French Market Dining Set Is Here & Finally Found Beautiful Lamps For The Bedroom

Yesterday was delivery day for the French Market Dining Set. This dining set comes with four chairs but I purchased two additional chairs since the table seats six without its leaf, and eight with.


When the delivery guys arrived, the two extra chairs I had purchased were missing. When they first stepped off the truck, they were carrying two bags that had skinny brown legs sticking out of them. I stopped them and told them that wasn’t my order. I hadn’t ordered anything that had brown legs. It turned out to be two nice-looking brown bar stools, but definitely not my order.

Only one of the delivery guys spoke a little English and he argued, saying it was my order. He wasn’t rude, just kept insisting it was my order. I had to pull up my order on my phone to show him what my order included. He finally stopped saying it was my order and called someone with whom he was unable to communicate. She could not understand what he was saying was the problem. I offered to talk with her. I explained the situation and she immediately understood saying she would make sure the other two chairs arrived today, and thankfully, they did.

The table is in this humongous box! I paid for the type of delivery that included setting everything up, but I actually just wanted the delivery guys to open the box so I could make sure the table wasn’t damaged or scratched.


This table is for the Dollhouse (not the GA house) but Rooms To Go doesn’t deliver to Ohio. They go all the way up to Pennsylvania, but not Ohio. I didn’t want to haul the dining set all the way to Ohio, open the box just to find there was damage to the top of the table. The delivery guys opened the box here in the garage. Thankfully, it looked fine and they sealed it back up. Unfortunately, they did a terrible job of resealing it, leaving one end bulging open. So last night, I opened the box back up, shifted things around a bit, and, with great effort, was able to put the lid/top of the box back fully on. I taped it the best I could and when the delivery guys brought the other two chairs out today, I asked them to help me wrap more tape all the way around it. Now I just need to get it into the U-haul that I’ve reserved and will be picking up today.


I love how the chairs arrived wrapped in these chair-shaped quilts that are nice and thick.


When the guys were here the first day, I asked if they could bring this heavy chaise up from the basement for me. (They got a nice tip for that!) I purchased this chaise many years ago at A Classy Flea around the time the porch was being built. Sadly, I ended up not having room for it on the porch. I couldn’t bear to part with it since it’s vintage and amazing quality, so much nicer than the wicker we normally see today. It must have been very expensive when it was first purchased. I’m going to try and fit it in the U-haul to take up to the house for the sunroom there.


Also, I’m going to attempt to get all my breakfast room furniture into the truck that I’ve rented, again to use in the Dollhouse sunroom. This set isn’t that heavy, except for the glass top, but it’s so big and bulky, it may not fit. We’ll see!


If you’ve been reading BNOTP for a while, you know I’ve set up a temporary bedroom here in the Dollhouse until I can make a decision if I want to sell the GA house and move there full-time. I feel like I need to go through an Ohio winter before I make that decision. Ha! I’ve been looking for lamps for months for the bedside tables. It’s a pain at night to turn off the overhead light with the switch that’s way over by the door to this room, then feel my way to the bed without running into anything.

Lamps for the Master Bedroom, Beautiful Lighting


I’ve purchased lamps twice already for this room, but returned them because they just didn’t work. The first set was metal and glass and felt too cold and lifeless for this room. The second set arrived with those awful flat shades that you’re supposed to pull apart somehow to try and make them into legit shades. Ugh. I returned those immediately. I’ve continued to look and I think I finally got it right this time!

Affordable Bedroom Lighting


These arrived the day I was leaving for GA so I only had time to open the boxes, quickly put them together, and place them in the room. I haven’t had a chance to really enjoy them yet, but I do love how they look! I wanted to place Ecosmart 75-watt, soft white bulbs in these lamps (they’ll take up to 100 watt) but I only had one 75-watt, so used a 60-watt in the lamp on the left. Can you tell? Fortunately, I have some bulbs here in GA so I’ll take those up with me when I head back.

Crystal Lamps for Bedroom


They are quite tall at 25 inches. I think the size works nicely with this bed. Let’s look a bit closer.


Here’s how they look turned off so you can see them a bit better.


I think they are sooo pretty! They were packaged incredibly well! You could probably have thrown them off a building and they would have survived! They are quite heavy, there will bes no knocking these off the nightstand accidentally!


Love the little square, crystal final.


These lamps are so well-made and beautiful, even if/when I move my current bedroom furniture into this room, I will definitely keep these and find another spot to use them. I think they would look beautiful in a bathroom, I love lamplight in a bathroom! I may be able to use one in my upstairs hall bath. Love, love, love them! (Lamps are available in a set here: Crystal Lamps. If you only need one, they come in singles here: Crystal Lamp.)

Crystal Lamps for Bedroom


Wish me luck tomorrow in my drive up to the Dollhouse in a 10-foot U-haul! It doesn’t look that big in the picture so I should be okay. I’m not looking forward to those Tennesse mountains, though!

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  1. Cyndy Cook says

    You know, if you really think you might end up being a ‘snowbird,’ there’s no law that says you have to keep your huge winter nest in your part of GA! You really are as free as a bird! You could get a cute little place in Charleston or on Tybee Island! A little cottage or bungalow in a secure community where you wouldn’t have to worry about leaving it for long periods. Your family could stay there during hot weather and go to the beach! (Hmmm, this is actually what I want to do, now that I think of it! Haha!)

    • Cyndy, I love that idea! I joke that if I ever thought about buying a second home, I never pictured it being in Ohio. lol I do love the idea of buying a place that all of us could use!

  2. Barbara Edwards Armacost says

    I am always amazed at how much furniture and big items you move. I will be thinking of you tomorrow driving a U-Haul through the mountains but if anyone can do it you can!! Beautiful dining room set and lamps. I love crystal lamps. I hope everything fits in the truck you want to take. Safe travels!!

  3. Sending lots of extra courage for drive that truck! YOU GO GIRL!!

  4. Susan, I truly hope you’re not loading all that furniture into the trailer by yourself! You could so easily injure yourself.
    Oh, how I LOVE your chaise! I’d like a vintage chaise on my vintage cottage’s sunporch. I can’t wait to see all your pretty things in the dollhouse. Safe travels!

  5. Bonnie Bee says

    Susan… you are my hero!!! there is ABSOLUTELY noting you cannot do! PLEASE drive safely and take it slowly! best of luck..

  6. At least you’ll be tackling the roughest section early in the trip, when you are fresher. Looking like this load will add so much to making the DH like home. Hope you have good weather and dry roads!

  7. You are so intrepid. What an adventure. Ordering the beautiful table and chairs and hauling to your new home sounds like the best solution. I like the bed; it reminds me of the iron bed we have in a guest bedroom. It believed to my uncle and his wife. He died before I was born, so it is very special to me. Hope all goes well moving.

  8. I have furniture and lamp envy! Good for you keeping that wicker piece. Maybe I should buy a smaller house somewhere other than NE. I lived in GA and TN a long time ago; so what am I doing north of the Mason Dixon line?

  9. You are truly amazing and brave!!! I can’t believe that you are going to pack the u-haul and drive through the mountains by yourself. I wish you lots of luck and will be thinking about you. Be careful and safe travels.

  10. Safe travels!!!!

  11. SharonFromMichigan says

    Love those crystal lamps! They go so well with the soft floral bedding, very “cottage core”!? Very soothing and peaceful bedroom. Safe travels!

  12. Seeing your chaise reminds me I have one too. I traded two six packs of beer with a neighbor who had the chaise sitting out in his yard! Mine has one long arm and a shorter arm if that makes sense. I need to do something with it. Very pretty lamps. Can’t wait to see the table set up in the Dollhouse dining room. It looks massive all wrapped up and heavy for you to be lifting and dragging around. Saying a prayer that all fits into the u-haul so you have one less thing to move. You are so self-sufficient and I love you for it! Be safe on your drive!

  13. Nancy Brantley says

    So much trouble when ordering…why?? The lamps are pretty. You are an amazing lady all that you do! I would not even think about traveling by myself!! Praying for safety.

  14. Loving those lamps. I laugh about you moving stuff. Single women have so many tricks to move ‘stuff’. I use a tarp or flannel back table cloth a lot. When I pick up mulch, I show the guys how to put plastic on the bottom so I can pull it and it slides out. Have a safe trip. Remember, this will be a much harder trip once it snows later on. Get er done !
    (Are you sure you don’t have an assistant and holding out on us ?)

  15. Susan,
    I hope you have your son track you on the phone. Safe travels.

  16. Love your lamps. They’re timeless and just gorgeous. Praying for your safe journey. Glad you’re traveling on Saturday – we have had perfect weather all week – but supposed to rain on Sunday. Be careful. Good luck. You are one of the bravest women I know. I am always amazed at your courage and fortitude.

  17. Dawne Marie Anderson says

    Dear Susan,
    You are so brave!
    The power of us single women! I hope you’re wearing your back brace.
    Love the new lamps and the bed.
    Very smart of you to keep your big house and go through an OH winter.
    Wishing you well through the mountains. Slow and easy does it.

  18. We all need “Be Like Susan ” T-shirts!
    You are amazing…love your “get it done” attitude!

  19. Hey Susan, we all want to know if everything went well and you arrived safely- after you rest.
    Remember that slogan on the back of UHAUL trucks says “Adventure in Moving”
    They aren’t kidding.

    • I just got here about an hour ago. The trip went smoothly until the last 45 minutes. I-75 was shut down for “weekend work” so Waze had to route me all around with the rest of the world that had to get off. Then there were some “crashes” as Waze calls them a few more miles up I-75, so the last part took a lot longer. Everything went well…I’ll share more in a post sometime soon. It was an adventure! lol

  20. Ditto to all of the above! You ARE amazing and inspiring, and following along with your adventures is so much fun. I agree with June, and if “Be Like Susan” T-shirts are ever available, I’m getting in line pronto! Happy Travels, and good luck with everything!

  21. Franceil Parde says

    Boy o Boy…you are “hitting the jack pot!!! I ❤️ the chaise EVER SO MUCH!! You know…those lamps are right diwn my alley, too!!! franki

  22. Hi Susan, the lamps are a great fit with the bed/bedding. I admire your tenacity for getting things done. Do you make the drive by yourself?

    • Yes, I did. I need to share that adventure in a post soon, while it’s still fresh in my mind. It went really well, thank goodness! I turned in the truck today and Ubered back to the Dollhouse. I’ve been going nonstop unboxing stuff and am almost caught up.

  23. In my next life I want to come back as Susan. A trek up to the local Walmart and back is about all the adventure I can handle these days. LOL!!!

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