What Would You Do If You Knew You Could Not Fail?

Got a question for you! I came across this intriquing question somewhere recently…don’t remember now where I read it, but it really got me thinking. The question was: “What would you do if you knew you could not fail?”

I was wondering what your answer would be? Would you fly a plane? Would you start your own business? Would you buy a yacht and sail around the world? 🙂

I guess since I’m asking you, it’s only fair that I should answer, too.

My answer: I’d love to work in a whole new field…something completely, 180 degrees opposite of what I’m currently doing. I’m not sure what it would be, but it would be something challenging and creative. Fun would be nice, too. 🙂 So tell me…

What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

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  1. Open a cross-stitch and quilt supply store in my town. That's my dream!

  2. i would work harder at being the quilt artist i am…i fear failure and rejection. and i worry too much about what others think of my work.

  3. Kathryn @ Bonafide Southern says

    What a fun post! I ask myself this question quite often, and there are lots of things I'd like to try doing. Most of my ideas are some type of business venture. I would love to have a children's birthday party business where I plan and conduct different themed parties. Another idea would be to have a pick-up supper business. I would prepare different dishes (particularly casseroles, salads, and desserts) and folks would stop by on their way home from work to pick up supper. Then they'd just take it home and heat it up in their oven. Although I'd live to give some of these ideas a try sometimes, I know it's such a risky time to begin a new business. I suppose I'll continue teaching school for the time being. I enjoy it and feel like it's very rewarding.

  4. I worked in public health care for over 20 years. I've always thought it would be fun to have a tea room, open only M-F and from 11-2. I'd serve high tea or lunch on my blue or red transferware dishes, use real silver or at least silverplate, cloth tablecloths and napkins and fresh flowers. I don't know a think about running a food establishment but wouldn't it be fun to try.

  5. vintage frenchhen says


  6. Ingrid DeVilliers says

    I would travel Provence with my husband and two children and live in a village for a month and then travel to the next village and stay there for a month and then to the next and the next…… We will paint, cook etc. We will then travel to Tuscany in Italy and do the same…travel from one village to the nest village and meet the people, eat their foods and enjoy life!

  7. I would be a comedian/actress! I love laughing, laughter and making people laugh…I sort of already do it now…of course I'm not famous and surely don't get paid for it! LOL…great post Susan! Will be fun to see what everyone says.

    Happy Easter

    Miss Bloomers/Sonia

  8. Ingrid DeVilliers says

    I would travel Provence with my husband and two children and live in a village for a month and then travel to the next village and stay there for a month and then to the next and the next…… We will paint, cook etc. We will then travel to Tuscany in Italy and do the same…travel from one village to the nest village and meet the people, eat their foods and enjoy life!

  9. Ingrid DeVilliers says

    I would travel Provence with my husband and two children and live in a village for a month and then travel to the next village and stay there for a month and then to the next and the next…… We will paint, cook etc. We will then travel to Tuscany in Italy and do the same…travel from one village to the nest village and meet the people, eat their foods and enjoy life!

  10. The Green Pea says

    I would tell everyone how Jesus Christ died for the sins of all of those who believe in Him. That they may have eternal life. That would be my wish for everyone. Happy Easter, sandi

  11. Dragonfly Treasure says

    Wow! I'd love to have a little vintage shop. Search out and find vintage items for the home. Show how they can be used in dislplays, etc.

  12. I would open up a little antique store and spend my days traveling the roads looking for treasures.

  13. Open and run a bed and breakfast somewhere in the most wonderful, relaxing location ever!!

  14. I've always dreamed of a stage career …. a great actor! I've gotten as far as working crew, but may not ever realize my dream. Our local community college is offering beginning acting ~~ I'm considering it.

  15. Hello Susan! What would I do if I cannot fail? Number One: I would definitely get ALL the weight off that I've been struggling to lose all my life. I would look "gah-geous", like the women in my "some day" inspiration board! ha!

    Secondly, I'd open a part-time upscale what-not shop with beautiful objects, dishes, colored glass, etc. It would also have used books and a section of clothes just for big ladies.

    So, that's for starters, Susan. Thanks for the fun question.

    By the way, I think Kathryn's ideas to host childrens' birthday parties and make pick-up dinners are super, too. You should try them as a side business, Kathryn! Sincerely, Susan

  16. Chrissykat says

    I would audition for the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra as a flutist & live on Cape Cod.

  17. bammajan10 says

    I'd write. Something amazing that would have people asking, "Have you read this yet? Oh, you must!"
    Maybe someday…..

  18. Lady Katherine says

    Just live,be happy,finish my 100 year old bungalow remodel, Have a Tea Room by reservations,and travel!
    We can do anything if we can Dream it, Put our minds to it! Work hard at it. Yes, change jobs, buy a new house, travel.
    Just follow your Dreams for if you fail, another door of dreams will open! Always!

  19. If I couldn't fail…on a slightly boring note, I would landscape my entire yard with ponds & wooded areas & arbors & sitting areas, etc. On an adventurous note, I would live in Santorini, Greece…perhaps open the best resort there.

  20. Pat Harris says

    I think I would be an artist. Travel all over the world for inspirations for my paintings. Happy Easter everyone.

  21. Pat Harris says

    I would be a world famous artist, traveling the world over for inspiration. Happy Easter Everyone!

  22. Go back to school and study something where I would end up doing something extraordinary for everyone… maybe a cure for cancer or heart disease….

  23. A Classy Flea says

    Hi Susan, I would love to drop everything and go back to school. A career as a professional appraiser would be just the cat's meow! BTW, it is so humbling to see how many people want to do exactly what I'm doing now!

  24. southerninspiration says

    I'm with Susan; I'd lose the weight I need to and be in great shape….but I also wouldn't mind pursuing a musical goal of learning to play the piano and voice lessons.


  25. If I knew that I could adopt again without failing to be "enough" I would. With nine kids, 15 and under, I am always struggling to "do it all." But then I hear about all the great kids needing good homes and my tender heart just aches. I just wish I could do more, and do it well. 🙂

    Great question!

  26. Amy Kinser says

    I would stand up before thousands of people and share what Jesus has done in my life. I am such a scaredy cat when it comes to public speaking.

    Such a neat and thought provoking question.

  27. Susan, I'd like to own my own shop filled with a mix of antiques and unusual hand crafted items found while traveling the world, and I'd would learn to speak French. Oh, the thought of learning French without fail. I like that idea!
    Fun post . . . Happy Easter to you!

  28. One Cheap B*tch says

    I would become a doctor specializing in cancer. If I could not fail, just think of all the lives that could be saved from breast cancer, ovarian cancer, lung cancer, etc. Maybe one day this will become a reality for doctors everywhere!

    Happy Easter all!

  29. Necel from the Old House in Texas says

    I would divide my time between the Old House in Texas and the mountains. I would love for my sister and I to renovate old houses like Sarah Richardson does on her TV show, Sarah's House. I would love to build things in a workshop all day. I also think it would be fun to have a tea room and shabby-chic store. And I want to blog about it all. I would like to found a large animal-rescue center. I have so many dreams.

  30. Ivy Lane says

    I'd go to the ends of the earth to have a baby…!!!!

  31. I would move to Paris & paint, paint, paint!

  32. Laura PARING DOWN says

    A great question, and the answers will probably be different at different times of the day…right now it would be giving travel tips from all over the world (and getting paid to do it)!

  33. Susan, I would choose a team oriented, medium size business venture in something creative, fun and inspiring. Like you, I am not sure of the field. Several desires come to mind, so I would need to figure a way to merge the ideas into one category. Fun to think about!
    If I may be so bold, I easily see you as the editor of a decorating magazine. You are kind of doing that now with your blog.

  34. luvtodecorate says

    I would tell all I could about Jesus and how he died on the cross for their sins and how he rose on the 3rd day and he lives for ever more..and how much he loves them and wants them to have eternal life with him in heaven..

  35. shannon i olson says

    I would love to have a big house that ran as a bed and breakfast, with little guest bungalows and a huge roadside farmers market. And I would love to write Bible studies. Since I couldn't fail…..I would finally convince my husband to do all of this in a place that does not have winter!

  36. I'd be a doctor…something I've dreamed about since I was a little girl but it's now an impossibility. And possibly live in Hawaii…another impossible dream.

  37. Mid-Atlantic Martha says

    Go back to school and study theater — not to act, but to work on researching the periods for costumes and props — there's a name for it, I just can't think of what it's called right now.

  38. Brittanie says

    Have more babies! We have 3 already. If I could be garanteed I wouldn't fail I would love to have a couple more!

  39. Sing on stage with a Big Band….
    You know 1940's music…

  40. Aaahhhh, Susan, what a great question! Thanks. First off I would like to share with everyone that (supposed failure) is nothing more than a stepping stone to success. Never be afraid to do anything you want to do, what is the worst that could happen? That you might open up you're world to all possibilities? That you would be happy? I decided when I retired from real estate after 29 years, that I was not really ready to retire but wanted to open my own business and do something I loved and get paid to do it. And so I did. Am I happy? Yes, a resounding yes, am I glad I did it? Again, yes, would I do it again? Absolutely. I just wish I were younger, but alas, I am not. So here I am at 62 with a home staging business named Designs for You. 🙂
    Ladies, please don't be afraid of the unknown, go for it, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Happy Easter to all!

    • William Arthur says

      Thank you for this heart enthusing message, you have just sparked a flame in me to listen to what I really want out of life. 🙂

  41. Low Tide High Style says

    Oh this is a hard one, like someone else said it would be wonderful to be able to cure various diseases. But I think I would want to be a world cup sailor or a professional tennis player, or maybe both! 😉 My husband read this and said he would want to be a professional lottery number picker!

    Happy Easter!

    Kat 🙂

  42. What a great question! I could probably fill a book with answers – I mean, what wouldn't you do if everything would be successful? My short answer is I would love to live with more art in my life. I am always envious when I read of people really living with art, creating it every day, making just enough money for it to feel truly validated as a way to spend time, but not so much that they lose their humility. I would want that if I knew I could really do it.

  43. Graceful Moments says

    I once answered this question "be queen of the world so I can fix everything" but that would only give me more gray hair and I am really, really trying to work on my control issues. So instead, what I would really like to do is have a Bed and Breakfast somewhere on the coast of Maine in an 18th or 19th century house. It would be open spring through fall and then I would spend the winter months being a beach bum in someplace really warm…like Belize.

  44. Annesphamily says

    I would spread the gospel and help needy people more and more. I am a giver so I always look for something to do to brighten someone else's day! Happy Easter to you!

  45. Missy Luukkonen says

    I would quit my full time job and open my own business doing various things! Flipping junk, sewing, and just be crafting doing all the things that I love to do. I would also travel and take my children to see places all over the world!

  46. What a fun question and what great answers.
    I would open a shop in my area that specialized arts and handcrafted items of residents in Tennessee. Since I can't fail, I would be not only helping myself, but other artist to be successful. I would like to take a portion of the profits and open an arts and crafts center for kids. Each artist that is featured in my shop would have to donate time at the center.

  47. I would bring my grandchildren home ……they are currently living in Japan with their mother……my son has custody in the states, but Japan does not recognize that….

  48. Oh, what a question! I would love to make everyone's lives better! That would work temporarily, but eternally, not so much. If I could not fail, I would tell the world that Jesus Christ, God's only son, came to earth to die for their sins on the cross of Calvary and to have eternal life all they have to do is accept Him as their Savior! That would truly make everyone's lives better!

  49. SPLENDEROSA says

    If I couldn't fail, which I've done so far in this particular regard, is teach my adult daughter that everyone's life has some bad moments, not just hers. This would be a true miracle, and it doesn't cost 1 penny. Great question.
    What I would like for myself: never ever worry about anything again, find peace & serenity, my own little home with my 2 little dogs, enough money to have some fun and travel and keep all my friends forever. Marsha

  50. I really had to think abt this. I would love to open a bed and breakfast with a store/boutique that would have crafts and antiques. This really got my hsb and I talking…thanks so much for the thought provoking question….

  51. What I do now. 🙂

    But, get to feel more confident throughout the process. That would be a gift. 🙂

  52. What I do now. 🙂

    But, I would feel more confident thorugh out the process, that would be a gift. 🙂

  53. Kathysue says

    I would paint a beautiful masterpiece!!Kathysue
    PS great question.

  54. Kansas Amy says

    After my kids are off to college (I have quite a few years)… I'd travel the world with my husband and write many outstanding books with beautiful photos.

  55. sweetjeanette says

    I'd be a mother. It's something I never got to do.

  56. teatotaler says

    Have a business…I don't know what for sure. Right now I feel like it should involve a farm and animals. Hmmm…or another tea room…or cupcake shop…or bakery…or all of those above. I

  57. Gypsy Rose says

    I would open a b(&b by the sea, with gardens and a tea room and a shabby chic boutique. I would sell sea glass jewelry that i would make and clothing, furnishings. I would serve Mediterranean food in the tea room and be open forweddings/receptions.

  58. I think I'd finally take the plunge and go for it with my children's clothing business. Etsy keeps me super busy but I dream all the time about taking the next steps and have had lots of the right encouragement to do it, just need the moxie!!!

  59. Country Dreaming says

    I would either open a restaurant or a Bed and Breakfast.

    Happy Easter.


  60. Sarah @ The Pumpkin Patch says

    I'd finish the book I've started and become a published author. This is my dream of dreams and something I have wanted to do since I was a teenager.

  61. Andi's English Attic says

    If I knew I could not fail, I'd go to more theatre auditions.
    Auditioning is akin to standing totally naked in front of strangers while they study and judge you. Wonderful when you get the part, but utterly soul-destroying when the rejection comes and you've put your all on the line.
    Yup, absolutely more auditioning with confidence. Stand aside Dame Judi, and Blanche duBois here I come….. xx

  62. The Wired Angel says

    Hmm… first, this is a terrific question Susan! After 30 years in Human Resources (aka "Adult Day Care") I would run away from home and live in the French countryside making cheese and baking wonderful Frenchbread in my cozy, little and beautifully decorated B&B. THe chance to meet people from throughout the world would be fantastic. Of course, I would hope that they would stay forever. Super hugs (and fan of yours), Peggy

  63. MahSistersQuiltTrunk says

    It woudl be between two and I can not choose right this minute. A cure for Cancer or peace in the world.

  64. SavannahGranny says

    I absolutely love this question. If only it could be true. I would find a cure/treatment for my sweet 23 year old grandson. He is a victim of Asperger's Syndrome and was not diagnosed until his teens. So many young people in his age group slipped through the cracks on this one. Fortunately the diagnoses are now being made in the very very young. This month
    is Autism Awareness month. Pray for an answer and cure for this disorder that is touching so many young lives. Prayerfully, Savannah Granny

  65. Linda Higgins says

    So many things! play the piano, without music sheets, sing, write a best seller novel, dance, keep healthy! Wow the list could go on and one! Great question…Have a safe Easter!

  66. I would be an "Encouragement" Speaker. I don't want to be famous, I just want to be able to encourage people everywhere. And I'd love to be able to develop a program to put on at schools that would truly speak to "bullies" and give them empathy for their victims. I have no personal experience with this but it truly "pulls me". I love this question. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to put something into words that I've never voiced before.

  67. Debbie (Meadowcrest Cottage) says

    I would love to be a commercial pilot. I have my private license but would love to travel and fly bigger planes. I would be happy being someone's personal pilot. Meet alot more interesting people and see the world!! Having said THAT, I would also like to say I am very happy where I am now. Very thankful for my husband and three great sons!!

  68. Susan Sergi Barley says

    Love your site but I've never posted before. Looking at answers like curing cancer and spreading the word of the Lord I'm feeling intimidated. But if I knew I couldn't fail I think I'd like to head out in an RV and go EVERYWHERE, meet everyone, until I couldn't think of anywhere else to go, and then I'd like to live in a little ramshackle cottage on the ocean somewhere. But until that day comes I'll travel on Google Earth and visit with people I'll never meet in person on this computer…

  69. Cynthia@ITLLDO says

    What a thought provoking question! Years ago, when I was young, my response would surely have been different. I would buy a lakeside camp with all those cute little cottages. I would paint them in all the colors of sherbet and invite my kids and all of their wonderful friends to come and stay….of course, I would hire a cleaning person!!! Oh what fun that would be.
    Thanks, Susan, for helping my already overactive imagination to expand a bit more.

  70. Great question Susan! I can think of so many things but the one thing I wish that I'd done with my husband was to spend a year or two working in London. So, if I knew that I would not fail I would go over to London for a few years with my family.

    Blessings and best wishes,

  71. I would do the same things that I am doing now. Life is all about taking risks. If you "really" want to attempt something, you shouldn't let the fear of failure stop you. Life's too short, enjoy it and take that risk!

  72. I would open the biggest, most beautiful sanctuary for home-less cats and of course I would be a Veterinarian so I could spay and neuter each one. I work with cats now so I feel very blessed already. I wish you and your family a Blessed Easter and a wonderful day with family and friends, Susan. Hugs, Deb.

  73. Staci K. says

    What a great question! I would lose weight and get in shape for sure! Then I would start my own business with a craft / quilting shop and provide basic sewing lessons and have guest instructors once a month to give a class on thier specialty. I would also sell unique handmade items from local artists and crafters.

  74. I would go to culinary school or become a lawyer. I would only become a lawyer if it was exciting and not having to do the research thing:)

  75. Chez Zizi says

    I will have to get back to you on that one since there are many things that I would love to try but I had to tell you that I absolutely LOVE the picture with the castle.


  76. Cindy ~ My Romantic Home says

    Oh my gosh, I just read Dr. Wayne Dyer's "Excuses Begone" book and that's what he asks. The book (I listened to the CD version) was so inspiring that I have decided to go back to school in the Fall and study Interior Design! I'm with you, I want to do something more creative! I'll be turning 50 in September and I can't believe it's taken me this long to do this. I remember talking about doing this my senior year in high school!!

  77. If I couldn't fail I would stop procrastinating about picking up my artist's brush and travel to Provence for a watercolor class. Your question made me think…why not? Peggy from PA

  78. becolorful says

    I would open a retail shop. I would combine the works of local artists and nic nacs and shoes. I know, strange combo but if I couldn't fail? Ah thanks for letting me dream.
    Pam @ becolorful

  79. I'd love to be the female version of Rick Steves and lead tours all over the world. I'd love to live in Europe for a couple years, drinking in the culture of different countries. Tell the world about the difference Jesus can make in their lives. And I'd love to finish every project I have ever started or dreamed about! Toni

  80. Jeannine says

    1) Finish writing my second novel 2)start my own furniture refinishing business, home goods store 3) open a B & B

  81. Backup singer in Rod Stewart's band, duh.:) Mona

  82. I would be young again and go for being a photo journalist ..

  83. lvroftiques says

    Hmmmmm…..Great question!… I'd love to do whatever would make God the happiest at any given moment! On a much smaller scale I'd love to open an antiques store in New Orleans specializing in all things french!*winks* Vanna

  84. hmmm… so many things. i would start selling my crafts on etsy. i'm thinking about it right now, but am terrified that no one would buy them. i would have a baby. we are thinking about this one, too. talk about being terrified to fail as a parent… i need to get over this fear! great question. thanks!

  85. I would have a business where I got to travel all over the country educating women about bioidentical hormone replacement therapy—I love to travel and meet with people, and I love to talk about how much BHRT has improved my life!

  86. If I knew I could not fail, I would relocate my family to Europe and live, breathe and travel for a while, working in a new field and immersing myself in new languages.

  87. Great question,Susan! If I was at least 40 years younger, my dream would be to perform on Broadway, singing and dancing in musicals! I have to settle for the church choir now! No dancing involved! LOL Now I would love to open a cute little shop selling decorative items for the home or even a book store. What I actually do is teach school at the elementary level.

  88. Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions says

    A thought provoking question, Susan, and some interesting and varied answers so far. I already started a business ~ interior decorating when I hit 40 because I wanted no regrets. The only other thing I would do is quit my day job and work at it full-time instead of part-time. Unfortunately, though, that would mean it would have to generate income enough to pay my bills and the kids college. Hence, the day job. Some day, though.

  89. I would open a large knitting store and have cozy sofas in it where knitters could come and relax as they knit or browse the many knitting books I'd have.. there'd be a coffee shop in it and a wine bar at night. There'd be a very popular knitting group one night a week where new friends would be made and old ones rekindled:)
    If I couldn't fail…. this is what I'd do, but sadly I have no business knowledge and would probably fail before I got started, so I just dream.

  90. Julia @ Hooked on Houses says

    Loved this post and the question you posed in it. It was fun reading everyone's answers!

    I would probably write novels–and they'd be fun, romantic comedies that would later be turned into movies. And then I'd do blog posts about how they created the sets for them. Ha. That sounds good! 🙂

  91. Oh my goodness, I would have probably answered differently when I was younger, as I always wanted to be a famous singer! Now, I would 1- want to live in a warm climate, and NOT in the woods! 2- maybe take dancing lessons WITH my hubby (but THAT isn't going to happen:):)3- do SOMETHING with designing, and build my dream house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you had a wonderful Easter! XO, Pinky

  92. 9405018--Pat says

    Hi Susan! First I would lose some weight. But I love my life. Pat H

  93. What a great question….I would be a professional shopper. I love to shop for others. The more challenging the better. ( I like to shop for myself too) Whether it be gift baskets, jewelry, appliances, tv's, clothes, home decor…I could do it…and to get paid for it…BONUS!!!

  94. Lana K. W. Austin says

    Susan…I have been thinking about this a lot lately….and praying…because I believe that I CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens me…I just need to decide what that is. I've worn so many hats and still have MANY dreams to bring to fruition, but, alas, I became very sick (connective tissue disorder AND brain tumor–it's not malignant, but has still wreaked havoc on my pituitary/thyroid function) and my dreams as of late have been so simple: to live every day joyfully, even when I'm in pain, to be able to truly savor every moment with all three of my children, to continue to homeschool, to go out on date nights with my husband more, to visit more cities/countries…but there are the 'big dreams' that I pray that I will have the strength to at least try, like having another baby, adopting TWO children (I was adopted at age 6 and want to pass on that amazing gift/legacy), sing again like I used to professionally/do more theatre like I used to, finish writing my novel, publish the book I've already finished, finish the screenplay (I see a theme developing here!) and!?!?!?
    I'd like to spread love and joy through my artistic endeavors but ALSO have the money from those things go to orphanages throughout the world, like where my friends the Tatums are in Costa Rica, and end world hunger and infant mortality and make sure that every single child in this world is fed, clothed, housed, LOVED AND PRAYED FOR IN JESUS' NAME.

    As you can see, I have many things to do. I know that with God's help I will get better and accomplish these things.

    As I'm writing this, I'm already SEEING IT and VISUALIZING these prayers that I'm sending up to God, and I'm DREAMING BIG!!!

    You are a blessing, dear Susan. Please don't forget it!

    Some day I'll write you again and will tell you that with God's help I have brought these dreams to fruition!

    Many blessings to you,

  95. If I couldn't fail then I would love to attend a good Floral Design school and I would like to go back to school to study Interior Design. I'm not sure what I would do afterwards!

    From Virginia

  96. I would built houses.

  97. Beverly @ The Buzz says

    I would go to college. I've never set foot on a college campus as a student. And I would major in interior design. There! I said it out loud. Now I just hope my husband doesn't read this. He's been pushing me to do this very thing for years and I just can't get past my fear of failure.

  98. Nina Patricia @ The Adventures of Nina Patricia says

    I would renovate Hystoric homes and also have a business flipping houses. Something I would hope to do one day when we have the means.

  99. bellacasa says

    I wouldn't be working because I had to make a living. I'd be doing whatever 'ol creative thing I felt like doing, whenever I wanted to be doing it at any given time. I'd sleep as long as I wanted to and whenever I wanted. Oh and I'd own my own island and only those I chose to live there could live there.

  100. reimaginedtreasures.blogspot.com says

    I just found your blog and think this is a great, inspiring question! If I couldn't fail, I would give the perfect guidance to my 17 and 18 year olds at the PERFECT times! and I would expand my business (of recycling things into children's clothes and accessories) into more of a woman's cooperative business to help poor women and girls trying to escape prostitution lives—doing similar work to what I do, but on a bigger scale, helping lots of women! Kathi

  101. "Blossom" says

    Bring peace to the world and world leaders. NO more homeless people.

  102. Nancy Jacobs Basketmaster says

    If I couldn't fail I would have my own business that would involve teaching women to be homemakers and keepers of the home. Unfortunately that doesn't come naturally to some women.

  103. tooprettytotouch says

    I am a radio news anchor and have been for 15 years….I would love to do a television cooking show…even if just local cooking show. I would have area chefs on my show and feature Washington wines.

  104. I would become President of the United States. I would offer people to get on their knees and pray for our country and for Israel.

I'd love to hear from you! Please leave a comment!


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