Displaying and Decorating with China for the Seasons and Holidays

Welcome to the 154th Tablescape Thursday!

Jeanne  blogs at  Selep Imaging.  Jeanne has a wonderful hutch she changes out with each holiday or season.   I was so impressed with her lovely china collection and the creative way she displays it, I couldn’t resist sharing it for Tablescape Thursday.

As you scroll down, notice how Jeanne mixes so many different patterns beautifully.  There’s a wonderful balance of colors and pattern.  She also layers in other pieces like salt and pepper shakers, hearts, bunnies, etc… mixing different heights and shapes.  Each hutch display is completely charming!  Enjoy!

Valentine’s Day Hutch:  What a beautiful mix of patterns.  This display shows how wonderful it is to mix different patterns together, be it on a hutch or in a table setting.  The look is magical!

How to display and decorate with china or dishes for Valentine's Day


Easter/Spring Hutch:  Notice how Jeanne has mixed in decorative birds and bunnies in this hutch display.  They are perfect for her springtime/Easter theme.

Display or Decorate with Dishes for Spring


Blue and White Hutch:  Classic blue and white…always beautiful, always fresh and inviting!  I can never get enough of blue and white china.

Blue and White Dishes in a Hutch

4th of July Hutch:  I like how Jeanne incorporated in some gold accented pieces.  It really adds so much to the red, white and blue patriotic scheme.

4th of July Dishes in Hutch

Thanksgiving Hutch:  This display definitely has me yearning for fall!

Hutch with Fall & Thanksgiving Dishware

Christmas Hutch:  The touches of white soften and enhance the bright Christmas colors of red and green.

Displaying and Decorating with China for the Seasons and Holidays


Which display was your favorite?  Did you find some great ideas for displaying your china collections?

Don’t be afraid to buy odd “orphaned” pieces when you find them in thrift stores or garage sales, even though they aren’t a complete set.  You can see how great it looks when different sets or individual pieces are mixed together on a hutch, just imagine how beautiful they would look all mixed together in a table setting.

Looking forward to your beautiful tablescapes!

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  1. Thank you for sharing this wonderful tidbit of inspiration with us. Jeanne has a wonderful eye for coordinating all the patterns and colors. Each hutch looks wonderful. How could I ever pick a favorite, they are all so lovely!
    xo marlis

  2. On Crooked Creek says

    This post of the changing hutch is full of inspiration! My favorite had to be the Thanksgiving hutch…all the traditional fruit motif plates. I saw those like my grandmothers collection in the blend. Thank you for sharing this beautiful hutch…a work of art!

  3. how beautiful!! so beautifully displayed!!
    congratulations to the winner!!

  4. Jadehollow says

    Jeanne has some beautiful pieces .. hard to decide which is my favorite .. but if you twisted my arm I'd have to say the Valentine Hutch .. Blue Willow has always been my favorite but recently I've started collecting the Red & Pink sets ..

  5. Mid-Atlantic Martha says

    Oh my! I could never choose just one — what a wonderful display of dishes.

  6. They are all beautiful but I love the Valentine display as I love red and white transferware.

    Thank you for hosting,


  7. our daily dishes says

    wonderful seeing the seasons scroll by~

  8. Wow, Jeanne wins! Such lovely china and such great energy to change up her display each holiday and season! You go girl!

    Maybe this will inspire me to do better!

  9. I love all the hutch displays and find it comforting to know there are more os us out there!

  10. tammylovesdishes says

    Thank you for featuring Jeanne's hutch. I love her blog.

    If I had to pick a favorite and that is hard to do because they are all lovely, I'd choose the blue and white.

  11. Alycia Nichols says

    Jeanne is my hero! I don't think there is any way in the world I could find the patience to change out my china cabinet with the seasons. That takes a LOT of tenacity! I'm proud of Jeanne, and I hope to one day be able to follow suit! 🙂

  12. Wow, those are gorgeous! I definitely think Thanksgiving is my favorite! Thanks for hosting Susan!!

  13. Designs By Pinky says

    Since I am so into Blue and White right now, that one was my favorite but these displays are SO full of inspiration! Thanks to her for allowing you to share her work!!!!

  14. Very nice display of the different china patterns. I like the Easter/spring display the best. All I could think of is the time it must take to do each one of these displays. This is certainly a labor of love.

  15. Gosh you are so great at that! I think my favorite is the fall colors although they are all beautiful.

  16. What a neat way to display all those gorgeous china! I love all of them…Christine

  17. I'm supposed to pick a favorite? Nearly impossible. I guess it's the Valentine's one because I love the colors. I really think it all looks wonderful.

  18. Susan (My Place to Yours) says

    TONIGHT I suppose my favorite is the red and white Valentine display. But I love the way Jeanne mixes in a touch of green with the blue/white hutch … and I always have a soft spot for fruit china. Everything is beautiful, and I'm so glad you shared this. She certainly gets the price for changing out her display every season!

  19. martinealison says

    L'ensemble de ces porcelaines sont ravissantes… S'il fallait que je fasse un choix je pense que je pencherais davantage sur les porcelaine "Saint Valentin". Le côté fleur bleue qui ressort chez moi!!
    Gros bisous

  20. O.K. This is really, really tough because they are all lovely in their own way, but I think my favorite is the 4th of July hutch. What a beautiful and effective use of red, white and blue! I loved it!

  21. Susan, There is so much to love about all of her displays. My favorite is the 4th of July. Just loved everything about it. Thank you for sharing. Pam

  22. FABBY'S LIVING says

    I totally love, love them all, just like you said: You couldn't resist posting them and I cannot choose one! Yep, I got great ideas from this. Thank you Susan for featuring and for hosting TT. Love, FABBY

  23. Susan, this is the china/hutch lover like me blog dream come true. So many beautiful pattern and displayed and so much inspiration. Thanks so much for introducing Jeanne. I also read you post earlier today, and I'm thankful for you it turned out like it did. Thanks for sharing your story, its so important. Much appreciated, from this grandmommy.

    Thanks for hosting
    The French Hutch

  24. Chandeen @ Designed by Chance says

    Love each and every one!! the blue and white was especially wonderful. that's what I want to do in my house, once I get a hutch. Thanks for sharing.

  25. Sizzle and Zoom says

    My favorite was the top red and white. Lovely!

  26. Wow, what a great collection.
    A hutch,here in the UK we call it a dresser.

    I love all the seasonal displays I think my favourite would be the blue and white one. Jackie in Surrey, UK.

  27. Alexandrea says

    Oh WOW!! Jeanne has a great eye for putting displays together. They are ALL FABULOUS!! However, my favorite one is the 4th of July display…the gold dishes just really make it pop!!
    She makes me want to try this. I love Halloween and think that'd be a fun one to create.
    Time to shop for dishes…. 😉

  28. Lana K. W. Austin says

    Well, of course I love the china hutch!!

    But I'm still reeling from your near abduction post.

    How amazing that you would post your personal stories…this is a Fallen world where there is actual evil and evil against children, I believe, is the worst.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to share something that I'm sure still makes you feel sick at your stomach. Being an orphan/in and out of foster care, etc. until I was 6, I am well aware of the horrors that face children. So much of the world doesn't know how devious people can be when luring children.

    Thank you again. I respect you immensely.


  29. Curtains In My Tree says

    My 1st choice of Jeannes dishes is the blue & white then the easter display. Makes me want to go home and play with my few dishes

    I love BNOTP

  30. The Decorative Dreamer says

    Susan, Jeanne's hutch displays are wonderful! I especially love how she used single pieces to to add more interest to the sets. If I had to pick only one, I guess it would be the Valentine display, but I like them all!

  31. Wow, she does a wonderful job with those! I loved them all, but the blue and white one was my favorite. This is a great inspiration – I love that she changes it out for different times of the year! What a great job on all of them!

  32. These displays were gorgeous! The blue/white was my favorite — classic, great details, and such a perfect balance.

  33. Cass @ That Old House says

    Well of course I LOVE the blue and white — but the display that really "sent" me was the Easter one … mostly because there is a reticulated plate right smack dab in the center of the shelves that is absolutely GORGEOUS. Love it.
    What a great idea to keep changing the hutch displays.
    Now — where does she keep all that china at other times? 🙂

  34. Michele Smith says

    Thank you for sharing this inspriation, she has a beautiful hutch!
    I am your newest follower! Looking forward to seeing more of your posts.

  35. Gmama Jane says

    Why have I never thought to do this??? I keep the same old dishes out and all my other china in storage until a holiday. I will begin a whole new tradition beginning this fall!! Thank you for sharing that!!
    Gmama Jane

  36. Susan-

    Love this post. I am always looking for new ways to decorate my dining room table when I am not entertaining. Maybe you can do a Tablescape Thursday which focuses on non dining tablescapes. What do you think?


  37. Richard Cottrell says

    It is so exciting to see some color. I am so tired of all these houses that are color free, all white, even the dishes. I am so happy. YA,COLOR! Richard from My Old Historic House.

  38. Jacqueline says

    Really, really gorgeous. How fun that she displays these all. I can just imagine how magical it is to come in and see it when it is changed. thanks for sharing.

  39. Trish - Sweetology101 says

    What amazing photos of this hutch! I loved them!!!!!! FUN. Thanks for hosting.

  40. eddieross says

    What an amazing collection this is! It is such a fun display for Valentines!! Thanks so much for sharing.
    xo E + J

  41. Tanya Anurag says

    OMG…. this is awesome!! Like the colors- red and white. So different from the usual- blue and white.

    I am hosting my first Link-up party – Tea Time Thursdays. Would be glad to see you there 🙂


  42. Jeanne Selep says

    Hello Susan! I'm glad you shared my hutch photos on your blog. I love checking out your blog and I am always hoping to (someday soon) make my first table scape post and post it (on BNOTP.) I had so much fun reading the comments on your blog. It made my day. 🙂

  43. Jeanne Selep says

    BTW, (By the Way),

    Jackie in UK's comment was fun. I guess my hutch is really a 'Welsh Dresser'. But most Americans wouldn't know that.

    And I have wondered what the British call the piece of furniture you put clothes in? Is that a dresser too?

    • Hi, Jeanne, love all of the different displays…I would be hard pressed to pick just one favorite…

      My thanks to Susan for sharing your post!

      A dresser in the UK is called a ‘wardrobe’
      From the Encyclopedia Britannica: wardrobe, in furniture, a large cupboard, usually equipped with drawers, a mirror, and other devices, used for storing clothes.

  44. Susan, thank you for sharing this and introducing us to Jeanne. I like the idea of changing out the Welsh Dresser with the seasons. Difficult to pick a favorite, but you know I'm fond of patriotic settings. 😉
    This makes me want to follow Jeanne's lead and do the same on our Welsh Dresser. ~ Sarah
    Do you have a new TT button? The image on my sidebar disappeared.

  45. Melinda Lilley says

    Beautiful display of china, and a lovely blog…

  46. A big "v-8" moment for me, why hadn't I been using my china as seasonal decor in the hutch?

  47. Each one is so gorgeous for all seasons dear Susan. Thank you so much for sharing them for us. I’m doing my plate wall rack for the 4th., so yours was very much an inspiration for me.
    Big hugs,

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