Tabletop Shopping, A Yeti Mini-Drama, & More Renovations And Updates

Welcome to the 767th Tablescape Thursday! The last few days have been crazy busy with workmen here almost every day. I've been working on those last bits and pieces that I need to get done in the garage and basement before moving on to focusing on bathroom renovations. Also, I finally got up the nerve to get the roof washed/cleaned. Looking forward to sharing some of the updates that have been taking place … [Read more...]

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I’ve Been Summer Party Shopping & I Caught Some Great Deals!

Last May, a couple of weeks before their birthdays that fall just 6 days apart, I bought my son and daughter-in-law this awesome frozen drink maker. We had a blast making drinks with it during the time I was visiting. I've made frozen smoothies for my grandsons with it on subsequent visits.   Yesterday, I stopped by Old Time Pottery on the way back home from another errand and found the … [Read more...]

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