Stacks of Dishes, An Unwanted Visitor and A New Accent Piece For the Garden

It's utter chaos at my house right now. I'm in the "has-to-get-worse-before-it-can-get-better" stage of reworking my dish storage. I've been pulling out all the dishes, chargers, etc... that I think I will want to store in the new cabinets that I've ordered. (Sorry about the dark photo, took this very early this morning.)   If you missed that post about the cabinets, you'll find it here: … [Read more...]

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A New Addition To The Garden: Copper Roof Dovecote

One of my favorite things to do each spring is to go on the spring garden tours in my area. I love a garden tour every bit as much as I love a great home tour. Over the years while on garden tours, I would often come across these big, beautiful birdhouses. Eventually, I asked someone and found out they were dovecotes. The ones I saw and loved the most were by a company called, Lazy Hill. When I added on … [Read more...]

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