Another Piece of the Puzzle

Welcome to the 126th Metamorphosis Monday! Happy Met Monday! Hope you've had a wonderful weekend and a great Father's Day! This Metamorphosis Monday I'm excited to share an important addition to my home office.   Have you ever searched and searched for a particular piece of furniture for your home and being unable to find it, gave up, only to have it immediately appear the next day?  If so, I … [Read more...]

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Pottery Barn Bedford Home Office Renovation

Welcome to the 105th Metamorphosis Monday! I hope your weekend has been fun and relaxing! I've made a bit of headway in the "bedroom to home office" project I've been working on. Last Met Monday, I left you with my son's old bedroom looking like this (see photo below.) I had worked about 6-7 hours straight taking apart his whole can see the "Before" in THIS post. Stop by that "Before" post … [Read more...]

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