How I Protect My Cashmere-Wool Scarves from Moths & Other Dastardly Bugs

As you know if you've been reading BNOTP for very long, this girl doesn't do cold weather. Not. A. Fan. However, over the years I've come to discover that winter isn't near so bad if you have the right gear, i.e., quality coats, Uggs, warm sweaters, Uggs, woolly scarves, Uggs, wool socks, Uggs--you get the idea. ;) Next to woolly Uggs, my other favorite cold-weather gear is soft, wool or cashmere … [Read more...]

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Silver-Tiered Centerpiece for Christmas

Welcome to the 63rd Tablescape Thursday! A few months ago, I was shopping in one of my favorite antique/thrift stores, and I came across a pretty multi-tiered, silver server. It was a bit more than I really wanted to spend at $50 and it seemed a bit on the high side for the Flea...but it grabbed hold of me and refused to let me leave without it. I'd been planning on putting together a formal tablescape … [Read more...]

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