
Recently, a neighbor stopped by for a little sunbathing on the deck. Tanning the left side... Tanning the tummy... Tanning the right side... Life is good. Zzzzzzz.... Uhh?!  Did you hear that? I'm pretty sure I heard something. Rats!  The paparazzi found me again! Cat lover?  You may like this post:  Cat T.V. … [Read more...]

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Litter Box Solutions

Recently, a reader e-mailed to ask a question no one had ever asked me before. The question was, how did I handle/cope with having a litter box in the house? What a great question! Back In The Day: When we bought this house 20 years ago, one of the things I liked most was it had a basement with an unfinished section, perfect for hiding the litter box. My last house didn't have a basement and we spent a … [Read more...]

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Cat TV

Office Window Feeder Day 1: A Brief Visit Day 2: A Skirmish Day Three: Accceptance. Friends? … [Read more...]

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