We Saw the Before & Now Here’s the After…Plus, Bunnies and Birds

Welcome to the 698th Metamorphosis Monday! A few months ago I shared a historical home here in Ohio that was in the process of being stripped of its old paint. It was the first time I had seen an older home taken back to the bare wood before painting. So often old homes just get painted over and over and over since it's expensive to remove the many layers of old paint and start fresh. I was so impressed … [Read more...]

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Historic Arlington, Home To Raccoons Now

I've been going through the thousands of photos I took last week while touring 13+ historic, plantation homes in the states of Louisiana and Mississippi.  As I was looking through some of the pictures today, one particular home still haunts me from the trip, Historic Arlington. Arlington is a Federal style home located in Natchez, Mississippi. It was built in 1816 by John Hampton White and his wife, Jane … [Read more...]

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