Happy Mother’s Day!

“Motherhood is the longest-running, continuous production of your life. Every day. Seven days a week. It doesn’t matter if it’s SRO or an empty house: You play to it. It doesn’t matter if the critics love or hate your performance. The show never closes. Every day you climb into your costume and do the best you can, writing the script as you go along.”
Erma Bombeck
May 14, 1989

Happy Mother’s Day to Mothers Everywhere!

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  1. Johanna says

    Hello Susan,
    lovely thoughts! Wish you a wonderful Mother's Day, too.
    Warmest regards, Johanna

  2. The Little Red Shop says

    Have a Blessed & Happy Mother's Day!

    : )

    Julie M.

  3. Happier Than a Pig in Mud says

    Happy Mother's Day Susan! Wishing you a great day:@)

  4. Days at Buttermilk Cottage says

    So, so true. Have a good one!

  5. Happy Mother's Day to you, too! Love the quote from Erma. Lana http://www.lifeatwildberrycottage.com


    Happy Mother's Day, Susan.


  7. It makes me tired just reading that, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Happy Mother's Day!

  8. It makes me tired just reading that, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Happy Mother's Day!

  9. Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions says

    Happy Mother's Day, Susan! I always enjoyed reading Erma's musings on motherhood. She always seemed to hit the nail on the head and you were always relieved it wasn't just you!

  10. Aunt Amelia's Attic says

    Wishing you a lovely Mother's Day.

  11. Chatty Crone says

    I want to wish you a great Mother's Day today!


  12. Hi Susan….Thanks for all your beautiful posts….your adding beauty to the world….and thanks for you! Happy, Happy Mother's Day. Susan

  13. Donna (Timeless Settings) says

    Happy Mother's Day!

  14. Atelier de Charo says

    Happy Mother's Day to you too!

    Best wishes!


  15. Happy Mother's Day, Susan!

  16. Glenda/MidSouth says

    Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

  17. Katherines Corner says

    Oh she was my hero. I miss her wonderful books and articles. Happy Mothers Day! Big Hugs!!

  18. Happy Cottage Quilter says

    Wishing a wonderful day to all of your readers. Whether they are a daughter, a Mom, Grandmother, sister, niece or friend. Have a happy day!

    Jocelyn @

  19. Rettabug says

    AMEN!! Hardest & Best job in the world!

    Happy Mothers Day to you, Susan!! I hope you get to see your son or at least speak to him & that you don't have to cook, either. 😉


  20. Ironstone and Pine says

    God Bless Erma Bombeck and her writings, she got it! Happy Mother's Day!!~devon

  21. AshTreeCottage says

    Happy Mother's Day to you as well!

    Susan and Bentley

  22. Terry @ La Bella Vie says

    Though I am not a mom to a child, only two four legged girl kitties, I couldn't agree with you more!
    Happy Mothers day!

  23. Happy Mother's Day Susan. You are an inspiration to all mothers. That story of removing the baseball mural was very sweet.

  24. Sue (Someone's Mom) says

    Isn't that the truth!! I hope you are having a wonderful day!

  25. …and a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY right back at you Susan. May it be perfect! Hugs -Brenda-

  26. Kelsie From Our Country Home says

    So very true (and kinda daunting some days)

    Happy Mothers Day
    Blessings Kelsie

  27. Mary @ Redo101 says

    Aw, there was only one Erma Bombeck, she knew how to speak for all women! Thanks for sharing the lovely Mother's Day greetings, and Happy Mother's Day to you as well!


  28. FABBY'S LIVING says

    Happy Mother's Day to you dear Susan! I'm sure your son has given you lots of love, more than ever, today! May God bless you today and for ever.

  29. Hope you are having a wonderful Mother's Day. Lovely quote….thank you for sharing.

  30. Designs By Pinky says

    Hope you had a great day and maybe got to see your son???? XO, Pinky

  31. I love the chandelier! It will really look great in the office and a totally unexpected touch! Lana http://www.lifeatwildberrycottage.com

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