Porch Decorated for Autumn With Hints Of Halloween

Welcome to the 767th Metamorphosis Monday! I had a bit of fun out on the front porch this weekend.

Decorate Porch for Autumn and Halloween


Having just purchased these black and white striped bench cushions this past summer, this is their first autumn here on the porch.

Decorate a Porch for Fall, Halloween


The cushions are currently on sale in several colors/ patterns here: Bench Cushions and here: Bench Cushions.

Halloween Autumn Porch, Porch Lanterns, Red Door


Since were only a few weeks away from Halloween, I added some fun Halloween-themed pillows.

Black White Stripped Cushions on Black Bench, Halloween Porch, Fall Porch


The black pillow is from Marshalls a few years back. Marshalls and HomeGoods always have the most adorable holiday and seasonal pillows each year! I have to force myself to not go look at them since I’ve bought so many wonderful ones over the years. I love the pillows they carry!

Halloween Pillows for the Porch


Here’s a closer view of the pillow from a previous post.

Porch Decor, Halloween Pillows


The other side of the porch… This is my second monogrammed doormat. The first one was exactly like this one and it lasted for many, many years before it finally began to fade a bit. Last year, I moved it to the back door downstairs. The same mat was still available (their monogrammed mats are super popular!) so I purchased it again here: Monogrammed Doormat. Though I don’t think it’s available at the moment, I found one that’s very, very similar here: Monogrammed Door Mat. Tip: Be sure and measure your space before ordering a mat since these beautiful, heavy-duty doormats come in several sizes.

Autumn Fall Porch, Red Door


I really like these cushions and how they transform the benches. I found the benches here a few years back: Porch Benches. I don’t think these exact same benches are still available but they do have some really beautiful ones.

Porch Bench, Black White Striped Cushion


Are you starting to see fall color in your area?

Fun Halloween Pillow


A few days ago I shared an amazing wreath sale in this post: 7 Beautiful Wreaths for Autumn. The wreaths in that sale reminded me so much of this wreath that I found a few years back in Pier 1 before they closed all their stores.

Autumn Wreath


A peek into the foyer…

Fall Wreath on Red Door


Happy autumn to you! If you don’t mind, please leave a comment sharing the state (or country/region) you live in and if you’re already seeing fall color in your area. Are you just beginning to see hints that the leaves are changing, or are the trees already in their full autumn display? As you know, I’m in Georgia, just north of Atlanta, and I’m just starting to see a tiny bit of fall color. I’m sure an hour up the road, toward the north Georgia mountains, the trees are much further along. Amazing the difference an hour’s drive can make!

Welcome Autumn


I’ll leave you with a few evening views…just starting to get dark.

Porch, Late Evening, Halloween Autumn Decor


Happy Fall! Stay warm out there, it’s gettin’ chilly!

Halloween Pillows, Striped Cushions, Fall Porch


Looking forward to all the great Before and Afters linked for this week’s Met Monday!

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  1. Good morning, Susan. I am next door in Alabama, not much fall color as of yet. I love your classic front porch, it is beautiful. I have the same Happy Halloween pillow that I found at TJ Maxx. Happy Monday!

    • Thanks so much, Pam! They always have such great pillows, don’t they? I hope you’re having a wonderful October–very rainy here today but the sun is coming out soon.

  2. Ft. Worth,, Tx isn’t seeing any fall color yet,

  3. I’m in Western North Carolina and colors are just starting here.

  4. We live in eastern Nebraska – Omaha. All the predictions are that peak fall foliage is the first week in November BUT many trees are changing color here!

    Boo-ti-ful porch!

  5. Susan,
    Thanks so much for hosting this lovely party each and every week! Thank You!! I hope you are having a great week!

  6. Hey Susan, I’m in SW Missouri and we’re just getting started with fall color. Our peak comes last week of October, early November. Love those black benches on your porch. The striped cushions are perfect!

    • I think that’s probably around the time ours will happen, too. Thanks, Debra! It’s time to have the benches repainted. They are looking a little dull. The cushions help hide that. 🙂

  7. Barbara Cox says

    I have the same Halloween map pillow! But I haven’t seen the funny witch pillow – where did you find her?

    • I’ve had her so long, I can’t remember now. I bet I found her in Marshalls or HomeGoods…that’s where I normally find fun Halloween goodies.

  8. Barbara Cox says

    Thanks for answering! She’s a hoot! 🙂

  9. Judy Hubbard says

    Hi Susan from Scottsdale AZ….no fall color here and I doubt up north either due to our very hot summer.
    Do you know how we could find that fabulous Halloween pillow you have on your front porch? Love it!

    • Do you mean the black lumbar style pillow or the Broom-Hilda looking witch? lol The long pillows came from Marshalls a few years back and I can’t remember now where I found the funny witch pillow. Judy, if you have HomeGoods, TJMax or Marshalls near you, check them for pillows. Those stores always have the best pillows for holidays and for the seasons. I love their pillows and often they have wonderful down inserts. I use them a lot on my screened porch, too.

  10. Durango, Colorado is stunning right now!

  11. I love your benches and pillows. Your porch is always so fun. Thanks for hosting.

  12. SharonFromMichigan says

    Hi Susan, I’m in southeast Michigan. Leaves are turning yellow & red here; not quite at peak. The wind has been blowing them around, so it’s the leaf blower everyday to keep them off our porch 🙂 Your porch looks so pretty in the dusk picture!

    • Thanks so much, Sharon! Wow! Y’all are definitely way ahead of us…still all green in my backyard right now. I’m looking forward to seeing some color soon.

  13. SO pretty! I love your striped cushions, and the wreath is lovely – especially in the evening! I’m in Portland, OR and we are definitely getting some beautiful leaves. Crisp mornings and sunny warm afternoons – when it isn’t raining! 🙂 Thanks so much for hosting, and hope you have a wonderful week!

  14. Jane Kyle Kelly says

    I live in NE Kansas & usually by now we are seeing fall color but we have been unusually warm until now so I expect we should start seeing some leaves change here shortly. I hope we get to enjoy some color – sometimes when we have a late season like this we will get a hard freeze & it takes the leaves down so we don’t get to enjoy the color for long.

    • It’s been unusually warm here, too…so I bet our fall with be a little delayed. I know, I always worry about that…hate those hard freezes, especially the ones that ruin all the buds on my Debutante Camellia.

  15. We are starting to see color in Birmingham AL and the leaves are falling. Your entry looks so pretty and I like the Halloween pillows, cute!

  16. Hello from Barboursville, Virginia. We live in what is called The Piedmont with the Blue Ridge Mountains off to the west a bit, however, we are starting to see a little color change in the trees, some faint yellows and a few reds in the maple and black gum trees. In about ten days it will be much more apparent. Have a wonderful day and thank you for your posts, always enjoyable and informative!

  17. I am in southeastern Pennsylvania. Removed my house plants from the porch yesterday. Temperatures at night are not far from freezing. Wore my fleece pajamas last night. My husky puppy’s weather is not far away! Leaves are starting to turn colors. Geese are flying and the owls are hooting. This is my favorite time of year.

  18. Hi Susan, I live in northern Virginia and acorns are falling but trees are not changing color yet! It had been unusually warm her for October! Love your benches and pillows!!

  19. I’m in Savannah and we have had a few cool mornings which is a bit unusual this early. I wonder if this means we will have a cold winter. I’m busy decorating for Halloween, my favorite holiday!

  20. I live in Vancouver, Washington and we are beginning to see some changes. The maples and sweet gum trees are getting leaves in varying colors of orange and yellow. I’m surprised the blackberries are still managing to produce some small berries. The roses are still beautiful. I suppose it’s because the fall has been unusually warm. We’ve had a few days of rain that surely will be increasing as we get further into October. Best to you!

  21. Hi Susan, I am near Minneapolis, and it is pretty. Not quite peak here, but getting closer. With the drought this past summer, many leaves are just falling off after turning, so, not the greatest colors holding on. But still, very fall-like and getting better every day. Cold enuf to nip the basil I had and headed to 34 tonight…. I love it though! Happy Fall!

  22. Snowflake281 says

    Hello Susan, I really wish I had a front porch to be able to fit in even one of those benches as I could go to town decorating it for each season and holiday! I don’t know why but I’ve become unusually interested, almost obsessed, with blue pumpkins. I once saw a nice faux blue pumpkin in a now closed Tuesday Morning & I could kick myself for not buying it at the time. Here in Southwest Florida, sadly there will not be any leaf color changing, which I truly miss after moving out of Long Island.

  23. I’m in northern Illinois right by the Wisconsin border and we are certainly seeing the fall colors emerge on the trees and the red sumac in the ditches. I like your temperatures there better than the ones we are having here. Frost warning tonight! Yikes! I do so like the wreath you have on your front door. I also use toned down colors for decorating for end of summer and early fall. Just not ready for the bright fall oranges yet. The trees will be there soon enough.

  24. We’re in western Washington state and we are seeing fall color now. It will get better in the next few weeks. I love it!

  25. Dear Susan, I am in southwestern PA and leaves are turning. We have had wind that is taking some down so we are starting to have piles of crispy but pretty leaves on the ground. They remind me of being a kid and rolling around in the leaf piles. The night temperatures have fallen the past couple of days and today it didn’t warm up much. 57 degrees for the high today.

  26. I love the matching light fixtures on your porch. The cushions look great on the benches and fun for Halloween especially. Cute pillows. It all looks inviting as a porch should be. I live in No. CA and the trees (liquid amber, silver maple, red oak, tulip) have been turning since end of Sept and now dropping. My avocado and magnolia dropped leaves earlier and since they are huge leaves it’s quite a chore getting them all up. Also the redwoods dropped a lot of debris, more than usual. We had quite the hot weather for long periods. Supposed to rain today, but no it didn’t!

  27. Franceil Parde says

    We just returned from a stay at the “Fenton Inn,” 3000 ft above sea level, in Loveland, VA. The Blue Ridge Mountains are definitely starting their foliage fashion show!! The sky was blue, 68 degrees…ya gotta luv Virginia!! (I have the b/w striped bench cushions, too.) xxx. franki

  28. What a lovely decorated porch. Love that large pillow.
    Joan,marion and marilyn

  29. North Eastern Indiana has color and falling leaves! Chilly mornings,too! Fantastic weather for apple picking and cider.

  30. Rebecca Dexter says

    I am from Door County Wisconsin (NE WI) and although the 10th of Oct. is usually peak we are a little behind. Definitely some color but not as vibrant as in years past…maybe more color at the end of the week. Cold and rainy here! UGH!

  31. Hi Susan! II’m in Northern California and the temps have gotten lower and the leaves have turned ever so slightly. Nothing compare to back East where I grew up. The porch looks spooktacular! XO- MaryJo

  32. Sandra Carlson says

    Aloha from Hawaii where cooler temperatures and earlier sunsets remind us that Fall has arrived. Enjoy the beauty of Fall!

  33. I’m just outside of Austin, TX and I wish we had more color!

  34. Kimberly Talbert says

    I am in Indianapolis, IN. The leaves have begun to change colors. The next two weeks will be the peak of beautiful colors. Southern Indiana has the best landscape with the hills full of bright colors.

  35. Hi, Susan. Checking in from So. California. Our palm trees don’t change color, unfortunately. But I remember my youth in N.Y. where the tree colors were spectacular and we’d have fun playing in the piles of leaves my Dad had so laboriously raked up!
    Rosie M.

  36. I’m in far North GA, and the leaves are just starting to turn. The sourwoods and dogwoods are pretty red tones but there’s not much other color yet.

  37. Rachel Hill says

    No leaves changing yet here just north of Houston, but so thankful for much needed rain and cooler temperatures! RHill, TX

  38. Jill from Southern NH says

    Wow, that charming Halloween town pillow is wonderful! Here in Southern New Hampshire we are beginning to see some color but we had the rainiest summer on record so I think it’s going to affect the foliage a bit – I’ve heard it won’t be quite as vivid this year. Still pretty though!

  39. Hi Susan, down here in SW Florida obviously we do not get a change of colors. It is one thing I miss after having lived up north. Still, I have an autumn wreath on my door and lots of pumpkins and autumn things decorating my home inside. Happy autumn.

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