Overcoming Winter Kill And My Own Personal Version Of Crop Circles

Welcome to the 289th Metamorphosis Monday! So, remember when that awful ice storm hit Georgia this past winter and paralyzed all of metro Atlanta? It was in the news for days since so many folks were stranded on the interstates and roads, unable to get home for several days.   That ice storm did this to my "just-sodded-last-summer" front yard. I shared these pics on the blog in May of this … [Read more...]

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Chipmunk Baths

When I decided to sod my yard with Zeon Zoysia, to save money I planned to do it in two stages: Front yard, followed by the back yard next summer. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that was probably not such a great idea. I was concerned the grass in the front yard would get damaged next summer when the backyard sodding process got underway. I'm so glad now I went ahead and did both at the … [Read more...]

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A Sweet Bird Girl in the Garden

Welcome to the 236th Metamorphosis Monday! Hope you had a wonderful weekend! I spent all day Friday and Saturday at the Haven Conference in Atlanta. On Sunday, I finished putting out another 25 bags of mulch. That brings the total to 102 bags of mulch! Normally it wouldn't take that much mulch but many of the beds/islands are empty, awaiting shrubs this fall. Today I'm taking you into the yard to … [Read more...]

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Sod Day!

Today is another crazy day in the neighborhood.  This morning there was still a little work to be done in preparation for the sod, but the sod is here. 12 pallets waiting to be installed in the front and back. I went with Zeon Zoysia.  I have plenty of sun out front but the back is kind of shady. Zeon is the most shade tolerant of all the warm-season turf grass varieties. It's a fine-textured … [Read more...]

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