It’s a Boy!

He’s here! A beautiful miracle!

I won’t get to hold him in my arms for a couple of weeks but I’m already in love. Mom, Dad and baby are all doing great! 


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  1. Congratulations!!! You’ll be a fabulous grandmama!!!!

  2. Congratulations! This boy is going to be a well loved grandbaby, I can tell. Love your enthusiasim!

  3. Congratulations Susan, A new life is surely a miracle. I most certainly agree that you will make a wonderful Grandma!!

  4. Oh Susan, he is precious. Congrats to you and your whole family. How perfect and what a blessing. Hugs, Marty

  5. Elaine in Laguna says

    Catching up on my naps (lol… your posts) and just in awe of this amazing and angelic picture of your new grandson! Congratulations to you and your entire family, Susan! You’re going to have a blast and your grandson is so blessed to have You!

  6. Hi Susan,
    Congratulations hon, you are gonna love being a grammy………… is the best!!
    It’s everything everyone said it would be and more…………….

    Blessings to you, baby and babies family, glad they are all doing well

  7. Pat Stansel says

    He is beautiful, you think you love him now—-wait till you hold him !!

  8. Congratulations! So glad everyone is fine.


  9. Congratulations Susan! He is beautiful!


  10. Oh Susan how great! Congratulations!!! What a lucky little boy to have a wonderful grandmother like you.
    Wait till you hold him – I still get chocked up thinking about my little granddaughter when I got to hold her.
    Blessing to you and your family.

  11. Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. says

    Grandbabies are just the best thing EVER! Huge congratulations!

  12. There is absolutely no words to describe what it is like being a grandparent!!!! I am just so thrilled for you!!

  13. There is just something about a grandson…he is adorable!

  14. Congratulations to all! What a fortunate little fella to be part of your family! Many blessings…Susan

  15. Congratulations! It’s going to be the best job you ever had!!

  16. Yay how wonderful and precious. I KNOW you will LOVE being a grandmother. Its an HONORED wonderful BLESSING.

    Children’s children are a crown to the aged,
    and parents are the pride of their children.
    Proverbs 17:6


  17. well…I must have missed the announcement about a baby but in any event CONGRATULATIONS to you! our lives changed forever with the birth of our twin grandchildren (boy and girl) almost 10 years ago…yours will never be the same!

  18. Oh, my very best wishes, Grandma! It will be an amazing adventure for you.

  19. Such joy! Happy for you! I didn’t get to see our grandchildren quickly either because of distance.

    It will be a thrill like nothing before for you.

  20. Susan so happy for you and your family. Now some of the most happiest days of your lives will begin! A love like no other!

  21. He is so cute! Congratulations!!

  22. Many blessings and congratulations!

  23. nancy griffiths says

    Congratulations! There is nothing in the world as great as being a grandmother 🙂

  24. Such a sweetie!! There is nothing like the love for a grandchild! They are God’s greatest blessings!! Enjoy!

  25. Congrats Susan. Your heart will overflow with love!

  26. Susan, congratulations on the exciting news. I know you are eager to hold this little bundle of joy. I’m not a parent, but I have a niece who lives in town. When she gave birth to her daughter with an emergency c-section, I had the honor of being the family member at the hospital when they brought her out of the delivery room. I’ll never forget the experience. Since it was an emergency and my sister lives 5 hours away, she didn’t have the opportunity to be at the delivery as she had hoped.
    You are going to be a fabulous grandmother. This little guy is very lucky to have you in his life!

  27. There is no joy greater than a new baby in the family! You and baby are so blessed to have each other to love!

  28. I’m so happy for you and your family, Susan! Such a blessing for you to welcome this little one to your family! Can’t wait to hear about that first visit with him!

  29. Congratulations Susan!! So happy and excited for you (and a bit jealous)! My best to all of you.

  30. Your life will never be the same. Being a grandmother is wonderful, there is nothing like it. You will love it!

  31. Just precious!! Congratulations to you all!!! ~ Donna E.

  32. Margo Jardien says

    I will tell Mark. Congratulations to Chip and his wife and also to you !! Name, weight, etc……!!!!

    • Thanks, Margo! He weighed 7 lbs, 14 1/2 ounces, 21 1/4 inches long. He’s the 4th, named after his great grandfather, grandfather and father and he will be called, Court. I love the nickname they chose for him. 🙂

  33. Susan, What a wonderful gift you have been given! Congratulations. I like to believe that babies bring out the very best in people. There is just something irresistible in their innocence and that wonderful and totally unique baby “smell”. I know that your first face to face meeting will be just incredible. Blessings to all, MM

  34. Congrats and oh Lord how can you wait a couple of weeks??? I’da been on my way!

  35. Pat Francoforte says

    Congratulations! When a baby is born, so too is a grandmother! A bundle from heaven! Indescribable bliss! God bless you all!

  36. Oh, Susan. Congratulations!! We’re relatively new grands too… our daughter and her hubby gifted us with a precious boy last summer. And everything you’ve ever heard about it is absolutely true! I told my daughter I love him so much it almost hurts! Have fun spoiling!!

  37. Claudette Flanigan says

    Oh, wonderful news! We have two little ones ourselves and being a grandmother is AMAZING! Congrats to all of you. He is adorable!!!

  38. CONGRATS!!! Best thing in the world are grandkids ( we have 9!). Hope you’ll get to snuggle him soon!

  39. Congratulations! LOVE his name, and he is just beautiful. Many happy days ahead, for sure!!

  40. Congratulations! What is his name?

  41. Andrea Campbell says

    Congratulations! He’s a beautiful baby, and grandchildren are such a great joy!

  42. Grandma! Oh my goodness, congratulations to you and all the family! I can’t even imagine what that’s going to fell like, being a grandma, but I’ll bet you’ll be a grand one!

  43. Aww…so sweet!! I know you can’t wait to hold him!! Congrats to all ! XO

  44. So precious! Congratulations on the birth of your sweet grandbaby! There is nothing quite like being a Gran!

  45. Such a precious blessing! You are going to be an awesome grandma. Congratulations!!

  46. Woo-Hoo!! Welcome to Grandmother-hood…best time of your life, trust me! I know you’re anxious to get up here to cold & snowy OH so you can get in some hugs & kisses. I hope our weather improves greatly before you arrive.
    Congratulations Susan…I’m glad everyone is doing well.


  47. Judy Morano says

    Congratulations to you and your family on your new little grandson. My three grandsons are the light of my life and yours will be too! Best Wishes from a reader.

  48. Terri Hughes says

    Congratulations………..he is a cutie pie!

  49. Perfection! May you all always be as blissful as this moment!

  50. JoyceBinAtlanta says

    Congratulations!! So happy for all of you.

  51. Congratulations! What exciting beginning to a new phase in your life, there’s nothing like it in the world! Enjoy!

  52. Yay!!!! Congratulations! He’s adorable

  53. Congratulations! He looks so sweet. 😀

  54. Sue in Virginia says


  55. What a little blessing!!! Let the spoiling begin!

  56. Congratulations! Being a grand mom is the best!! I highly recommend ! He’s a handsome boy……

  57. Congratulations to all! He is precious; did I miss his name? The first time you hold him, a place will open up in your heart that you never even knew was there. Being a grandmother is the best job in the world…no matter how close or far away you are. Agree with so many posts, you’ll be a fabulous Grandmother!

  58. Congratulations on reaching the most wonderful time of your life. My first grandchild was a boy, who is now approaching the grand old age of 20. He has been a joy from the start, as has his 5 sibs and cousins.

  59. Everything and more, the people commented before me is true. I promise. When you hold him and it hits you that HE is your SON’S son, you will never be the same. I never knew there was so much more love in me. It’s different and all our words can’t express how you will feel. A miracle from God. Our two grands were here this weekend. Brendon is 14, Baylee 8. Every year is the best. Sending love, blessings and prayers for the future of your family.

  60. Congratulations!!!Grandbabies are the best joy.

  61. Doreen Krajzel says

    Congratulations Susan! The most wonderful thing in the world is a newborn baby!! And a new grandma!! Blessings to the baby, you, and his whole family/ Love and Hugs, Doreen

  62. Congratulations Susan! He looks beautiful!

  63. Congratulations and very best wishes to all! You are in a state of bliss I am sure. So glad everyone is well.

  64. Congratulations !! what a cutie 🙂 Love his name Court, such a strong name .
    God Bless

  65. Congratulations to mom, dad and the new nana!

  66. Congratulations — may God bless you all with health and happiness. You are going to be a wonderful grandmother. I can’t wait for more pictures.

  67. Congrats you have gotta be so excited. How fun to have a boy. You know all about raising a boy so this will be the most fun seeing your son raising a son and you get to see it all happen. Your gonna love it. Congrats again new gma.

  68. I could not be happier for you!!!!! Your life is forever changed, and by changed, I mean for the better! In my opinion, God save the BEST for last as becoming a grandmother has brought me such joy and love for my four grandsons!!! Your new baby grandson is just perfect and precious in every way, and I pray that you soon get to meet him and hold him in your arms. You will not want to put him down!! Congratulations to you and your family!

  69. Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! I know you can’t wait to kiss those sweet little cheeks!

  70. congrats…now just think of all the tablescapes you can do for boys birthday parties…

    really and truly congrats.

  71. Congratulations on the new joy in your life. Grandkids are very special but so are grandparents. You and Court are beginning a wonderful life journey together that will fill you to the depths of your heart, soul and being. My friend, I am so happy for this wonderful journey ahead. Court is blessed with wonderful parents and an amazing grandmother. Many blessings to you and your family. Looking forward to more pictures.

  72. Congratulations! What a precious gift~~I’m jealous. No grandbabies yet. And he’s so beautiful!

  73. Susan…..welcome to the world of Nanas! He’s just so darling. Remember – your job is to hold, hug, spoil and love him. It’s the most wonderful job in the world.

  74. Dani & cats says

    Yepheeee!!! Congratulations to you & the little family !!!!
    Wow- Susan, that`s sounds sooooo great ! New opportunities – new blog ideas !
    Celebrate !

    All the best
    Dani & Mrs. Teddy

  75. OMG, Susan , he is adorable! I’m thrilled for you, as now you will see how absolutely wonderful this gift from God for us grammies a grandchild is!!! CONGRATS! May God bless his life and his parents!

  76. Handsome baby!!! I like his nickname Court. Dad is Chip…what is their given name? Congrats

  77. Congrats, Grandma Susan!
    He is precious!

  78. Best wishes to everyone! What a beautiful new person!

  79. Welcome to the Grandparent Club! Congratulations and God’s blessings to all of you. What will your “grandmother name” be? Mine is Nonnie, my sister-in-law’s is Nana.

  80. SWEETNESS!!! Congrats!

  81. Perfect in every way! Congratulations! Cherry Kay

  82. Woooooooh, Congratulations on your lovely grandson and congratulations to the parents. Oh I can see this little boy being spoiled by his grandmother, what fun you are going to have.

  83. Wonderful news! Congratulations.

  84. Oh the joy!! That little boy will steal your heart a million times over. Congratulations!

  85. charlottem34 says

    Wonderful! Congratulations to you and your family.

  86. Congratulations to you and your family. There I nothing like being a Grandmother. God Bless

  87. Look at his little cheeks (said in gooey grandma voice). Susan, your life just changed in the most amazing way. Congrats.

  88. Congratulations on your sweet grandson…you’ll be the best grandma!

  89. Congratulations! So Cute!!! Best wish to all!

  90. Welcome to the Grandparents Club !! The best club ever. Congratulations to you and your family. From the day your little grandson is born your life as you know it has changed. It has only gotten richer and more interesting. Just wait until you hold that beautiful little guy you will fall in love . Big time!

  91. Welcome to the world’s greatest sorority! That of being a grandmother! My grandson arrived last month – my son is the fourth and they named the baby the fifth; he is called “Quentin” – remember your HS Latin?

    Time to start buying children’s books! I highly recommend Humphrey’s First Christmas and for when he is a bit older Skippyjon Jones – and I could go on and on! Nothing more delicious than holding that sweet baby and reading to him!

  92. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a beautiful baby boy!


  93. Congratulations, Susan! The Oak Ridge Boys song “Thank God for Kid” comes to mind as William Lee Golden adds at the end of the song, and GRANDKIDS, too!” The joy you will experience over being a Grandmother is indescribable – floods of Happiness, Laughter & Smiles await you in this new experience. Savor every moment. & know that your blog followers are so happy for you. 🙂

  94. Congratulations, Susan! You have just joined an elite club~ the grandmas, nanas, gammas, grams, mameys, mimseys, nannies, ne-maws, nonies, onas, nannies & mimis! He’s a sweetie, to be sure!

  95. Congratulations!!! The best part of your life is just beginning!!!

  96. Congratulations, Susan!
    God has really blessed you! I look forward to that day also.
    He is gorgeous!

  97. Congratulations – I want a grandchild so, so, so much but nothing in the horizon. Enjoy

  98. pam ~ crumpety cottage says

    Oh!!! I want him! 😀 Awww, so tiny and precious. Susan, I know you are feeling overwhelmed with love and joy. I am so happy for you and Chip and his wife and this new little member of the family. Tell us everything! Name, weight, ALL of it! Hee. We can’t wait to hear. Awww, I wish I could hold him too. Please give him lots of extra hugs and kisses from me. Can’t wait til you get to see him in person. 😀

  99. OMG!!! I almost didn’t see this post! I’m sooooooo happy for you! Grandchildren are very special. You will wonder why you didn’t just skip ‘having kids’ and go straight to being a grandma :).

    You are in for a wonderful adventure. You’re going to love it!

  100. pam ~ crumpety cottage says

    Court. So appropriate for a future lawyer. 😉

  101. Jill Brewster says

    Congratulations! There is nothing you will love more that being a grandma. Not even decorating. LOL

  102. Congratulations Susan! God love him, he’s beautiful. I can’t wait to see more pictures of him, once he’s in your arms.

  103. Oooohhhh, I can’t wait to see pics of you holding that sweet baby!! So happy for you! And I did have to chuckle a bit with his nickname being “Court” and Chip is a lawyer! And I agree with the one of the other commenter who talked about all the future fun tablescapes you can come up with in the now with a little grandson!

    • Susan, when my son told me the name they had chosen, I immediately thought about how a friend of mine and I used to keep a running list of people we knew or heard of whose names in some way matched up to their job or profession. It was uncanny how many times in the news or somewhere we would hear of someone whose name somehow tied back to their profession. It will be interesting to see if he goes that route. I guess we won’t know for about 18-22 years. 🙂

  104. He’s beautiful, Susan! Can’t wait to see a pic of you holding him in your arms! 🙂

  105. Linda S. in NE says

    Amazing, Really Amazing. My best to you and his parents. Enjoy every breath.

  106. Best wishes to the entire family, Susan! My youngest daughter got engaged 2 weeks ago so I feel one day I may actually have a grandbaby too. Hope so – her older sister doesn’t want to have children.

    I am so happy for you – for us both! : – )

    God bless~!!

  107. Mary from Virginia says

    Do you have a grandmother name that Court will call you?

  108. Adding my voice to the chorus of congratulations – truly a precious gift! Best wishes to all!

  109. Susan, your life changed forever with Court’s birth! When our first grandchild was born, we quickly learned that everything we did with her was shear joy. And when I expressed our great joy to our son, I explained that it’s not that we loved him less, rather it was that joy in knowing we could entertain her and trust her parents to provide everything else as we had done for him. Welcome to Grandmotherhood! You’re going to be even more overjoyed than you can imagine. May God bless your grandson and all your family.

    Thanks for sharing your terrific news,

  110. There is nothing like being a grandma!!! I’m only two years into it, but it is simply amazing! Our third grandie surprised us this week by showing up on Friday (two weeks early) in a very quick delivery! Congratulations and enjoy!!

  111. Congratulations on becoming a Grandmother! It’s God’s way of allowing us to enjoy our children all over again when we can spoil them and love them with no distractions. And at an age when we often need new inspiration. I am the lucky grandmother of three and the lucky great-grandmother of three beautiful brothers. And of course it all began with a strong marriage and four wonderful children. My husband and I are so blessed. God bless you and yours.

  112. Congratulations Susan! So glad everyone doing well! 😉

  113. Congratulations Susan! He is beautiful!

  114. Look at those beautiful long fingers!!! Hands of a surgeon!!! Congrats…….what fun you are gonna have!!! Blessings to all…..

  115. Congratulations, Susan! Your heart will never be the same! Becoming a Nana 4 years ago, is truly the most delightful gift of my 55 years! I now have 3 grandsons with #4 due this summer—& the euphoria never wears off. 😉
    I think you are showing remarkable restraint waiting to meet little Court — have fun shopping (that never wears off, either!)

  116. Congratulations!! There is NOTHING better than having a grandchild. Such fun ahead for both of you.


  117. WAHOO!! Congratulations, Susan. I am so very happy for you and your family. What a precious bundle. Does he look like Chip when he was born? You’re about to start such a wonderful adventure. I go by “Gramma” and “Mima” depending on which grandchild is calling ( we’re waiting for our 8th at the end of April; after three miscarriages, my daughter and the family are more than thrilled at the prospect of a new granddaughter!) The absolute best of wishes to you. Rosie

    • Rosie, in some pics I’ve seen, he looks like Chip did when he was born. He actually looked a lot like Chip in the first sonogram picture that I saw. But today I saw a picture where he looked a lot like Nancy. So I guess he’s going to be a blend of the two. 🙂 I pray everything goes perfectly for your daughter. Babies are true blessings!

  118. Oh—I guess I should explain we have 4 daughters, so the 8th grandchild is NOT from just one daughter! Rosie

  119. Congratulations Susan! He’s a beautiful baby!!

  120. Nancy B of Lake Stevens says

    Just to repeat…Welcome to the wonderful world of grandmotherhood. It’a a great “hood” to live in. So happy for you.

  121. Susan,
    This is wonderful news. What will you be called? My mother also named Susan always wanted to be called Mummy (she is from Boston) us California kids would not go for it and called her Mom. Finally when she became a grand mummy she said she wanted to be called ‘Grummy”. Which we all agreed upon. Then with all 8 grandchildren each at about 2 or 3 years old couldn’t pronounce the “G” so she was called “Dummy” for a while, yet she took it in stride and said at least they don’t call me “Rummy”. You can see she is a pretty silly Grandma.

  122. Esther George says

    Congratulations to you and your family Susan. I always tell my husband I have experienced the love of a daughter and a son and i would love to experience the love of grandchildren. He is a beautiful baby, enjoy the cuddles, kisses. Best wishes…..Esther from Sydney.

  123. Congratulations, how wonderful!!! Many, many blessings to you and your family!

  124. Awww, Susan!
    Congratulations, my dear friend!
    I am so happy for you!
    Court is such a beautiful baby boy!
    I’m sure his birth(day) marks the beginning of an unlimited and unconditional, wonderful love ♥ and I know you are counting the weeks, days, hours, minutes and even the seconds till you get to see and hold him and kiss his precious little face! 🙂
    Congrats to your son and daughter in love, too! So glad to hear they are all doing great! 🙂
    ~Hugs to you~

  125. Congratulations Susan, to you and your family! He is absolutely beautiful.

  126. Congratulations!!!


  128. Congratulations…you are truly blessed.

  129. This is wonderful! He is the most handsome young man. I know your heart is full, and you have a wonderful journey ahead. (I have been wondering where I can find a teeny little tool belt so he can help you with your many projects.!) Love to all at this blessed time. Shelia

  130. Congratulations, Susan! There’s nothing in the world like being a grandma!

  131. Congrats, Susan! What a cutie! Grandbabies are the best invention ever! lol I am so happy for you!…hugs…Debbie

  132. Susan,
    Thank heaven for little boys!!!
    . . .and for their Gradmothers influence!!!

  133. Oh my, your heart will just about burst when you get him in your arms. Welcome to a wonderful new world. Both of you.

  134. He is precious. Congratulations! There is absolutely nothing better than being a grandmother! I see lots of fun for the two of you on that beautiful screened in porch. 🙂

  135. Congratulations, Susan!!! You must be over-the-moon excited! 🙂 What a blessing for all of you.



  136. Congrats Susan!! He is just beautiful….grandchildren are so precious….
    welcome to the club! We are a very special group, and we have rules “What happens at Grandma’s – stays at Grandma’s”!
    I have four and we have more secrets than the Whitehouse so much fun is ahead of you….enjoy every second! You’ve earned it…….and wear the title proudly!


  137. Congratulations, Susan! I’m so happy for you and he is an adorable little one. I know you can’t wait to kiss his sweet little face. We’ll be waiting for more snaps.
    Shelia 😉

  138. Susan, how wonderful!!! I am so excited for you – there is nothing in the world like being a grandmother!!

  139. Awwww, Susan, he is beautiful. Congratulations! laurie

  140. You will never be the same again! As Nonna to two young grandsons (almost 2 and 4.5) I can assure you that you’re in for a treat! Get there quickly, my friend — and ENJOY!

  141. Congratulations, Susan! There is just no greater gift than a grandchild.

  142. Congratulations, Susan! I think the baby looks like your son! You will be a wonderful grandmother & as much as you are looking forward to it, I think you will be amazed at just how wonderful it is. They go through so many changes as they grow & each one makes them even more fun!

  143. SharonFromMichigan says

    Oh My Goodness is he beautiful! Can’t wait to see the pic of you holding him! Congratulations!

  144. Congratulations to you and your family!…I am sure this will be a very long couple of weeks for you until you get to see that precious grandson!….There is nothing like being a Grandmother…it is the best!….

  145. Congratulations on your little angel! Nothing makes a day brighter or life sweeter than a new baby to love and cherish!

  146. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SOOOOOOOO happy for you! You will be the BEST Grandmother!!! XOXO

  147. Barbara Anne says

    Oh BOY!!!!!!! Happy dancing for you and your family as you welcome this sweet little boy into your family and the world!!! Is this the push you need to take up quilting?!

    Cheers and hugs!

  148. He is beautiful! Congratulations to your Family! A Baby is a true gift from God!

  149. Cynthia Christensen says

    Oh, gramma! Such a beautiful munchie! Happy, happy to all of you!
    So, Susan, does this mean there is more baseball wallpaper in your future? Just saying…….He IS a chip off the ‘ole Chip ‘ya know! LS (laughing softly) (Don’t want to wake the baby)!!♥♥♥

  150. CONGRATS.!!!….Mr Perfect…….now the fun begins…oh I won’t spoil him much..said no Gram ever..or will you be a Nana…

  151. Susan,
    I am thrilled for you, you are in for such fun times. He is a beautiful boy, so happy all is well!!

    Mary L

  152. Selma Claire says

    Oh, Susan! Congratulations! You will be a fabulous Grandmother! 🙂

  153. Susan,
    I am so thrilled about your news. I became a grandmother 2 1/2 years ago of a little grandson. You are in for a very special time being a grandmother. Congratulations. Love hearing that everyonel is doing well and he has arrived.

  154. Oh what fun news! Congratulations!!!

  155. Susan, when my mother in law told me she was not going to be a grandmother and would never be called that name, she picked the name GIA….. Maybe Court could call you Gia , but Grandma Susan sounds pretty good! 🙂

  156. Oh, Susan, This is so wonderful! You have so many awesome experiences ahead of you. Your love for him will no no equal…until the next grand comes along. Words just can’t express the love I have for my 6 grandchildren and I am so excited that your are experiencing this little miracle.
    Love to you and that sweet family, Ginger

  157. As Melanie says in Gone with the Wind….”the best days are when babies come” ! Congratulations on a beautiful new baby boy grandson !

  158. Beth Quarterman says

    Congratulations to you all, Grandma!! He is so beautiful! Praise Jesus that he and everyone else are fine and happy!! Happy holding!!

  159. Oh, he’s so beautiful! You have a new love in your life!

  160. No matter what your little grandson calls you, you will love it. One of my dear friends is a “Susan”,too, and her grandchildren call her “Grammi SuSu”. So happy you have been blessed with a darling grandson!

  161. Sorry I’m so late to add my congratulations! 🙂 Things have been so cuckoo around here, but my sincerest Congratulations to you and your son and d-i-l. Awesome!!!! I’ve seen a lot of newborns and that little guy is genuinely adorable! So glad all went well. 😀

  162. A big congratulations to you, your son and daughter-in-law. What a sweetie he is! Oh you are going to have such fun spoiling him. ☺
    Warm hugs -Brenda-

  163. The Quintessential Magpie says

    Susan, I missed this, but he is adorable!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!



  164. I am so happy for you and your family, Susan. He is exquisite.

    I am a mother of an only son and only grandson, too.♥

  165. How happy I am for you, he is beautiful! Congratulations

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