One Last Beach-Themed Tablescape for a Late Summer Dinner on the Porch

Welcome to the 573rd Tablescape Thursday! We're back out on the porch this week for Tablescape Thursday. I've noticed that it's starting to get dark out earlier and earlier each day.   I'm going to miss those long summer days when it stayed daylight all the way to 9:00 pm.       The blue napkins were the starting point for this table setting. I bought … [Read more...]

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Shades of Blue, Reminiscent of the Seas Surrounding Beautiful Procida, Italy

Welcome to the 506th Tablescape Thursday! I had thought about putting this week's table out on the newly cleaned deck, but it was a bit too hot outside for that. It went from a cool morning where I had all the doors to the porch thrown wide open, to a toasty 86 degrees out on the porch later in the day.   I love it though, will take this any day over cold weather!   Once it … [Read more...]

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