Sailing With The Scotts: Sharing All The Details

Welcome to the 356th Metamorphosis Monday! For this week's Met Monday, I could share the wreaths I hung across the front of the house yesterday as my metamorphosis, but since Drew and Jonathan (the Scott Brothers) are the masters of Before and Afters, in honor of all their past makeovers, let's go "Sailing with the Scotts" this week instead.   This was the ship the Scott Brothers chartered … [Read more...]

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It’s Almost Time to Go Sailing With The Scotts!

Well, it's almost that time! Very soon I'll be heading down to Florida to hop on a big ol ship to go "Sailing with the Scotts." I'm not sure what type of wifi connection I'll have available during the trip, but whenever I do have one, I'll be sharing the fun with you on Instagram. If you're not already following on Instagram, you'll find BNOTP here: BNOTP on Instagram   Snapchat Anyone a … [Read more...]

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