Hiding Ugly Swing Chains

Welcome to the 67th Metamorphosis Monday!

Metamorphosis Monday:

Hiding and Covering Metal Swing Chains

I don’t have anything dramatic to share this week for Met Monday, but I thought I would show you some of the spring fluffing I’ve been doing out on the porch. A couple of weeks ago, I took the swing chain covers off the swing, tossed them into the hand wash basket of my ancient GE washing machine, poured in a smidgen of bleach and gave ’em a good wash. They hadn’t been washed since they were first hung over 2 years ago, and truthfully, they still looked fine. But I figured with all the pollen, a wash couldn’t hurt. That stuff you see on the floor…yep, pollen! So here’s the swing…”neked” and minus it’s covers. Looks very different, doesn’t it?

Hiding and Covering Chains on Swings

Another Before:

We had a big storm roll through night before last…and it continued all day yesterday. The decks are a wreck. Today I bought a pressure washer from The Home Depot. I’m going to try my hand at pressure washing the decks and deck rails tomorrow…wish me luck!

Notice the pots over there under the window…there are actually 3 that fit there in that stand but I had already started filling one when I remembered to take a “Before” pic. Things are looking pretty bare.

The start of the “After”:
Here’s the swing with one side re-covered with shiny, clean covers. The cushions are all inside the house, awaiting the end of this INTENSE pollen season. I read in the paper that this year is MUCH worse in the south because it stayed sooo cold so long here, so when everything finally did start blooming/pollinating, the plants all did it at once. INTENSE, indeed! You can see it on the floor behind the swing…and I vacuumed the porch about a week ago, so that’s all new.

Hiding and Covering Metal Swing Chains

A little close-up for those of you who may be thinking about adding covers over your swing chains. They are actually ecletrical cord covers I purchased from Hobby Lobby. They come in a gazillion colors. I didn’t want them to stand out…just wanted to make the not-so-attractive chains go away So I went with an off-white/cream color.

At each end of the cord covers, there are several snaps so you can adjust how tight you need it on the ends. For my swing, I used four cord covers: one cover each for the longest section of chain which is the one coming down from the ceiling.

Then I cut the other two cord covers in half, hemmed the raw edges of the fabric with fabric glue and used the sections to cover the smaller sections of chain. The covers are a bit pricey, but they occasionally go on sale 1/2 off. If they aren’t on sale, use one of Hobby Lobby’s 40% off coupons. You can sign up to get those sent right to your e-mail inbox and can usually find one on a visit to their website.

There are a million and one snaps going down the length of the covers. You DO NOT want to goof up when snapping them and miss one…trust me on this! If you do, it’s sort of like when you button your sweater up wrong…you have to go back and undo all your work and find where you goofed and start over from that point. Not fun. Of course, “I” would NEVER do something like that. (snort) I’m just telling you, so you can watch out.  Look at all the pollen on the top of the wicker coffee table!  Yuck.

Hiding and Covering Metal Swing Chains

All covered…should be good for another two years. I know pollen season isn’t over, but I miss my cushions/pillows, so I brought them back out for the evening.

Hiding and Covering Metal Swing Chains

The Second part of our Metamophosis:
Here are the planters…all filled with geraniums.

Recently, I created a mossy tablescape.  When my chandelier installer walked out onto the deck to help re-attach a screw I had undone on a gutter when I rescued a chipmunk, he stopped dead in his tracks when he was it. After the shock wore off, he declared that my table looked like it was covered in shag carpeting! (LOL)  Update:  I shared that mossy table HERE.

So what do you do with bags and bags of left-over moss from the Dollar Tree?  It’s now mulch for my geraniums. Let’s just say, I have a lot of mulch!!!

As I was vacuuming stuff down on the porch today, I took this pic to show you how bad the pollen has been. The left side of the shade had been vacuumed…the right had not been done, yet.  Serious pollen!

Looking forward to seeing your Before and Afters:


Met Monday:
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  1. Jane (Frugal Fine Living) says

    Your porch is looking great! Happy Spring!


  2. marty (A Stroll Thru Life) says

    I adore your porch. It is just perfect as far as I can see. Love the cushions, the cord covers and the moss is a great ground cover for the planters. I would have probably still post the tablescape.

    Seems like Mr. Linky thingy isn't up. Or is it just me? Hugs, Marty

  3. Pam @ Design Fanatic says

    Susan, I love your screened porch! The geraniums are so cute in the window box. They will look so gorgeous when they fill out, too!

  4. I do love your geraniums. This was our weekend to wash off the Atlanta pollen. Even our cat was turning yellow-green. Looks so good now.

  5. Allison Shops says

    Wanted to let you know that my link URL was posted correctly, but our site is down at the moment – I hope you will leave it up! I did link to Met Monday, but then it started having problems.

    Going back to read your post now.


  6. Judy @ In His Grip says

    I like how you covered the chains with that scruntched up fabric. Thank you for this link up every week. I spend a lot of time here looking at a ll the great ideas. Thanks again!

  7. Stephanie Lynn says

    Susan, Your deck is stunning and dreamy! I love the addition of the chain cover. So clever and creative. It looks so pretty. I can't wait to see the moss blooper!! Hope you enjoyed your weekend – Thanks so much for hosting.

  8. Susan, I'm so excited to be here. It's been so long since I've had something that I could link to Met Monday. . . and this is one of my very favorite of all blog parties! This past week I transformed my bar stools, and I so pleased with the result–and I'm pleased to have a place to share it. Thank you so much!

    Our pollen here in NC has been killer this spring, too. It really has been worse than usual, hasn't it? But I can't stand to just bring my cushions in–the weather has been beautiful, so this is when I WANT to be on the porch, you know?

    I do so love your porch. You're so clever to cover the chains of your swing with cord covers! That's a great tip. 🙂

  9. tales from an oc cottage says

    OK…that waaaaay high POV picture has me wooooosey! ;} Oh, you are just making me so jealous! That porch is a little bit of heaven!

    m ^..^

  10. Allison Shops says

    Your porch is gorgeous – lucky you!


  11. Confessions of a Plate Addict says

    Hi Susan! Your porch looks so pretty all spiffed up for spring! I'm glad the storms didn't do any harm! At least the pollen is better! Happy week!…hugs…Debbie

  12. thedomesticfringe says

    I love everything about your porch. It's beautiful! You did a lovely job.

  13. black eyed susans kitchen says

    Love the porch and all the little details that make it so special. The chain covers on the swing are amazing!

  14. Susan-The pollen is just as bad here. Hopefully the storms will settle some it. I have been living on antihistimines 🙂 Be care with that pressure washer! I knocked all the skin off my toe with one. But talk about immediate gratification !!! 🙂 ps-Are you sure you trust the installer's opinion…maybe it was just too "artsy" for him to appreciate 🙂

  15. Red Door Home says

    Your porch fluffing looks great! So nice to see potted flowers. Not quite warm enough here for them yet.

  16. Gypsy aka Tam says

    Oh Susan,
    I soooo adore your porch and always love looking at your beautiful photos of it. It's one space I can't create at our current home without a major remodel so I just continue to dream of a beautiful space like yours and enjoy your images.

  17. Hi Susan,
    Your porch is so inviting. I can imagine long spring afternoons on that swing. I've always wanted one, I'm just going to have to go get one!
    (I hate having to pull everything inside for the winter, it's wonderful to be able to set the porch back up now. We're doing the same thing here, because of all the rain we've had.) Enjoy your time out there, have a great week!
    Thanks for hosting us every week. You are the best!
    Heidi – Heart and Home

  18. Everything looks so wonderful but I really love those window boxes.

  19. Your porch looks wonderful! I could sit in that swing and read for hours! I'm glad to be participating in Metamorphosis Monday!

  20. Love the geraniums! I'm planting some here this week.

  21. Hi Susan,
    Your porch is amazing-I always love to see pictures of it!

    Thank you for hosting,


  22. Beautiful porch! I live in the South too and you're not kidding.. the pollen has been terrible this year!

  23. Cindy (Applestone Cottage) says

    Yes, Susan.
    I would love to see that table blooper! It's hard for me to believe you could have one! I love your beautiful porch, all spiffied up! And I would love to know how that pressure washer works out for you. The geraniums are looking great, I have some to plant tomorrow!

  24. Glenda/MidSouth says

    I love your porch! I did not have a MM to post this week, but wanted to drop by anyway (well I did, but did not get pictures taken). Yes – we had those storms also! 🙁 The pollen has been really bad this year, and have had to constantly hose everything down outside, dust and swiffer inside.
    I still love Spring!! 😀
    Have a great week!

  25. SouthernGal says

    Love those chain covers on the porch swing. They make it look so elegant. I love a porch swing with or without chain covers! Yes, this pollen is covering everything! It is like looking through yellow glasses! Thanks again for hosting MM!

    Christi @ A Southern Life

  26. scribbler-unfocused says

    That storm was really a doozy, wasn't it? We spent today cleaning up our porches and the yard, too.

    Thanks for hosting, as always!


  27. Jen@Notes From the Heartland says

    Your porch looks absolutely amazing!! I am going to use SO many of these ideas on my own porch. Thanks for the inspiration!!

  28. {All Thingz Related} says

    Hey…I wanted you to know I have a link to your party in my lists of blog parties! I had to stop putting each link at the bottom of my posts because there are SO many..but I am sure to have a link to my page listing the blog parties we link up to each day! Hope this is ok with you!

  29. Your blog is very nice!

  30. I love your porch. I can't wait till it gets a little warmer here so I can get everything out on my porch.

  31. Good Sunday evening sweet girl! YOur porch is so wonderful, I just love it and if I EVER have a porch it will be modeled after YOURS!!!! I have already planted over 200 annuals, we had house guests this weekend so had a DEADLINE so to speak, but I am so happy it is done. Also spread 13 yards (a small mountain) of mulch….it makes SUCH a big difference when it is all clean and purty!!! Now, I am DYING to see the moss table!!!! Come on, post it for us….pretty please????? XO, Pinky

  32. Carolyn @ My Backyard Eden says

    I would love to have a porch swing. The covers look great!

  33. Rosie@Journey to Charm says

    And I thought our pollen was bad. Your porch is beautiful. Thanks for hosting.

  34. Yellow Rose Arbor says

    Pretty wicker on the porch! I like the chair covers, I also have a wicker swing, maybe I'll try that!

    Be real careful with the pressure washer, you can easily damage things, do some trial runs first!

    I have a fun MM today of a little girl bust!


  35. Hello Susan, haven't been by in weeks… Just moved so that's where the focus is right now. You know how that is. Anyway, the porch looks great and those geraniums, I'd have to try my hand on those again. I've killed a few the last few years. LOL I'll have to check out Hobby Lobby!

    Thanks again for hosting! ~Chandy

  36. michelle@somedaycrafts says

    My favorite party of the week. Love the picture linky!

  37. i tried 30 times to do this link. So i dont know what the heck i am doing. this is the best i could do.. sorry.. i followed and it would not copy and paste. mishelle

  38. thanks for hosting! i hope i did the link back thing right. my pollen woes actually kicked in today for the first time. some new tree must be blooming. the worst part is that i'm out of my allergy meds and have to steal them from my husband.

  39. Susan, it looks great! And it also appears that Spring has sprung in your area! I can't wait! Right now we still are in a frost warning … so I'm tenderly caring for things in the basement – hoping that they make it til' Mothers day! Keep your fingers crossed! 🙂

  40. Greenearth says

    Your home is looking beautiful

  41. Annesphamily says

    Great porch! Love the springy weather we are all getting!

  42. Mary Ellen says

    Susan I always enjoy seeing your porch! I have a swing that has been outside that I am thinking of bringing into my sunroom porch- The cord covers are a great idea to use here!

  43. So that's what you do Between Naps on the Porch..run around a nd clean and power wash.
    After you read my post, you won't ever have to power wash again!
    You have such a beautiful porch! I can't wait for our pollen to come, then go so I can set up!

  44. Hello sweet Susan – I enjoy seeing photos of every room in your home. But honestly, this little spot on your porch looks the comfiest! I can imagine myself swinging on that pretty porch swing sipping on some tea chattin' with my sweet friend. You did an amazing job. Love the chain cover!

    Thank you for hosting this fun party. I linked up my dining room chair re-cover.


  45. Shannon @ Posh Pieces says

    Your porch is seriously amazing. I love it! Thanks for sharing this.

  46. Hi, Susan! I haven't had any pollen problems and have not done any Spring fluffing myself! I have been too busy watching TV! (It was rainy here today.) But I DID enjoy joining you for YOUR sprucing up! The swing looks very nice and gee, I love those pillows you have on it! You are one great decorator and find such lovely things. Can't wait to see some more of your Spring fluffing. Post some more for us next week! Oh, and your geraniums look beautiful too!
    Best regards, as always,


    Hello Susan, The pollen at my home is awful. I just had my car detailed and parked it in the driveway and before long it was covered with pollen…sigh…I can't win. It's either covered with salt from the winter streets or pollen. I just love your porch it looks like heaven. Geraniums are one of my favorites but I get crazy if the leaves on them start to yellow so I haven't planted them like I used to, guess I'm getting to fussy. I hope you have a wonderful evening!

  48. MarytheKay says

    Wow! Your porch is inspiring me to go out to mine and do some sprucing! I would love to sip some sweet tea on your porch. 🙂

    Thanks for letting me link up to your linky party again! There are SO MANY great ideas to check out. So many projects…so little time!!

  49. Love those cord covers. Your porch looks beautiful! Thanks for hosting!

  50. Love the porch swing chain covers! I'd love to have a porch like that….sigh! Toni

  51. There's so much blowing dust in our part of Texas, my chain covers would have to be washed every week. Guess I'll pass on those. 🙂

    Your porch is always lovely, pollen or no.

    We don't have a HomeGoods here so please don't add my name to your hat. Very generous giveaway.

  52. Hi. So sorry for the damages of te storm. Your porch looks very inviting. I wish you a nice sommer to make sure you will us it often.
    Greetings, Johanna

  53. Debbie (Meadowcrest Cottage) says

    Hi Susan. Great job on cleaning up the porch. It always feels so good to have everything clean and fresh. I have my own pressure washer and I too cleaned up last week. I took days off from work and pressure washed everything in sight, including my sidewalk. I love the before and after using a pressure! washer. I hope I am linking up properly. I am still slow and not sure about blogging.

  54. I love our power washer – I never knew I wanted one, and now I don't know how we got along without it.
    Incidentally, we lived in NC for 8 years, and I was shocked by the pollen – sometimes you could watch it streaming out of the pine trees when a breeze blew!

  55. I wish I was your neighbor. I'd bring over a pot of coffee or some sweet tea and some edible treats to enjoy with you on that beautiful porch. The chain covers are just what the porch needed. Awesome, awesome look.

  56. Tennis Girl says

    Always fun to spruce things up. Let us know how you do on the power washing. I am going to try that with my picket fence, which has some mildew and mold on it in some places.

  57. Cynthia@ITLLDO says

    Your porch has been such an inspiration to me. This is what introduced me to blogging world and I've never been more happy. Thanks so much.

  58. Susan your porch is the bomb!~ It always look lovely, and I love your planters and cord covers, I use them all the time!~ Thanks for hosting, I love to participate when I can!~

  59. Your porch is already so beautiful!! The cord covers are such a great idea…we sadly are over an hour away from the nearest Hobby Lobby 🙁 We have had a couple of of cold snaps so there is no real pollen to speak of. I noticed all your beautiful flowers, and there are none of those yet either. We do have some daffodils that have peaked through though.

    Well I totally love your blog you have the most amazing pictures!! I always love to stop by and just scroll through the pictures, it is so peaceful.

    🙂 Michelle

  60. I know what you mean about thepollens this year, Susan. It turned out pool green overnight. Yikes! I swept and swept the deck and as I sweep, those yellow curly things kept falling. They looked treeible. I am glad that is over. Whew! Love your porch!…Christine

  61. Oh the tree pollen. The only allergy I have. I do think I am outgrowing it though.
    Some days the everything outside is all yellow from the powdery pollen.
    A blooper party eh? Sounds like fun. I am sure I could come up with one of those. Maybe not a shag carpet look on the table but something for sure.
    Thanks for having us over today Susan.

  62. Oh the tree pollen. The only allergy I have. I do think I am outgrowing it though.
    Some days the everything outside is all yellow from the powdery pollen.
    A blooper party eh? Sounds like fun. I am sure I could come up with one of those. Maybe not a shag carpet look on the table but something for sure.
    Thanks for having us over today Susan.

  63. Sherry @ No Minimalist Here says

    Your porch is always so lovely. The planters and flowers look great. Our decks are also covered with pollen and my allergies are giving me a fit.

  64. I just found your linky party, and became a follower! I'm excited about the slew of crafters linking up, and can't wait to explore your site!

  65. SmilingSally says

    What a great project to cover the chains; it looks so pretty and clean. I DO hate the pollen. This is the first year I've experienced it. I guess we had more breezes down South.

  66. One Cheap B*tch says

    I really like the look of hiding the porch swing chains. I have to try that because they can be a bit of an eye sore!


  67. Love Where You LIve says

    Love your porch — and swing!!
    Thanks for being such a nice hostess. -susan

  68. Lady Katherine says

    Loved seeing your clean up, have fun with the washer! lol I enjoyed seeing how your chain on the swing is covered! First time I saw the small table! Love it! Happy Cleaning!

  69. GrannySue says

    You are one hard-working homemaker. We have oak pollen in our area and I tell you I feel like all I do is clean off the porch!!! Those covers for the chains are a terrific idea. It's all so inviting and cozy. Great post.

  70. Your porch always looks so great I figured you didn't have problems with pollen and dirt like the rest of us do. I was complaining to my hubby about having to clean my screened in porch and deck every day due to the yellow pollen. I don't have a pressure washer (…YET) but I do plan to get one. I can vacuum my screened in portion with my central vac (luckily the outlet is in my kitchen and reaches out to the porch) and I also have a good broom I can use too. I don't put much out on my porch and I store my cushions in the shed over winter. Those covers on the swing chains are a very clever idea. You certainly did have a bad pollen season.

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  71. Mary Beth @ Live. Laugh. Make Something says

    Your porch is lovely! I would looove to meet y'all at the flea market… but I live right above Macon and the timing is too late for me… too far to drive that late at night. Maybe next time! Thanks for hosting another terrific party! I'm off to mingle…

  72. Have you heard anything from the groom?

    Just wondering.

  73. Pamela Rosenberg says

    I have never seen such a thing as those chain covers. See, that is why I need to be reading blogs. I learn so much and become so much more in-the-know. 🙂

  74. I love looking at pictures of your porch. I can't wait to own my own home and have a fabulous porch like that. I'm a newlywed and we're renting for the time being so I can only dream for now and do what I can. Thanks for posting the pictures! =)

  75. What a great porch! I especially love the flower pillows and the covers on the chains.

  76. You can see my purchases on my most recent post, from Classy Flea. Marla

  77. I love your porch!!! I didn't know they actually made snap-on cord covers and have them at Hobby Lobby. I guess I haven't paying attention. At any rate, I love the pictures of the transformation.

  78. Susan, your porch is looking fresh as a daisy! Boy do I relate to the pollen issues. It has been raining green here for weeks. Just today I think I've swept up the last of the squiggles as I call them. I'd sweep and sweep, but couldn't keep ahead of it. Good idea to keep the cushions inside during the pollen explosion. We've had to order new outdoor cushions this year because the squirrels decided to take bits and pieces of them for nesting. They've not bothered them in all these years. Don't know what brought this on, but I sure hope they don't repeat the process once new ones arrive. We've ordered covers this time in hopes that will help prevent the problem. Do you have any problems with critters bothering the things on your porch?
    Thanks for sharing the update. It all looks nice. Your porch is the best!

  79. Meet Virginia says

    Thanks so much for hosting again I just love your blog!

  80. …down the road from you…i understand …i understand…i understand!…we may not have to shovel snow …but we certainly have to shovel pine pollen…and now all those little wormy things!…each year i move on to the porch too early and have to wash everythig all over again…hope we are about to see the end…your porch is… as always… lovely…

  81. Anita @ Far Above Rubies says

    Can't wait to see how the pressure washing goes!! We just got one also and once the rain stops, I'll be ready to try it. I LOVE the photo linky because it's like candy and just tempts me even more!

  82. Aprons Gone Wild says

    Susan…I like the new look of the Met Monday links. Makes it easier to sort through and find ones of particular interest.
    Thanks for all your effort.

  83. *Chic Provence* says

    The porch is so inviting and charming!



  84. Stephanie says

    Beautiful porch! Found you from Knock off wood. Now a follower!

  85. Susan!
    I love your porch…you are so right, the pollen has been the worst ever!

  86. I would love to come and sit on your porch for awhile! You've done a beautiful job!
    The pollen is horrible here, too. Everything's yellow and I can hardly breathe. It'll get better soon, though. Right??

  87. when i called it spring cleaning it was kind of a chore, but i love that you call it spring fluffing, now it is fun! thanks!

  88. Miss Janice says

    Everytime I see your porch, I just drool! It's just perfect Susan! I need some of those cord covers for my family room…got some unsightly cords that need covering. I purchased some patterned ones at Ballard Designs, but I need some like yours that appear to be wider, cuz I'm actually covering three wires.

  89. Hi There,
    I would like to provide a link to your great party in my Link Party Directory at Tools Are For Women Too! I am glad to do this for followers of my blog if they will link up to my party as well called, Modern Craftswoman Monday . Please let me know if you are interested. I can be emailed at [email protected] if needed. Have a great day! Rory

  90. Well my POD arrived today for moving. If you have never used one it is a very fascinating piece of equipment that delivers it. I am moving next week and loading it myself for the most part. Sooo after a very long hard day I came in, sat down with a lovely glass of wine and read your blog. It simply makes me smile.
    Thank You!

  91. Just found your blog today and Love it! I’m in North Ga. and wonder if you also are in the mts. I am totally hooked and love everything you’ve done.
    Thanks so much for sharing!

  92. Hi! I love your porch! I love the chain cover idea, too. I looked at Hobby Lobby and all they have now is dark brown or burlap. I looked on ebay, and there are a number of options. Some have Velcro, some don’t. None have the snaps. Some seem to just slide over the cord with no opening along the side of the cover at all. How well do you think the ones with no side opening would work? How do you connect the pieces of cover where the chain splits to go to the swing?

    Any thoughts on where I should look for the covers besides ebay being HL only has brown now? 🙁

    Thank you very much!

  93. Thanks for the other options! I didn’t check the closure on the cord covers at Hobby Lobby once I saw they didn’t have a color I wanted. I checked them online this afternoon. They have Velcro closures. I don’t know about getting different colors for spring. I guess that’s a possibility, but the store was full of other spring (and summer) stuff so I’d think maybe they are not getting new colors for spring. 🙁 The ones at Hobby Lobby online are dark, too.

    Are your cord covers connected to each other? Where the long cord cover meets the short cover, do they connect or just bunch up and sit next to each other?

    Thanks for all your help!

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