A Purr-fect View from the Porch…

Does anyone remember this? It was the main pic for my screened-in porch posting when I posted it on Rate My Space. This is the summer view. {{{BIG SIGH}}}

When I stretched out on the settee this past summer and looked up, this was the view…

For the past few weeks, the view has been changing with each passing day. The green has given way to yellows, reds, browns and golds….and before long, it will look like this.

I will miss the lush green, but it’s kind of nice to see the bones of the trees….they really are beautiful against that gorgeous blue sky, aren’t they.

And then it will happen…one of those rare, warm Georgia days…right in the midst of winter. I will venture onto the porch and stretch out on the settee and look up.

This is the view I usually see next. 🙂 I’m not the only one in this house who misses sun-filled days…out on the porch.

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  1. I just heard on the local weather news that it could get down into the teens Saturday night. You’re further North than I am, so I’m glad you and Max are staying indoors during this unseasonably cold weather. Seems much more like late January around here.
    Spring will be hear before you know it. Use this time to plan your flower garden and spring planting.

  2. GREEN – yes, that is what I miss! I just have to keep saying it…Spring will come, Spring will come, Spring will come…


  3. Linda/ "Mom..." says

    *That was very poignant, Susan ~~~ It's fascinating & heart-warming to watch the changes, isn't it? Thanks for the beautiful & peaceful moment at the end of a lonnnnng day~~~~ Blessings, Linda

  4. Oh the changing of the seasons sometimes bring on more changes than we want to see.. but your view of those changing is a site to behold..and you can see Maxx enjoys watching them as well.
    hugs ~lynne~

  5. profenretraite says

    Hi Susan…Yes, I know…my backyard looks so empty! But when I lived in the mountains as a little girl, I thought the trees looked like feathers covering the mountain…especially after a heavy frost. My kitties miss the warm weather, too! Beautiful post…Debbie

  6. tales from an O.C. cottage says

    Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrretty prrrrrrrrecious!

    M ^..^

  7. Very beautiful porch and views. I am new to your blog and I have discovered you do a tablescape tuesday. I love love doing them and have a ton of dishes and buy more each week at the thrift store and where ever I may be. I am a lurker for now, but I would like to partisipate soeday when more time allows. I am recently retired and I enjoy blogging and all the sicial networks very much and just let me say I have enjoyed yours the most. I hagve a big wrap around front porch that I enjoy decorating for each season. I hope to get a flicker badge posted soon that shows the porch changing through each season. Like you have done here. I spent 2 hours working on it a couplke nights ago and couldn’t get it to upload when I finished. It wqas so cool and I was so bummed.
    Happy Holidays and I shall return.

  8. Happy To Be says

    Full tress empty trees your porch is still the finest one around Susan..love kitty and I bets he misses the sun..hugs and smiles Gloria

  9. It looks so dreamy to lay on your porch and look at any view (even the back of your cat)! I might not ever get up if I were watching the seasons change from your porch. It’s so peaceful. laurie

  10. Now is the cat sitting on your tummy? That’s how it would be at my house!!

  11. Terri and Bob says

    Love the porch but the kitty is pretty amazing too. The windows are just plain fabulous.

  12. I love summer time, too, with the flowers, the greens, the trips to the lake….but, ahhh, I love the wintertime, too…the warmth of a new winter coat, the roaring fires in the fireplace, the hot teas, chocolates and coffees, the kitchen filled with good things to eat…winter soups, stews, cornbread….yes…I love winter every bit as much as summer.
    Your photos are lovely…

  13. Susan (Between Naps on the Porch) says

    Hi Stacey…to answer your question…yep, all 15 lbs of him! 🙂 Max follows me through the house and always ends up where ever I do. Most evenings when I’m working on my blog, he is sprawled across my lap…which makes typing on the keyboard a bit of a challenge! He’s just a big ole sweetie. (LOL) Susan

  14. What a gorgeous porch and such beautiful views. Thanks for sharing the changing seasons. I use to live in the NW and enjoyed all the changes, the fresh fallen snow was always so beautiful. We’re in the desert now and after a long hot summer, everything is just finally coming back to life. Wonderful to see all our beautiful flowers and lush green, and then see your love changing season. Marty

  15. Suzann @ Lavender and Roses says

    I love the change of the seasons. The gray blue skies, the bare trees and the cool / cold temperatures always make me feel the need to snuggle up in a comfy spot with a quilt and read or stitch.

  16. Look at you with your pretty NEW blog template…it’s so pretty! Your porch is a dream no matter the season… 😉 Bo

  17. imjacobsmom says

    Susan, you are just so cute! Thanks for sharing your view! ~ Robyn

  18. Cami @ Creating Myself says

    You think you're heaving a big sigh? Mine was clearly audible! ;o) I cannot tell you how much I love your sun porch…to while away an afternoon in it, sipping sweet tea & thumbing through a magazine or cookbook. *SIGH* ;o)

    Your photos are so well done Susan! It's not just that your home is beautiful & inviting, but you have the talent & ability to put us right there w/ you. *another big sigh*

  19. Hello Kitty! Susan, how come you didn’t show us the piles of leaves that are all over your deck and yard and patio and gutter…. oh wait! That’s at my house. I love how you called the bare trees the “bones”! That thought will get me through the winter. It’s 16 stinkin’ degrees here this morning. I’m glad I got to spend part of it on your glorious porch!


  21. Great post, great music!…Your porch is awesome no matter what season. That is the cutest picture with the cat…take care ~Cindy~

  22. What a cute post…live the kitty!

  23. I agree, that is a gorgeous view whether the tress are wearing their splendid summer finery, or their pared down winter outfits! I’m a tree lover, and I think they are beautiful in all seasons. Your home looks so lovely. 🙂

  24. Darlene - Our Creative Life says

    I love your screened porch no matter what view! Do you decorate the porch for christmas? If so, can’t wait to see. Oh and I have a tablescape for tuesday (it’s actually being posted tomorrow) how do I get involved?

  25. Lady Katherine says

    What a lovely view! But any from view from your porch would have to be lovely, The sky is wonderful. I always love to lay and watch the sky in the winter. Did you have a cup of hot chocolate with you? Oh I was suppose to say tea. But outside in the winter hot chocolate just calls your name!

  26. Barb Garrett says

    I know exactly what you mean – our trees will be barren, too, in a few weeks. But we are blessed with some great Carolina pines and Magnolias which give us some year-round color. That last shot is so funny. I am typing with a cat draped across my shoulders right now. She started out on the back of the chair and just kinda slid down. Hope you have a great weekend! Blessings, barb

  27. Oh my goodness. I’m just finding your blog nwo and I LOVE IT!!!

  28. Melissa Miller says

    Beautiful picture of the deep blue evening sky. Max is too cute! Chestnut does the same thing. He thinks he’s a dog. ~Melissa

  29. What a great post. Winter trees are gorgeous to me- a little mysterious, a bit sad, but so lovely. I miss being able to see the day to day unfolding of the changing of the seasons, and you are so lucky to see them in all their glory, — from such a gorgeous spot, too! Your porch is wonderful. The photo from behind the cat is priceless.

    Thanks for coming by my little world and your kind words.

    See you soon,

  30. You are lucky to be able to lay in a beatiful room like that and watch the seasons change right in front of your eyes.


  31. We had a small amount of snow here last night. If we’re going to get any, I like lots, but a little is nice too! I could do w/out the cold temps though! You have a lovely porch!

  32. I love it when the trees look like lace against a winter sky!! Sally

  33. callygirlinMN says

    your porch has always been my favorite from when I first peeked into RMS this summer. I am nagging, no maybe throwing a hissy fit is more like it that I need one too:) My dh does agree, so hopefully this spring I will have one too. I think when the world gets crazy it would be a wonderful place to go to. I may never leave. Love your kitty also. thanks for letting us peek in at your porch in winter:)-Jan

  34. Susan, you are so clever, I love your view behind Max! Aren’t kitties just the greatest? I usually have a kitty in my lap, too. I’ve always loved your porch, also your blog! Love Ya! Connie

  35. Does anyone remember this post??? Susan, I do beleive this was the post that turned me into one of your stalkers!!! I loved seeing that you had a new post on RMS, but I must say bloggings got it beat!!So much inspiration around us isn’t there? Hope your day is a good one.

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