not-so-good. That way if you ever decide to put Egypt … [Read more...]

What Do Travelers Really Wear When Visiting Egypt?

It's 4 am here. Last night we arrived back in Cairo, having completed the Aswan-Abu Simble part of our trip. I can't wait to go through all the photos I've taken to share some of the highlights of this tour across Egypt! It will take some time to go through all the photos I've taken and to organize them for a post, but I hope to share those soon. I've received a few comments here and on Instagram … [Read more...]

An Egypt River Cruise: Sailing & Dining on the Nile River

Welcome to the 526th Tablescape Thursday! We've had a lot of early mornings on this trip across Egypt and tomorrow will be another one as I'll be rising at 4:30 AM for a trip to Abu Simbel. The WiFi on our boat is the pitts. If you use more than a certain amount, it logs you out and you have to request a new password at the front desk to continue. I've lost count of how many new passwords I've had to … [Read more...]

The Giza Plateau & Last Remaining Member of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World

Hello from Egypt! How has your week been going? The last few days have been a bit of a whirlwind. I had hoped to post before now but it's taken longer to go through photos than I had expected. I've been posting a bunch on Instagram, be sure and follow there for daily updates. You'll find BNOTP on Instagram here: BNOTP. If you ever visit Egypt to see the pyramids, I can definitely recommend a … [Read more...]

What’s Inside My Travel Handbag & Travel-Themed Toothpaste

Thanks so much to Ginger for telling me about this fun "luxury" travel toothpaste. The toothpaste comes in some pretty exotic-sounding flavors. The description describes them this way: This set contains 1.3oz travel sizes of all three limited edition toothpaste flavors in Marvis’ Wonders of the World collection, inspired by an imaginary and adventurous journey around the world. I purchased one set … [Read more...]

5 New Items I’m Packing for Egypt, One I Should Have Purchased Ages Ago!

It's countdown time--I'll be leaving for Egypt in less than a week.  This trip seemed so far off when I shared the details in this previous post: Pyramids, Mummies and Cruising the Nile River. Before every trip abroad, I usually pick up a few new items. I love trying new things, especially if it will enhance some aspect of the trip or prevent a problem.   2-Stage Filtered Water Bottle, … [Read more...]

Protect Your Suitcase from Scratches with a Pretty Luggage Cover

Welcome to the 506th Metamorphosis Monday! How was your weekend? This is a long weekend for some folks since today is Columbus Day. It's also Thanksgiving for our northern friends in Canada. Happy Thanksgiving, Canada! I spent the weekend getting some things done I've been putting off--like spiffing up the screened porch for autumn. I haven't done any decorating on the porch, yet--but I did take time … [Read more...]

Packing for Travel to Egypt and a Cruise Along the Nile River

In a few short weeks, I'll be heading off on a new adventure. I'll be leaving for a 16-day trip to Egypt. This will be my third time visiting the continent of Africa--somehow it keeps drawing me back. It's going to be quite hot in Egypt, I'm guessing very much like the summers here in Georgia but with less humidity since it's really a desert environment. Today I'm sharing the wardrobe I plan to pack, … [Read more...]

5 Ways To Save Big For Travel Abroad

I've always wanted to travel and see more of this big, beautiful world, but for many years traveling outside the United States seemed like just a dream, something other folks did but I would never be able to afford.   After I retired, Wanderlust really set in. The one place I had always wanted to visit more than any place else was Italy. With more free time on my hands, I started researching … [Read more...]

Tour the Museum of Style Icons in Ireland, Part II

On Monday we began a tour through the Museum of Style Icons, a museum owned by Newbridge Silverware in Newbridge, Co. Kildare. It was a wonderful, unexpected highlight during my trip to Ireland last year. In that previous post, I shared this pretty cocktail dress worn by Audrey Hepburn in the movie, Breakfast at Tiffany's.   That dress was displayed near several other dresses worn previously … [Read more...]

A Visit to the Newbridge Museum of Style Icons

Welcome to the 498th Metamorphosis Monday! I've been away the past few days visiting family. As I was thinking about what I might share with you today, I remembered a fascinating stop we made during my trip across Ireland last year. I think it was on the same day we visited Blarney Castle. As we were heading back to our manor home for the night, we stopped for a little shopping excursion inside the … [Read more...]

Genius Ideas To Make Travel A Lot Easier

Welcome to the 494th Metamorphosis Monday! I don't have a typical "Before and After" to share this week, so I thought I'd share some products that could definitely transform the way you travel, making your travels a lot easier. Recently Zenda left this comment below on this post: My 5 Essentials for Traveling Internationally. Susan, I wanted to thank you for recommending the anti-theft travel bag. I … [Read more...]

How I Avoided Air-Sickness During My Helicopter Tour, + 4 Products I Use & Love

Recently on THIS post, Linda left a comment asking about a product I had mentioned a few years ago--my battery storage/organizer. I purchased this organizer below after reading a news article about a guy who had been storing "dead" batteries in a bag in his garage until he could take them for recycling. Apparently, some of the batteries were not completely dead, so when the tips touched they sparked a fire … [Read more...]

Dining at Mama’s Fish House in Maui, Hawaii

Welcome to the 508th Tablescape Thursday! When I announced I was visiting Maui, one restaurant that was recommended to me over and over again was Mama's Fish House. Even after I got to Hawaii and started asking the locals for recommendations, Mama's Fish House was always one of the first places mentioned. During the helicopter tour I took over Maui last week, our pilot, Mike, was continually pointing … [Read more...]

The Lahaina Banyan Tree, Truly The Most Amazing Tree I’ve Ever Seen

When I mentioned in a post that I was heading off to Maui, Hawaii for a week, I received some wonderful suggestions of places to visit and things to see  and do while there. A couple of folks mentioned a special tree in the town of Lahaina called a Banyan tree. I had never heard of a Banyan tree before, but made a mental note to look for it if I ended up in the Lahaina area. Initially, I hadn't planned … [Read more...]

Back Home At Last & A Few Favorites from Hawaii

Welcome to the 490th Metamorphosis Monday! Well, this is a record for the latest Met Monday has ever posted. I've been flying all night and most of the day but I'm finally back home from Maui. The flights were great and uneventful, just very long. It's a long way from Georgia to Hawaii and back, especially when you go there via Seattle. It's a long way even when you don't go via Seattle. lol I don't … [Read more...]

Dress Shopping in Hawaii

Reminder: Today is the last day to get 40% off everything at Talbots. I purchased several shorts and pants yesterday, so it's a great time to check out their sale. You'll find the sale here: 40% off Sale. Don't forget to use the code Friends40 to get the discount. I almost never shop for clothes while I'm on vacation but this trip was the exception. I visited Whaler's Village and went a wee bit crazy! … [Read more...]

A Hawaiian Luau on the Island of Maui

Welcome to the 507th Tablescape Thursday! Last night I attended the Luau they host every Wednesday night at the resort where I'm staying in Maui. Every chair you see below was filled once the party got underway.   As we arrived we were greeted with a Mai Tai drink. Have you ever had a Mai Tai before? I had not. This one was very low on alcohol and super sweet. Not sure if they are always … [Read more...]

Would You Jump Off This Rock Into the Pacific Ocean?

My body is still on Atlanta time. I normally wake up around 3 AM each day, roll back over and try to go back to sleep, only to wake up again in an hour or two. My body just won't get the message that it's in the Hawaiian Time Zone now. lol Early this morning I looked out the window of my bedroom and noticed they were busy putting up tables on the lawn for tonight's Luau.   Here's how it … [Read more...]


Welcome to the 489 Metamorphosis Monday! I made it! This was the view from my side of the plane as we were flying into Maui. You can see the shadow of the plane which I thought was kinda cool. This evening I was reading more about Maui online. I find it fascinating how this island was formed! Wikipedia states: Maui's diverse landscapes are the result of a unique combination of geology, topography, … [Read more...]

Would you go to Maui, Hawaii Alone?

A friend called me last week to say he had a week in Maui planned, but couldn't go. He offered it to me at no charge. So all I'd be paying for is the flight, a rental car once there, and of course the usual expenses like meals, etc... I called two different friends to see if either would like to go. The room will sleep two since it also has a sofa sleeper. Neither could go due to prior commitments they … [Read more...]

Where I Find the Best Travel Deals & Some Amazing Deals Available Right Now

Recently I shared a post where I highlighted a few items I always take when I travel abroad. If you missed that post, you'll find it here: 5 Essentials for Traveling Internationally. I love the comments you leave on posts--always learn new things from you with each and every post. The interactions and discussions in the comments are wonderful, appreciate those so much. On that particular post linked … [Read more...]

My 5 Essentials for Traveling Internationally

It's that time of year when a lot of us are thinking more about vacation and travel. Recently, a friend and I scheduled a trip for fall. (Read more about that here: Pyramids, Mummies and Cruising the Nile.) When I travel, sometimes there's very little time to prepare if I've jumped on one of the "last-minute-travel-deals" that some travel companies offer, but in the case of the fall trip, there's plenty … [Read more...]

Pyramids, Mummies and Cruising the Nile River

Happy Weekend! It is absolutely gorgeous here, the kind of day that pulls you outdoors. I'll be heading outside for a hike this afternoon with my son, dil and grandsons. They have so many natural areas and parks here to enjoy, all perfect for hiking. I hope you are enjoying beautiful weather, be it spring or fall depending on where you live. Back in 2015 when I thought I was a year away from turning 60 … [Read more...]

Seeking A Dream-Like Experience

Thanks sooo much for all your input yesterday on my cushion dilemma on the porch. So many great ideas and suggestions! A few days ago, a couple I follow on Instagram posted a beautiful picture taken on Sea Island where they were vacationing. It was a beautiful alley of Oak trees and very similar to the iconic photo so often shared in magazines of Oak Alley Plantation. In the Instagram post, they … [Read more...]

Travel Insurance: Does It Work and Is It Actually Worth Purchasing?

When you travel, do you usually purchase trip insurance? I remember when I booked my very first trip out of the country in fall 2015, the travel company with whom I booked my trip recommended trip insurance.   I did purchase insurance, but not from them. I shopped around a bit and ended up going with a company that was recommended by the insurance/investment company with whom I insure my home … [Read more...]

A Safari, Travel-Inspired Bedroom Guaranteed to Delight Any Guest

Welcome to the 474th Metamorphosis Monday! Delphine enjoys traveling and has collected some wonderful memorabilia over the years. When she designed her guest room, she was inspired to decorate in a delightful travel/safari theme What a fabulous idea for a guest room since anyone lucky enough to sleep here would most likely love all things, travel.   For this travel-themed bedroom, Delphine … [Read more...]

Inside Ballynahinch Castle: Take a Tour of this Romantic Irish Castle

I've been dying to take you inside Ballynahinch Castle ever since I returned from Ireland, but it has taken a while to get through all the photos I took. Pictures could never do this beautiful castle justice, but at least they will give you a little idea of how magical it feels to stay there. In this post I'm sharing a mix of photos, some taken by me and some from the Ballynahinch Castle website. Those … [Read more...]

Hiking the Grounds of Beautiful Ballynahinch Castle, Galway, Ireland

Ireland is a magical, beautiful place. I would love to go back again someday. The tour I took last summer was a "Castle" tour, so in addition to touring Ireland during the day, the nights were just as magical because they were spent sleeping in fairy tale castles and manor homes along the way. I loved all the homes and castles we stayed in, but my favorite of all was Ballynahinch Castle located in a … [Read more...]

Test Results and 4,000 Missing Bags

Just a quick post to say Thank-you for all the well-wishes and all the helpful information you left in the comments of yesterday's post. I've heard from several folks who said they have also benefited from the information you shared. The Flight Home: The flight home yesterday was brutal, only way to describe it. As soon as we got airborne it was much harder to breathe. I never watch movies on airplanes, … [Read more...]

A Very Rough End to 2017

Welcome to the 466th Metamorphosis Monday! Happy New Year to you! As I write this from the Sheraton Hotel in the Charles de Gaulle airport, it's 5:00 AM here in Paris. Sounds glamorous--spending New Year's Eve in Paris, doesn't it? Unfortunately, it's not as wonderful as it sounds since I've never left the airport. One of these days I'm going to see more of France than just its airport! I had to miss my … [Read more...]

Christmas in Cologne, Germany

Welcome to the 465th Metamorphosis Monday! Merry Christmas! Since Met Monday falls on Christmas Day this year, I'm putting this post up a bit early. I guess my Before and After this week is a travel one since I'm spending Christmas in a way I've never done before: floating down the Rhine River stopping every so often to visit the Christmas Markets and historic sites we find along the way. The … [Read more...]

Packing for The Netherlands, Germany & France at Christmastime

I've received a few comments asking if I would share what I will be wearing during my upcoming trip to Germany. I'll be packing the usual suspects: pants, sweaters, turtlenecks, scarves and boots, but I'm finding packing for this trip a lot more challenging. The problem is sweaters are really fat and fluffy, so they take up a lot of space. But I love sweaters so I'm determined to take several, even if I … [Read more...]

A Christmas Markets Trip Along the Rhine & Soup to Warm You On This Cold Day

I had a big decision to make today. So what did I do? I procrastinated and started cutting up vegetables, instead.   This is the best vegetable beef soup! It smells so insanely good while cooking...makes the whole house smell that way, too.  It's made from a recipe I found in an old Southern Living magazine, if I'm remembering correctly. I always change the recipe a bit by adding some stew … [Read more...]

A Special Delivery

This is turning into a busy week. My main desktop computer was rebuilt and got a brand new hard drive. I picked it up yesterday and it's wicked fast! So happy to have that done and to have my computer back! I'll be getting a quote this week on having part of my backyard fence rebuilt and the hall/basement staircase door is being replaced again on Friday. The deck cleaning, staining, and rail painting is … [Read more...]

A Tour of Lough Eske Castle, County Donegal, Ireland

Thanks so much for all your well-wishes over the last few days. I can't speak for all of Atlanta, but my immediate area seems to have fared quite well. Hurricane Irma was mostly a tropical storm when she arrived here, so though we got plenty of wind and rain and the lights flickered a few times, we never lost power. My biggest concern was that a tree would come down, but thankfully that did not … [Read more...]

Answering Your Questions & What I Brought Home From Ireland

It's 5:30 AM as I write this, I've been up since 3 AM. The previous two mornings, I awoke at 4 am. This pretty much happens every time I travel to Europe. I'm not sure when my body will get back on Georgia time, but for now I'm enjoying the peace and quiet you experience when you get up before the birds even open their eyes.   It's amazing all the stuff you can get done when you awaken at 4 … [Read more...]

Tour the Belleek Pottery Factory, Beautiful Pottery Still Hand-Crafted in Ireland

Welcome to the 466th Tablescape Thursday! While away in Ireland, I created a post sharing a few pics inside the Belleek Pottery Gift Shoppe located inside the Belleek Pottery Factory in County Fermanagh. If you missed that post, you'll find it here: Shopping in Belleek Pottery.   Today, I thought we would go back inside to tour the "factory." I put factory in quotes because it's not very … [Read more...]

How I Packed For Travel for Ireland in August

It feels so good to be back home! I got back in yesterday afternoon and after catching up on some email and doing a bit of unpacking, I was sound asleep by 8:30 PM. That was 1:30 AM, Ireland time and was as long as I could force myself to stay up. I awoke at 4:00 AM and spent the day unpacking, washing clothes and picking up/sorting mail/packages that were being held. I have some delicious books to share … [Read more...]

A Beautiful Bedroom in Ballynahinch Castle

Welcome to the 448th Metamorphosis Monday! It's very late as I type this, so again will keep the wording in this post brief. I'll be heading back home very soon and can't wait to share photos of the wonderful castles and manor homes we've stayed in during this trip across Ireland. In the meantime, for this week's Metamorphosis Monday I thought I'd share what has thus far, been my most favorite castle, … [Read more...]

Shopping in Belleek Pottery in Northern Ireland, A Dish-Lover’s Heaven!

Welcome to the 466th Tablescape Thursday! It's after midnight as I write this, so it's already Thursday here in Ireland. The days are wonderfully busy and full as we tour this beautiful country. It's everything that you said it would be in your comments on my previous posts about this scheduled trip. It's lush and green, and the people who live here are just as friendly as you described. I'm sure this … [Read more...]

Tour Historic Dunboyne Castle, A Beautiful Irish Castle

Welcome to the 447th Metamorphosis Monday! Good Morning! It's 7 AM here and I'm writing this on my second morning in Ireland. The first is a bit of a blur since I didn't sleep at all on the plane ride over. Rather than bore you with that, how about a tour of  the lovely castle where we stayed on our first night in Ireland. This is the older section of Dunboyne Castle. I'm not sure if they have actual … [Read more...]

A Peek Inside My “Personal Item”

Two weeks from now I'll be taking off for Ireland. (If you missed that post, you'll find it here: Luxury Travel to Ireland Without the Luxury Price.)   I purchased a Frye leather tote bag to use on this trip. When it arrived, I loved it so much, I purchased it in a second color called, Walnut. I love the contrast stitching on the "walnut" bag and the warm, rugged appearance of the "saddle" … [Read more...]

4 New Items I’ll Be Taking and Wearing When I Travel to Ireland

Can you believe it's already been a whole month since I first shared about the upcoming trip to Ireland for the Deluxe Irish Castles Tour. That trip is a just a month away now---hard to believe!   One of the fun things about travel is it gives you a good excuse to add a few new pieces to your wardrobe. Isn't that pretty much a requirement for any vacation! ;)   Ireland is known … [Read more...]

Luxury Travel to Ireland, Without the Luxury Price

Ever since I saw the movie, Waking Ned Divine, I've wanted to visit Ireland. Have you seen that movie? If you love comedies with endearing, quirky characters similar to those in Doc Martin, great scenery, beautiful Irish music and happy endings, you'll love it! It's one of my most favorite movies. After seeing Waking Ned Divine, Ireland immediately went on the bucket list. I spent much of this past … [Read more...]

Two Enjoyable, Yet Very Different Books: Wanderlust and Classic Style

This past weekend I did something I haven't done in a while, I curled up with a couple of new books and just vegged for a whole evening. The two books could not have been more different from each other, so it was like whiplash reading as I alternated between the two of them. I'm not sure what that says about me, that I would order and enjoy two such different books. lol   Wanderlust by … [Read more...]

Awesome Travel Deal & A Peek Inside My Summer Bag

Happy Friday! It's here! The wicker bag I ordered a few days ago came, so I'm sharing some pics of how it looks in person, as promised.   I took photos in a few different spots in the upstairs living room so you could get a better idea of the color in different lighting.   The leather top is a nice warm brown and I really like the bamboo handle.   The interior … [Read more...]

Morocco & Two Fascinating Tours: Fossil Tables & Beautiful Leather Jackets

When I was in Morocco, we visited some truly fascinating places. I wish I could have put you in my pocket before I left and taken you on every inch of this trip. At least I can share those parts that I think you'll find interesting or maybe even helpful. Whenever I do share something from my travels, I always ask myself, is this something I would find interesting or fascinating even if I didn't really … [Read more...]

5 Items I Always Take When Traveling Internationally

I discovered something new on this last international trip. I discovered that I much prefer taking the longer 8-9 hour flights during the daytime, instead of at night. This was the first trip I've been on where the longest flight took place during the day time. I always thought I'd be bored to death on a long flight, but I purchased the in-flight WiFi and that, along with some interesting reading, made the … [Read more...]

New Rules That Impacted My Flight Home From Paris

Happy Friday! Hope you've had a great week! I think my body is just about back on U.S. time. I'm actually able to keep my eyes open past 8 or 9 PM now, although I'm still waking up very early, usually by 5 AM. That's okay by me though; I'm loving the early morning hours. I thought I'd address one of the most common concerns and questions I received before I left for Morocco. Several folks voiced surprise … [Read more...]

Dining in Fez & Cooking in a Tagine

Welcome to the 445th Tablescape Thursday! I'm back home! Enjoyed my time in Morocco but there's definitely no place like home. When traveling, it seems like every time you turn around it's time to eat again, not that I'm complaining! Trying new foods is definitely one of the best parts of travel. On Saturday, March 18th, we explored Fez, a place our guide-book states is often considered "the world's … [Read more...]

Camping in the Sahara Desert, A Moroccan Adventure

Welcome to the 426th Metamorphosis Monday! It's Sunday evening in Marrakesh. As I type this, I find myself perched on a tiny stool in the corner of my hotel room. The hotel is lovely, but like all the hotels we've stayed in during out time here in Morocco, sans one, the concept of providing patrons with a proper desk, chair and WiFi fast enough to do anything other than access email and Facebook (and … [Read more...]

A Visit to the Souks

Welcome to the 444th Tablescape Thursday! The place we are staying here in the Sahara before we head out to our tented camp in the desert, has the absolute worst internet I've encountered the entire trip. So instead of trying to create a large post sharing one of the many dinners we've had on our trip, I thought I'd take you on a brief trip through the Fez Market, also known as the "Soucks" for this … [Read more...]

What I’m Packing For Travel During Shoulder Season

Welcome to the 424th Metamorphosis Monday! I had hoped to post photos of the hat rack I ordered back on February 25th, installed here in the office. Unfortunately, it still hasn't arrived. It's coming from Bulgaria and the last time I looked, it had finally made it to the U.S. and was in New York. So since I can't share that little before and after, I thought I'd share how I'm packing for my upcoming … [Read more...]

A New Travel Handbag & Tiffany Butterfly Glasses

See that chicken over there, the one running around without a head. It's name is Susan. ;) I'm sure that's how I've looked the last few days as I've been running errands and completing last-minute preparations for my trip to Morocco. I'm usually not a putter-offer, also known as a procrastinator. When I need to get something done, I usually get on it. But one thing I've been putting off for ages is … [Read more...]

The One Part of Travel I Always Dread and a New Tactic for Managing It

Email Update: I just noticed today that the company I use to send out emails for BNOTP, has been using the wrong return email address. It's been changed to the correct one which is [email protected] . So please add that address to your "approved contacts" or your email addresses. That will help to ensure that you'll receive email updates when a new post is up here on the blog. If you're one … [Read more...]

When You’re on Safari, It’s All About the Animals: Part II

Thanks so much for all the comments on Sunday's post where I shared many of the animals we saw during our safaris out into the Kenyan bush on a trip to Africa in fall, 2015. In this second post, I'm sharing a few more of the beautiful and amazing creatures we saw during our many game drives. We came across so many groups/families of elephants while out on safari. There were always babies around so we … [Read more...]

Hat Drama & Decorating with Hats

Welcome to the 422nd Metamorphosis Monday! Did you know there's such a thing as hat drama? lol Okay, I'm being silly but I have had a bit of drama over the past year with finding and holding onto the right hat. Back in the fall of 2015 when I was planning a trip to Kenya, I did a lot of research about what I should take with me on the trip. One oft recommended item was a hat for sun protection. Since … [Read more...]

When You’re On Safari, It’s All About the Animals: Part I

In September 2015, I took a six-day trip to Kenya. While there I stayed at the beautiful safari camp, Mahali Mzuri, where we took two game drives each day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. That trip was the first time I had ever traveled to another country and though it was brief, every single moment was filled with wonder and enchantment. It's All About the Animals I've blogged and shared … [Read more...]

How I Got Approved For Global Entry in 20 Days

When I booked a trip to Morocco recently, the agent who helped me asked if I had already applied for Global Entry. She was the second person to mention Global Entry to me that week. I took that has a sign and decided to apply.   I completed the application online on January 4, 2017 and today, just twenty days later, I received Global Entry Approval and a Global Entry number, aka, Known … [Read more...]