Fantasy Garages

Recently, I received an e-mail from a friend and it contained these pics of dream garages. Well, actually the e-mail was titled: “What a man’s garage should look like.”

I have a love for luxury vehicles, antique cars and going to car shows, so I’m renaming this: “What a woman’s garage should look like.” HA!

Whether you love a well-built touring machine or your taste goes more toward the racing side, you’ll have to admit, these are some awe-inspiring garages. Let the drooling begin.

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  1. The Old Block House says

    Wow! Some of those are as big as my house (or bigger).

    Can you imagine all the goodies that could be stashed in there? Major flea market find storage!

  2. IF EVER hubby's garage looked this clean, I'd settle for that! Mercy, those are great antique storage spaces, aren't they.

    Have a beautiful weekend.
    TTFN ~

    FUN GIVEAWAY ends 4/10

  3. Pine Tree Home says

    Woah. Fun places. Where is all the dirt?

  4. Jacqueline says

    I had no idea that I needed to dream that big when it came to a garage! Can't wait to show everyone.

    I agree, it has to be changed to A Woman's Garage!

  5. Oh my!!! I don't know what to say!! Artwork, a library ladder and books in the garage?!
    Wow, is all I can think of to say!
    Or maybe…Jealous!

  6. Blue Ridge Altered Art says

    If I had one of those garages I would be afraid to put my car in there for fear of getting the garage dirty!!! ~~Sherry~~

  7. Susan (Between Naps on the Porch) says

    Me, too Sherry. Can you imagine if any oil dripped on those gorgeous floors!!! 😉

  8. Dee Stephens says

    Ridiculous! I'm your newest follower 🙂

  9. Susan (Between Naps on the Porch) says

    Welcome, Dee! So glad you are here!

  10. Gloria (The Little Red House with the White Porch) says

    Hi, old friend! Since I am so far behind with my blogging since I was without my laptop for a while, I am STILL catching up these past few weeks… I still have so many more friends to visit. I have stolen some reading on your posts, but neglected to comment, and I would like to comment on THIS post — these garages are more beautiful and BIGGER than my house! LOL! Oh, to have money like that, huh? Oh, and I also loved your tablescape yesterday — loved what your DIL-to-be gave you… I love things like that. And your tablescape was beautiful, as usual. You and Bill (Aff.Acc) are the best of the best! I hope you have been well, and I hope you are enjoying getting your office ready. I missed out on some of those posts when my laptop was out of commission. I will have to go back and see what I missed!
    P.S. Go to MY blog for my latest post to get a free sample of paint from Valspar! You can try out a sample paint if you want to paint something little (a basket maybe?) with a "crazy" color in your office! 😉

  11. Oh man, oh man, oh man, Susan. Those garages were e-l-i-t-e. I would settle for ANY garage—even a lean-to—because we don't have one. In the bitterly cold winter, the cars get coated with thick ice and it's a pain to go out in the morning, start them up , and have to WAIT for them to thaw out a little, just to be able to drive.
    Oh, woe is me. Maybe in the next life we will have a garage, and I don't care if it's luxury. ha ha ha Thanks for sharing. Susan

  12. Oh my! I don't think my house is as big as some of those garages. I can't even imagine!

  13. That last one reminds me of the garage in "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" where the father's red Ferrari went through the window–and into the tree.

  14. Susan (Between Naps on the Porch) says

    ColaDawg…you're right! It does look like it!

  15. With the cost of gas and oil climbing daily, no one will need a garage. 🙁

  16. jerseygirl211 says

    Take a look at what our lodest son works in and with every day.


  17. ButterYum says

    Oh my… puts our garage to shame. What wonderful spaces.

  18. The Real Me! says

    Oh great! Now I not only have garage envy but CAR envy. Wow! Those were some gorgeous cars.

    Have a great night.

  19. Wow!!! Makes you wonder what the houses look like that go along with these garages.
    Susan, hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  20. Hmmmm … man's garage? Woman's garage? Let's just say we ALL wish we lived is spaces as beautiful as the CARS do in these awe-inspiring photos! Susan, you always take us to the most interesting places. Thank you for helping us dream bigger and for inspiring us week after week … after week.

    Always a treat to stop by your perfect porch!

    Warmest regards,

  21. These are not garages! These people parked their cars in their living rooms!

  22. Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking says

    Oh my goodness what awesome garages!! And just look at those cars!! I would like any one of them!!

  23. I would throw the cars my husband's way and turn the garage into my craft room/library.

  24. Days at Buttermilk Cottage says

    Oh…to be rich…

  25. Works for me!! franki

  26. Goodness! What do these people do for a living???

  27. Linda (More Fun Less Laundry) says

    Wow, Susan, and here I was feeling great about getting the salt and sand and loose birdseed swept off the garage floor, and the snow shovels hung on the wall! Can you imagine taking care of those rooms? I guess the chauffeur would have that job! Did you ever see the garage/car house in the original Sabrina (with Audrey Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart)? I always thought that was the ultimate "garage" complete with living quarters above, but these are way beyond it! So much fun to see them! Linda

  28. ~Tablescapes By Diane~ says

    Hi lovely lady.
    This is A Garage !!!!
    Just Beautiful and all the CARS.

  29. Some serious toys here! Fun post, Susan. Thanks for sharing. ~ Sarah

  30. I wonder if garages like these are less likely to collect bug spatters, cobwebs, and dead bugs? If so, I'm wanting one very very badly. Any of them would do.

  31. FABBY'S LIVING says

    WOW!!! I totally LOOOOOOOVE the cars! I could put a tent on top of one of those beauties and it'll be enough for me, as long as I have it, from the pic of the three cars, white in the middle…I'll keep the gray on the right!!! S t u n n i i i i n g…!!!

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