Christmas Decor and Holiday Parties

How was your Thanksgiving?  Are you in a turkey coma?  Are you heading out to brave the Black Friday crowds?  If you get a steal today, leave me a comment and tell me what it was?  I don't usually head out on BF.  If I do it's usually late in the day when the real frenzy is over and the early birds are back home in bed recovering! Lots of folks have already started decorating for Christmas big time.  If … [Read more...]

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Ice Chiller for Wine or Champagne: A Tutorial

I shared how to make this wine chiller last year, but I thought it would be fun to share that post again in case you're looking for something fun for your Christmas table or for your New Year's eve celebration.  It's easy to'll just need a couple of containers, water and cranberries.  Sliced lemons and limes would work, too. Tutorial:  Make a wine chiller: Last year I received a catalog in … [Read more...]

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Create Your Own Ice Bucket or Wine Chiller

Welcome to the 95th Metamorphosis Monday! Update: If you like this ice chiller but don't want to make one from scratch like I did, you'll find similar ones available for purchase here: Ice Chiller. Also, here: Ice Chiller Recently, I received a catalog in the mail and it showed a picture of a silver ice bucket that could be used to make a diy ice chiller. I was tempted to order it until I realized the … [Read more...]

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