How I Protect My Cashmere-Wool Scarves from Moths & Other Dastardly Bugs

As you know if you’ve been reading BNOTP for very long, this girl doesn’t do cold weather. Not. A. Fan. However, over the years I’ve come to discover that winter isn’t near so bad if you have the right gear, i.e., quality coats, Uggs, warm sweaters, Uggs, woolly scarves, Uggs, wool socks, Uggs–you get the idea. 😉

Next to woolly Uggs, my other favorite cold-weather gear is soft, wool or cashmere scarves. I love me a soft woolly scarf to the moon and back! I have a special affinity for cashmere scarves and have purchased and been gifted a few in recent years.

Last year I purchased a new cashmere scarf but I never really got to wear it since–ya know, 2020. Last winter was all about staying inside, so not much opportunity to pull out the winter gear. This year I pulled out all my scarves hoping as I do at the start of every fall, that a moth or some other devious bug hadn’t managed to get their chompers on them during the winter. I never see moths in my house but I remember once finding a tiny hole in a wool sweater a few years back, so now I’m a little paranoid.

Fortunately, I didn’t see any holes in any of my scarves, but I decided it was time to look for a better way to store my more expensive scarves so I wouldn’t have to worry about them every year. I did a little searching online and I came across a bag that’s designed just for protecting cashmere and wool scarves/sweaters from wool-eating critters.

Best Way to Store Cashmere Sweaters and Scarves


It came in two sizes and I purchased the biggest one since I wasn’t sure how many scarves it would hold. It’s quite large as you can see in the photo above, so it would definitely hold a really big sweater or two. I was easily able to fit in the four cashmere scarves I currently have in my wardrobe with plenty of room to spare.

Cashmere Scarf, Sweater Storage, Protect from Moth, Silverfish


I feel a lot better now about how I’m storing my nicer scarves. It feels so good to know they are protected when I’m not wearing them and they are stored away.

Did you notice I tucked a few cozy pumpkin pillows in the background for a little Fall-Halloween eye candy? These are migrating pumpkins, they keep popping up in different rooms every day, sometimes alone and sometimes together. I can’t resist moving them around! lol

Keep Cashmere Scarves and sweaters Safe from Moths, Silverfish Damage


Off-topic , but have you seen the adorable doggy pillows they’ve come out with. OMGosh! So cute! I saw them in two colors. Love them!


Update: Actually they have them in three colors here: Dog Pillows. I think I know two little boys who would love these.


I was happy to see this cashmere storage pouch fit nicely away in a drawer in the chest in my bedroom. I love the “window” designed into the bag that lets you see what’s stored inside. I’m thinking about buying a couple more of these pouches to store and protect some of my nicer cashmere sweaters. Cashmere sweaters are usually not that thick, so I bet I could fit 4-5 sweaters in this larger size pouch.

If you could also use some protection for your cashmere or wool sweaters and scarves, you can read more about this pouch and see the two sizes it comes in here: Cashmere Protection Pouch.

Cashmere Sweater and Scarf Storage, Protect from Moths, Silverfish


It’s still warm here in the south but I know any day now that can change so I’m getting ready. Have you made the wardrobe switch yet, put away the summer clothes and brought out the fall-winter clothes?

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  1. Wanda Bradey says

    I so look forward to what you find! Love the pumpkins too. I debated but am getting a small mountain house so have to pass on them this time. Love the scarf storage too! I too am looking forward to cooler weather. Make it a great day!

    • Thanks, Wanda! Oh, a mountain home sounds wonderful! I ran an errand this evening just as it was getting dark and the sky was the most beautiful blue color. It was sort of confusing because the blue was the color you usually see in the middle of the day…and there were all these big lines of white fluffy clouds all through the gorgeous blue. As I rounded a corner, I was thinking that with that sky, it was going to be a gorgeous sunset. As I thought that, I was coming up on a corner where I’ve seen stunning sunsets in the past while driving, and sure enough, the most gorgeous sunset was just starting…lots of beautiful orange streaks all intermixing with the gorgeous blue and white clouds. It was stunning! I wish I could have pulled over right then and taken a picture. Anyway, when I saw that, I thought the same thing I have so many times before when I’ve seen a gorgeous sunset, that I should move to a cabin or cottage high on a mountain facing west where I could see sunsets like that every single night. They are just so breathtaking! I hope your mountain home has a wonderful view of the sunset each night or a special place you can drive to where you can enjoy them.

  2. Unlike you, I love the colder weather. Not that it gets that cold in Georgia!
    I get so excited when we get a dusting of snow.

    I am definitely getting at least one of those cashmere bags. Love me a cashmere scarf!!!

    • I know, I can’t really complain, we have it pretty easy here for much of the winter. But every few years, Mother Nature give us a big ol snow storm! lol

  3. Allie Orange says

    I HATE the cold! Last year I bought a double face wool jacket from Talbot’s and have it inside a garment bag (found really nice ones on Amazon that also have a little window to see what is inside). Any suggestions on how to protect something like that from bugs? Is a garment bag sufficient?

    • I bet a garment bag, if it doesn’t have any large gaps/holes, will probably do a good job of that. Maybe just to be extra safe, you may want to hang a cedar ring around the top of the hanger on the garment bag. I bought a set of those a few years back on Amazon.
      Okay, I just looked and they still have them…you can see them here: . I placed the round ones over the hanger of wool jackets/sweaters that I have hanging. They also have the ones that you can hang in your closet beside the garment bag in that set.
      I need to lightly sand mine since I’ve had them a few years and they’ve kinda lost their cedar scent. I read recently that’s how you revive cedar pieces you keep in drawers, etc… is by lighting sanding it.

  4. LOVE the plush pumpkins, Susan speaking of which we Canuks will be celebrating our Thanksgiving this coming Monday which often also means, pumpkin pie will be on the menu. Re storage bags for woolens; what I use are bedding ‘pillow protectors’ that are zippered which come in a range of sizing and find they have worked like a charm in keeping moths at bay (like they do dust mites) plus allow the fibers to breath as they should.
    P.S.: A King Size will hold several woolen/cashmere etc. bulky sweaters in fact. I color arrange them and they store nicely on a closet shelf.

    • Oh, I never thought of using those. And the good thing, is sweaters can still breathe. I noticed these feel like a cotton type fabric so the sweaters/scarves still get air flow. Happy almost Thanksgiving to you! Pumpkin pie sounds sooo good right now!

  5. Cashmere and silk go hand in hand I love both. Don’t you think one of those dog pillows would be great for a little boy to fall asleep with. Any mother would approve. So cuddly.

  6. Brenda s. Lawrence says

    You always find the best storage for your beautiful things Susan. This is great for your scarves and I love that you can see what is in the bag. Those cute pumpkin pillows were on the Today show this morning. When the gal said about the pumpkin pillow, Hoda said, “Those are pillows?!” lol I thought of you immediately! Hugs, Brenda

    • lol That’s hilarious! I thought the same thing when I saw them, those are pillows?! Ha! They are cute, even if they don’t make the best pillows. lol

  7. Susan, the bags sound like a great thing. I’ve had a number of sweaters ruined by moths and have tried everything. I am curious to know if they really work for you in keeping moths away. I was ready to order a whole bunch but then read so many negative reviews online. Actually I saw that on the sites I visited there was no mention of moths! Your input is greatly appreciated.

    • I thought the reviews looked pretty good…4.3 stars. So far, I’m happy with the one I bought. It didn’t lint on my scarves and it def doesn’t have a smell. I wonder if the person who left the review left it on the right product.
      I see one reviewer tried to fit a blanket in there and was unhappy that it wouldn’t fit. I don’t think these were ever designed for blankets. The measurements clearly show that.
      They have free returns so you may want to buy one, see what you think and if you don’t like it, just return it.
      The seller replied to a question and mentioned that moths can’t get in. That’s what they mean in the description when it says, “Protects your cashmere whilst allowing the natural fibers to breath.”
      Moths, or really any kind of bug, is the enemy of wool and cashmere. Just make sure there are no moths (or moth eggs) on the sweaters or scarfs prior to putting them in the bag. Otherwise, you’re going to have very holey sweaters next winter!

  8. Victoria Morgan says

    I waited too long on the pumpkin pillows when I knew that they would be gone in a minute. Arrrrggghhhh! Only the little brown one left….
    Next year, 1st thing! Love the cashmere bag! Great storage idea!

    • I almost did…had to call around to various stores to track some down. I betcha they will bring them back again next year since they sold out so quickly this year. Both Pottery Barn and Williams Sonoma do that, they will a product the first year they introduce it, then if it sells well, they bring it back with a lot more stock the next year. A sales person in Williams Sonoma told me that one year when I was looking for more of the tartan pieces for my bedroom.

  9. Love the moth-proof bag. I wonder if they make big ones for hanging clothes? I’ll have to check into that – I have lots of scarves and sweaters to store, awaiting the time I can actually stay cool long enough to put on some cashmere. I hear this magical time of life will end someday! 🙂 In the meantime, I’ll look at that darling wooly dog! Thanks thanks!

  10. I never had clothes moths here in my NYC apartment until a few years ago. Apparently they have made a resurgence. I read that it is because people have so much stuff now at days and no longer do the deep cleaning (usually when the seasons change) like they did in the past. In the past, people used everything they had and deep cleaned during the change in each season so moths eggs did not have a chance to hatch on the clothes. Now people will store clothes or other items for years without moving or touching them.

    The best way to prevent moths from damaging clothes/scarves is to:

    1. Make sure to clean your clothes/scarves before you put them away. Moths are drawn to body oils, little pieces of skin, food odors, etc.;

    2. Store anything wool in an airtight bag. I will often use the zippered plastic pouches pillow cases or other goods come in.

    3. Each season, take everything out of your closet, vacuum and clean the closet, and then shake out any clothes/scarves that have not been warn lately. By shaking out clothes/scarves, you will shake off any moth eggs that may be on the clothes and are waiting to hatch.

    4. You can place cedar or lavender in your drawers/closets, but they need to be refreshed periodically. This means sanding the cedar every so often so it releases the oils. I find that lavender is easier.

    • Those are some great tips, Ann Marie! The only thing about using the plastic pouches or bags is I’ve read that clothing can sometimes mildew/mold or have other problems. That’s why you want a bag that still let’s air through. Yes, you def need to refresh cedar by sanding it occasionally. It’s time for me to do that with the cedar I have in my closets.

  11. Those dog pillows are adorable! I’m going to have to get one for my grandsons. One just turned two and this will be something different. Just can’t decide on color. You find the cutest and best items!

  12. Julie Huff says

    Flipped summer/winter clothes last week. We live in MI, the winter can be done if you have the right outwear and boots. And heated garage, and your car has heated seats and steering wheel, and great wintere tires. And you don’t mind driving in ice and snow and plowing out of your driveway. Flip side: 4 season state, the lakes are very nice! Inside, cozy up with a fire and hot cocoa.

    • We def experience all 4 seasons here in Georgia. We have beautiful fall foliage without even heading to north Georgia mountains. We even get snow some winters. What I love about our snow is it only sticks around a day or two and then it’s usually gone. That’s my kind of snow! lol I can’t stand driving on snow or ice, but I don’t mind it for a couple of days.

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