A Little Inspiration For A Romantic (and Yummy) Valentine’s Day

Welcome to the 855th Tablescape Thursday! Since tomorrow is Valentine's Day, today I'm sharing a few previous Valentine's Day tablescapes, including a heart cake recipe. (Click on any post title below for additional photos and recipes.) Woodland-Themed Valentine's Day Table with a Touch of Spring.   Candlelit Valentine's Day Table Setting.   Heart-Shaped Napkin Fold with Detailed … [Read more...]

16 Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas + Some Fun Valentine’s Day Decor

This weekend I spent some time shopping for Valentine's Day. There are so many beautiful and yummy things available right now, I thought I'd share a few of my favorites. Linked below you'll find beautiful enticing chocolates from Godiva and some delicious-looking chocolate-covered strawberries. Yum! I was happily surprised to find the same fun Explosion Gift Boxes like the ones I gave my grandsons for … [Read more...]

Beautiful, Romantic Royal Albert ‘Blossom Time’ For Valentine’s Day

Welcome to the 854th Tablescape Thursday! If you're not the biggest fan of cold weather, take heart! Once February arrives, I feel like we are over the hump and on the downhill slide toward spring now. Every winter here in the south, we'll get a week where the temps are unusually warm, and we're in it right now. It's been in the 70s all week! I know the cold will return soon, but I am loving this little … [Read more...]

Proof You Can Create An Elegant, Beautiful Table Setting Without Breaking The Bank

Welcome to the 850th Tablescape Thursday! Update: I didn't realize the TT party was set to start in the evening—somehow I must have set it for PM instead of AM. Thanks to Mary for letting me know. It should be open now. Sheri set a beautiful table this year that her sister described as a "fairytale" table. I thought the same thing when I saw it, the colors are soft and ethereal—a beautiful vision in … [Read more...]

Crazy Snow Storm, Feeding The Birds, A Special Cranberry Trifle Recipe & Catching Up Christmas

Welcome to the 832nd Metamorphosis Monday! I've been super distracted today due to the weather event we had yesterday and today. Snow, snow, and more snow! Here's how my trashcans look this morning!   I even have little snowdrifts on my windows like the ones I've only ever seen in movies or spray painted on department store windows. lol   My grandsons have been out enjoying it this … [Read more...]

A Beautiful Peacock-Themed Table Setting For The Holidays

Welcome to the 849th Tablescape Thursday! Happy New Year! I hope 2025 is off to a wonderful start for you and your family! Over the years I've shared several beautiful table settings from Warren. Recently, I heard from Warren who said, "Traditionally, I have set my “Candy Cane” tablescape for our big family celebration on Christmas Eve. This year, I wanted to step out of the box and use a different color … [Read more...]

Favorite Champagne Punch for Christmas, New Year’s Eve, Or A New Year’s Day Brunch

New Year's Eve is just around the corner. If you are looking for ideas for your New Year's celebration, the champagne punch I often make for Christmas and New Year's is always a huge hit!   At Christmastime, I dip the rims of the champagne glasses in Grand Marnier, followed by colored sugar for an extra festive look.   For a New Year's Eve event or New Year's Day brunch, nonpareils are … [Read more...]

A 3-Christmas-Movie-Themed Table Setting, Can You Guess The 3 Movies?

Welcome to the 848th Tablescape Thursday! Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to you! I hope you're having a wonderful week and spending as much as possible with family and friends! Before Christmas gets by us for another year, I have to share this delightful table setting Elena created this year for her Christmas feast. Elena said, "So when I did the Christmas train tablescape last year, it was very … [Read more...]

Dept. 56 “Christmas Vacation” Movie-Themed Tablescape, Includes Retired Houses

Welcome to the 847th Tablescape Thursday! Several years ago, I created a fun Christmas Vacation Movie-themed table setting.   If you've been reading BNOTP, you probably remember this tablescape.   Since I last shared that table, I've added two more Department 56 lit houses to my Christmas Vacation collection, so I thought it would be fun to share a Christmas Vacation themed table … [Read more...]

A Simple Idea For Wrapping Christmas & Holiday Gifts

Wrapping presents isn't high on my list of favorite things to do, but I sure do like how they look once they are wrapped and placed under the Christmas tree. I've found that watching a movie or listening to a book while I wrap makes the wrapping a lot more enjoyable.   This year, I decided to go with a simple idea for the bow, something I saw in an ad on Instagram, I think for Ralph Lauren. Using … [Read more...]

Love This New Feeder, Delish Popcorn & The Spotting Scope Is Pretty Awesome, Too!

The Spotting Scope has been a huge hit!   My grandsons are fascinated with using it to watch the birds and squirrels. Every 30 seconds they are saying, "Mimi, come look!" (Spotting Scope is available here: Spotting Scope.)   I need to cherish these moments now because I know they won't last forever. Maybe in a few years when they are older, they will want to go on bird … [Read more...]

A Little Christmas Holiday Tablescape Inspiration, Can’t Believe It’s Just 2 Weeks Away!

Welcome to the 846th Tablescape Thursday! I'm currently working on a fun holiday table that I'll be sharing next week. In the meantime, here are a few ideas that I hope you'll find helpful as you prepare your holiday table settings and Christmas Decor. (Click the title of any post to access that post in full.) One of my favorite decorations or centerpieces for a holiday dinner party is a decorative fruit … [Read more...]

Found A Christmas Tree, Plus Adorable Gingerbread House, Gingerbread Man Pillows

Yesterday was a crazy, busy day, but a good one. Though I couldn't fit three large boxes of Christmas ornaments into my SUV for this trip up to the Dollhouse, I decided to take your advice and purchase a tree just to enjoy the lights. This is where it landed, here in the otherwise empty living room. Please excuse the gaps, I just brought the tree into the house yesterday evening and wrestled it into its … [Read more...]

Christmas Dining In The Sunroom

Welcome to the 845th Tablescape Thursday! We are out on the sunporch for this week's table setting.   Since the porch isn't heated, I placed a small electric heater on the porch and opened the door from the living out to the porch. The porch was toasty warm in no time. I would enjoy dining out here any time of the year now that I know how easy it is to warm up.   This was a fun table … [Read more...]

2 Beautiful New Updates For The Front Porch

It arrived early! I ordered this wreath from Lynch Creek Farm around November 24th and it arrived this past Monday, well before the original projected delivery date.    I love how it looks; it's exactly like the photo I saw online! I was surprised by how wet it was. LCF must spray them well before they bag them to ship them out. It was so incredibly fresh, like the greenery was picked that same … [Read more...]

My Favorite Black Friday Finds For Everyone On Your List

There are so many great Black Friday deals going on today! If you're shopping the sales, here are some of my favorites. I really love this Vineyard Vines merino wool, quarter-zip sweater. I've bought their sweaters in the past for my son and he always loves them. A few years back I bought one of their sweaters for him for Christmas that turned out to be a favorite. The next year when I saw him wearing it … [Read more...]

16 Delicious Homemade Recipes For Thanksgiving Day & Beyond

Welcome to the 844th Tablescape Thursday! Happy Thanksgiving—it's almost here! Since I know so many of us are busy preparing for visits with family and friends, for this week's Tablescape Thursday, I thought I'd share some favorite recipes that you may find helpful for Thanksgiving Day and beyond. Click on any link below to access a printable version of that recipe. Delish Breakfast Casserole: My … [Read more...]

Hanging 13 Wreaths, This Year’s Front Door Wreath & Loading Up The Sleigh

Welcome to the 826th Metamorphosis Monday! It's been a busy week as I prepare to head north again. I started to hang the wreaths on the windows earlier in the week and found them all painted shut. Even though the painters had the windows slightly raised when they painted the exterior this past summer, the windows still managed to weld themselves shut during the intervening months.   Thankfully, … [Read more...]

What I Bought During The Early Black Friday Deals—Never, Ever Thought I’d Buy This!

I made a rather big purchase for the basement in the Dollhouse recently. As I was thinking about that choice this morning, it reminded me once again how so many of the choices I make when decorating a room are guided through raw emotion and fantasy. I know that sounds weird, but some rooms do that to me—immediately bringing a scene into view, like a motion picture playing in my head where I can envision the … [Read more...]

17 Favorite Gift Ideas To Delight You & Your Loved Ones!

I've had several requests to put together a post with favorite gift ideas since Christmas is just barely a month away now. The goodies I'm sharing today are those that I know to be awesome because either I own them myself, or I've given them as gifts in the past and they were well received. Please feel free to bookmark this post to refer back to if you haven't yet started your holiday shopping. Over the … [Read more...]

Introducing A New Member In My Holiday Figural Family—Help Me Name Him!

Welcome to the 842nd Tablescape Thursday! It was so nice here yesterday, so I couldn't resist placing this table out here on the porch.   My favorite dinnerware to bring out this time of year, Spode Woodland, is currently in Ohio right now, so I thought I'd set a winter-themed table, instead. Besides, I just added a new "character" to my family of centerpieces during my recent shopping trip … [Read more...]

My Faves For Holiday Entertaining & An Advent Calendar I’ve Stalked For Years Is On Sale

Are you busy decorating and planning for the upcoming holidays? It was definitely a wake-up call for me when I stopped by HomeGoods a few days ago and found it packed with happy shoppers. It made me realize how close the holiday are upon us! You could really feel the excitement in the air; everyone seemed to be in such a great mood! One of the first things I always look for each year as the holidays … [Read more...]

Add A Bit Of Whimsy To Your Decor—Especially Love The Holiday Ones!

Thanks so much for all your thoughtful and helpful comments on my previous post. I read all of them and appreciate so much your input. After I pull together a few more of the pieces that I hope to add to my office, I should have a better idea how I feel about the rug. I'll be sure to share those updates if/when they occur. Again, thanks for all your input and ideas! Now that Halloween has passed and we … [Read more...]

A Beetlejuice Movie-Themed Table Setting With The Most Interesting Party Guests

Welcome to the 840th Tablescape Thursday! Okay, I have to admit, I have never seen a Beetlejuice movie and know nothing about the movie or the characters. From the bit of research I did after Jackie sent over photos of this creative table setting, I learned that  the movie, Beetlejuice, is described as a "Comedy/Horror." What?! Now that's a combination you don't normally see. If I read correctly, there have … [Read more...]

Halloween Table Setting With Beautiful Vintage Candelabras

Welcome to the 839th Tablescape Thursday! Halloween is just a week away now! I have a fun Halloween table to share, coming to you all the way from the south of France. Norma had a fun gathering with friends and shared her photos of the event.   Norma carved and scooped out her pumpkin, then used the pumpkin to make soup for this Halloween dinner. Brilliant!   A little surprise … [Read more...]

2 New Additions For The Butler’s Pantry & 1 For The Kitchen

One of my favorite rooms in the Dollhouse is the Butler's Pantry. A few weeks back I shared in a post that I was thinking about purchasing a toaster oven since the oven that's here in the Dollhouse kitchen takes absolutely forever to pre-heat. I'm used to my double oven back in Georgia which heats up super fast. I ended up buying the toaster oven (that's also an air fryer)  I mentioned in that previous post … [Read more...]

The First Ever Tablescape In The Dollhouse Dining Room

Welcome to the 838th Tablescape Thursday! I can't believe this day has come! I actually have a table on which I can set a table setting right here in the Dollhouse! Yaaaay! About time, right? Let-me-tell-ya, it was a process and a half getting it here since Rooms to Go, from whom the table was purchased, doesn't deliver to the state of Ohio. After searching high and low for several months, this table from … [Read more...]

It Has Turned Cold & I’m Craving A Warm, Cozy, Snuggle-Worthy Wardrobe

It has turned very cold here in Ohio. The lows have been in the 30s at night. It's been almost that cold in northern Georgia, too. Though I don't like cold weather, I do like an excuse to wear warm, cozy sweaters. I've always had a soft spot for snowflake sweaters! This is one of the prettiest ones I've seen, love the design! It's currently on sale 30% off here: Snowflake Sweater.   One of my … [Read more...]

My September Favorites for Met Monday, Plus 3 Tempting Items Currently On My Wish List

Welcome to the 819th Metamorphosis Monday! Whenever I'm at the Dollhouse, there are always a lot of Before and Afters to share. If things go as planned this week, I'll soon be sharing how the dining set I ordered looks in the dining room. One update I made recently for the Dollhouse dining room was adding silk-wrapped bulbs to the dining room chandelier. Here's how those style bulbs look in the dining room … [Read more...]

Festive October Celebration, Just In Time For Dia de los Muertos & Halloween

Welcome to the 835th Tablesape Thursday! Can you believe we are just a month away from Halloween! Recently I heard from Elena who said, "I am planning an interesting tablescape for my husband's birthday on October 10, so I went ahead and did a Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) themed table this past weekend. I have had a lot of what is on the table for years but never put it all together until I found a … [Read more...]

Spode Woodland, My Favorite Dinnerware For Autumn And Thanksgiving

Welcome to the 830th Tablescape Thursday! The weather here in Ohio has been unseasonably cool. I've been waking up to temps in the 50s! In August! That's all about to change over the next few days, though, and it will soon be feeling like August again. The cooler weather we've been experiencing the last few days has been a great reminder that autumn will soon be here. One of my favorite dinnerware patterns … [Read more...]

Dollhouse Dining Room Updates & Mail Served On A Silver Platter ;)

Welcome to the 826th Tablescape Thursday! I finally figured out why everything is so hectic when I'm here at the Dollhouse. It usually goes like this: Today, I had two appointments scheduled. Just two. I had a shutter company representative stopping by at 8:30 to take an order for some plantation shutters, and later this afternoon I have a meeting/call with a developer to look into a new blog design. That … [Read more...]

4th of July Poolside Celebration In The Cool Shade Of A Fabulous Backyard Pavillion

Welcome to the 821st Tablescape Thursday! Imagine having a wonderful pavilion for dining poolside during the summer months, then imagine decorating it for the 4th of July! Elena has set a fabulous patriotic table setting for the 4th, and we are invited! Elena shared a funny story. She said, "When our kids were little, we would have a huge Fourth of July party every summer. Bands would play and I made … [Read more...]

Celebrating Spring With A Table Setting In A Surprising Color For This Time Of Year

Welcome to 814th Tablescape Thursday! Recently, when I was down in the storage area of the basement, I spotted this adorable bunny cake holder and thought that I should really use it in a spring table this year. It's one of my favorite pieces to pull out and use this time of year.   Every table needs a starting point, some kind of inspiration. This bunny server was my inspiration for this … [Read more...]

Beautiful Candlelit Table Setting, A Captivating Centerpiece & An Incredible Menu/Dessert

Welcome to the 813th Tablescape Thursday! I have a beautiful table setting to share with you this week, but first, I wanted to let you know that I'm having a little problem with my replies to your lovely comments not reaching your Inbox. I changed blog hosts recently and everything went great except with that one issue. We are working to get that resolved. In the meantime, the easiest way to see my reply to … [Read more...]

Beautiful Spring Table Setting With The Most Charming Corner Ruby Bunny Collection

Welcome to the 811th Tablescape Thursday! Elena created a beautiful spring table setting this year for her family for Easter. Elena said, "I decided to use our Corner Ruby bunnies, so I pulled out a white on white vintage tablecloth thinking it might not be so busy."   The bunnies are soooo pretty! Oh my gosh, what a wonderful collection! Love them all!   Elena said, "I used … [Read more...]

Celebrating Spring Dining On The Porch & An Upcoming Eclipse-Watch Party

Welcome to the 810th Tablescape Thursday! It's been in the so nice and warm all this week but of course, the day I want to set a table out on the porch, it turned quite chilly with temps in the upper 50s. I didn't let that deter me, though. The porch still needs a good scrub down, I'm just waiting for pollen season to get finished. The bottle tree needs a good wash, too. Have you dived into your … [Read more...]

A Charming, Whimsical Spring-Easter Table, Plus 4 Beautiful Spring Cakes for Dessert

Welcome to the 809th Tablescape Thursday! Does March seem like it has just flown by to you? I can't believe we are almost into April! I feel like we've already had our April showers here where I live, so I'm really hoping for more sunshine this next month! I have a wonderful spring-Easter table setting to share with you for this week's Tablescape Thursday! Brenda and her wonderful hubby, Tom, … [Read more...]

Take A Tour Of Teresa’s Home Beautifully Decorated For Spring And Easter

Welcome to the 791st Metamorphosis Monday! Oh, I have such a wonderful treat for you today! A few weeks ago I shared this beautiful arrangement Teresa had created for Valentine's Day.   Teresa has invited us back for a peek into how she's added some spring-Easter whimsy throughout her home, starting right here at her front door.   Let's go in!   Miss Bunny has … [Read more...]

Spring Easter Table Setting With A Fragrant Daffodil Centerpiece

Welcome to the 808th Tablescape Thursday! I almost set this Easter-spring table setting out on the porch, but when I first started putting it together yesterday morning, it was still way too chilly outside. By the time I finished, the temps had reached 71°, and it had turned into an absolutely beautiful sunny day! I'm so excited that spring is here! Love this time of year! Are you seeing spring flowers … [Read more...]

Been A Long Time Since I’ve Seen This Many Beautiful Spring Temptations!

Welcome to the 807th Tablescape Thursday! I definitely have spring on the brain these days. We've been having the most spectacular weather, lots of wonderful sunshine and beautiful blue skies! This wonderful weather put me in the mood yesterday to do some spring shopping, and oh my gosh, I found so many beautiful temptations! This beautiful table was just inside the front door when I visited Williams Sonoma … [Read more...]

20 St. Patrick’s Day Table Settings & A Fun 4-Leaf-Clover Napkin Fold

Welcome to the 806th Tablescape Thursday! St. Patrick's Day is coming up fast, just ten days away! If you need a little inspiration for your St. Paddy's Day celebrations, you'll find 20 festive St. Patrick's Day tables linked below. At the end of this post, I'm sharing a fun 4-leaf clover napkin fold that would look great on your St. Patrick's Day table this year. Happy St. Patrick's Day!  ☘️ Click any … [Read more...]

Romantic Dining For Two, Including A Beautiful Raspberry Lemon Cake Dessert

Welcome to the 805th Tablescape Thursday! Happy Leap Year Day! Earlier this week I shared a beautiful Valentine's Day table setting that Martha created for her Supper Club. If you missed that table setting, you'll find it here: Velvet & Sequins for Metamorphosis Monday—Pretty Daffodils, Too!)   That tablescape had an interesting change made, a twist ending that I just recently learned … [Read more...]

Velvet & Sequins For Metamorphosis Monday—Pretty Daffodils, Too!

Welcome to the 787th Metamorphosis Monday! So I had an exciting weekend! Not! After an appliance repairman diagnosed and fixed an icemaker problem (it's ALWAYS the icemaker, isn't it?!) I spent the weekend giving my refrigerator a full, top-to-bottom cleaning that included pulling out all the shelves and drawers and replacing two smallish light bulbs inside, one of which had burned out at some point … [Read more...]

2 Beautiful Valentine’s Day Tables—One Created By A Loving Hubby & One That’s Budget Friendly

Welcome to the 803rd Tablescape Thursday! I hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day yesterday! ❤️  I know for sure Brenda did because she wrote, "I wanted to share with you a Valentine's table setting my husband set all himself and surprised me. Normally I am the lead and he is what he calls himself “the beast of burden” carrying things in and out."   Brenda's hubby created the … [Read more...]

A Festive Mardi Gras Tablescape With A Stunningly Beautiful Centerpiece!

Today was Mardi Gras! I didn't even realize that until halfway through the day. I bet if I lived in New Orleans, I would have been a lot more aware. I was curious about the dates for Mardi Gras—for some reason I was thinking it was normally in March. I did a bit of research and learned that the Carnival season always begins on Jan. 6, which is King’s Day (Feast of the Epiphany) and Mardi Gras day, also … [Read more...]

Romantic Valentine’s Day Table Setting With Heart Cake Dessert & Spring Tulips

Welcome to the 802nd Tablescape Thursday! With Valentine's Day just a week away, I decided it was time to bake some cute heart cakes. It has been ages since I made these for Valentine's.   I did the dumbest thing this time, though! I always, always grease and flour a cake pan when baking a regular layer cake, but for some crazy reason, I didn't flour the heart cake pan after greasing it this … [Read more...]

Cake Flour vs All-Purpose Flour, Swedish Pearl Sugar & Heart Cakes For Valentine’s Day

Many years ago I made these cute heart cakes, filling them with raspberry filling. They were super easy to make and I really loved how they looked for Valentine's Day.   To make these, I used a Wilton Heart Cake Pan. (A printable recipe for these heart cakes is available here: Heart Cakes Recipe.)   I made them once again a few years later, that time filling them with homemade … [Read more...]

Beautiful, Dramatic Valentine’s Day Centerpiece That You Can Make In Mere Minutes!

Welcome to the 784th Metamorphosis Monday! Valentine's Day is just 9 days away. Could you use a fabulous, easy-to-make centerpiece to celebrate? My dear friend, Teresa, shared this stunning photo with me of a beautiful, whimsical arrangement created by a friend of hers, also named Teresa. I loved it the second I saw it! After a few text messages back and forth, Teresa, the owner of this lovely centerpiece … [Read more...]

Spring Valentine’s Day Table With A Most Unusual Floral Centerpiece

Welcome to the 799th Tablescape Thursday! When I awoke at 4 am this morning and came downstairs to set a table for Tablescape Thursday, it was 15 degrees out on the porch. As I type this, the temps have finally reached a balmy 30 degrees. All this cold weather has me yearning for spring! Today's table is a combination Spring/Valentine's Day table with a most unusual centerpiece.   Springtime … [Read more...]

Would You Have The Nerve To Do This? Yikes!

Mr. Gingerbread Man and his many stories live on! Hahaha! During November and December, whenever I shared about this adorable Kate Spade Gingerbread House bag, the emails, pictures, stories, and comments I received from BNOTP readers, friends, and my daughter-in-law were the best! This fun bag stole the show and was always the topic of conversation everywhere it traveled. I could write a blog post doing … [Read more...]

My December Favorites, Favorite Updates In Real Time & A Very Special Gift

Thanks for all the great suggestions and tips for saving and removing the wax that's left over when a candle is finished. I love the suggestion a couple of you mentioned about putting it in the freezer for a few minutes. I had read about that online, but then forgot to mention it in the post, so thanks for that reminder! I will try that in the future, for sure. I have such a variety of favorites to share … [Read more...]

Black And Silver Sequin Table Setting, Great For New Year’s Eve Or For Halloween

Welcome to the 797th Tablescape Thursday! Happy New Year! I hope your 2024 is off to a great start! Unfortunately, mine started out with a yucky cold. I had planned to make the drive from Ohio back home to Georgia on Tuesday, but I caught the cold that's been going through the family and it finally caught up with me on Monday. After a sleepless night, I didn't feel up to the 8-hour drive back home on … [Read more...]

Happy New Year! So Looking Forward To 2024!

Welcome to the 779th Metamorphosis Monday! Happy 2024! I hope you had a fun New Year's Eve. I spent it with friends and family which seemed like the best way to kick off the new year. I have two wonderful decor and centerpiece ideas to share with you for this week's Met Monday. My dear friend, Teresa, loves traveling more than anyone I know. She and I have shared some wonderful adventures over the past … [Read more...]

Still In Christmas Mode and Up To Our Necks In Legos!

Welcome to the 796th Tablescape Thursday! We are still in full Christmas mode here, as I'm sure so many of you are, too. It's been a week of feasting,  Monopoly, Christmas movie watching, afternoon naps, bike rides on new bikes, eggnog drinking, Lego building, caring for neighbor's pets, more feasting, more napping, more Monopoly, and a lot more Lego building! This week feels like a fun, mini-vacation … [Read more...]

Merry Christmas from Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph!

Welcome to the 778th Metamorphosis Monday! Merry Christmas! Just popping in on Christmas morning to share a cute idea for breakfast/brunch for the little ones on Christmas Day, or really any time of the year. I made these cute reindeer pancakes for my grandsons this morning and they loved them!   They are super easy to make--just make one large pancake for the head, a medium side pancake to … [Read more...]

Beautiful Spode Christmas Tree & Festive Tartan Plaid, A Perfect Match For Christmas!

Happy Friday! I can't believe it--Christmas is almost here! I have one last beautiful Christmas table setting to share with you!   Maureen set a colorful, festive table for her Christmas holiday dinner and I'm in love with all the tartan/plaid in this beautiful table!   Such a beautiful centerpiece! Maureen found the black metal basket in her centerpiece in Pier 1. The two … [Read more...]

All Aboard The Christmas Train! Merry Christmas!

Welcome to the 795th Tablescape Thursday! Merry Christmas! I have a wonderful table to share with you today--Elena has created a beautiful table for Christmas!   Do you recognize some of the scenes on the tablecloth? They are a hint to the wonderful dinnerware Elena chose for her table.   If you were a big fan of the Better Homes and Gardens Heritage Christmas dinnerware that … [Read more...]

3 Christmas Table Settings, 2 Beautifully Decorated Homes & A Sleigh Coffee Table! ♥

Ginger's Christmas Table Setting: Such a fun, festive table from Ginger! Ginger wrote, "I retired to the Lake Chapala area of Mexico 13 1/2 years ago where the weather is usually perfect. Here is one of my patio Christmas luncheon tables. There is nothing subtle about Mexico, obviously, and I embrace that."   Brenda's Christmas Table Setting & Christmas Decor: Brenda wrote, "Christmas at … [Read more...]

An Elegant Christmas Table Setting in Silver and White

Welcome to the 794th Tablescape Thursday! I've been battling computer server issues this week but I think my host company has finally found the issue. I have painters arriving this morning to do some touch-up work on the ceiling in the garage, so it has been a crazy week! But all is well now because we are jetting off to the south of France this week for a beautiful Christmas table setting dressed in … [Read more...]

3 Fun, Easy Gift Wrapping Ideas For Your Holiday Gifts

Every year the decision looms--how will I wrap my Christmas gifts this year? Sometimes I make a trip to HomeGoods or a nearby store to check out the gift wrap, but for other years, I have enough to work with in my current stash of wrapping paper. If you're looking for a few gift-wrapping ideas this year, here are three ideas that I've done in the past that were easy and stress-free. Option 1: One idea … [Read more...]

Nostalgic Christmas: Beautiful Snow-Covered Cottages & A Charming Gingerbread House

Welcome to the 792nd Tablescape Thursday! Yesterday was an interesting day with a few false starts at setting a table for Tablescape Thursday. It started with me discovering that the centerpiece I had planned to use was way too wide for my dining room table, so I had to completely scratch the table I had originally planned. As I worked on ideas for another table, I started feeling a bit queasy. I lay down … [Read more...]

It’s Currently Sold Out–But I Found It + Fave Phone/iPad Stand & A Puzzle Board Hack

Recently I decided to resubscribe to Netflix. I had unsubscribed years ago because I didn't really care for much of their programming. The reason I decided to give them one more try is that I'd like the ability to watch movies while walking on my treadmill here in the office. My treadmill has a slanted thingy that I could lean my iPad against, but it's really low so would be kinda hard to view. Then I … [Read more...]

This Year I Ordered My Fresh Greenery Wreath Online & Here’s How It Turned Out!

Welcome to the 774th Metamorphosis Monday! How was your weekend? I hope you had a great one! Have you started working on your Christmas and holiday decor? I spent most of the weekend doing a bit of Christmas decorating and lots of organizing. You may remember a few months back I moved all the Christmas decor I had stored here under the bonus room eaves (including my window wreaths that normally were on the … [Read more...]

Favorite Black Friday Sales & Some Have Been Extended!

Whoo, hoo! The sales are amazing today! This adorable gingerbread bag that I purchased recently at 50% off, has just been marked down another 25% for Black Friday! You'll find that amazing sale here: Gingerbread House Bag, Half Off + An Additional 25% off! The cardholder is also discounted another 25% here: Gingerbread CardHolder.   Now that Thanksgiving has passed, I can't wait to wear this … [Read more...]

3 Beautiful Tables for Thanksgiving With Handmade And Cherished Family Heirlooms

Welcome to the 791st Tablescape Thursday! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones! I have two beautiful tables to share with you on this wonderful Thanksgiving Day. Sheri set this special table for her family's Thanksgiving. A family member celebrated their birthday a little before Thanksgiving and the table was also used for that special occasion.   Sheri said, "Mike made the cedar box … [Read more...]

A Wish List Item I Finally Purchased AND Some Great Holiday Gift Ideas!

A few days ago someone left a comment that they were having a tough time finding the Newman's Own Lemon Pepper that I mentioned during a previous post that was about making Lemon Pepper Chicken. They also mentioned that they thought it was being discontinued. What?! That put me in a bit of a panic and I immediately bought two more. I hope it doesn't get discontinued since it's my favorite for seasoning … [Read more...]

2 Beautiful Thanksgiving Table Settings, Lovingly Prepared for Family

Welcome to the 790th Tablescape Thursday! I have two delightful tables to share with you for this week's Tablescape Thursday! Kathy has her Thanksgiving ready for her family, and it's beautiful!   I was so excited to see Kathy set her table with Plymouth Turkey dinnerware. I've seen this pattern when visiting my local William Sonoma, so it's exciting to see it in a real Thanksgiving table … [Read more...]

A Peloton Seat Upgrade, Paul’s Pot Pies & Favorite Puzzle/Lego Advent Calendars

Welcome to the 772nd Metamorphosis Monday! Hope you had a fabulous weekend! Have you started your holiday shopping? I did a bit of shopping for family this weekend, and I ended up picking up something for myself, too--a very special bag. If you missed that post, you'll find it here: Cutest Thing Ever--I Couldn't Resist! Plus, It's On Sale 50% Off. For this week's Metamorphosis Monday, I have a smallish … [Read more...]

Cutest Thing Ever–I Could Not Resist! Plus, It’s On Sale 50% Off!

Over the years, Kate Spade has produced some of the cutest, most adorable handbags you can imagine or dream up. As much as I have always loved them, I've been able to resist getting one. Until now.   When I saw this enchanting Gingerbread House bag, it was instant love and I knew I had to have one. Of course, it didn't hurt that it's on sale 50% off right now! (Gingerbread House Bag is … [Read more...]

A Cozy, Warm, Candlelit Table For Fall, Mixing The New With The Vintage

Welcome to the 789th Tablescape Thursday! My favorite table settings, especially during the fall and winter, are always by candlelight.   This time of year, when nightfall begins arriving so early, I crave anything that feels cozy, warm, and comforting. Candlelight definitely gives me that.   A few days ago I purchased these rattan chargers that are currently on sale. I … [Read more...]

A Washer Update, A New Purchase + 4 Beautiful, Affordable Designs for Thanksgiving

Welcome to the 771st Metamorphosis Monday! Did you make it through the time change okay? I thought I read a couple of years back that we were going to stop the changing of the clocks every fall and spring. Does anyone else remember reading that? I guess something didn't get passed or make it all the way through for it to become a reality. I was really looking forward to that. I've just returned from a … [Read more...]

The Last Halloween Table Setting for 2023! Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! Are you ready for your Trick or Treaters this evening? It's going to be very cold here in Ohio tonight with temps in the 30s as we head out with the boys for trick or treating. Just a few days ago, we were enjoying short-sleeve weather--wish it could have lasted just a few more days! I still remember the year I was here for Halloween and it snowed! That was a first--Trick or Treating in the … [Read more...]

Eek! Uninvited Guests Crash Jackie’s Halloween Dinner Party!

Welcome to the 787th Tablescape Thursday! This is our last Tablescape Thursday before Halloween is here, and I have a very creative, fun table to share with you this week. Recently, Jackie had a special dinner party planned with friends, but before her dinner guests arrived, some uninvited dinner guests crashed the party! Yikes!   Jackie said, "This year the theme is ''An Evening with … [Read more...]

3 Whimsical Halloween Tables + A Gardening Project That Ended With A New Tablecloth

Welcome to the 786th Tablescape Thursday! I have not one, but three delightful Halloween tables to share with you today! BNOTP readers are so creative and I know you'll find these tables as imaginative and fun as I did. Recently, Norma, who lives in the south of France, was having some extensive landscaping and structural work done in her garden that required some very large equipment. Would you ever … [Read more...]

Adorably-Scary, Figural Halloween Pillows at Budget-Friendly Prices

A few years ago I came across these adorable fuzzy pumpkin pillows in Pottery Barn. Though they were a bit on the pricey side, I couldn't resist collecting one or two.   They came in three sizes/colors and I liked them so much, I ended up collecting the whole bunch. Hard to see but the smallest one is a deep green color.   They seem to end up in a different place in my home … [Read more...]

A Whimsical Halloween Table Set With My Absolute Favorite “Halloween” China

Welcome to the 785th Tablescape Thursday. It's gettin' chilly around here so I had to take advantage of the warmer weather today for at least one more table setting here on the porch.   This table is similar to the one I set for Halloween last year except for a few changes in the tablecloth, glassware, centerpiece, and its location here on the porch.   The arched-back, … [Read more...]

My September Favorites & Some Are Prime Day Deals! Perfect Timing for Holiday Shopping!

Thanks so much for sharing yesterday how autumn is looking in your area! I loved reading your comments--they made me feel so much more connected with what you're experiencing where you live. We are way behind here in leaf-color-changing compared to so many of you. It was really interesting hearing from those who live in areas that don't necessarily experience a big change--a great reminder that fall isn't … [Read more...]

Porch Decorated for Autumn With Hints Of Halloween

Welcome to the 767th Metamorphosis Monday! I had a bit of fun out on the front porch this weekend.   Having just purchased these black and white striped bench cushions this past summer, this is their first autumn here on the porch.   The cushions are currently on sale in several colors/ patterns here: Bench Cushions and here: Bench Cushions.   Since were only a … [Read more...]

Whimsical Fitz & Floyd Halloween Serving Pieces, Hidden Away & Almost Forgotten

Welcome to the 780th Tablescape Thursday! Today's Tablescape Thursday is a bit different. As mentioned in an earlier post this week, the next few weeks are going to be crazy busy, at least my definition of crazy busy. Ha! I got a bug in my bustle a few weeks ago, actually, it started around the time I was having the new irrigation controller installed in the garage. In order to install an outlet on the wall … [Read more...]

Planning a Last-Minute 4th of July Table-Celebration, So Many Wonderful Finds!

Welcome to the 770th Tablescape Thursday! It has been a crazy week around here. The plumber has been here checking to see if I can move my washer connections to another wall in the laundry room for a possible future laundry room renovation, and he's coming back today for a follow-up. The roof cleaning company is also coming back today to touch up a few places that didn't come clean when they were here … [Read more...]

3 Special Table Settings Featuring Beautiful Vintage Tablecloths!

Welcome to the 762nd Tablescape Thursday! Oh my gosh, it's been a wild week around here! I had planned to complete the work on the unfinished part of my basement at a gradual pace over the next couple of months, but I got a bee in my bonnet and decided to go full-steam ahead. I'm eager to get my workbench and freezer moved back into the room as soon as possible, so that means going ahead and scheduling to … [Read more...]

A Ray of Sunshine On A Beautiful Spring Day!

Welcome to the 758th Tablescape Thursday! I'm currently visiting family and it has turned cold again! I jokingly told my son and DIL that their weather hates me because it was in the 70s just before I arrived and goes back up to the 70s the day after I leave. Hope you are seeing some sunshine and warmer temps where you live! Recently I heard from Norma, who lives in the south of France. Norma said, "I am … [Read more...]

A Spring Table Setting With The Most Adorable Bunny-Themed Dinnerware

I have a wonderful spring table setting to share with you today! Brenda, a lovely BNOTP reader, set a beautiful table for Easter and I found myself wanting to collect everything I saw on her table. lol I know you're going to love it as much as I do!     In this photo, we get a glimpse of the dinnerware Brenda chose for her table--do you see the adorable bunny … [Read more...]

A Colorful Saint Patrick’s Day Table Setting, Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Welcome to the 755th Tablescape Thursday! Happy Saint Patrick's Day--it's almost here!   Usually, when I put together a Saint Patrick's Day table setting, it's almost always just in the colors green and white. Not sure why, but when I started thinking about a Saint Patrick's Day table this morning, I was craving color, lots of bright springtime color!   This is definitely the … [Read more...]

12 Table Settings for Saint Patrick’s Day + A Fun 4-Leaf Clover Napkin Fold

Welcome to the 754th Tablescape Thursday! I had planned to set a table this week in celebration of St. Patrick's Day, but I had such disappointing news at my dental appointment yesterday, it zapped all the creativity right out of me. I'm getting a "second opinion" on Friday, but I'm sure it will probably be the same. With Saint Patrick's Day just a little over a week away, I hope you enjoy this … [Read more...]

A Woodland-Themed Valentine’s Day Table With A Touch Of Spring

Welcome to the 750th Tablescape Thursday! Happy (almost) Valentine's Day! I put this table together very late last night and it was super cloudy out as I took these photos. I long for sunny days! Spring is coming, we just have to hang in there a little while longer.   My Australian friends are winding down their summer. I've always wondered what it would be like to experience Christmas in a … [Read more...]

5 Whimsical Ways to Spice Up Your Valentine’s Day Table

Welcome to the 749th Tablescape Thursday! With Valentine's Day just a couple of weeks away, here are a few fun ideas to spice up your Valentine's Day table. I am definitely not the most experienced baker but these heart cakes were super easy to make.   The hearts can be filled with raspberry jam or whatever you wish. (Find the cake recipe I used here: Make Raspberry Heart Cakes for … [Read more...]

This Will Have You Dreaming Of Spring–Guaranteed!

Welcome to the 747th Tablescape Thursday! I've been working on a table but it's not ready for prime time, so yesterday I decided to take a little trip to my nearby Pottery Barn to scope out the new Valentine's Day, Easter/spring goodies. Currently, we are in a yucky, never-ending rain pattern here, so PB was the only store I visited. There was just 1 table set in PB and I didn't take any photos of it … [Read more...]

A Cozy Valentine’s Day Table by Lamplight

Welcome to the 746th Tablescape Thursday! I'm starting to think ahead to Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day dinners are usually romantic affairs for two, but I couldn't resist setting a full table.   Yesterday was busy around here with appointments. The storage room in the basement was measured for its door and other repairs were being made, so it was kind of late before I had an opportunity to … [Read more...]