The Quest for a Comfortable Desk Chair: Take 3

Welcome to the 234th Metamorphosis Monday!   The Quest for a Comfortable Chair: Take 3   I have a little office update, one I've been meaning to share for a while.  As you may recall, when I first put the office together, I started out with this chair (below) from Pottery Barn Teen. I loved how it looked but it turned out to be horrible on zay ole back.  Pretty? Definitely.  Practical? … [Read more...]

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A Comfy Desk Chair for the Office

Welcome to the 212th Metamorphosis Monday! How was your weekend?  Were you in blizzard territory?  The pictures I've been seeing online are amazing! For this Met Monday, I'm sharing a "comfort" change I made in the office this weekend.  It was one I was reluctant to make but finally decided it needed to be done. If you have been reading BNOTP for a while, you may remember when I purchased my desk … [Read more...]

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