A Fantasy Mansion: Pure Escapism and What I Purchased in the Secret Sale

I'm working on a table setting for tomorrow's Tablescape Thursday, but in the meantime, I wanted to share two awesome finds I've made over the last two days. As I've been exploring the Penhaligon's website, I came across this fun, interactive Portraits Mansion/Museum.     It's a hoot with flying fish and other fantasies! If you need a bit of an escape from the worries of life … [Read more...]

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I Fell Down the Most Beautifully Scented Rabbit Hole–Love this Perfume House!

Welcome to the 695th Metamorphosis Monday! Over the past couple of months, without even thinking about it, I've gradually switched over to wearing some of my favorite fragrances for summer. The sunny days and warmer weather just naturally make me crave lighter, brighter scents. If you wear perfume, do you find that you move toward wearing lighter fragrances this time of year? For this week's Before … [Read more...]

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