Kitchen Renovation Inspired by the Kitchen in Something’s Gotta Give

Here it is...the last Before and After for the day.  Hope you enjoyed all 6 beautiful transformations...lots of inspiration packed into one day! If you missed the other 5 Before and Afters posts from earlier today, click HERE to go to BNOTP Home Page where you'll find all of today's posts excerpts listed down the front of the BNOTP home page. Hope you enjoy and are inspired by this last Before and … [Read more...]

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A Kitchen Renovation

Welcome to the the 13th Metamorphosis Monday! Time for another Metamorphosis Monday! I can't wait to see all the Before and Afters posted for this Met'll find all the links at the end of this post. Hold on tight...we're going for another ride this week in my time machine. Did you take your know this thing goes pretty fast. I'm setting the dial for 1991...destination: … [Read more...]

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