A Halloween-Themed Birthday Party Celebration

Welcome to the 580th Tablescape Thursday! Happy Halloween to you! I had hoped to Trick-or-Treat with my son/dil and grandsons tonight but unfortunately, my cold has gotten worse. I think it's trying to turn into a sinus infection. Ugh. One of my grandsons had a cold when I first arrived, then my daughter-in-law and I came down with it. I'll be heading back home in a few days so I need to get better fast … [Read more...]

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3 Fabulous Themed Table Settings & A Brilliant Napkin Ring Storage Idea

Welcome to the 501st Tablescape Thursday! Between Naps On The Porch readers have some of the best ideas! Two lovely BNOTP readers came up with a clever idea for storing napkin rings: they both use pants hangers! Cynthia shared two photos showing how she stores her napkin rings. She uses pants hangers, the type that open out on one end.   You can store a lot of napkin rings this way and … [Read more...]

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