Shades of Blue, Reminiscent of the Seas Surrounding Beautiful Procida, Italy

Welcome to the 506th Tablescape Thursday!

I had thought about putting this week’s table out on the newly cleaned deck, but it was a bit too hot outside for that. It went from a cool morning where I had all the doors to the porch thrown wide open, to a toasty 86 degrees out on the porch later in the day.

Add a Screened Porch to Your Home, Outdoor Entertaining


I love it though, will take this any day over cold weather!

Between Naps On The Porch, Beach Themed Table Setting


Once it cooled off a bit later into the evening, I set a table with a beachy vibe out here on the porch.

Casual Dining on the Porch, Beach Themed Table


I’ve been busting to use the new driftwood chargers I purchased recently here: Driftwood Chargers.

Nautical Beach Table in Soft Aqua Blue and Sandy Beige Colors


I first fell in love with these when I used them in a table setting at my son and dil’s home a few weeks ago. (View that tablescape HERE.) Before I headed back home to Georgia, I managed to find another set of six chargers in a different location.

Driftwood Chargers for Beach Themed Table 2


Love their casual look and they are especially pretty with the beautiful colors we associate with the beach–like ocean blues and sand-colored tans and browns. There’s just something so peaceful and restful about those colors, isn’t there?

Beachy tablescape in soft aqua and sand colors


Had to bring out the sailboat flatware, it’s such a perfect compliment to the summery Warren Kimble “Coastal Breeze” salad plates.

Warren Kimble Coastal Breeze Sailboat Salad Plates


Here’s a better view of the flatware from a previous beach-themed table setting. Love this pattern with its nautical rope edging. (Flatware is available here: Sailboat Flatware.)


The Warren Kimble salad plates were a find on eBay many years ago. There appears to be quite a bit of this pattern available on eBay now…you’ll find it here: Warren Kimble Coastal Breeze.

I noticed some of the plates on eBay are melamine, while some are ceramic. For reference, the salad plates I’m using in this table setting are ceramic. Melamine would be great for summer or outdoors. This is definitely one of my favorite patterns for summertime!

Warren Kimble, Coastal Breeze Sailboat and Lighthouse Plates


Remember those shell napkin rings I picked up recently in a Cracker Barrel while driving back home from Ohio?

Aqua Shell, Bead and Bell Napkin Rings


They found their way into today’s table. They are such a unique mix of shells, beads and tiny, silver bells. I’m pretty sure these were made by mermaids because who else would add silver bells to shell napkin rings other than mermaids! Yup, had to be mermaids!

Shell, Bead, Bell Napkin Rings


I did something a little different in this table setting, something I would not normally think to do. I used two different shades of the same color glassware–blue. Normally when I use two glasses at each place setting in a tablescape, I choose very different colors, like one red colored glass and one clear, or perhaps two very different colored/coordinating glasses.

Perhaps I was influenced by the different shades of blue in the salad plate, or maybe it was the different shades of blue in the napkin rings. Whatever it was, I really like how it looks! The tea/water glass is a deep aqua blue, reminiscent of the ocean, while the blue of the wine glass reminds me of the color of the seas surrounding the island of Procida near Naples, Italy.

I just saw the most amazing picture of that area on Instagram today. If I ever go back to Italy and I’m in the Naples area, I will do my best to visit Procida. It’s gorgeous and is supposed to be a lot less crowded/touristy than other coastal areas in Italy.

Between Naps On The Porch, Beach Themed Table Setting


I kept the centerpiece for this beach-themed table simple, using this pretty hurricane candle holder I picked up earlier this spring.

Shell-Covered Beachy Candle Holder Lantern for a Beach Themed Table Setting


If you love it as much as I do, you’ll find it still available here:  (Candle Holder is still available here: Candle Holder.)


You may be seeing a lot of this candle holder this summer, I’m slightly obsessed with it! 🙂


Happy Springtime to you! Looking forward to all the beautiful tables linked for this week’s Tablescape Thursday!

Casual Dining on the Porch, Beach Themed Table


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Tablescape Thursday

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  1. Carillon says

    Couldn’t resist that candle holder. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Linda Page says

    I love all the shades of blue and brown. Such a soft look. Your table is beautiful. I can smell the ocean!

  3. Beautiful table, Susan. I love all of it – from the Warren Kimble salad plates, through to the gorgeous napkin rings and candle holders. It really came together, especially with the glasses in different shades of blue. So summery!

  4. A light and refreshing summertime table. I’ve always liked those W-K plates and that flatware. Wish I wasn’t completely out of space to store more tablescape treasures. Thank you for hosting.

    • I know, I pretty much love every design he’s done. I try to not peek on eBay for fear I’ll see something I can’t pass up. lol

  5. You pulled this theme together very well. The colorful salad plates look good on the driftwood chargers. And the two shades of blue glasses–well that’s creative genius and a must for some future tables. I love how this is coastal but not at all cutesy.

  6. Cyndi Raines says

    Bring on the beach! Lol love it and the 2 different colored glassware is awesome. Really like those napkin rings also. Beautiful candle holder. I still have so many shells left over from making the shell boarder chargers,I wonder if I could make my own version, hehe. Thanks Susan, LOVE the whole table and it makes me want to get mine set with a beach theme, which I usually do after the 4th of July.

    • Thanks, Cyndi!
      Hey, I bet you could! Cracker Barrel often puts their seasonal items on sale, so you may want to check one near you, if you do have any of their restaurants nearby. A friend of mine who lives in Bend, OR is so excited because they are building both a Chick-fil-a and a Cracker Barrel in Bend or someplace nearby right now. She’s from GA originally so she’s been suffering withdrawals for years. 😉

  7. I love this tablescape so much! I love all things beach, ocean, summer! Love the different shades of blue of the glasses and all the beautiful details, like the tiny sailboats on the flatware. Makes me long for a long beach vacation!

  8. Lovely table! My eye went right to that candle holder – it’s the perfect centerpiece for a beachy table. Love the napkin rings, too. Makes me long to be at the beach. (I’m heading that way in August).

  9. Kathleen says

    The beach-y flatware—so perfect. The seashells tie everything together.

  10. Ann E Friend Seigman says

    Hi Susan! I have the complete set of the Warren Kimble Coastal Breeze. I purchased it years ago at the Meijer store in my area. It only came in melamine and I didn’t know that it was available in ceramic until I read it in one of your posts. But that’s okay, for use at the cabin at the lake in the summer, melamine is a perfect choice for me. I have Blue Willow china and Tienshan Cabin in the Snow ceramic (and a beautiful set of German china-can’t remember the name) that I use most of the time.

    I love the candle holder and the beautiful aquamarine color of the glasses. The new napkin rings are just perfect! Thanks for sharing. Ann

    • I’ve never purchased melamine until I bought some for son and dil to use when they cook out. I thought it would be perfect with the two little ones…no worry about breakage. I was really impressed with the melamine at Pier 1, it was nice and heavy. So I’m finding I like it very much for outdoor/summer dining. The pattern my dil picked out is even dishwasher safe…love that!

      Your’s sounds perfect for a lake house-cabin!

      Thanks, Ann!

      • Ann E Friend Seigman says

        My husband and I were married in 1965 and received a set of melmac/melamine dinnerware as a wedding gift. We enjoyed using it when we were first married. It would probably still be good to use today (I got rid of it many years ago). But my husband was drafted 2 months after we were married and I fell in love with using china when my husband was stationed in Nuremberg, Germany and we lived there. After buying and using the beautiful china there, we seldom use anything else. It seems the more sets of china that I buy, the more I want! So many patterns, so little space! (Although vintage melmac does makes me feel a little nostalgic sometimes) lol!

  11. Since we spend a lot of time on our sailboat I found this weeks tablescape so neat. I love your silverware and the napkins rings – absolutely darling. Of course your tablescape of the blues is beautiful! How fun it must have been putting it all together.

    • Thanks so much, Linda! I love these colors so much. I wish I had a beach house to decorate, I would go crazy with the aquas and blues. lol
      A sailboat sounds wonderful!

  12. Elena M. says

    We had a planned trip to Cracker Barrel just as I saw your previous post about those napkin rings, so of course I had to get some when I was there. I’m planning to use them soon! By the way, recently I see soooo many of the melamine dishes in the stores lately; maybe I’m a dish snob and I can’t think of paying that much for what are basically plastic plates, but it seems that all the pretty colorful plates are always melamine! I go to pick one up because they always catch my eye, then realize they are not ceramic. What’s your take on melamine? Do they last, crack, fade, dishwasher friendly, toxic??? Love to hear your opinion.

    • I had never purchased any melamine until I was visiting my son, dil and grandchildren recently. I wanted to surprise them with an outdoor table and went shopping for beach/outdoorsy dinnerware at Pier 1.

      I saw the melamine and loved the beautiful patterns, plus I knew it would be practical since the boys are just 2 and 4. My dil picked out a really cut “sea creature” pattern so that’s what I ended up purchasing.

      A couple of weeks later I was in the dollar store and they had melamine. I picked one up and it was much thinner and the edges were sharp, so all melamine is definitely not created equal. There’s good melamine and the not-so-good.

      I really like the good stuff, especially for dining outdoors when little ones will be dining. It’s carefree…no worry about breakage. And the melamine they have at Pier 1 is dishwasher safe, love that!

      My dil hasn’t had her set long enough for me to say how long it will last, but I texted her after I got back home to ask how it did in the dishwasher.

      The first time we used it outdoors for a cookout, I washed it by hand. But after we used it again a few nights later, I decided to give it a try in the dishwasher since it said it was dishwasher safe on the back.

      She texted back that it came out great. So I think if you buy good melamine, it will hold up well…but time will tell.

      I will still primarily buy ceramic since it’s always adult eating at my home, but if move near my grandkids one day, I may purchase a set of melamine.

  13. Love the plate with the ship on it as it reminds me of my husband. Miss him.

  14. I just adore your tablescapes. Loving the beach theme. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  15. Beautiful table Susan, as usual. Fresh for Summer and a vacation feeling this beach theme. Love it !
    Thank you for hosting this great tablescape space for us dish lovers.

  16. So simple and pretty! Love the flatware.

  17. So pretty, Susan, and a table that really whispers, “ease” . Thank you for sharing this. Rosie

  18. Such a lovely table, & so inviting. I want to sit & sip mojitos in your serene setting!

  19. I feel relaxed and rested after viewing your tablescape. Those colors do send those vibes. Thinking of the beach and the slower pace refreshes me.
    Love the chargers and lovely napkin rings.
    Your setting was pleasing and restful also.

  20. Love the seascape color scheme — my home switches from blue and white Chinese porcelain to calm and restful ocean turquoise paired with sandy beach tones for summer. And last year I was able to purchase the sailboat flatware from your recommendation and link — so cute and perfect for summer meals! Our granddaughters call it “Papa’s silverware” because of his love for sailboats!

  21. Luv that combinations of blues/turquoise!! franki

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