Cat TV

Office Window Feeder

Day 1: A Brief Visit

Day 2: A Skirmish

Day Three: Accceptance. Friends?

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  1. Oh, I love the pic in the middle of the skirmish day, where the squirrel is looking up at kitty saying 'please don't eat me!!!'. lol Glad to see the kitty has some entertainment.

  2. Love it, how fun was that to watch.

  3. laxsupermom says

    Our kitty loves watching the squirrels in the yard, too. She'd go nuts with a window bird feeder. Great pics! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Cutest thing ever!!! I love it! Thanks for sharing. I would never get anything done in that fabulous office because I'd be watching the show!

  5. cristina says

    oh, heart melting :))

  6. Samantha says

    Very sweet!
    I don't know, Squirrel, if I would be trusting this truce 😉

  7. Bonnie@Creative Decorating says

    How funny! That feeder is going to provide lots of entertainment for both you and Max! Seen any birds there yet?

  8. The Frankie says

    That is sooo cute! The photos of the squirrel and Max in a staring contest were really funny. Max is very handsome!

  9. Susan (Between Naps on the Porch) says

    Yes, the birds are really coming a lot now. The feeder has the hot seed in it so Mr. Squirrel doesn't each much each time he visits. The birds are getting use to being on Cat TV. They have about figured out that they are safe to come so close. lol

  10. Happier Than a Pig in Mud says

    Great pics, love the stare down! It doesn't take long for the squirrels to learn that the cat's inside:@)

  11. Old Road Primitives says

    Now that was just cute as can be! Thanks for sharing those pictures with all of us! Kim

  12. Barbara F. says

    This was cute. Animals are so smart. xo,

  13. Grammy Goodwill says

    I love this post. When I saw the title, I was hoping it would be about Max. As I mentioned earlier this week, I always look for him in your posts. hehehe

  14. this is adorable!!!!

  15. Too Lovely!

    Bless your generous heart for taking the time to snap the pics for us.

    People usually don't have bird feeders in their gardens in my country but last Summer it was so hot and I saw lots of birds dying of thrist that I convinced hubby to have several around the garden. The result is that the colonies of birds in my garden increased hugely – and they start greeting the day at 6 😉 – but I've been having some very relaxed moments watching them in the end of the day when I arrive home or during the weekends. So it was a win-win agreement. They don't starve or get thirsty and I have unplugged National Geographic Shows every day.

    I Love your Cat. He's really a Master! If only my dogs liked cats :sigh:

  16. So cute. 🙂
    Do you like follow each other? I´d glad. Let me know. have a great day. 🙂

  17. Oh Susan……this is adorable. You captured some great moments with Max watching the little squirrel rob your bird feeder. This is just toooooooo cute! Thanks for sharing.

  18. That was very sweet!

  19. Love the pics of Max! My cat also loves watching his "Squirrel Friend."

  20. This is tooo funny. My cats watch the birds and squirrels but our squirrels aren't as bold and brave as yours.
    They don't come anywhere near the windows went the cats are looking out. These pics are a riot, you should video the next meeting.
    By the way, I looked through all your pics on the deck and porches renovation and have fallen in love with your designs. Everything looks so elegant. I hope to someday incorporate at least one level to our house.
    Warm Regards,
    Susan B., Western MA

  21. defaziolinda says

    That's so cute and very entertaining! I probably wouldn't get any work done just watching the birds, squirrels and cat! So much for office work…. I'm going to have to see if I can put a feeder outside my window. hummmm…

  22. Susan – Looks like Mr Squirrel is developing a taste for hot pepper bird seed!!
    My little Max cat loved to sit in the window and watch all the critters on the deck, that's where we came up with the phrase "cat TV"…

  23. martinealison says

    Aujourd'hui votre publication aura été un grand bonheur pour moi… Vos photos sont réellement séduisantes et extraordinaires… j'adore!! Quels bons moments cela a dû être et comme je vous envie…
    Je vous envoie plein de bisous.

  24. Darling…so glad get to watch and everyone involved stays safe!
    Hugs, Lisa

  25. Laura Wilkerson says

    that's too funny! I don't have cats but my dogs woulda been pacing that window and barking till they lost their voice!

  26. Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) says

    Susan, this was just too cute for words. That little squirrel was sure testing Max's patience, looks like they became friends and all is right with the world.. we noticed squirrels playing in the yard yesterday evening for the first time in a long time, I wasn't lucky enough to get any pictures, those little things move quickly. hugs ~lynne~

  27. Thoroughly delightful!!! Maui (official household bird & squirrel overseer) and I enjoyed it.

  28. ~Tablescapes By Diane~ says

    Hi lovely lady. This was so sweet and funny !!! I hope you have a Great Weekend.

  29. Vanessa, Take only Memories says

    That is sooo cute! I love squirrels!

  30. Adorable!!!!

  31. rosenresli says

    Love these pictures. They are so cute and funny. Wondering what the squirrel and the kitty are thinking?

    Thanks for sharing these sweet moments,


  32. Mariebop says

    Great pics! Cats crack me up. My cats will sit in the window and chatter at anything that moves outside. Forget it if there's a bug in the house. My one cat is a true hunter and will meow at it when he can't reach it. 😛

  33. Anonymous says

    That's one brave squirrel. Thanks for sharing these entertaining pictures. I just love to see what you'll do next with your tablescapes.

  34. Squirrelhaus says

    Very cute!!! I love this!!! I think they have a fondness for each other now!
    Chris :o)

  35. great post!! the squirrel is adorable. I'll have to look for one of those feeders! Janet

  36. Jeanette says

    Too Cute! I have two goldens and believe me when I tell you that I would not be that pretty at my house. Nothing like a good game of chase. You cat is pretty kind to just sit and observe:)

  37. aww how cute is that!! Do your cat makes funny noises to the animals outside?? or does he/she just watch?
    Wish you a lovely weekend, Jannet

  38. Love the pictures of Max and his new friend!

  39. Awww! This is so cute! I love seeing the progression…wow! It's really interesting too. Cool post!

  40. Lesa's Life says

    Love it!

  41. DaCraftyLady says

    I love it, squirrel's have such cute personalities, I have one in my yarn that walks right in front of my little Chloee [Maltese] and then she chases her and they play a sort of "cat and mouse" routine. Chi chidee as I call her will take the peanuts right out of hand…and will come right into my house… lol…


  42. Tess Maxey says

    Cute Susan!!! I was thinking "oh that squirrel will have that feeder torn off of there in no time at all" and then I read you put the hot seed in there. That should do it!! Wonder how long he'll keep checking before he gives up. The birds really are entertaining (for humans too)! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  43. Anonymous says

    Hi Susan, I love following Max's adventures. He is quite a handsome cat! I have two kitties who keep us entertained with many antics. We have a squirrel who comes in the summer and perches on the railings of the stairs to the basement just outside of our sunroom window–wraps himslef around the railing and sprawls out length-wise and teases the cats at the same time each day. The cats go from window to window talking and scolding that squirrel and make quite the ruckus daily. Neither cat is reconciled that the drat squirrel is laughing at them–knowing in his heart that they just can't get to him. Animals are such a gift, be they tame or wild–in their enviorns or theirs. Thanks for sharing. Di

  44. How cute is this.

    In our area we have quite a large community of squirrels whom I feed all Winter who have become quite tamed, however I could use the watchful eye of your Max right now as there is one little renegade that is destroying my Spring Flowers.

    He's been told if he continues, there will be no more shelled peanuts for him. Winks -Brenda-

  45. This post is so sweet Susan. Max is one gorgeous cat.

  46. Anonymous says

    From an Aussie Admirer …. Hi, I love these pictures as I'm a Cat lover (3 of my own) plus adore Squirrels. As you know we don't have them down under but we do have Possums, unfortunately they only come out at night.
    I'm in the process of saving for a Squirrel, they've only recently been imported to Australia (one sex only) I can't wait to get mine, but need to keep saving, they're $1,000.00 each and well worth it I think…
    Again, thank you SO much for these entertaining pictures, they're adorable 🙂 Dale

  47. Modern Country Lady says

    What a lovely post- just caught up with this after a busy week- thank yoiu for putting a smile on my face.What a gorgeous cat Max is, so cuddly.
    I guess you can say you now have an " armoured peace " as they say in Holland- so both participants know where they are and tolerate each other- as long as the windwo is between them !! Great pictures, I can imagine you being at the edge of your seat clicking away hoping for that one great shot- you have caught a super bit of animal interaction. !!!!

  48. lauren @ West Furniture Revival says


  49. ADORABLE!!!

  50. Susan (Between Naps on the Porch) says

    Dale, I was in Savannah all weekend and without access to the internet. I wanted to reply to your comment. That is amazing that you guys don't have squirrels and have to buy them. Over here, they are almost seen as a nuisance because they clean out the bird feeders in no time. I guess we should appreciate our squirrels more. We have them in abundance here. I hope you are able to get yours. Will he be kept in doors or will he be for your yard?

  51. Leckeres für Mensch und Katze says

    What a cute story! 🙂
    LG Tina

  52. Been on vacation (yea), but missed your posts so am going back through and I love love love this one. You really captured the charm. Thanks for the smile.

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