How an Air Fryer Has Changed My Life & Some of my Favorite Air-Fried Foods

A couple of weeks ago I shared a new addition to my kitchen, my Air Fryer. Adding an air fryer to my kitchen has been one of the most transformative experiences in how I cook. The only thing I can't think of that comes close to being as life-changing would be the invention of the microwave. Seriously, if right now you said I had to give up either my microwave or my air fryer, I'd say, "Bye-bye … [Read more...]

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There’s a New Guy in Town! Love My New Air Fryer with 2 Baskets!

Welcome to the 609th Metamorphosis Monday, a blog party sharing fabulous Before and Afters! There's a new guy in town! Do you see him there on my counter?   Each time I visit my son, daughter-in-love and grandchildren, Nancy cooks up the best meals in her Air Fryer. I've been hoping to add one to my kitchen and I finally did that this past week.   This is the one I chose. … [Read more...]

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