All This Furniture Moving–What Has Happened to Me?!

Welcome to the 667th Metamorphosis Monday! I've never been one to move furniture around but I've done that more in the last couple of years than all the previous years combined. Many, many years ago, 1994 to be exact, I fell in love with the soft colors in this room featured in Traditional Home. I love old clocks so the beautiful Bornholm tall-case clock in this room definitely caught my … [Read more...]

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Do You Ever Move the Furniture Around in Your Home?

Do you ever move furniture around? I was texting with a friend recently who was moving furniture into different places in her home and she asked me that question. I replied back that I rarely ever did because in most of the rooms in my home, the furniture really only fits in the room one way. I have to eat those words because I ended up doing exactly that, moving some things around. One minor change made … [Read more...]

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