Celebrating Spring Dining On The Porch & An Upcoming Eclipse-Watch Party

Welcome to the 810th Tablescape Thursday! It's been in the so nice and warm all this week but of course, the day I want to set a table out on the porch, it turned quite chilly with temps in the upper 50s. I didn't let that deter me, though. The porch still needs a good scrub down, I'm just waiting for pollen season to get finished. The bottle tree needs a good wash, too. Have you dived into your … [Read more...]

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Springtime Table for Two, A Celebration of Beautiful Spring Flowers

Welcome to the 709th Tablescape Thursday! The geraniums on my deck are really starting to bloom. They inspired this week's table setting that's all about beautiful spring flowers. I love this time of year when everything is waking up and coming back to life!   Just a cozy table for two...   Happy, happy geraniums...       You may remember … [Read more...]

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