Paint Your Porch Ceiling, Haint Blue

When I added a screened porch onto the back of my home five years ago, I was very tempted to paint the ceiling haint blue. For years I had seen homes all over the south with porch ceilings painted a soft, sky blue. I ultimately decided it wouldn't work for my porch because of the gable ceiling. You  may remember this home from our tour of Isle of Hope just outside Savannah Georgia. It's sporting a … [Read more...]

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Bottle Trees: The Poor Man’s Stained Glass

Love this's one of my favs. I look through it time and time again. Inside, I found this. Know what it is? (Image from Southern Style by Mark Mayfield) It's a bottle tree!  Most often you see them in gardens, although this one looks pretty awesome on this veranda. Bottle trees go way, way, way back. Some folks think the first bottle trees were created in Africa in the 9th … [Read more...]

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