Shady Porches, Lazy Hammocks and Tire Swings: A Garden Tour

Last spring, or maybe it was the spring before that...I forget, a friend and I went on a spring garden tour.  Even though it was a garden tour, I couldn't resist snapping a few pictures of some of the wonderful houses we saw along the way. I'm such a sap for a yellow cottage. Love the double peaks, the red chimneys on either end contrasting against the butter-yellow color of the home and of course that … [Read more...]

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My Dream Home

At some point during the day, nearly every single day, I catch myself dreaming about living in an adorable cottage in a small town or rural area. I've never been a city girl so living 20 minutes outside Atlanta is definitely not my cup of tea. The city I live in is super congested and traffic is always bad unless it's 10:00 AM on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday or 10:00 at night.  I do all my grocery … [Read more...]

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